I'm not heartbroken



Hugging this girl 'Jessica' made me feel slightly sick to my stomach. Baekhyun's cries fell on my ears but after trying to turn my head to find him again, Jessica would pull me closer towards her. 

"You're ok now, he's gone and you have more than enough people around here to keep you safe" I sighed tapping her on the head gently. "He wanted me to make a sunlight ring for him" she hiccuped. 

Suho had appeared infront of me, staring at the small girl in my arms. I could tell that he was a little pissed off but I wasn't clear on why. Jessica was small and although she needed comforting there was an even smaller person I had in mind. 

"Hello Jess" Suho smiled slightly.The girl pulled away and fell into his arms, I was glad to get her away from me.

"Oh Suho thank god, he demanded that I make him a sunlight ring you know the one Kyungsoo made for you guys? I tried to tell him that I can't do that, I don't have much magic but he wouldn't listen!" 

This gave me a chance to turn and seek out Baekhyun, as I knew Kris would surely step away now that I was free. But there was no one there when I looked. Baekhyun as well as everyone else had vanished. 

"Luhan and Kyungsoo brought Baekhyun to go get some ice cream, apparently seeing Daehyun gave him a shock" Suho explained his eyes finding mine. 

"Is he okay?" I asked general hoping that he was. 

"I have no idea" Suho shrugged. "He wanted you when it happened but as you can see-" 

"Thank you for saving me Chanyeol oppa" Jessica grinned pulling away from Suho completely interrupting his exclamation. I nodded not wanting to seem rude but I had no idea what to do when her arms wrapped around me again

"Actually It wasn't me that saved you-" I tried to voice out, trying to bring Baekhyun up into the conversation but she wasn't having any of it. 

"You know I actually had a major crush on you since the day I came to the school. I thought we would have a chance to talk but I never guessed faith would bring us together like this!" She shrieked making me look to Suho in fright. "We were classmates until you had to move to the protector classes, I'm just glad you came when you did Chanyeol, I was so afraid!" 

I couldn't help but feel slightly guilty, not only did I feel absoultely terrible about leaving Baekhyun now I wasn't going to be able to leave Jessica until she calmed down from the scary encounter with Baekhyun's ex. Suho shook his head, lowering it in the process I wanted to ask for help but it seemed like my faith was already sealed. 

B A E K H Y U N 

In order for me to truly relax fully, Minseok and Kyungsoo suggested that I go to the salon to get my hair treated. It was a good idea and I accepted the invitation but a part of me felt lost. I enjoyed the ice cream and savoured the taste until it suddenly tured bland and I didn't feel like eating it anymore. 

"You look amazing!" Minseok gasped as I stood up slowly from the hair stylists chair, I had received a new colour and I had to admit it suited me well. 

"What colour is that?" Tao asked the tall male who had tended my hair. "Maybe when hyung grows out of it I can get it instead!" he giggled. 

"I used light brown while also adding a mix of blonde highlights" the stylist smiled, his cheeks blushing in embrassement. 

"It suits you hyung" Tao grinned pulling me into a sideway hug. I glanced myself over a couple times in the mirror, my hair was truly very different from what I had before. 

"Thanks Tao" I smiled patting him on the back, thanking him for his compliment. 

"We'll take these as well" Luhan spoke up his hands filled with different coloured boxed hair dyes. 

"You want all that?" The stylist gasped his eyes bulging at the amount of money we were willing to spend in one day. 

"Yeah, we might not be able to get our hands on this stuff for awhile" Kyungsoo nodded pulling out a couple bills from his white envelope. "How much do we owe you for it all?" 

"If that's the case please accept your colouring as a gift Baekhyun-shii, you guys can pay me with 120 dollars" 

My eyes widened "Are you sure? I mean what I got done is 80 dollars, a cut and blow dry as well as colouring and each of the boxes are alot on their ow please let us pay you the required amount"

The stylist who name tag read Mingyu smiled before bowing politely "Thank you hyung". As I only desired paying for my hair I gave him 80 dollars while, Luhan and Kyungsoo spilt the amount regarding the dye boxes. 

