

"You don't understand how happy I am right now" Baekhyun grinned opening the dorm door and running over to the couch, launching himself on it before at the comfort. 

"YAH! At least have a shower before you get your sweat all over our furniture" Suho scolded after dropping his keys onto the counter, and rushing over, tossing the boy from his couch, everyone watched as Baekhyun tumbled to the ground. 

"That was just cruel" Baekhyun pouted turning onto his back in order to send a glare at the latter who smiled innocently back down at him. 

"I am a pretty cruel person" the elder vampire laughed, stretching his hand out to help the younger to his feet. Baekhyun took the hand cautiously not really sure if it was just another trick. 

"Sweet lies" Kyungsoo chuckled shaking his head earning a small glare from his hyung. The witch classed warlock immediately stopped his giggles "but you're too sweet hyung.."

After Baekhyun had finally gotten to his feet and Suho managed to find something else to glare at, Kyungsoo moved over to the fridge knowing that Minseok keeps a extra bottle of his good stuff. 

"Kyungsoo-hyung what's in that?" Tao wondered looking through the water bottle at the strange dark brown substance, that seemed to have been topped with.. mint leaves?

"Vampires need blood to satify their craving and ensure their immortality, witches need this to well, nothing too special but to keep them earthlybound" he explained before taking a quick sip. Baekhyun raised a brow at the drink, he had never seen it before not even in their dorms fridge. 

"Earthlybound? What the hell does that mean?" Tao questioned siding with Baekhyun on the confused side of the room. Minseok, Luhan and Suho shared a laugh between them. 

"Witches are like spiritual anchors to the otherside basically that means that we have connections to people who have died, we can communicate with them and see them but sometimes you find an odd tard that doesn't want to be alone.. instead he wants to pull you over that line and to the otherside, to the land of the dead~" 

"And the drink relates to this how?" Baekhyun voiced out, his eyes fallening onto the liquid that reminded him of the brown substance he was handed back in the infirmary. 

"It's a mixture of herbs, berries and a couple spices all said to keep the ghosts away" Kyungsoo explained capping the bottle and glancing towards the two curious boys. "You can taste it if you want but I have to warn you, you won't like it" 

Baekhyun and Tao found themselves jumping up at the thought of getting the chance to drink Kyungsoo's mysterious brown drink. 

"I'll take some!" They chorsed throwing their hands up like babies, large adorable smiles decorating their faces, making Kyungsoo let out a small laugh.

"You guys know that's Kyungsoo's drink, he needs it more than you two" Minseok chuckled to the now pouting younger boys. 

"Ah don't worry about it Minseok, we'll get a good laugh out of it" Kyungsoo reassured the vampire, before pouring a small amount of his drink into two separate shot glass Suho usually hides in the back cupboard for special occasions. 

Baekhyun and Tao both watched him pour the shots leisurely, they gasped when they realised that the drink wasn't as smooth as they thought it was going to be but obviously they still wouldn't turn it down. 

Apparently they had spent enough time glazing into the cups considering Kyungsoo had to inform then that the mixture would get warm if they left it out too long. 

Baekhyun slowly brought the shot to his lips before whincing at the loud gasp Tao took after smelling it, everyone could tell that that wanted to back out. Minseok and Luhan were ready to tease the two newbies but they were beyond surpised when both of them chugged the shots down, banging the glasses back onto the counter when they were finished. 

Their reactions were bland and natural, their lips at the fruit berry taste but then all top suddenly the bitter tang burned their throat. 

"Oh !" Baekhyun hissed, feeling a tear trail down his cheek, his arms rising and fallening making him look like a flapping bird.

"Knock knock, well done at practise today everyone....why is Baekhyun trying to fly?" Chanyeol asked pushing the door open with Sehun and Kai on his tail. 

"Tao and him took a shot of Kyungsoo's drink" Minseok gasped through his laughing fits. "They thought they could handle it but clearly not!" 

