Good morning


Baekhyun blinked away the sunshine that was tickling his face once he awoke, his eyes locked on the pillows directly beside him only to find that the man he had shared his bed with the previous night was no where to be found. Then Baekhyun noticed the pleasuring feeling bubbling up within his stomach his lips pulling upward while he moved to lay on his back. He pulled his lower lip between his teeth and released a quiet chuckle, his waist lifting from the mattress while a quiet content sigh escaped his lips. The hands holding him down tightened around his waist, the warmth encaging him getting warmer before it was gone completely. 

"Good morning my love," Chanyeol's gruff voice whsipered from beneath the covers, Baekhyun let out a cheery laugh lifting the bedsheets and staring into the eyes of his mate. Chanyeol greeted him with that cheeky smile of his that had Baekhyun's heart fluttering all over again. "sleep well?" 

Baekhyun watched through a gasp as Chanyeol's lips pressed against his stomach lovingly, the touch making his insides go fuzzy. His fingers moved on their own, gliding down their shared bedcovers before allowing them to travel into his mate's red locks and pulling against them gently. "How do you still have energy later last night?" 

His body crunched up onto itself as the Alpha gently dug his fingers into the parts of his mate's body that he knew were the most ticklish, his lips releasing a high pitch squeak as Chanyeol rose from beneath the covers and hovered over him with the widest smile on his face. "Because I want to get to know everything about you." he chuckled against Baekhyun's lips, the omega panting as he stared into his mate's sparkling eyes. "I love you." 

"I love you too." Baekhyun whispered, wrapping his arms around the Alpha's shoulders before gently coaxing him forward until their lips met in the middle. They both let out a content hum, Chanyeol running his hand along Baekhyun's thigh, accidentally rubbing against the faint brusises he had kissed into them the previous night. The omega giggled into his lips, hoding him close by his cheeks. 

"Good morning!" A new voice called from the door to their room, the couple jumped apart. Chanyeol fell next to his lover while pulling the blankets higher around them as he glared at his mother who simply smiled ay them as she made her way towards their bed. "How are the happy couple?" 

"Extremely embarrassed" Baekhyun admitted, looking at his mate before turning back to his mother-in-law. "what brings you here so early your majesty?" 

"I wanted to be the first one to tell you," the queen cleared , she side stepped the thrown clothes littering the floor and kept her eyes on the couple rather than the ground where their late night endeavours remained. After she was sure that she had gotten the young couple's attention she drew a breath and gave herself a nod of confidence. "Daehyun is returning to the castle. We received word from one of his servants and we expect him for lunch, the king and I are going to tell him the news as well." 

Baekhyun felt the blood in his body run cold, even though he was mated and married to Chanyeol he still felt uncomfortable in the presence of the man who had forced a wish on him during the meteor shower. He felt safe once Chanyeol pulled him closer, holding him close against his chest as his mother offered an apologetic smile. 

"I'm sorry," she bowed her head, her eyes momentarily shutting before reopening when her head turned upwards to the couple. "but I wanted you both to be prepared for his arrival and a possible attack once your brother is told of your newly appointed position for the throne." 

"Have the council committed to the idea?" Chanyeol asked the question Baekhyun was already thinking. "I mean we sort of disrupted the linage of the throne." 

"The council wouldn't even allow your father to finish his offer" the queen laughed, she her heel and walked over to the curtains. The prince whined for a moment as the sun shone through the window temporarily blinding him, his mate released a chuckle as his eyes instantly got used to the light. "they were immediately onboard and supported the idea, the fact that you have even found your mate has backed their support. Not to mention the fact that the both of you as well as the others are the reborn spirits of the twelve wolf creators, they couldn't believe it at first but of course after your little performance it was enough to convince them." 

"So we really are going to be the next king and- well what I am going to be? King consort?" Baekhyun wondered, grasping the bedcovers so that they were pulled higher to avoid any skin-slip. "That is that I will be sticking around, Chanyeol won't be divorcing me for a girl right?" 

The queen laughed but after catching a glimpse of Baekhyun's terrified expression she shook her head, she stepped back from the window and made her way towards the bed. Chanyeol made sure that they were both covered when his mother sat down next to his mate, she offered him a smile before gently resting her hand down on his own that was above the covers. 

"You won't be replaced, you are apart of our family and apart of the royal family. Chanyeol will stay your husband and you will remain by his side forever, there is no place he won't follow you that much I can guarantee. As for what you will become when Chanyeol's reign begins is that you will remain his husband and thus become the next queen, the Luna of the planet. Do you think you could accept such an honour?" 