After taking a quick glance into my envelope my eyes widened seeing that I still had alot of money left over, almost 200 dollars give or take a couple bills. 

"Hey Mingyu do you by any chance know where there's a good book store?" I wondered glancing out the window to look at my options of stores lining the small village. The stylist paused to think of my questions. "For books I can think of only one, just down the street you can't miss it; Wonwoo's, he also does films and CD's too. He's also a pretty good listener if you need someone to talk to"

"Well in that case, thank you so much for your work, I love my hair" I smiled taking Tao's hand in mine before we exited the store, not before giving him a bow.  

"We should probably get some makeup and stock up on clothes right?" Luhan asked looking around at the boys around him. The wolves had gone off to  track Daehyun while the vampires, witch and beta went with Baekhyun to try and cheer him up as well as hoping to protect him. 

"Come on Baek!" Suho chuckled swinging his arm through mine suddenly appearing from thin air again. Baekhyun gasped in surprise, his hand going over his heart to calm himself down from the shock. "Soryy Baekkie, I should have announced my presence before scaring you like that"

"It's okay, I'm just a little bit jumpy if I'm being completely honest. I'll be fine but you really do need to stop popping up like that" 

Suho chuckled and nodded leading the group of friends down the street towards a bright pink sign that stood out like a sore thumb against the plain white or grey signs around it. "I'll consider it Baek"

"How's the girl?" I asked knowing Suho stayed behind to look over her with Chanyeol. 

"She's ok now that Chanyeols talking to her, apparently the girl had a crush on him or something" The eldest sighed shaking his head "That boy really has too big a heart for his own good" 

I could feel my heartstrings tug, my legs suddenly stopped and my head drouped. I didn't understand why I was acting this way but I couldn't help with what I was feeling. I was upset that Chanyeol had been giving her attention when I thought he (having known my problems) would be looking after me, but I guess I was wrong he would never do that, clearly hearing that a girl having a crush on his made him see that he had some other stuff to attend too. 

"Baekhyun?" Tao whispered, his voice low in a testing tone. I could see my friends freeze looking at me with saddness in their eyes. I couldn't blame them since they sorta knew how I felt for the giant but I wouldn't be able to willingly admit it. 

"I'm alright, let's go get some clothes" I smiled trying to make it seem that I was fine and it wasn't bothering me as much as it was. I tried to push myself to walk but my feet wouldn't move, it was like they were spelled to stay on that patch of concrete. I looked down to try and find some ounce of magic attacking me but instead I witnessed two boys sitting on the path looking up at me. They seemed to be like a moving old photograph. They were dressed in white linen shirts and a short legged jumpsuit. 

"Baek?" Kyungsoo shook me, pulling me to look away from the boys before me. 

"Sorry, I'm sorry" I whispered trying to shake my head, but to my surprise I wasn't aiming my statement to Kyungsoo, it was directed to the kids that  contiued to play infront of me deciding not to give me their attention even though I nearly stampled onto their stones. 

"Baekhyun what is it?" Luhan wondered grabbing my elbow, yet I wasn't able to look away from the children, they seemed familiar. One was smaller than the other although both looked to be about 8 or 9. The taller boy was slightly chubbier but he was cute with his adorable cheeks and elf like ears.

"T-the kids, I nearly interrupted their game" I whispered wanting to gt loser but unable to as Suho grabbed my hand. 

"Baekhyun there is no kid-" Tao intrupted but I was unable to comment when Suho hit him over the back of the head. 

"What are they playing?" he wondered, coming closer to the latter his head resting agaisnt his shoulder. Squinting my eyes down onto the two children a couple feet away, I couldn't help but laugh at their actions. "They're playing billards, and the taller one is winning apparently" 

I glanced away unable to look them over again, one of the children reminded me of Chanyeol and I felt heart ache again because of it. When I went to look at the children to prove my theroy they weren't there anymore. I looked around quickly hoping that I coud spot them again, thinking that they just moved away but they were no where to be found. 

"They're gone aren't they" Suho asked.