"It's so bitter!" Tao gasped rushing towards the sink, pulling the water spray forward so he could shoot the water down his throat. The three other wolves entered at that time, Kris raising a brow at Tao.

Baekhyun jumped once Chanyeol's hand touched his shoulder in a reassuring manner. He blushed looking up at the wolf who stood frozen looking down at him, his hand unmoving. 

"Awwh he jumped!" Kai cooed hitting Sehun on the shoulder. The two of them chuckling amongst themselves looking at the two tallest of their group worry over the night class students. 

"Cute" Sehun chuckled immediately receiving a glare from his hyungs.

"Yah! I'm not Luhan!" Baekhyun croacked, his throat hurting at his attempt of speaking, the said boy getting offended by his accusation. 

"How many times do I need to tell you idiots I'm not cute!" Luhan yelled throwing his arms in the air, huffing until Minseok threw him onto the couch to shut him up. 

"Here have some water" Suho chuckled passing the vampire a glass of water filled with ice to keep it cool. Baekhyun accepted it with a smile, turning towards Chanyeol as he drank it the taller watching him intently. 

"It can't be that bad" Kai laughed. 

"Why don't you try some then?" Kyungsoo teased pouring his drink into another shot glass. "Since you're a tough guy and all~"

"Don't mind if I do~" Kai smiled reaching forward and claiming the glass. 

Everyone watched as Kai easily let the liquid flow into his mouth. He slammed the glass back into the counter and almost dropped to the ground afterward, if it hadn't of been for Chanyeol that stood away from the smaller to catch him, the wolf would have ended up on the ground.

"You idiot" he laughed pushing the younger wolf into the counter, immediately cringing when Kai's head smacked onto it pretty hard. "I'm so sorry" he apologised bowing his head, too ashamed to look up. 

"Owww" he whimpered, reaching up and taking his head into his hands. "I'm okay, but I might need a supernatural painkiller and quickly" 

Kyungsoo who was laughing at the circumstances took the wolf into his arms and brought him over to the fridge. 

"You really don't know your strength do you?" Baekhyun asked, turning his head slightly to see Chanyeol who had back behind him, his chest pressing against the smallers.  

"Apparently not, I'm not surprised though, when I get angry I just see red and don't think of the consequences" Chanyeol admitted his head dropping onto Baekhyun's shoulder in defeat. 

"But you weren't angry just there" Baekhyun spoke watching as Kai and Sehun happily talked with his friends, his fingers running through the wolves hair. 

"I know, I guess since I only ever use my strength when I'm angry, I don't realise how much I have when I'm alright" 

"You should probably change your hair colour" Baekhyun mumbled his eyes locked on Chanyeol's hair that tickled his cheek. 

Chanyeol rose his head and looked down at the smaller that had turned around completely to face him, the wolf surpised with the close proximity. "What why?"

"What was that quote haired people have bad anger issues?" 

"That's just cruel, not all red haired people have anger issues"

"Oh I know that, it's just a myth but in your case it has a point" Baekhyun smiled sending him a wink in reply. 

"I'm working on it" Chanyeol sighed dropping his head in shame. 

"And I appreciate it Chanyeol, you know you actually scared me whenever we fought" Baekhyun admitted, his hands coming up to raise the wolves face. 

Chanyeol felt himself stiffen after hearing what Baekhyun confessed. "You were scared of me?" 

"Of course, you were a werewolf outside Daehyun's clan, you're tall, slightly intimidating-" 

"Hey!" Chanyeol pouted, his cheeks puffing out into Baekhyun's cheeks. 

Baekhyun giggled looking up meeting the giants brown eyes, his thumb rubbing against his inflated cheeks." You didnt let me finish, you were all those things but you're kind and caring, meaning that I was wrong with my first impressions" 

"And you're not as sassy as I thought you'd be"

Chanyeol stumbled back, feeling his chest tighten slightly under the pressure Baekhyun applied from his punch. 

