

EXO Planet is found just behind the Earth's moon. The lands had been divided into 12 with the leading Tribe being the Fire Alpha's, it leader Park Sejoon was King of the entire Planet alongside his wife Haeun and their two sons Park Chanyeol and Park Daehyun. Each land had a leader ruling over their share of the planet, each one of them reporting to their king whenever war or policital arrangements needed to be dealt with. 

May sixth marked the day in which the Light Lands had lost their Luna. Byun Seoyeon had given birth to her husband's litter however tragedy had struck the moment her last pup had been born. It is said that her white fur had been covered in red spots after giving birth, her body unable to heal after the excessive amount of blood loss however she willed herself to spear enough milk to feed her youngest who was obviously the runt, he shared his mother's white fur. Byun Joonwoo had noticed the love of his life slip away yet he never felt like his children where the cause, he named his pups after what he had desired, saving his wife's pick for the last. 

"Baekhyun" he whispered, willing himself to shift so that his children would notice his significance. The strongest pups quickly filed themselves around their father, wrapping themselves up next to him in order to keep warm, but Baekhyun (the runt) insisted on staying close to his dead mother, his nose nuzzling  against her snout whimpering when she didn't react. "Come" he instructed and Baekhyun couldn't stop himself from obeying. Standing up he waddled over to his father, the brown wolf his youngest's fur ontop of his head. The Alpha shifted his other pups away slightly to make room for the Omega, Baekhyun his father's snout in gratitude. 


Baekhyun gasped for breathe allowing the person he had bitten to break free and rush through the halls screaming for help. He rolled his eyes at the loud shreiking sound coming from the girl. He rushed after her and snapped her neck ending the annoying sound that attacked his head, he wanted to groan when he realised that she was a werewolf meaning she'd be wide awake in a couple minutes yelling her head off like she was before he killed her. 

Within the blink of an eye Baekhyun was surrounded by people who stared at him in curiosity, their jaws dropping when the noticed the dead girl behind him. "Baekhyun what's wrong with you?" "Why are his eyes silver?" "Why is he covered in blood?" "Is that Wendy?!" 

"Baekhyun what the hell?!" Luhan screamed pushing through the crowd, his eyes narrowing at the sight before him. When he finally realised what happened, he gasped and stumbled backwards fallening straight into Sehun's awaiting arms. "You flipped your switch didn't you?!" 

"Yep, that a problem?" he questioned, tiliting his head while waiting for an answer he didn't want to actually hear. "I think it's my best idea yet" 

"That's a bad thing right?" Sehun asked, his vampire knowledge less than it probably should have been. "Since he doesn't have a mate or an anchor"

"What the hell did you do?!" Jongin yelled rushing towards the 'dead' girl behind Baekhyun's feet, the said boy rolling his eyes stepping out of the way for the wolf.

"Just had a little snack Jongin, jeez I thought you were the fun one" Baekhyun sighed rubbing his temples, trying to get ahold of the hunger but his stomach pain forced him to grunt in responce. "Taeyeon!" he yelled while clapping his hands.

Luhan's jaw dropped seeing a blonde haired girl rush up to Baekhyun offering him her arm that looked like it had already been bitten into. Immediately he sped before the girl, grabbing her and shoving her up against the lockers lining the walls of the hallway.  "Go to the nurse's office and forget this ever happened" 

Everyone could understand why Luhan had did what he did, Baekhyun would have possibly drained her of her blood, and mind control would have been the only answer to prevent that from happening. Once she was gone Luhan turned to find a pouting Baekhyun staring back at him, his nature mocha brown eyes making a return as his fangs had been retracted also. "There goes my lunch, you're going to regret that" 

"Look at yourself!" Luhan screamed hitting the boy on his head, the crowd around them wincing at the slap. "You're covered in blood and you're going to be blasted with everything you did when you turn your emotions back on!" 

"No Sherlock" Baekhyun rolled his eyes, glancing back to Sehun and Kai a smirk developing on his lips ever so slightly. "Those two are cute" 

"Not interested" Sehun glared watching as Baekhyun moved towards Kai. 

"What about you baby?" 

"N-nope I-i'm good" he chuckled nervously hiding himself behind Sehun out of fear of the smaller. Baekhyun shrugged at their answers turning around to face Luhan who had been sending him a glare the entire time. 

"CHANYEOL I MEAN IT, BITE ME" Turning around to follow the voices down the hallway, Baekhyun smirked seeing the arguing werewolf witch. 

"Oh this is going to be interesting" he whispered leaning against the locker, watching amused as Chanyeol growled trying to control his anger. 

" OFF!" he roared, getting more agitated as the girl continued to follow him down the hallway. 