Baekhyun eyes naturally filled with tears as he gently squeezed the queen's hand, her smile only grew as he fiercely nodded his head. "I'd be honoured." 

"Then get dressed and meet everyone down in the dining hall," the queen ordered with a teasing wink, she stood up and dusted down her dress smiling sweetly as she her heel. "I have a feeling that it's going to be a long day." 

And a long day it became. 

Daehyun had decided to arrive earlier than what was originally expected, his mere presence making the hairs on Baekhyun's neck and arms stand on end. Chanyeol brought his mate to his side when his brother's angered eyes fell on them the moment he had come from the meeting with his parents, he snarled at his brother stomping towards the couple with rage filling his eyes. 

"You just couldn't help yourself could you?!" he spat, his eyes glowing ice blue in rage. The omega's shrank in size, nuzzling into their Alphas since the scent of Daehyun's pheromones were getting the better of them however Baekhyun remained strong next to his mate. "You weren't satisfied with taking my mate so you took my birth right?" 

"I am not your mate" Baekhyun snapped, his hands forming fists by his sides as rage coursed through him. He hated being an omega and having to hold his tongue out of respect but now he had nothing to fear, he was with his mate, they had bonded and nothing would change that, he wouldn't allow it. "and I never even considered the possibility." Another lie. Of course Baekhyun considered the fact that Daehyun could have been his mate, the thought had kept him up late at night praying and begging to his ceiling that it wouldn't happen. 

"I wasn't involved in the decision" Chanyeol explained, taking a step forward so that his brother remained where he was standing in the room. "our parents, the king and queen decided and the council agreed, our hands are tied-" 

"You could have turned them down, told them no!" Daehyun screamed, tears streaming down his cheeks as he glared at his brother. If looks alone could kill Baekhyun was certain his mate would be six feet under the ground by now. "Your pathetic mate sure knows how to say the word, you could have gotten him to do it for you." 

"Oh I'm pathetic now?" Baekhyun laughed, looking at Daehyun like he had just  told the funniest thing in the world. "After I've told you the truth? Did you really think that I would willingly allow you to control my life? I'm allowed to fall in love with whoever I want Daehyun and now your views on me have changed after I've told you straight out that I was never interested in you? I'm hardly the pathetic one when you're in the picture!" 

"You have never meant anything to me" Daehyun admitted, a wide smirk spreading on his lips as he approached Baekhyun their eyes locked. "you were just someone who caught my eye and who I knew could pleasure me in the future. You may have bonded with my brother but he might not be the reason you get a pup." 

Baekhyun's lower lip quivered as his hands unintentionally wrapped around his stomach, his eyes filling with tears at the words Daehyun had spread and the deeper meaning behind them. Did he just admit to the entire room that he would force himself on him regardless of the fact he was already mated and boned. Baekhyun's stomach churned at the possibility, he could practically feel the sick prepare in the pit of his belly. 

"My pup will have no question as to who their father will be" Baekhyun's voice quivered for a spilt second before it leveled out and he glared at the wolf before him in disgust. "because the only person I will allow to pleasure me in anyway will be Park Chanyeol and Park Chanyeol only." the was all he needed to say before a beam of bright white light was released from the palm of his hand, the omega watched as it flew through the air before blasting Daehyun backwards into the oak doors of the dining room. "That's only a fraction of what I would do to you if you ever think of touching me, stay the hell away from me and my family!" 

"That's my baby" Chanyeol smiled, opening his arms and allowing Baekhyun to stumble into him. The omega purposely scented his mate, pressing his lips against Chanyeol's sweat glands and smiling against his mate mark. "I would never let him touch you anyway." 

"I know." Baekhyun whispered, pressing more kisses to Chanyeol's neck pulling him close by his wrists. And the omega meant it, he knew Chanyeol would never allow him to get in harms way since he noticed his Alpha move shiftily to put himself between Daehyun when their argument first started. He knew his mate had gone through training through the weeks he was away from the castle and he had yet to show off his skills, however Baekhyun was sure that if provoked Chanyeol would release hell if he was in danger. 


Baekhyun woke up to the sunlight shining through the window whose curtains he had forgotten to close the previous night, he found himself rolling onto his back and peeking a glance beneath the bedsheets. His heart only relaxing when he realised that Chanyeol wasn't anywhere near him, even though he wouldn't have minded if he was between his legs like in his dream. 