"I'm sassy, and proud" Baekhyun glares making Chanyeol bite back a smile. 

"Of course ma'lady my apologies" Chanyeol snickered, swinging his right arm around and bowing in a Prince like manor. 

"You're so full of Park" Baekhyun laughed, crossing his arms. 

Chanyeol shrugged in reply "Ah well, do you see me care?" 

Baekhyun grinned shaking his head, before excusing himself back to his own dorm to shower. Luhan passed him their room key and Chanyeol got a great look at his as the smaller walked out of the dorm, sending him a small wink when he went to close the door behind him. 


"Thank Jisoos they're gone" Luhan sighed pressing his back up against the door in a breathless position. They had moved back up to their own dorm when Minseok and Suho had practically kicked every one out. 

"Why?" Kyungsoo laughed handing Baekhyun a cup of honey tea for his throat, which he claimed was still hurting from earlier. 

"Because I can only deal with those wolves for so long" he answered collapsing onto the couch, right into Baekhyun's lap as the smaller had dressed himself in more comfortable clothes after his shower. 

"Then go to bed hyung" the youngest vampire laughed patting the boy's blonde head gently. 

"Not bothered" he giggled. Baekhyun rolled his eyes at the comment before inwardly groaning at the knocking sound coming from the door. 

"I swear to Jisoos Sehun I will kill- Ms Lee?" Luhan gasped before bowing in apology to the principle for thinking she was one of the three annoying wolves. 

Immediately Baekhyun and Kyungsoo bowed to her as Luhan closed over the door after she stepped inside. 

"I see you've put up a mirror Luhan, are you scared of your appearance still?" she giggle earning a shy nod in reply. "You need to relax, if Sehun actually had feelings for you he shouldn't care about the way you look" 

"I'll keep that in mind Me Lee" Luhan grinned, pure determination oozing from his body. 

"Ms Lee, what brings you here?" Baekhyun wondered breaking the staring contest the two conversing people had on each other. 

"Well I have two things to discuss with you boys" she sighed walking over and taking a seat at the counter just by the kitchen. 

Baekhyun, Luhan and Kyungsoo each stood in the kitchen to discuss things with her better and not seem rude by going to the livingroom to chat when she had walked to the kitchen. 

"Tea?" Kyungsoo wondered standing next to the kettle. 

"Decaffe please Kyungsoo, I'm on a diet" she smiled, her smile reminding Baekhyun of Chanyeols derpy one. 

"I'm here to tell you boys that you'll be going to the village with the Werewolves and witches tomorrow morning" 

"The village?" Baekhyun wondered. 

"Yes Baekhyun, every now and again I allow the students of Millennium High to go to nearby villages to keep up clothing stocks as well as other personal accessories" Ms Lee smiled at the clueless boy. 

"But I don't have any money, I explained that to Suho before I joined the school" 

"Don't worry about that Baekhyun, I take care of all student expensies" Ms Lee was quick to explain as Kyungsoo passed the made tea to her. 

Baekhyun now noticed that the principle always wore a simple black and white suit whenever he seen her. Since this was like a boarding school he thought he'd at least see her once in normal comfortable clothes, or even Pj's. 

"The bus is leaving at exactly 9:30 am in the morning so I suggest you three get to bed early tonight" 

"We don't have any assignments as of yet so that won't be a problem" Luhan smiled reassuring the lady who breathed a sigh in relief.

"I also have to ask a favour of Kyungsoo" 

"What is it Ms Lee?" Kyungsoo wondered, his eyebrows scrunched in confusion. 

"I need you to make two more bracelets similar to Luhan's, for Minseok and Suho in order for them to survive out tomorrow morning you know with the sun and all, we were lucky that it was clouded over today but it can't stay that way forever

"Not a problem at all" Kyungsoo smiled nodding happily. "Ill get started on it right away"

"Thank you very much boys, good night and rest well okay?" 

"Hold on Ms Lee how did you know that I didn't have one?" Baekhyun asked noticing the slight sense of hestitace in the ladies facial expression. 

