My Anchor


Baekhyun watched as his mother got lowered into the ground, tears falling down his soft plump cheeks in the saddness of losing a parent. He clung to father's neck, hiding his face in the crook, attempting to conceal his emotions since that was what his mother would have wanted if she was still with them. Word had spread throughout the Lands declaring the Light Pack's Alpha mate-less and in mourning. All the leaders of the other eleven lands gathered along the boarder for the funeral, each one baring a gift for the grieving family.

"I'm sorry for your loss my friend" The king whispered patting the Light Alpha on his back before sending a small smile to the child in his arms. "Oh hello there little one"

"Thank you your majesty" The Light Alpha smiled bowing slightly with his son in his arms. Baekhyun glancing at the other worldly man before him, bowing in greeting on his own. 

"Hello you majeestity" he smiled a gummy grin through his tears, leaving the king speechless from the cuteness. 

"Baekhyun is still learning how to properly pronounce our shared language, since he can only understand our packs native tongue so far" 

"That's adorable" the king blurted, waving his hand slightly to the only omega of Light, the boy waving back softly. 

"He is my pride and joy" his father grinned happily, pressing his lips against Baekhyun's cheek. After sending a glance around, he spotted his other sons happily chatting away with other boys and girls from the other regions meanng he wouldn't need to worry about them till later when they digested sugar.

"Daddy can you introduce me?" A little boy grinned up at his father's curious face. The king chuckled and nodded placing his hand on his son's head before glancing back to look at his close friend. 

"This is my youngest, Prince Chanyeol" 

"Hello sir!" the bubbly elf eared boy smiled, showing a gummy smile of his own. Baekhyun's father smiled and bowed in greeting. 

"Hello Prince Chanyeol, I've heard all about you from your father's letters" 

The boy blushed before glancing towards the boy in the Light Alpha's arms out of curiosity. "I'm sorry sir but I must require you to tell me the name of your son" the prince inquired his eyes wide at the young Light pack member. 

"My name is Baekhyun" the boy smiled, wiggling around in his father's arms desperate to get down. Baekhyun's father gently placed his son down onto the ground, Baekhyun nervously glancing at the Fire Alpha's youngest prince. "You've weirdo ears" 

"You talk funny" 

"I like you" Baekhyun giggled stretching his hand out, Chanyeol laughed placing his hand in the younger's before he led them away from their fathers. The leaders watched their sons go with a confused glance between them. 

"You know I wasn't going to inform you about this yet, but seeing as how our sons are getting along well right now, I cannot wait, you must know that we have sent out letters regarding a summoning to the castle of any Omega that thinks he could be the mate of one of my sons and get the chance to be the Luna of the Fire Pack" 

"Isn't that Daehyun's birth right?" Baekhyun's father questioned a brow raised as they began a short walk in search of their youngest children. 

"Yes, but the elders seem to see Chanyeol as a better opponent for the throne instead of his older brother and I can't help but desire to leave my throne with a son that I know will be able to protect it as well as the kingdom, yet my Chanyeol has done very noble deeds so far in comparison to his brother" 

Baekhyun's father took a glance at the eldest Park son. There was something about the boy that had him understanding why the Elders hadn't wanted to see Daehyun on the throne, there was a dark aura around him constantly. "Pardon my intrusion your majesty but what has Chanyeol done to make you consider him for the throne?" 

My son is very affectionate for his people. We have held many playdates with the Alpha children in the other regions before your litter was born of course, and he was orginally against what my wife and I were proposing about the Omega children" The Light Alpha couldn't hold himself back from laughing, his heart-felt chuckling making his whole body shake.

"Chanyeol sounds a lot like you when we were young"

The King nodded his head, chuckling in agreement. "Aye, those were the days weren't they... anyway Chanyeol only agreed to it if we also allowed his Alpha friends to join, according to him he wants his friends to find their mates alongside him"

"That's very noble of him, what has Daehyun done in comparison?" 

"Not one single thing" the king announced with a shake to his head, their steps halting when the scent of their children finally radiated through their nosetrils along with the salt water scent of the river nearby. 


