Some Explaining to do pt.2


"I was born into a family that would slowly start to fall apart as I gradually got older, I was probably fourteen when I first met Daehyun outside my school. I was on my way into the little woods we had out back when I saw him drinking blood from a squirrel, I was a lover of supernatural books so I thought I knew everything about vampires but clearly I didn't. He was quite the charmer and played me like a fiddle from the moment my eyes landed on him, he told me that I was the only human that knew and in exchange for my silence he would tell me anything I wanted to know about him." Baekhyun took a deep breath, his fingers tighting around the cup of soda Chanyeol had given him after they had made their way into the living room after their shared shower. 

"The meetings after that were innocent, until he showed up one day looking terrible. He told me that he hadn't drank blood in awhile and that the animal blood he was drinking wasn't doing the same thing for him, he was scared to die and asked me if I would be able to help him. I was young and I willingly admit that I had developed a crush on him after awhile since I found him so close to the fairytale books I've read about vampires and humans falling in love-" 

"That is why I refuse to watch Twilight." Chanyeol intruppted, hoping to lighten the mood as best as he could. The corner's of Baekhyun's lips twitched as his gaze met with the Alpha, they were twinkling again making Chanyeol's stomach flip in happiness. He shifted his weight on the couch and creeped closer to the wolf, Chanyeol holding out his arms as he awaited the vampire to tumble in. When he did they instantly got comfortable and wrapped themselves up in Baekhyun's favourite white and blue checked blanket. 

"Anyway, I became his secret bloodbag and he told me everything there is to know about vampires apart from the switch I only learnt that here.." He paused for effect as Chanyeol took a sharp intake of air into his lungs, he giggled quitely as the Alpha continued to mumble about how he had plans of removing Baekhyun from History class. "he would drop me home every day after school and eventually my parents started to get suspicious of him. To them he was an older guy who seemed like a rebel who would doom me in the future and I wish every night that I had of listened to them. I laid back seeing him so my parents wouldn't freak out, but then he started showing up unannounced outside my house and school. Apparently he was growing desperate for blood and since I was blinded by my stupid teenage love I agreed to spend the weekend with him when I was sixteen." 

"Okay, now I getting uncomfortable!" Chanyeol admitted with a quiet huff, he crossed his arm over his chest which therefore made him cross his arms over Baekhyun's as well. "Just for the record are you going to be including any ual things that I need to prepare for?" 

"We didn't get that far which is the one thing I'm relieved about from our relationship because I could have done anything under that mind control that I will get to in a moment, oh but we have kissed before!" Baekhyun explained to the Alpha who tightened his grip. 

"I know you're not wanting pity but-" Chanyeol pressed his lips against the crown of the vampire's head. "I'm sorry that this whole thing happened to you and we aren't even properly into the story yet." 

Baekhyun was frozen for a spilt moment before he realised what happened, it caused him to smile before he cleared his throat and continued the story. "That weekend was when I was first introduced to Clara one of the major witches in Daehyun's group, she was the begining of the mind control. I wasn't a very shy character when I was younger so I always thought that eye contact was one of the most important things when communicating with others and I quickly realised how wrong I was, that's how she was able to start it. Vampires were are able to compel humans but since Daehyun had let that slip he wasn't going to be able to be the first one that did it to me, she began the whole thing."

Clara was a nice girl and she had repeadetly apologised to me after I woke up from being murdered and turned into a vampire, she said she had no idea what Daehyun's polans were for me but she never assumed that he would do such a thing since it seemed like he truely loved and cared about me. Anyway after she compelled me Daehyun did it after that, I was told by Clara to trust him and he was only trying to do the best for me. He was on the watch list by the supernatural council who I had met before when he involved me in it's world, since they were watching him he couldn't afford to do the things he needed to with rival gangs I guess. I became his killing machine, he'd get them locked up or in a suitable position and I'd do the rest. It took awhile to get over that but I realised that those deaths weren't truely my fault so when you talked about your experience with Jessica it made me recall the lives of the people I took before coming here." 

