Are you two dating yet?!


Chanyeol didn't know how to feel once the bus stopped in the familiar village, he was hesitant to even step off the bus when the last time he stood in the village Baekhyun's crazy vampire ex (now recognized as his brother) threw a girl who tested his patience daily into his life. Despite Chanyeol's hesitance, Baekhyun found himself skipping down the stairs of the bus and sniffing the clean air with a bright smile on his lips. 

"Baekhyun?" he called, confusion written all over his face as the other protectors stayed in their seats looking out the windows at him in worry. They expected Baekhyun to feel scared and occasionally look over his shoulder for Daehyun who could magically appear from thin air all over again, yet what they didn't expect him to do was excitedly call for them to follow him. 

"Don't you remember this place?" Kyungsoo questioned after opening the window, Baekhyun's head turned to look at him rather than staring at Chanyeol who was staying by the doors. "It's the place where you saw Daehyun again after running away from him and where Jessica physically entered out lives and school, aren't you scared or at least worried?" 

"Nope!" he claimed with a bright smile, his hands were spread wide as he twirled around in the spot. His eyes were sparkling in excitement, his feet practically itching to get shopping and visiting a couple old friends. "Guys, Daehyun can't rule over my life much longer. He gave me hell when I was with him and he gave me hell before I mated Chanyeol in our dreams, he's just a scared little boy who wants me but can't have me."

"Are you sure Baekhyun, this could all be a bit too soon for you." Chanyeol meant well with the words he spoke, his eyes holding nothing but worry for his mate that caused Baekhyun's heart to thump loudly in his ears. "You weren't happy the last time you were here and bad things happened-" 

"Bad things happened in our past giant" Baekhyun spoke as he walked towards his mate standing on the bottom step leading out of the bus, he gently took his wrist and pulled him off the step and onto the ground. "but it was like you said, we've already dealt them and everything that's happening now is just the past coming back to us. We've dealt with it before and we can deal with it again, Daehyun doesn't scare me anymore and besides I have you now." 

Baekhyun's wink didn't go unnoticed to the other protectors who had found their interaction quite amusing, however those six who hadn't witnessed the scene out in the hallway that morning their brains went into override with the hidden meaning behind Baekhyun's words. Chanyeol's pupils dilated, a clear sign that he wanted nothing more to kiss their lips together but the vampire's tightening grip on his wrist prevented him from going through with it. 

"Can we go shopping now?" Baekhyun asked those beady eyes that were staring at him from their spots located on the chairs within the bus. The Alpha's remained frozen to their seats but the rest of the boys let out a laugh as they stood up and joined the two mates on the concrete. 

"We're taking Baekhyun away from you!" Luhan slipped his arm through Baekhyun's and pulled him away from Chanyeol's side, the wolf went to protest but his mate quickly beat him to it. 

"We will meet in the café for lunch alright? I want to take you somewhere special afterwards, is that alright with you?" He innocently questioned, blinking up with those bright brown eyes at Chanyeol who instantly fell weak to them. 

The Alpha chuckled and nodded his head, he could feel the pressure of Kris' arm around his shoulder as he watched his mate walk off with the rest of his friends leaving the wolves to fend for themselves. 

"What the happened this morning?!" Jongin shouted so loud that Chanyeol swore he heard his eardrum explode in his head, he let out a whimper before grabbing him by the arm and pulling him in the general direction of some of the clothing stores. "Why are you and Baekhyun so buddy-buddy after you had a fling last night!?" 

"He did what?!" Yixing yelled, his eyes blown wide as he stared at his leader in utter disgust. "I thought you and Baekhyun were a thing, wait how can you even look at him isn't he your mate why did you sleep with someone else?" 

"Guys" Chanyeol sighed, his forefinger and thumb pressing against his nose as he attempted to calm himself down. His friends really were stupid. "the person in my bed this morning was Baekhyun." 


The came the-

"Bull!" Sehun laughed tossing his head back in glee as they continued walking along the side walk, there was a couple locals who sent curious glances in their directions but no-one said anything about foul words. "Don't you think we would have realised that it was Baekhyun?" 