"BITE ME!" she yelled into his ear driving Chanyeol's anger over the edge. Everyone witnessed as Chanyeol's facial expression alter, his eyes changing colour and his fangs growing larger. Grabbing Jessica by the neck Chanyeol's teeth sank into the skin shocking everyone in the hallways apart from the only vampire with no emotions. 

"BORING!" Baekhyun called over to them while rolling his eyes to further prove his point. Chanyeol pulled back and stared down the hallway at him, his eyebrows raised in surprise. 


"Hi!" The said male waved over a small smile pulling onto his lips. Jessica's loud cry of excitiment reminded everyone of what just unfolded. 

"He made me his!" 

"Because you ing forced him to" one of the guys off to the side of the hallway screamed making Jessica send a glare into the crowd. 

"I hope you're not his mate, it should have happened naturally not forcefully!" A vampire girl screamed from her place next to her boyfriend. 

"Chanyeol, if something happens don't blame yourself man!" Another shouted. 

However the wolf wasn't even listening to what was going on around him, he didn't even notice the girl cuddling into his chest. His eyes and mind were focused on one person. Baekhyun who was smiling wickedly back at him. 

"Chanyeol what the hell did you just- Baekhyun?!" Kyungsoo yelled seeing the familiar silver goo flow through Jessica's vein but his best friend quickly took his attention away, the smell of blood having just reached his nose. 

"Oh my god Baekhyun.." Minseok gasped nearly falling if it hadn't have been for Chen that quicjkly grabbed him. 

"Kihyun was right.." Suho cried real tears, holding tightly to Tao who had been the one to lead them to the hallway in the first place. 

"What happened?!" Chanyeol shouted over, having been too far away to fully see what had been going on. Luhan suddenly began crying using Sehun for comfort. 

Finally everything clicked in Chanyeol's mind. Shoving Jessica away from him, he sped infront of Baekhyun and slammed him against the lockers, his eyes flashing that beautiful yellow colour Baekhyun would have freaked out about seeing. Smiling up at the giant pressed against him Baekhyun allowed his eyes to change and his fangs to come out similar to the way Chanyeol was looking right now. 

"What the hell did you do!" he yelled using his entire strength against the emotionless vampire. Baekhyun sighed and rolled his silver eyes baring, his fangs in a somewhat threatening way but Chnayeol did not back down. "What made you flip your swith Baekhyun?" 

"Maybe you should answer that question yourself Park!" Baekhyun hissed glaring daggers up at the wolf before him. "You're the reason I did in the first place, this is all your fault!" 

"Oh really? Well that's a surprise, flip it back on and let's talk this through with your emotions involved" 

"Nah I'm good I have better stuff to be doing, besides don't you have to look after your mate in training now? Don't you have to go make puppies or whatever now?" 

Chanyeol growled and everyone watched surprised as Baekhyun's eyes turned back mocha and his fangs disappeared. "Calm down wolfie I'm only asking" 


"Or what?! Will you kill me or torture me until I do huh? Why would I want to go back to feeling like and unloved huh?! At least this way the only person I need to look out for is me!" 

"Unloved? That's cheap, considering you were surrounded by people who loved you" Chanyeol admitted allowing himself to calm and relax although his body still held Baekhyun in place. "You had your dorm-mates, Tao, Suho, Minseok and my pack what else would you want?" 

"The fact that you even have to ask just shows that you don't care" Baekhyun cried, his emotions breaking through for a spilt second before he forced them away again. Chanyeol took notice and cleared his throat starting again, knowing that what he was doing was getting through to the Baekhyun he knew somehow. 

"You don't know how much I care" 

"I find that hard to believe" Baekhyun laughed, leaning his head back against the locker. Chanyeol's eyes flickered yellow for a minute before fading leaving Baekhyun's lips with a soft smirk. "You just want to bite me, that's all you care about" 

Shifting his hands towards Baekhyun's head Chanyeol cupped his cheeks making him look him in the eye. "Look at me" he instructed, Baekhyun fighting against him at first before following his words. When their eyes connected Baekhyun witnessed Chanyeol's eyes changing colour repeatedly while Chanyeol saw Baekhyun's pupils dilate big and small. "Come back to me Baek, come back to us.. I can't do this without you" 


"Chanyeol!" Jessica yelled standing just beside the couple who got distracted by her loud shout. Baekhyun shook his head and shoved the giant away from him, all his efforts going down the drain when Baekhyun's smirk decorated his face once again. 

"Jessica wouldn't you like to tell them your part in making me turn my emotions off?" Baekhyun smiled drapping his arm over her shoulder. The girl freezing at sudden glares and snarls coming in her direction from Chanyeol himself, clearly she thought that know he had bitten her he would feel some affection for her but she was completely wrong. 