I nodded and took a single step forward, reality finally hitting me hard. I was jealous of the fact Chanyeol was looking after Jessica, but seeing the young kids somehow seemed to give me a bit of hope which was confusing. I nearly hit the ground from the emotions that were bubbling up inside me, I realised that I liked Park Chanyeol however he liked Jessica and if there wasn't a way for us to be together then I'd be happy for them and I knew there was still chance we could still be happy as friends. After all maybe I should have listened to myself and only seen him as The Big Bad Wolf. 

I was pulled away from the street after that, and shoved into the Salon where the wolves entered not that long after. I looked through the ranks although I was really paying close attention to what was being shoved past me as I brushed through the clothes with no found desire to try any on. We searched contiously for a little while longer until Suho decided to shove me into the changing rooms, throwing outfits over my head every couple of minutes. 

I stepped out after trying to fix the sweater on my shoulders, since it was too big it sorta fell and draped against my collarbones. 

"Damn Baekhyun" Sehun gasped nearly stumbling against a couple of the shoeboxes laying on the floor with Suho glazing through them. The eyes of the wolves around him widened at the sight of the small vampire looking like a five course meal before them. Sehun growled lowly his arm hitting into Kai's shoulder both of the young wolves were awestruck.  

"Hey Sehun" I blushed, feeling hot under everyone's stares. 

"You look amazing, you even changed your hair.. you look hot" Kai smirked with a small wink coming from his eye. I blushed and looked down in embarrassment finding the ground alot more interesting than the hungry eyes of the wolves.  

"...Baekhyun you look-" Chanyeol gasped his eyes almost coming out of his sockets. I looked at him, biting my lower lip waiting for him to continue on, but Jessica got there before me. 

"He looks okay at most ain't that right Channie" Jessica giggled wrapping her arm through Chanyeol's holding onto it tightly. The giant smiled down at her and I really felt like the world should open up so I could be swallowed by it.  

I went back into the changing room, throwing the curtains back into the place so I didn't have to see the guy I realised I just had feelings for look like a tutrledove with the girl I saved. Seeing Daehyun again after so little time and so little preparation really made me notice the hole in my heart. After he forced me to kill my parents in order for us to be together I realised that was when the hole had started forming, it contiued to grow every waking moment I spent with him, which made the drive to leave him more profound. Then he killed me, forcing me into being the bloodcraving monster I am. 

The moment I woke up after dying everything hit me, the anger, the pain but what really destroyed me was the sadness. It was at that moment, I knew I needed to leave. And I did, I packed a bag and ran, all the way to Seoul, never expecting to see him again. That's where Suho found me, and slowly that hole had started healing thanks to the comfort and security he gave me, entrusting me with a family, that I have come to love after this past week. But when I met Chanyeol in the cafeteria, the fact of even having a hole in my heart, left my mind. He seemed to take all the thoughts of my past and hide them away from me, keeping them away from me. 

"Baek, have you tried on the other outfits?" Suho's soft voice whispered through the curtain. I hadn't noticed that I was crying until now which made me sniffle and nod my head even though I knew he couldn't see me. "Yeah, I love them all thanks hyung" I threw the curtains apart again when I was back in my orginial clothes, I passed them gently into my hyungs arms not without seeing him send me a small sad smile. 

"Awwh I wanted to see some options" Kris pouted, his arms crossed looking like a baby who just got his toy taken away from him. 

My eyes subconciously glanced over Chanyeol and Jessica, he was looking down at her with a smile as she commented on some stuff around them. He had his arm wrapped around her waist, while she was nearing closer to his face giving the illusion that she wanted to kiss him. 

"So which ones?" Suho grinned happily clapping his hands together in amusement, breaking the spell I had of watching the couple before me. Chanyeol seemed to have realised where he was considering he looked away too quickly for Jessica's liking, his attention immedatiley changed to Suho who was worried against the boy before him. 

"Baek? You not going to question my choices? Some are rather drastic" Suho stated, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. My eyes continued to keep slipping back to the giant who wouldn't even look at me, favouring to look over the girl he held tightly to his body. The pain in my chest increased the more I stayed rooted to the ground. I closed my eyes shaking my head at the slight pain generating. I needed to get the hell out of here if I planned to survive. Twisting my head to face Minseok and Luhan, their faces changed from happiness to worry. A couldn't stop the tear that ran down my cheek they instantly knew what  what wrong. 