"Did you even look to see who you were pulling me off?" Chanyeol grinned holding the door open for his friends, who each sent him a glance as they walked in. 

"Yeah Sehun did!" Jongin defended, turning to look at his best friend whose face looked scandalised. 

"I thought you did!" the blond Alpha shouted back. 

"Neither of you did because he had to stop himself from laughing so he didn't give himself away, besides he literally ran out of dorm in the speed of light and neither one of you picked up on the fact that he was a vampire when his scent was literally covering my bedsheets." 

"You had with Baekhyun?" Kris gasped, turning to look at the slightly smaller Alpha whose cheeks flared in embarrassment. 

"No!" Chanyeol was quick to defend himself and his mate, his cheeks flaring in embarrassment as the boys started chanting in a teasing tone hitting him on the shoulder or arms. "We haven't done anything apart from kiss." 

"More like making out, full tongue and all!" Jongin exclaimed, a smirk present on his lips as he rushed away from Chanyeol's incoming fist that was hoping to hit his chest. 

"Shut up Jongin that isn't what happened!" Chanyeol huffed, crossing his arms over his chest while he glared after the Alpha whose attention instantly fell on the racks filled with fancy looking clothing. Chanyeol sent it one glance and figured that selection were where a majority of those attending a wedding ceremony would go to browse the outfits, not something he would consider for a warlock's familiar ceremony. 

"So are the two of you a thing now or-?" Yixing wondered joining the younger as he looked around the store, he could by just looking in Chanyeol's eyes that his attention wasn't on the clothes he was passing. 

"I'm not sure what we are.." The wolf explained with a small smile pulling on his lips, Yixing offered him a warm grin but the Alpha didn't see it as his eyes found themselves gazing out of the window of the store just next to them. His small grin turned into a beaming smile when his eyes locked with Baekhyun's through the window of the store, the vampire was waving at him from the window of the store right across the street. "But I know I love him." 

"You just can't tell him that" Yixing huffed a sigh, leaning back against the wall that wasn't completely filled with clothing racks or hangers. He stared at his friend while he offered the vampire a quirk shake of his hand, their gazes remained fixated on each other until they were rudely interrupted by Luhan rushing up to Baekhyun with a pink shirt in his arms.

"I don't have to tell him" Chanyeol answered, tossing a glance in the wolf's direction before his eyes turned back to the store across the street. "he already knows, we've spoken about it and figured out a way to get around saying it. Love isn't about saying those three words, love can be shown rather than said." 

"Through actions instead of words" Yixing nodded his head, his lips remaining in a smile as he watched as Luhan pulled Baekhyun further into the store. Their figures disappearing into the back of the store, with the vampire being pulled out of Chanyeol's viewpoint the boy was back to what he should have been doing beforehand; finding clothes. "it's really admirable actually." 

"Let's find something to wear this Friday, we also have to keep an eye on Kris and Sehun because out of all of us they're the ones that will pay the most money and then regret it later." Chanyeol wrapped his arm over the smaller wolf and began leading him towards the rest of the boys in the middle of the store, they looked like they were debating over a bright yellow shirt that would go beneath a blazer or suit jacket. "It's going to be a long day..." 

5 Hours later~ 

"Food!" Sehun screamed entered the café with a bright smile on his face, Baekhyun and his group all looked over as the Alphas entered the store with sullen expressions on their faces. They watched with tight lips as the youngest wolf rushed towards the counter, apparently he would be the one ordering for everyone. 

Luhan slipped out of the booth and walked up to him, offering him help with the bags he had in his fingers. Minseok and Suho stayed in the booth while Tao skipped over to Kris whose face instantly brightened up at the approaching beta wolf, Kyungsoo pressed his lips against Jongin's cheek while the wolf cried out about their activities leaving Chanyeol to be the one pulling one of the chairs over since he knew he wouldn't be able to sit in with the rest of them when the food came. 