After what felt like forever, Baekhyun finally managed to find himself at a village just beyond the treeline of the forest protecting that god-forsaken school. He found it rather easy to infultrate the village, considering that many of the people seemed welcoming to an otherwise homeless boy barely the age of 18. A girl named Yoon Shin grinned and bowed polietly towards him, taking him by the wrist in order to lead him towards the town hall, where she swore food would be waiting for him. Unaware to the fact that Baekhyun considered his food to already be so close. 

"So, welcome to Parking Lane" Yoon Shin smiled, turning her head to look at the boy before her. Baekhyun froze in all his actions at the mention of the village name. He felt his heart skip a beat, his lungs automatically filling with air as his breathing hitched. The vampire collasped onto the ground, his knees now weak and his throat tighting in tears. Park Chanyeol wasn't even here and yet the meer mention of his name in a different context made him weak in the knees. He could hear Yoon Skin call his name, and the weight of warm fingers on his wrist but the overflowing feeling of dread rendered him speechless. 

Two small young boys appeared from the treeline, their hair pressed against their foreheads soaking wet. They looked happy as the taller one gave the other a piggy-back ride through the leaves that covered the ground. Baekhyun could only focus his attention on them as they laughed and squeled in excitement. He continued to wtach the boys until two older men stepped out of the forest line, both equally wet to the younger children who emerged just before them. They seemed familiar in a way, like he had seen them once before long ago in a dream.

When the vision before him vanished, Baekhyun finally managed to catch his breath. The thirst that he would have done anything to quench finally subsided, simply retreating to the deepest part of his subconscious. Slowly Baekhyun regained his composure, with the aid of Yoon Shin, he was able to find his strength to stand again. The woman looked at him in confusion, he couldn't find it in himself to explain, when he didn't even understand what happened in his own mind.

"I need to leave" he gushed, gently pulling his wrist away from the kindhearted girl who had a protest ready to fall from her lips. "I need to find someone, thank you so much for offering me your help but I think I've overstayed my welcome and I really need to get back" he bowed before turning on his heel nd running back towards the treeline leading into the forest that would take him home. 

It felt weird to think of such thing, home. It was a strange world, one that he hadn't been able to use since his early childhood, one that had still contained his parents. Now home meant that being with the people he cherished enough to call his family even if they had no blood-relation to him and nothing was going to stop him from going back. 

Once he got distance between himself and the village Baekhyun used whatever vampire speed he had left to carry him home. The journey being longer than he remembered. Not long after, he felt the familiar sensation of passing through a spiderweb, his body propelling through the border around the school. The high stone walls finally coming into view as Baekhyun's tears allowed themselves to glide down his cheeks. He found himself halting at the broad entrance, unsure if he would be able to face the mess he created. A sudden presence from behind, made the vampire's skin crickle in goosebumps. "I'm glad to see that you're back hyung" 

Letting a soft chuckle fall from his lips, Baekhyun closed his eyes and allowed his emotions to flow through him like a tidal wave. His lips finally letting out a whimper, letting his entire body tremble as more bodies appeared around him. Turning around Baekhyun came face to fcae with his friends, the first six males that he had met the first day he arrived. Suho stood with Kyungsoo by his side, both of them looking through glassy eyes at him like their lost child had finally returned. Luhan stood with Minseok and Kihyun, while Tao stood before them all his facial expression holding more pain then the rest. "We thought we lost you for real.." 

"I'm here" his vouce cracked but he didn't care. He allowed his body to be embraced by his friends, by his family although his group hug was slightly lacking in another couple larger bodies and Jongdae. "I'm so sorry for leaving in the first place.." 


"So what happened, what brought you back?" Kihyun questioned raising a brow in confusion. Since he was one of the three non-vampires in the room he felt slightly left out on the topic. 

"Yeah, Baekhyun so who is your anchor?" Suho asked passing the boy a glass of blood from the fridge in their dorm. Baekhyun took the glass into his bhands with hesitation. He had already caused enough trouble today with his blood-thirst, he couldn't help but feel a little uneasy with it being so close to him now. "You must have seen something out of the ordinary to be able to come back so easily like you said you did" 

"That's just it Suho.. I don't know who I saw, but like before I saw children and their parents maybe.. they seemed to be very happy with other yet I don't understadn what children have to do with being my anchor to control my bloodthirst. 