"I have eyes and ears everywhere Baekhyun" she chuckled warmly "Don't worry about it" 

"Do you know what's wrong with me?" He asked further hoping for some reassurement. 

"I'm sad to say I have no idea" Ms Lee shook her head. However Baekhyun couldn't help but feel as if he was being told a lie. 

Once the bracelets were ready Baekhyun was given the job to go and deliver them to Suho and Minseok.

"We'll leave the door open for you Baek, so you can leave your key" Luhan explained before ushering the boy from the dorm.

Arriving at door Baekhyun made three quick knocks before waiting patiently. "Oh hey Baek, what's up?" Minseok smiled standing in the doorframe, his Pj's covering his body making him look like an adorable chipmunk.  

"Nothing much just wanted to stop by and give you and Suho these" the vampire smiled holding up the bracelets that were wrapped in some white silky cloth thingy Kyungsoo gave him. "Kyungsoo made them so you guys won't burn when he go to the village tomorrow" 

"We're going to the village?" The elder asked taking the beautifully wrapped gifts. 

"Yep and the bus leaves tomorrow morning at 9:30, now if you excuse me that's my jobs done, I'm off to bed, see you tomorrow!" Baekhyun grinned waving as he took to his feet running back to his dorm quickly, already craving the touch of his bed. 

Rushing inside he froze seeing Luhan and Kyungsoo waiting for him. 


"You literally just missed those three wolves again" Luhan sighed rubbing his temples, diving back onto the couch with a huff. 

"And let me guess, you're mentally planning your death because Sehun seen you in your rabbit onzie?" 

" no, look how adorable I look!" Luhan giggled hiding his face behind his hands so I could focus on his bunny onezie. 

"Okay I'll admit thats adorable" Baekhyun giggled shaking his head at his friends childish statement. 

"See Kyungsoo I am adorable" Luhan cheered, smiling away like a psycho, his lips curling up in the most creepiest smile. 

"I never said you weren't" Kyungsoo deadpanned not able to understand where Luhan got the idea where he disagreed with him. 

"Well now you have proof!" Luhan hissed, placing his hands on his hips in frustation. 

"Anyway Kai said he'd come to pick us up if we forget about it" Kyungsoo announced turning to Baekhyun who was currently drinking from his juice box. 

"Alright cool" Baekhyun smiled before yawning. "Well I think that I'll call it a night, goodnight you two~" he giggled wiggling his fingers as he walked down the hallway and into his room. 


Happy Christmas everyone ♡♡

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Beau1996 1379 streak #1
Chapter 11: I was pretty sure Daehyun would make an appearance!!
Beau1996 1379 streak #2
Chapter 10: Village trip - will it be fun or a run in with bad supes??
Beau1996 1379 streak #3
Chapter 7: Hard revelation to share but Chan is there to support him
Beau1996 1379 streak #4
Chapter 5: Day class and night class - one of my favorite animes but vampires and humans were the students - vampire Knight
Beau1996 1379 streak #5
Chapter 2: Baek is a daywalker!!
Beau1996 1379 streak #6
Chapter 1: I must have read before because I was already subscribed but looking forward to re-reading
Vampirella77 #7
Chapter 78: Wow. 2 new books. I'm so excited 😊😊😊. Thank you
747 streak #8
Chapter 78: Thank you so much, I am really looking forward to both books. Your writing is so amazing and the characters really come to life. I am in hopes that Chanyeol will make it back to Baekhyun by the end of both books. I can’t wait to see what awaits everyone.
Erica_flv #9
Chapter 78: I read this story twice . And I’m going to read it again . The story it so amazing . I will be waiting but I probably read it more time .
747 streak #10
Chapter 76: I binge read all the chapters and finally got caught up. I absolutely love this story, it reads almost like a saga. Your plot and characterization are flawless. Thank you so much for taking us on this adventure. I can’t wait to read the continuation, this is a real gem.