"Hey Giant" Baekhyun smiled, taking the Alpha's bags out of his hands and placing them down next to his own on the ground between his feet. Chanyeol dropped into his seat and allowed his head to fall against the wood, Baekhyun let out laugh as he stared down at the shut eyes of the Alpha just looking at him the vampire could tell that he was exhausted. "hard day hmm?" 

"It's not my fault" Chanyeol huffed peeking up at Baekhyun through his left eye, the vampire rose a brow but his kissable lips were pulled upwards into a teasing grin. "I don't know what came over Jongin but he was the worst one of them all, he insisted that we try out every store there was because he needed everything to be perfect." 

"He's just trying to impress Kyungsoo" Baekhyun giggled, raising his hand and running his fingers through Chanyeol's silver hair. He wondered what the latter would look like if he decided to change his colour, he knew what red would look like since it was in his dreams but that didn't mean he couldn't imagine others. "did he at least find anything he deemed presentable?" 

"After we told him that he wasn't shopping for their wedding, yes he did." Chanyeol nodded his head, his eye closing again while he nuzzled further into his arms biting his lower lip to keep the purr beneath them. 

As more people entered the booth Minseok eventually took up the spot next to Baekhyun in the booth, the vampire sending a confused glance towards Chanyeol only to receive a giggle and shake to the head from Baekhyun. The other Alphas sent their leader a glance but they each got sent a look by Baekhyun who forced them to leave him alone, his fingers never leaving the wolf's scalp. 

"Don't you realise that he falls asleep so do you?" Kyungsoo announced over the silence of their table, his brow was risen as his lips wrapped around a French fry. Baekhyun's jaw dropped as his fingers stopped carding themselves through Chanyeol's hair, his actions causing the wolf to shuffle around on the table. He wasn't taking up a large space, thankfully, but Tao did have to move the ketchup bottle before he knocked into it. 

"Sorry" Baekhyun whispered to the wolf who sat up straight in his chair, blinking the tiredness away from his eyes. The waitress called out some of the orders and Chanyeol found himself volunteering to go and get them, while he was gone the entire table turned to look at Baekhyun. "...what?" 

"Are you and Chanyeol dating?" Jongin blurt out the question that Luhan had asked earlier when they were shopping in groups, like then the vampire's cheeks flared in embarrassment tongue-tied. 

"I'll tell you what I told the others, I'm not sure what we are. We haven't brought the conversation up before but we both know that we love each other even though we can't say it because if we did we would be the cause of our own lives, not to mention yours."

"Not ours." Sehun explained while shaking his head, everyone turned to look at him in confusion while he on the straw dipped into his green tea. "I was reading the book last night and according to it, when you two claimed your love for each other it was only you two that died. Depending on who said it first, they would be the first one to go the other following about three hours later?" 

"I'm sorry what?" Baekhyun gasped, his eyes turning wide as he stared with a dropped jaw at the blond wolf who seemed really uncomfortable with the attention. 

"You thought that by claiming your love to Chanyeol cause us to loose our lives as well, but the book never said that. We each had a long life together, I read that one time Yixing and Suho managed to live until they were in the late eighties while you and Chanyeol -in the same life time- died in your early twenties. By claiming your love for each other you trigger the curse and after some time the one who said 'I love you' first will be the first to die while the other will die a couple hours later although in one entry Ms Lee claims that you fell into a comatose state before, she saw some glimmer of hope since you didn't die straight away but after a couple hours there was nothing else she could do." 

Baekhyun's eyes blinked back the tears that were threatening to spill out, he felt overwhelmed with the facts Sehun had just spoken. In a way he felt relieved that his words weren't going to cause the death of his friends, but he felt horrible thinking that he had caused the death of his mate before. He knew he couldn't take the full blast of the blame since he was almost certain that Chanyeol would have been the one confessing his feelings for him at least a couple times before, but the thought of killing his mate stuck out in Baekhyun's mind more than anything.

He was ripped out of his thoughts when a pressure was applied to his cheek, Chanyeol's lips pulled away and leaned into his ear and began whispering words that instantly had Baekhyun's heart hammering in his chest. 