"Maybe you won't know yet" Kyungsoo sympathized rubbing his head along Baekhyun's back. "Maybe you need more time to understand things fully, but for now you need to relax"

Hearing the ever so soft voice of his best friend, Baekhyun nodded in agreement. He hadn't realised just how tired he had become, the memories of what happened during his 'zombie' state quickly resurfaced rendering him emotionally tired and guilty. Suho told him that everyone he had bitten had been moved to the infirmary where they had quickly healed, almost all of them had already returned to their dorm rooms. It didn't make him feel any better though. 

"How are yoou feeling hyung?" Tao questioned, sitting himself down next to the vampire on the couch in his dorm. Baekhyun smiled sadly taking his hand in his own. 

"I'm sorry for scaring you.." he began but felt his voice crack before he could continue. "I really made a mess didn't I?" 

"No we understand why you did what you did" Kihyun announced throwing his friend a pillow, Baekhyun managing to catch it before it hit him in the face. "I'm sorry I didn't address your problem directly, you deserved some friendly comfort then.." 

"Well, it's not like I can go back in time.. what's done is done and I can't chnage that now but I can make up to the people I hurt and possibly terrified" Baekhyun giggled quietly, his fingers rubbing against the back of Tao's hand. "What did Ms Lee say once I was gone?" 

"She wanted to send a team out to try and find you but when she heard that Chanyeol disappeared too she didn't know what to do.." Baekhyun's eyes widened hearing the news. 

"Wait-" he interrupted Minseok who instantly facepalmed, he had been warned about telling Baekhyun about Chanyeol since they expected Baekhyun to still be sensitive towards him and Jessica "Chanyeol's missing?!" 

"He took after you, we all thought that he dound you but I guess he didn't.." Suho sighed, his head collapsing into his hands exhaustion present on his face. Baekhyun bit his lip and stared out the window, the night sky would be disappearing soon, he hoped that Chanyeol would find his way home soon. 

The front door slammed itself open, two of the wolves Baekhyun missed entered with their chests heaving and their bodies bending over on themselves staring at the ground to get their breath back. "Jessica's dead" 

"What?!" Suho yelled standing up with Baekhyun following him close behind. 

"What do you mean she's dead?!" Baekhyun shouted, rushing forward and shoving both of the wolves against the wall, his hands wrapping tightly around their throats. Kris and Jongin froze seeing Baekhyun standing before them, his eyes filled with tears and looking very emotional. 

"Jessica" Kris breathed, quietly grateful that Baekhyun eased his grip on their necks. "Wasn't Chanyeol's mate, her body reacted terribly to the venom and now she's dead, Nurse Butterwell couldn't do anything to help her.." 

"That's why Chanyeol's venom is so different" he whispered, his natural eyes widening as his gaze fell to the ground along with his arms. 

"He bites people and if they aren't his mate they die immediately with no way of getting a chance of life again" Jongi nodded, his cheeks plae and his lungs gasing for air after Baekhyun's harsh action. 

"Chanyeol.." Baekhyun whispered before propelling himself out of the dorm, taking the stairs two by two racing throughout the school halls trying to find the giant. Since a majority of the classes in Millennium High had windows along the walls to allow people to see out into the hallways, Baekhyun tried to ask any of them if they had seen Chanyeol rush by. 

A majority of the teachers and students were too dazed to see the former emotionless vampire back to normal so quickly after the trouble he had caused earlier. Baekhyun thought he had run out of luck when the last classroom along one of the hallways finally gave him a clear answer. "Has anyone seen Chanyeol?" 

"On the way to the cafeteria, weclome back Baekhyun" Shownu smiled, waving his hand towards the vampire who took a moment to reconize him. 

"Oh thank goodness, thank you so much Shownu!" Baekhyun yelled too excited to leave that he left the door to the classroom open, his eyes widening seeing the students filling the hallways happy to see him. Baekhyun felt his cheeks blush as he turned back around and rushed towarrds the stairs leading down. 