The thought registered in his head, his cheeks flaring bright red as he quickly stood up after having tossed the covers to the side. He shall be having a cold shower this morning, that much was for sure. 

"Good morning Baekhyun" Luhan's chipper voice filled his eardrums from his position by the stove. He was smiling to himself, happily flipping the pancakes he was cooking over in the pan. Baekhyun noticed that Kyungsoo was sitting on the sofa with Jongin's head laid out on his lap, he watched as his best friend carded his fingers through the wolf's black locks a small smile being directed in their direction. 

"Should we ask what dream you had of last night?" Jongin teased, not even sparing the vampire a glance too busy watching Twilight on the television. Why Luhan had insisted on recording it while they were in class two days ago was beyond him, but at least it generated some sort of entertainment for the twelve of them whenever they were all crowded in the trio's dorm. They would be watching the Princess and the Frog later that night since Kris seemed to have taken a liken to the music when it came on Baekhyun's playlist one morning. 

"Let's just say I woke up to quite an interesting sight and knocked Daehyun on his ." Baekhyun replied, happily accepting the glass of orange juice Luhan was holding out for him. He expected the other's to be joining them soon as they planned on having another chill movie day before Kyungsoo's familiar ceremony, since it was the first time a witch or warlock had received such honour in their school Ms Lee had ordered everyone a few days off. The faculty were happy to get some time off while the students were beyond grateful, a group of werewolves had willingly volunteered to take over the patrol for the next coming days as Kyungsoo had made a special request for the protectors to be there during the ceremony. 

As Suho had briefly explained how the ceremony went while they were on their way back to their dormitories last night, Baekhyun was made aware that usually the only people attending the ceremony was usually the honoured witch, the council members present, Ms Lee and one chosen person to help them through it. As Kyungsoo was receiving such an honour and the council wanted to stay on his good side they had apparently told Ms Lee that the boy was allowed to have anything he wanted, that extended to their invitation. 

"Well it's about time!" Luhan huffed, lifting a pancake and letting it fall onto one of the piles of plates that were already piled too high for any normal person to eat. "I've been waiting for you to do something that would destroy him, he deserves it that dickhead." 

"Oh he definitely did" Baekhyun chuckled, his eyes darkening when the wolf's words had re-entered his mind. "he alluded to the fact that me being mated to Chanyeol wasn't going to stop him from giving me a pup." 

Jongin shot up from the couch and Kyungsoo's lap his eyes narrowing as his left eyebrow rose. "He did what?" 

"Alluded to a hypothetical time where he was going to force himself on me and not honour what a claiming or bond means." Baekhyun explained, finding himself swallowing a lump in his throat. His hands began shaking as his mind wondered countless questions that he hoped held no truth, he wondered if the dreams he had yet to see would show anything like the words Daehyun spoke of. 

There was a knock on the door but Baekhyun didn't hear since he was too deep in his own thoughts to come to terms with reality, his lower lip was trembling like it had in his dream. He half expected a light beam to shoot out of his palm but instead he just felt the wet trails flowing down his cheeks, he almost gasped at the feeling of arms around his waist. 

Baekhyun had been facing the hallway leading to his bedroom which meant that his back was towards the front door, he didn't see who was holding him close. But he could smell him, for the first time ever Baekhyun managed to smell the scent of a werewolf. It wasn't strong and overbearing like Luhan and the rest of the vampires had described, it was more of a comforting scent making him feel like home. 

The vampire finally allowed the sobs within his body to break free, the arms tightening around his waist as he howled out his emotions allowing them to radiate off his body and disappear into the air around him. His fingers pressed against the palms laid around his hips finding them an anchor to reality and using them and the body pressed to him in order to calm himself down, his legs gave out but the wolf behind him allowed them both to sink to the floor. Baekhyun instantly realising that the Alpha was crying along with him, but his sobs were more quiet than his own. 

When his tears eventually subsided and he was able to get his breathing under control Baekhyun forcefully turned himself around in the arms keeping him sane, he wrapped his arms around those broad shoulders and found himself nuzzling into his neck just like he had in his dream. "Chanyeol." he hiccupped, trying to bring the Alpha closer to him by tugging uselessly at his blue hoodie. 