"I did nothing of the sort!" 

"Oh yeah you're right, my mistake.. obviously you didn't mean to try and mind control me back on the football field earlier" 

"I would never do that" 

Baekhyun's laughing fit stopped and every student present in hallyway's breath hitched as Baekhyun stepped backwards, away from Jessica who eyes had grown wide in fear. 

"Chanyeol!" she gasped once her back hit against the locker (again). Baekhyun's hand holding her neck tightly. 

"What happened Jessica?" 

"Nothing!" she screamed "nothing ing happened, that's what happened!" 

"Baekhyun what are you trying-" Kyungsoo went to ask but was cut off. 

"I know the spell you tried to pull on me Jess, I've been around witches long enough to know it" Baekhyun chuckled dryly his mind bringing up memories of Daehyun and his pack. "I'll admit it took me some time to remember it fully, but when I went to Kihyun's room earlier before I flipped my so called humanity switch I was able to get a glance at a memory where a witch used that exact same spell on me" Baekhyun shook his head in disappoint. "You were trying to force me away from Chanyeol, am I right?" 

Jessica didn't say anything, instead she turned her attention to the ground. 

"You got jealous that I got to spend more time with your boy toy than you did, soo you tried to force me to flip my switch earlier but you couldn't.. wanna know why your little spell wouldn't work?" 

Again Baekhyun waited for an answer but got nothing in responce. 

"I'll tell you why" Pausing for effect Baekhyun turned his head and directed his words to Chanyeol who was surprised at the sudden inclusion. "Because I've been under mind control so many times that I somehow became immune to it" turning back to face Jessica's terrified face Baekhyun contiuned " So next time you want to try and do a spell against me, learn the facts first kay?" Jessica nodded, her eyes unable to move from the vampire. 

Baekhyun flung the girl over to the giant who only managed to catch her because of her desperate pleads. Baekhyun smiled at the couple before rushing forward and biting into the neck of another boy that was among the curious crowd. Chanyeol screamed and told him to stop making Baekhyun pout and shove the boy away, watching him slip onto the ground. 

"You really are a party pooper Park!" he yelled before dashing out of the hallway onto another part of school, Chanyeol unable to follow him due to Jessica's constant whinging about the sudden pain in her neck. 

"Shut up" he muttered, his eyes still in the direction Baekhyun had ran off in. 

"What did you just say my mate?" 

Chanyeol's back stiffened and his eyes clouded over in red, turning around at the speed of light he grabbed the girl by her neck before forcing her back into a locker. The hallway immedatiely went quiet. 

"I told you to shut up, YOU TRIED TO MIND CONTROL BAEKHYUN WHO THE DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!" He roared scraing both her and the rest of teh school around them. 

"You can't threaten me I'm your mate now" she smirked, however her voice came out slightly strained. 

"Like hell you are, just because I bit you doesn't mean that you're my mate, if you haven't realised already my bite isn't exactly like the other wolves" 

At that exact moment Jessica could feel herself get dizzy, her vision clouding over as she released cough after cough. Chanyeol let her go and watched as she fell to the floor coughing uncontrolably. "Giant what did you do to me?" 

"Don't you dare call me that name" he hissed sending her one last glare before he propelled himself out of the hallway going to find the smaller that needed him. 





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Beau1996 1378 streak #1
Chapter 11: I was pretty sure Daehyun would make an appearance!!
Beau1996 1378 streak #2
Chapter 10: Village trip - will it be fun or a run in with bad supes??
Beau1996 1378 streak #3
Chapter 7: Hard revelation to share but Chan is there to support him
Beau1996 1378 streak #4
Chapter 5: Day class and night class - one of my favorite animes but vampires and humans were the students - vampire Knight
Beau1996 1378 streak #5
Chapter 2: Baek is a daywalker!!
Beau1996 1378 streak #6
Chapter 1: I must have read before because I was already subscribed but looking forward to re-reading
Vampirella77 #7
Chapter 78: Wow. 2 new books. I'm so excited 😊😊😊. Thank you
747 streak #8
Chapter 78: Thank you so much, I am really looking forward to both books. Your writing is so amazing and the characters really come to life. I am in hopes that Chanyeol will make it back to Baekhyun by the end of both books. I can’t wait to see what awaits everyone.
Erica_flv #9
Chapter 78: I read this story twice . And I’m going to read it again . The story it so amazing . I will be waiting but I probably read it more time .
747 streak #10
Chapter 76: I binge read all the chapters and finally got caught up. I absolutely love this story, it reads almost like a saga. Your plot and characterization are flawless. Thank you so much for taking us on this adventure. I can’t wait to read the continuation, this is a real gem.