Since he was now too tired to vampire run, he had to settle for a simple jog that even he hadn't been used to as a human. Rushing through the hallways, his sneakers squeaking against the floor Baekhyun almost did a double take with the boy rushing straight by him. Instantly Baekhyun found himsefl slow down, his head snapping backwards to the boy who seemed to have froze in his steps. 

"Chanyeol?" he whispered, taking a step forward. The bright silver hair he had expected to see was no longer that faint grey, instead it held leaves, dirt and other foreign substances in it. The wolf turned around, his cheeks stained tears that had already run out by now. Baekhyun felt his throat tighteh at the sight of the broken man before him, he felt his heart break all over again as tears quickly fell from his eyes as he ran forward. 

Chanyeol's large arms wrapped themselves around Baekhyun's waist, lifting the small vampire from the group and holding him so tight Baekhyun lost his breath for a second. "Baekhyun" Chanyeol croaked his fingertips gripping the boy closer, Baekhyun taking the hint and wrapping his legs around the giant's wasit his head automatically burrowing deep into his neck. The sweet smell of the wolf made Baekhyun's heart beat quickly, his body finding the scent almost home-like. 

"I'm so sorry" the smaller cried, his grip tightening "I'm so sorry about everything, for laughing in your face, for pissing you off, for making pup making jokes.. I'm so sorry" 

"No, I'm sorry.. I had almost brought you back Baekhyun, I almost had you coming back to us but Jessica she-" 

"Shush, there's no point in apologising like this. Everything that has happened can't be fixed, we just need to accept it and grow stronger from it and above all move on" 

"Shes dead" Chanyeol voiced out, his nose nuzzling into Baekhyun's throat. "I'm supposed to be able to feel that, I'm supposed to feel guilty and grief a little but I can't and I don't know why" 

"What happened is tragic but you can't feel emotions that you don't have, believe me I know that better than anyone" Baekhyun's soft voice whispered into those elf like ears that he could never get over. "I'm just sorry that I ran away" 

"I know that it was my fault you flipped your switch Baekhyun.. you confinded in me with your past and the moment we walk into him I was too distracted by a girl to comfort you-"

"Chanyeol" Baekhyun whispered, pulling himself away from the latter's neck to look the wolf in his glassy eyes.

"Let me finish" the wolf muttered, walking towards a windowsill, bending down he placed Baekhyun down on it, wedging himself between the vampire's legs. Baekhyun gently cupped the wolf's cheeks allowing his mouth to remain quiet as Chanyeol continued, leaning into his touch. "I know that she wasn't very nice towards you but I kept making excuses for her, saying that she had aa thematic experience when you had a much larger one. When we were fighting ealier, I never wanted that to happen. I got annoyed about the fact that you called her my girlfriend when I hadn't even thought of her like that, I'm not saying that as an excuse but you know how angry I get over the simplest things Baekhyun" 

"I know" the vampire giggled, rubbing the pads of his hands over Chanyeol's cheeks making the wolf look at him in a new light. Chanyeol's lips pulled up into a soft smile, his hands sliding down to rest against Baekhyun''s hips. "I forgive you for everything and I hope you can forgive me too" 

"There isn't anything you should be apologising for, but since I know you probably have an entire speech to prove me wrong I'll accept your apology" Chanyeol joked before sniffling quietly. Baekhyun raised himself higher on the windowsill, watching as Chanyeol bent down until thier forehead touched. "I'm just happy to see that you're okay" 

"Me too" Bakhyun found himself admitting with a smile. "When I heard that you disappeared after me I was shocked.."

"As you can probably notice I didn't find you" Chanyeol sighed closing his eyes "I searched as much of the forest as I could before coming back, I thought you hadn't gone far-"

"I didn't, I noticed that this place is my home and even without my emotions I couldn't go too far away from it" 

"Where did you end up?" Chanyeol asked, his eyebrow raising, yet his eyes ramined closed. 

"Parking Lanee" Baekhyun answered, biting his lower lip to hold himself back from a voice crack. Chanyeol's eyes flew open, his gaze looking from the smaller's eyes to his lips. "So if we're being technical you were there metaphorically too" 

"Baekhyun.. whose your anchor?" 