"I'm glad that you were able to realise that their deaths weren't your fault Baekhyun, I've seen what mind control can do when we covered it in class before you arrived and it's a scary experience. I can only imagine the pain that it caused you but I understand that you may still need time to continue your story so shall I get some snacks or-?" 

"Not right now, I'm kind of on a roll and I feel like if I stopped to eat right now I might not get back into it. If you're hungry I could offer you some blood!" Baekhyun smiled leaning his head backwards onto the Alpha's chest, his gaze fixated on the wolf through the screen of the television. He watched as Chanyeol stared down at him with his jaw opened and his arms shaking around his abdomen, he stared into the screen as his own hand reached for one of Chanyeol's that was very reluctantly coming his way, Baekhyun offered his hand and Chanyeol drew a shaky breath.  
"Thank you.." he whispered before he sank his teeth in. Baekhyun gasped at the pain before gently letting out puffs of air, he relaxed against Chanyeol's chest feeling safe in the Alpha's arms. 

"When the council found out about my killing sprees they sent some agents out to look for me but Daehyun was already multiple steps ahead, his first step of keeping the group and me out of there reach was by getting me out of Bucheon. I still had some ties to my human life and those were my parents, even though our family home was falling apart they still loved me and were always so confident that I would make them proud one day. Daehyun had been telling me for years that he was sure that I was his mate which was one of the reasons for my inflation on him, since I saw him as someone strong and smart I always looked up to him. He told me that since I saw him that way I should consider seeing myself that way since I was his mate, he said that I was strong and that I shouldn't have a weakness." 

"Daehyun's mate should never have a weakness" Chanyeol nodded, gently lapping at the flowing blood on the vampire's wrist. "I remember you telling me that part of the story when we were out in the balcony that time I thought I was putting your life in danger." 

"Then I'd rather not go through that part again.. if that's alright with you?" He questioned generally looking at the taller and not through the television screen. 

"You don't have to tell me anything that makes you uncomfortable Baekhyun." Chanyeol whispered against his skin, pressing his lips against the bruise. Baekhyun let out a relieved sigh as he gently drew his hand back from the Alpha, their gazes locking after the exchange. 

"After my parents died there wasn't anything holding me back anymore and I succumbed to his mind control, we came to Seoul to get away from the council. The house was large but loud and it wasn't that warm but apparently I was the only one out of his crew who was actually able to feel it." 

"Werewolves naturally feel hot all the time since our alternate bodies are in fact covered in fur" Chanyeol explained, his gaze drifting down Baekhyun's side profile until it landed on the discarded blanket that had previously been covering the vampire's shoulder. He reached down and instantly fixed it, drawing the blanket back into its original position before holding it tight so the vampire could feel the warmth. "while vampires are naturally prone to the cold. Witches are a different story, no-one can really understand them."

"See this is why I feel like vampires and werewolves would be perfect together!" Baekhyun stressed nuzzling his nose against Chanyeol's bone, the Alpha chuckling below him. "I always feel cold but you feel so warm to me and I instantly feel so comfortable with you!" 

"I guess it doesn't happen because the vampires say that we wolves stink."

"I still don't smell it," Baekhyun whispered against the Alpha's neck where he drew a deep breath in to prove his point. "I must have pissed Daehyun off that night because he was frustrated with me when he came home that afternoon. Since he was a vampire and didn't have any daylight bracelet like our friends do he wasn't able to travel out far in the sunlight unless the sky over crowded with clouds, the day I died was one of those days. He had gone out on a meeting with one of his friends who had been disrespecting him for sometime, he felt with three werewolves but returned back alone. I didn't think too much into it of course because I didn't want to jump to conclusions but he had ordered me to join him on the balcony once he arrived and like the happy little lap-dog I was, I agreed." 