"Don't worry about what happened in the past because even though they are technically our old lives, they aren't us. In a way we are older and wiser than they were and the only thing you should be worried about is what I will do to you since we got interrupted this morning, our lives are different this time Baekhyun we aren't afraid of what happened anymore. Let's just see where things go from now on hmm?" 

The vampire nodded his head and allowed Chanyeol to gently coax his chin in his direction before their lips were pressed together in a soft sweet kiss, when they pulled back Baekhyun felt at ease. His worried mind was a lot calmer than before and with Chanyeol's echoing in his subconscious he knew the wolf was right. 

It's hard to explain in words how Baekhyun was feeling right now, he was at ease now that Chanyeol had made a couple helpful points but he couldn't wrap his head around the whole concept of his past lives. 

Obviously he knew that he loved Chanyeol then too but he was wondering if their relationship was heading in the direction all of the other's did, Baekhyun didn't like thinking that Ms Lee was hoping that he would obtain all his memories and go back to the Baekhyun that was in his dreams; the original. Baekhyun wondered if the dream Baekhyun was even apart of him anymore after so much time had passed, the whole thought of multiple Baekhyuns roaming around in his thoughts easily caused a headache. 

The vampire remembered that he had never been a vampire before, just like Chanyeol had never been a werewolf since they had arrived on Earth. He wondered if they would be able to return to EXO Planet ever again and the thought of going back to the place he thought was his home made Baekhyun just have more questions. 

His silence didn't go unnoticed, Chanyeol noticed that the latter hadn't blushed with his words and as he watched him more from the corner of his eye he and the rest of the protectors began eating. He fished a couple fries out of his platter and gently laid them flush against Baekhyun's lower lip, he prodded at them before smiling as Baekhyun shook himself back into reality. 

"Hey baby" Chanyeol smiled as the vampire's teeth chew off some of the chip, his cheek puffing out slightly as his eyes locked with the Alpha. "whatever is on your mind right now doesn't matter. The Baekhyun you have become in the past couple weeks is nothing like the Baekhyun that we've seen in your dreams, you're stronger, you're more in touch with your emotions now and like you said earlier when you were getting off the bus.. you're not scared of anyone anymore. Dream Baekhyun and you may be somewhat the same spirit but you've definitely changed and for the better too, before you froze up in front of my brother and only communicated to him with bursts of confidence and now.. looking at you right now after ignoring everything I've witnessed in your dreams you're fully capable of kicking him on his all by yourself, something that dream Baekhyun wasn't able to do without help." 

"How did you-" Baekhyun's voice cut out as he held back his tears, Chanyeol's eyes softening at the sight as he pulled the vampire from his spot in the booth and onto his lap. He held onto his mate's shirt tightly, looking up at him through those big brown waterlogged orbs that Chanyeol found himself falling for whenever he looked into them. 

"Kyungsoo linked our minds love" Chanyeol whispered, nuzzling his warm nose into Baekhyun's chill neck. The suddenly warm sensation sent a shiver down the vampire's spine but it was worth it, everything that led up to this moment was worth it, because sitting there on Chanyeol's lap just showed Baekhyun that even if he wasn't anything like his dreams had depicted his previous life to be. Chanyeol would still love him unconditionally. "I can hear everything your thinking or worrying your little heart about." 

"Can you see images?" Baekhyun wondered, tilting his head and therefore forcing the werewolf to pull himself out of the vampire's neck. 

"You haven't thought of any images so I'm not sure.." Chanyeol answered his lower lip jutting out as Baekhyun's attention turned to the space in the centre of the table, just below the beverages their friends were drinking from. He concentrated, daydreaming up the perfect image that he hoped would cause a stir for the Alpha. 

He tried to focus on the details of the particular scene he wanted Chanyeol to see, the Alpha continued to wait patiently happily slurping his coke while Baekhyun prepared himself. Secretly wanting a dramatic outcome, the vampire closed his eyes and thought really hard. Focusing on a scene that had one been his guilty pleasure after having met the Alpha for the first time, Baekhyun had recalled himself pushing the thought away almost as soon as it came to light forcing it into the deepest part of his subconscious. 