"I don't know.." 

Chanyeol turned his attention to Baekhyun's lap, he couldn't bring himself to look the vampire in his eyes anymore. Baekhyun felt tension rise betwen them again, like an invisible wall was trying to break them apart all over again. 

"I-I though it was you" Baekhyun quickly stuttered, his eyes widening as Chanyeol sighed shaking his head. 

"I couldn't be, sure I nearly brought you back when I had you up against the lockers earlier but that's different" 

"I don't think so" Baekhyun shook his head, lifting Chanyeol's chin with fingers. "Your family name was in the village, when I found that out I lost all composure Chanyeol, I was on the ground being overwhelmed with tears. I thought I would see an image of you but I just saw children" 


"Yeah two boys.. one of them was giving the younger looking one a piggy-back ride. Their clothes were soaked like they had been playing in a river or lake or something" 

Chanyeol's eyes narrowed for a spilt second before stretching back to their natural size. "Then I'm taking credit for bringing you back" Baekhyun immediately let out a laugh, the noise bouncing off the walls around them. Chanyeol's wolfish smile staring back at him as they shared a laugh between them. 

"I don't think becoming anchors work like that.." he whsipered but it simply went on deaf ears as Chanyeol just stood watching his lips move and his eyes blink. "I mean the only anchors that I know of is Suho and Lay anyway so maybe I'm wrong" 

"You could be" Chanyeol agreed, bending lower his back arching lightly to get closer to the vampire. "If you could, would you allow me to be your anchor?"

"Well I don't know because an anchor is supposed to push the blood lust away, while you made me turn off my humanity.." 

"Okay don't answer my question them smarty-pants" Chanyeaol teased rolling his eyes at the snickering male before him. Baekhyun had onto his shoulders trying to steady himself on the thin windowsill. 

"Fine, yes I wouldn't mind you being my anchor" Baekhyun smiled "Besides, your blood actually managed to halt my hunger for longer than Kyungsoo's miracle juice does" 

At the mention of blood Baekhyun felt felt his stomach growl in hunger. He had expected this, Suho had told him that his animal instincts (that he got after he turned off his humanity switch) would take a little longer to get back under control so he would be feeling hungrier than before. Chanyeol watched the latter's eyes flash silver for a spilt second before Baekhyun shut his eyes in fright. 

He felt the air around him shift before the sudden scent of blood wafted against his eyes. Immediately he opened his eyes, finding himself lost into Chanyeol's dark brown ones. The taste of blood littered his lips from the bleeding arm before himk, Baekhyun's breath hitched as he noticed the ever so faint trickle of blood from Chanyeol's lips as he gently pushed his wrist into the vampires mouth. He had bitten himself so that Baekhyun could drink his blood, the vampire whimpered agaisnt his arm, his nimble fingers wrapping themselves around his wrist to hold the wolfs arm closer. Chanyeol wtached the feasting vampire in adoration, his eyes softening at the soft noises coming from Baekhyun's lips. 

Baekhyun knew when enough was enough, retracting his fangs he allowed his tongue to press against the holes he created, waiting patiently until the blood stopped flowing. When it did he gently pressed his lips down, Chanyeol allowed him to keep lips there for as long as needed. Baekhyun gasped when he pulled back, his lips letting out a oft giggle watching Chanyeol inspect his wrist for any mark. "Damn I missed that" 

"Nice to know that you like drinking my blood" Chanyeol joked, trapping the latter back against the windowsill. "You could at least thank me.... did you get enough?" 

"I got plenty" Baekhyun nodded with a small smile tugging on his lips as he registered Chanyeol's concern. "Your blood is actually pretty easy to .. can you guess what else would be easy to ?" 

"Eh.." Chnayeol was stunned for a moment before giving the question a thought. "Sehun's blood?" 

"Nope" Baekhyun declined shaking his head. 