"To which he force fed you blood, snapped your neck and threw you over the balcony where you landed dead. You thought that he would show some remorse and move you to a more comfortable location for when you woke up in order to welcome you pleasantly into our world, but once you awoke you found yourself still in the very spot you died. I can recall the remaining parts of your story that brought you here Baekhyun, I want to thank you for telling me everything." 

"You know it actually feels quite nice to be able to talk about my past since I've always bottled it up in rage or confusion, thank you for giving me this opportunity giant it means a lot." 

"You don't have to thank me at all smurfie," Chanyeol grinned, his bright white teeth slightly hued in red after the blood he drank. "I'm just glad you finally got all of that off your chest."

"Me too" Baekhyun admitted with an excited undertone in his voice, he jumped up from his spot in the chair and turned so that he was staring into Chanyeol's eyes. "I feel like a weight's been lifted or like I'm no longer being controlled by my past, can you believe that all I've had to do to feel this way was to talk about my past?!" 

"Well seeing you so happy right now makes me feel relieved I was kind of expecting more tears to be honest-" 

"I was too," Baekhyun agreed folding a leg before plopping himself back down on the couch only this time he sat facing the werewolf. "but I think since you already knew a little about my past it made me feel more comfortable to tell you the rest, does that make sense?" 

"I think so!" Chanyeol chuckled, resting his arm up on the backrest of the couch and gently placing his head against it. The lips curled upwards as he realised stared down at the vampire who was smiling happily with his eyes closed, the white and blue checked blanket still attached to his shoulder to keep him warm since Chanyeol's body wasn't apart of his excited equation. 

"Wait what do you think about the book?" Baekhyun suddenly wondered, his eyes blowing open nearly scaring the crap out of the Alpha. 

"Well if you really want answers to that why don't we go and see my mum?" 

"You want me to meet the Queen in my dreams, Chanyeol are you crazy that is going to be like super awkward!" 

"You do realise that you're the only one who seems the book play out in reality right? I have a terrible imagination and can't imagine anything when I read it so count yourself very lucky that you're able to watch it happen before your very eyes." 

"I wouldn't say that it's something I'm happily watching" Baekhyun let out a nervous chuckle, recalling the various moments in his dreams that happened between himself and Chanyeol. "trust me giant if I could give you these dreams I would." 

"Wait" Chanyeol gasped, his free hand flying towards the pocket of his sweatpants where he located his phone. Baekhyun watched as he pulled it out and dialed someone's number, he held it to his ear before he spoke again. "maybe there is a way of linking the dreams so that we can both see them, we just need the help of a witch!" 

"Please tell me you're not calling Kyungsoo!" Baekhyun begged but it was too late. 

"I'm calling Kyungsoo.." 

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Beau1996 1378 streak #1
Chapter 11: I was pretty sure Daehyun would make an appearance!!
Beau1996 1378 streak #2
Chapter 10: Village trip - will it be fun or a run in with bad supes??
Beau1996 1378 streak #3
Chapter 7: Hard revelation to share but Chan is there to support him
Beau1996 1378 streak #4
Chapter 5: Day class and night class - one of my favorite animes but vampires and humans were the students - vampire Knight
Beau1996 1378 streak #5
Chapter 2: Baek is a daywalker!!
Beau1996 1378 streak #6
Chapter 1: I must have read before because I was already subscribed but looking forward to re-reading
Vampirella77 #7
Chapter 78: Wow. 2 new books. I'm so excited 😊😊😊. Thank you
747 streak #8
Chapter 78: Thank you so much, I am really looking forward to both books. Your writing is so amazing and the characters really come to life. I am in hopes that Chanyeol will make it back to Baekhyun by the end of both books. I can’t wait to see what awaits everyone.
Erica_flv #9
Chapter 78: I read this story twice . And I’m going to read it again . The story it so amazing . I will be waiting but I probably read it more time .
747 streak #10
Chapter 76: I binge read all the chapters and finally got caught up. I absolutely love this story, it reads almost like a saga. Your plot and characterization are flawless. Thank you so much for taking us on this adventure. I can’t wait to read the continuation, this is a real gem.