"Baek-" Minseok whispered but I shook my head and sped out of the store against my friend's wishes. It was a bad move considering someone could have seen me, we were in human territory and keeping the supernatural community was always supposed to be number one on the worry list. But right now I didn't care. 

With the speed I was travelling I realised that I had ran around the entire town at least twice, I was getting slower with every passing minutes because I needed some blood. 

Eventually my body stopped and I was able to catch my breath. "You look like you need someone to talk too" a tall black haired boy smiled. 

A large yellow sign sat above the store catching my eye. "Wonwoo?" I questioned earning a nod in return although he seemed very confused as to how I knew his name considering the sign simply stated Chapters which I found funny considering it was a book stir. "Mingyu said you have the best book shop here, I was wondering if you would allow me to have a look at the options and maybe some movies too?" 

"Ugh that kid..." Wonwoo groaned sounsing annoyed, yet his bright red face said differently "But sure please do come in" 

I stood back up and followed him into the store. It wasn't small but it wasn't big either, it was just the right size. A small rectangular sized table greeted you once you walked in. Off to the corner was the cashiers desk wwhile across the way was a few chairs set up to go and sit to read, I also noticed the ranks of movies lining shelves near the back. 

"This place is amazing" I cooed running my finger along the books on the table before me, they looked really interesting and I wasn't sure if I'd be able to choose between them. 

"Believe me when I say every book here is definitely worth the read, I've read mostly all of them before so I can stand by my statement" Wonwoo smiled leading the way over to the couchs.  

My jaw dropped glancing around at the amount of books present. "You found the time read all of these books?" 

"Yep" Wonwoo nodded taking a seat down on an armchair, an opened book lay next to him clearly I had disrupted him during his reading time. "You an go look through some , I'll just wait here until you're ready"

"Thank you" I bowed, excusing myself to look amoung the shelves, wondering what world I would find myself falling into. 


"Thanks again Wonwoo" I smiled standing up from the armchair, after chatting with the store owner I felt like an entire weight has been lifted from my shoulders. 

"Don't worry about it Baek, whoever this guy is he's missing out big time, but still don't give up trying to have fun okay, you can't let this girl bring you down" 

I nodded in understanding, picking up my bag filled almost to the brim with different adventure, comedy, romance and horror books all that only costed not even 20 dollars. As well as almost the entirety of Disney classics that were slightly more pricy by worth it. 

"Thanks for the books, movies and advice Wonwoo, I really appreciate it" I bowed truly showing my gratitude.  

He waved me off "Do be sure to come visit me soon ok" 

"Of course!" 

Giving him a quick hug, I glanced outside the store windows and grinned at least the rain stopped. Stepping outside into the Autumn air, I began making my way towards the bus knowing I still had a few more hours to myself before we needed to get back to the school. 

Noticing a large pink board across the road with the name Seugkwan's written in black writing, I figured since I had more than enough time to spare I could go through one more store. 

"Hello! I'm Boo Seugkwan what can I help you with today honey??" A small man smiled walking towards me with his arms wide open, a pink apron around his waist standing out like a sore thumb against the entire black uniform beneath. 

"I'm looking for some makeup? I have never really used it before so I was hoping you could help me-"  

"Oh no no no that won't do, when I'm finished with you you'll be a professional!" He cut me off before looking excitedly around his store, obviously not sure where to start. 

"I'm only wanting something simple but a change that get me noticed" I explained wishing that it helped him in his search for the product. 

"Say no more honey I got you!" The boy cheered before calling out another from the back room. Together they forced me into a chair, spilling products out on the counter beside me. Listening closely to what they did to my skin as well as the effect they had on others. 

After about an hour listening to the two overly cheery boys while optin to take mental notes I was more than happy to open the door to the bus. I jumped up the steps and walked to my seat, saying a quick hello to the driver who turned out to be Mrs Honey my soon to be music teacher. 