"Apparently it doesn't taste too good" Baekhyun shrugged making Chnayeol raise a brow in confusion. "Apparenlty Suho tried to feed off him before he met Lay and the poor guy was in the infirmary for a week" 

"Wait that's why he was in the infirmary?" Chanyeol shrieked, his eyes doubling in size making Baekhyun worry that they would fall out of their sockets. 

"Yep, weird right?" 

"Yeah, Jongdae's?" 

"Not even close" 

"Then who?" 

"Loey!" Baekhyun grinned, his eyes crinkling in his cuteness. 

"Who the hell is Loey? Poor guy has a terrible name" Chanyeol pouted, his plump lips being ed out. 

"Loey is a thing not a person" 

"Oh? Loey... that sounds like a lollipop" 

Baekhyun nodded slowly, his eyes looking out into the space between their bodies. "I mean I could it like a lollipop if you wanted" 

"If I wanted? So it has something to do with me?" 

"Yes Chanyeol, in fact I think you know this very well" 

"I do?" Baekhyun nodded, placing both of his hands on either side of Chanyeol's built arms. His fingers gently squeezing the muscle while pushing the giant up and away from him, Baekhyun allowing his feet to touch the gound after what felt like forever. "How?" 

"Well, your right arm is stronger than your left isn't it?" 

Chanyeol's eyebrows furrowed looking down at his arms for a brief moment, watching as Baekhyun pulled his hands back to his chest, a small smirk dancing on his lips. "Sort of but what does this have to do with-" 

Baekhyun realised that Chanyeol's realisation face was priceles, so much that he had almost face was priceless, so much that he had almost allowed himself to be caught as he laughed. Shrinking very loudly Baekhyun took off down the hallways, running back through the class hallways that he had run into earlier to try and find the wolf. The students watched as Baekhyun got lifted into Chanyeol's arms for a moment, their eyes sparkling between them as Baekhyun gazed down at the wolf holding him up yet again. The much smaller vampire giigled, spreading his arms out as Chanyeol twirled them around in a circle. 

Baekhyun was then greatly placed down onto the ground, Chanyeol's forehead meeting his again as their breaths came back, Baekhyun felt his heart flutter in his chest his lips aching to be touched. Chanyeol having thought the same thing leant down further, his breath ghosting agaisnt the rose muscles Baekhyun was currently . Every student in the classes held their breath as their lips moved closer together. Baekhyun chuckled allowing his head to tilt up, allowing his upper lip to hover over Chanyeol's lower lip before the vampire shoved the wolf away and began running back through the halls yelling back a "You'll have to work harder than that!"

Chnayeol let out a laugh before taking off after him, the night class students entering the hallway after making sure that the two protectors had officially left the hallway. "They're adorable and if anyone disagresseswith me I'll kick your sorry !" Shownu announced to the crowd that then began dispersing back into their classrooms, the teachers urshing them back in.

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Beau1996 1378 streak #1
Chapter 11: I was pretty sure Daehyun would make an appearance!!
Beau1996 1378 streak #2
Chapter 10: Village trip - will it be fun or a run in with bad supes??
Beau1996 1378 streak #3
Chapter 7: Hard revelation to share but Chan is there to support him
Beau1996 1378 streak #4
Chapter 5: Day class and night class - one of my favorite animes but vampires and humans were the students - vampire Knight
Beau1996 1378 streak #5
Chapter 2: Baek is a daywalker!!
Beau1996 1378 streak #6
Chapter 1: I must have read before because I was already subscribed but looking forward to re-reading
Vampirella77 #7
Chapter 78: Wow. 2 new books. I'm so excited 😊😊😊. Thank you
747 streak #8
Chapter 78: Thank you so much, I am really looking forward to both books. Your writing is so amazing and the characters really come to life. I am in hopes that Chanyeol will make it back to Baekhyun by the end of both books. I can’t wait to see what awaits everyone.
Erica_flv #9
Chapter 78: I read this story twice . And I’m going to read it again . The story it so amazing . I will be waiting but I probably read it more time .
747 streak #10
Chapter 76: I binge read all the chapters and finally got caught up. I absolutely love this story, it reads almost like a saga. Your plot and characterization are flawless. Thank you so much for taking us on this adventure. I can’t wait to read the continuation, this is a real gem.