"I'm here." he whispered, keeping one hand on Baekhyun's waist while the other travelled into his hair. They couldn't get any closer then they already were so Chanyeol figured tightening his grip would be more than enough and it was, Baekhyun became goo in his hands, melting hopelessly into his neck and sighing contently. A small smile broke onto Chanyeol's lips while he tilted his head to the side and allowed Baekhyun to snuggle closer, when their knees began crying out in hurt the Alpha lifted him into his arms and carried him to the couch which Kyungsoo had retreated from the moment the Alpha had entered their dormitory. 

"This one really scared him huh?" Sehun muttered, stepping into the kitchen with the rest of the boys who had come with him and Chanyeol. They all watched as Baekhyun clung onto their Alpha like he was fighting against something horrible and Chanyeol was the only thing preventing it from getting worse, their hearts breaking at the sight of it. 

"We need to prepare ourselves" Kyungsoo announced to the group, he ignored the group as he searched one of the drawers for a fork. He selected one of the plates and pressed the prongs through six of them before the utensil couldn't take any more. "we need to research, if Maddix is on Daehyun's side then we can't let anything surprise us. We need to find out more about when we arrived here-" 

"I haven't gotten too far into the book yet" Sehun sighed, holding up the page he had read to. "So far I'm still on the markings chapter, who knew that the queen could be so detailed?" 

"I can help you research spells that could be useful for Maddix while he is under Daehyun's command." Luhan offered a small smile on his face as his friend gratefully accepted. "After all two is better than one right?" 

"Make that five." Minseok stated, taking a step forward with Tao and Suho by his side. They each offered the warlock classed witch a smile before their gazes eventually fell back on the couple cuddling on the couch. 

Baekhyun had calmed significantly in the past couple minutes they had turned their attention away from him, he was snuggled into Chanyeol's chest and the Alpha was allowing him to drink from his arm. 

"I don't know about you guys but I have a feeling that this will be the last time we have to do something like this, if anything happens then this may be the last time they get reincarnated." Kris stated the words that everyone else had been secretly wondering the past couple days. "Us included." 

"I think we've lived long enough in different eras it would be nice to remain in one for as long as we can" Suho chuckled. 

The group had figured that if Baekhyun and Chanyeol had been resurrected countless times since they had arrived on Earth so many years ago, then they too had suffered the same fate as them. Although their stories hadn't be written down by the queen as it was made aware that they hadn't all been together for a very long time. 

"I had met some of you throughout the years" the queen had stated while they were all on their way out of her office last night. "before that I hadn't seen any of you since we arrived here, this lifetime the first one I met was Kris and then one by one you all eventually turned up on my doorstep. I organised the search teams to find the last one; Baekhyun that's why I sent Suho out so many times to find him." 

"Then we better start figuring stuff out" Minseok breathed out through his nose, following Suho's comment. "and soon, the only thing keeping us all alive is the fact that they haven't confessed to each other yet." 

"They don't have to" Jongdae chuckled, tilting his head to the side when he watched Chanyeol gently press his lips against Baekhyun's forehead. "they already know their feelings for each other, as long as they never say they love each other like they have in the book before their deaths, we have nothing to worry about." 

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Beau1996 1378 streak #1
Chapter 11: I was pretty sure Daehyun would make an appearance!!
Beau1996 1378 streak #2
Chapter 10: Village trip - will it be fun or a run in with bad supes??
Beau1996 1378 streak #3
Chapter 7: Hard revelation to share but Chan is there to support him
Beau1996 1378 streak #4
Chapter 5: Day class and night class - one of my favorite animes but vampires and humans were the students - vampire Knight
Beau1996 1378 streak #5
Chapter 2: Baek is a daywalker!!
Beau1996 1378 streak #6
Chapter 1: I must have read before because I was already subscribed but looking forward to re-reading
Vampirella77 #7
Chapter 78: Wow. 2 new books. I'm so excited 😊😊😊. Thank you
747 streak #8
Chapter 78: Thank you so much, I am really looking forward to both books. Your writing is so amazing and the characters really come to life. I am in hopes that Chanyeol will make it back to Baekhyun by the end of both books. I can’t wait to see what awaits everyone.
Erica_flv #9
Chapter 78: I read this story twice . And I’m going to read it again . The story it so amazing . I will be waiting but I probably read it more time .
747 streak #10
Chapter 76: I binge read all the chapters and finally got caught up. I absolutely love this story, it reads almost like a saga. Your plot and characterization are flawless. Thank you so much for taking us on this adventure. I can’t wait to read the continuation, this is a real gem.