Slipping into the seat I pulled out a book from the top pile and began reading. 




"There you are Baekhyun!" Minseok gasped hitting my leg to get my attention. 

"I've been here for the past 2 hours Min" I stated turning to the very last page of The Fault in our stars it was sad sure but I hadn't cried...yet. 

"Oh thank god!" Luhan breathed pushing Minseok onto the seats Sehun and Kai had sat in earlier. 

"Hi Hannie" I grinned, closing my book and pulling out my newly bought headphones, although I quickly noticed that my phone was nowhere to be found. 


I couldn't help but whimper under his loud voice. The fact that I had good hearing as a human meant that now I was a vampire my hearing was so much better.

"Just sit down, I'll explain everything when we get back to the school, I promise now help me find my phone" 

"You better" Kyungsoo glared taking his seat with Minseok in the seats the wolves had claimed earlier. 

Eventually I gave up looking for my phone, it wasnt like it contained anything special, Daehyun had gifted it to me when he was trying to win back my affection but I wasn't so easily swooned. Instead I nuzzled up into my chair and waited patiently for the rest of the students to board. 

My breathing hitched as I watched Chanyeol get onto the bus laughing with whatever Jessica was talking about. He stopped at the seat next to me, than began pushing her towards the back of bus. 

"Channie, pleasee come sit with meeee~" she grinned pulling Chanyeol with her, the taller not putting up much of a fight. 

"I'm sorry Jessica but I sit here" Chanyeol tried to voice out but Baekhyun could practically hear the strain in it. The wolf clearly didn't want to sit with him. 

"The bloodsucker won't mind you coming to sit with me, right?" 

There it was. The pain again, attacking my heart like it had before, slowly but surely making me tear up. 

I guess I need to put up my walls again...taking a deep breath I turned back to Jessica and Chanyeol who had both been quiet since the whole bloodsucker word was spilt in the presence of four vampires.

"It's vampire honey, not bloodsucker and yeah I wouldn't care about you taking...... Channie to go sit with you, he'd be doing me a favour anyway" I explained watching as Jessica rolled her eyes. Chanyeol sent me a confused look before Jessica pulled him down the aisle of the bus, taking my scattered heart pieces with them. 

I noticed that the wolves sent glares to their Alpha, they weren't happy with him simply following the witch wherever she went and ditching me when I should have been the one being comforted. 

"You ok Baek?" Luhan asked sliding into Chanyeol's previous seat, his tone was hesitant as he could see the tears cascading down the my cheeks.  

As soon the bus started I broke down on his shoulder, crying my heart and soul out. I could feel my friends and the other protectors eyes bore into my body but I didn't care, I was at my most weakest time and I couldn't afford to be strong Baekhyun right now..

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Beau1996 1378 streak #1
Chapter 11: I was pretty sure Daehyun would make an appearance!!
Beau1996 1378 streak #2
Chapter 10: Village trip - will it be fun or a run in with bad supes??
Beau1996 1378 streak #3
Chapter 7: Hard revelation to share but Chan is there to support him
Beau1996 1378 streak #4
Chapter 5: Day class and night class - one of my favorite animes but vampires and humans were the students - vampire Knight
Beau1996 1378 streak #5
Chapter 2: Baek is a daywalker!!
Beau1996 1378 streak #6
Chapter 1: I must have read before because I was already subscribed but looking forward to re-reading
Vampirella77 #7
Chapter 78: Wow. 2 new books. I'm so excited 😊😊😊. Thank you
747 streak #8
Chapter 78: Thank you so much, I am really looking forward to both books. Your writing is so amazing and the characters really come to life. I am in hopes that Chanyeol will make it back to Baekhyun by the end of both books. I can’t wait to see what awaits everyone.
Erica_flv #9
Chapter 78: I read this story twice . And I’m going to read it again . The story it so amazing . I will be waiting but I probably read it more time .
747 streak #10
Chapter 76: I binge read all the chapters and finally got caught up. I absolutely love this story, it reads almost like a saga. Your plot and characterization are flawless. Thank you so much for taking us on this adventure. I can’t wait to read the continuation, this is a real gem.