Then Chanyeol saw it, the scene played like a movie in his mind. He had Baekhyun against the wall in the empty cafeteria holding him above ground by his thighs, they were aggressively making out against the white walls with Baekhyun's sweet melodic moans sweeping into the air. He had his fingers running through Chanyeol's hair as he panted against the air, his head having been thrown back against the wall for support while the Alpha peppered hot kisses down his neck. 

'Do you want to mark me?' his sweet voice whispered against the wolf's ear forcing Chanyeol to halt in his movements. 'I'm not scared of you or your bite puppy.'

"Holy !" Chanyeol exclaimed to the entire table, his eyes wide as he stared into the confused faces of his friends. Baekhyun had decided to play the innocent card and had found himself munching happily on his burger while the boy sitting beneath him was watching the scene unfold in his head, he too blinked in utter confusion when Chanyeol's breathing had hitched as his eyes had turned to daggers. 

"You okay there puppy?" Baekhyun asked, blinking up with those innocent eyes of his. Chanyeol snarled looking down at the vampire who only offered him a smile, his voice holding all of the teasing tones. 

"Peachy!" Chanyeol growled out, instantly regretting it when he realised that he could use that term to describe how Baekhyun's looked like against the wall in Baekhyun's little daydream. Chanyeol had never wanted the ground to open up and swallow him anymore than right there. 

"You're looking a little pale dude.." Jongin commented, his brows furrowed in worry towards his hyung. Chanyeol sent him a quick glance from across the table and shook his head. 

"Don't worry I'm fine!" 

"Maybe Baekhyun should offer you some blood, you haven't had any today right?" Minseok figured that was the reason why the Alpha had suddenly became so pale, no one realising that he was beyond flustered (and now ). 

"Right!" Baekhyun nodded his head and teased the Alpha more by playing around with the collar of his shirt, to anyone else it seemed harmless but to Chanyeol who had just witnessed one of Baekhyun's ual fantasies,  he was having a hard time focusing. 

"Can you just kill me right now?" he huffed against Baekhyun's wrist, the vampire filling his own mouth with fries from the wolf's plate. Baekhyun offered him a smile before pressing his lips against Chanyeol's cheeks. 

"Nope, you're stuck with me for the rest of eternity!" 

"I don't think I will ever have a problem with that." Chanyeol pressed his lips against the vampire's wrist before plunging his fangs past his skin, Baekhyun's breath hitched and the Alpha would have liken to think that this was his very stupid act of revenge. 

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Beau1996 1378 streak #1
Chapter 11: I was pretty sure Daehyun would make an appearance!!
Beau1996 1378 streak #2
Chapter 10: Village trip - will it be fun or a run in with bad supes??
Beau1996 1378 streak #3
Chapter 7: Hard revelation to share but Chan is there to support him
Beau1996 1378 streak #4
Chapter 5: Day class and night class - one of my favorite animes but vampires and humans were the students - vampire Knight
Beau1996 1378 streak #5
Chapter 2: Baek is a daywalker!!
Beau1996 1378 streak #6
Chapter 1: I must have read before because I was already subscribed but looking forward to re-reading
Vampirella77 #7
Chapter 78: Wow. 2 new books. I'm so excited 😊😊😊. Thank you
747 streak #8
Chapter 78: Thank you so much, I am really looking forward to both books. Your writing is so amazing and the characters really come to life. I am in hopes that Chanyeol will make it back to Baekhyun by the end of both books. I can’t wait to see what awaits everyone.
Erica_flv #9
Chapter 78: I read this story twice . And I’m going to read it again . The story it so amazing . I will be waiting but I probably read it more time .
747 streak #10
Chapter 76: I binge read all the chapters and finally got caught up. I absolutely love this story, it reads almost like a saga. Your plot and characterization are flawless. Thank you so much for taking us on this adventure. I can’t wait to read the continuation, this is a real gem.