Red Riding Hood


~Byun Baekhyun~

Baekhyun walked out of his last class of the day linking arms with Kyungsoo. They had just come from defence and safety class which made them both extremely hungry for some food right now. Baekhyun had taken another one of Kyungsoo's miracle juices when they finished so he would only focus on craving natural food instead of blood. 

"You were amazing today Baek, you really should move up in the ranking classes, our class will only slow you down" the warlock classed witch stated making his friend shake his head slowly. 

"I dont want to exchange our night classes for the day classes Kyung, everyone will know then that the sunlight doesn't affect me. Plus I'd rather put as much distance between me and the big bad wolf as I can, thank you very much" Baekhyun declared pulling his friend through the halls towards the cafeteria. Passing people who sent obvious glances to the vampire Kyungsoo quietly laughed at his reaction. "Why am I getting so many looks? Is there something on my face?" 

"Not quite" Kyungsoo chuckled unlinking himself from Baekhyun's hold. "You have become a bit of a celebrity after standing up against the Alpha wolf" 

"Oh please, people can't seriously be that surpised about i-" 

"They are when no one has ever stood up against him before, you made a name for yourself already" he chuckled wrapping his arm around the vampire's shoulder. Together they pushed through the double doors leading to the cafteria, the stench of food wafted through the air as well as the harsh wall of voices that attacked their ears upon entry. 

"A name for myself? What is it?" Baekhyun questioned after Kyungsoo left his side in a teasing manner. The vampire watched as his friend giggled and rushed through the towering people standing in the lunch line and by the tables. Baekhyun quickly went after him in confusion. Why was his friend running away from him the moment he was going to tell him of the name that had been given to him by his school-mates.

While his focus was solely on finding Kyungsoo, Baekhyun didn't notice the tall silver haired giant who stood in his way. When their paths became one Baekhyun collided into his chest and groaned sharply, his hands coming up to hold onto the boys built arms to prevent himself from fallening. The action grabbing everyone's attention yet again. 

"Oh you have got to be kidding me" the taller groaned immediately taking himself away from the smaller after the vampire gained his balance back. 

"Oh come on Chanyeol can't you notice when someone is clearly not paying attention to what is happening around them?!" Baekhyun hissed, arms automatically meeting his hips in annoyance. 

"You're like two inches tall! For your information my neck gets stiff by just having to look down at you" Chanyeol snapped back, sending a glare to the vampire who rolled his eyes at the comment. 

"Playing the height card tsk, what a typical giant" 

"Oh shut up bloodsucker, run along now don't you have some juice box to be drinking?" Chanyeol sighed crossing his arms over his chest. "Shall I call Suho to take you to your table?" 

"You could consider yourself a gentlemen and me there yourself" Baekhyun challenged, his body pressing up against the giant in order to show off his lack of fear. Chanyeol's eyes flickered yellow once again yet this time Baekhyun didnt stumble back, for he knew what to expect. 

"You-" Chanyeol began but couldn't finish his body freezing on its own. 

"You still want to bite me don't you" Baekhyun whispered looking the wolf in the eye. A small smile danced on the vampires lips "no one has showed me how much they want me as much as you have"

Chanyeol his lower lip in delight. Baekhyun's hands had clumped at his shirt when their gazes had become more intense. "Will you stop me if I said that I wanted you?" Chanyeol found himself asking, a trance coming upon them both. 

Baekhyun took a second, jaw dropping at the words that tumbled from the wolves mouth, his eyes finding the source of all the wolves words. His lips were tempting and luscious, inches away from the vampires own. His mind told him to lean forward and connect them but instead his mouth worked against him. "No, I will not deny you your prize but you must promise not to call my kind the word in which you love so much" 

"What the hell is going on here?!" Sehun yelled appearing at the side of the two conversing boys. "Chanyeol we told you to stay away from him" 

Baekhyun had turned to see the blonde as he yelled his words with rage. He had upset the Alpha who raised his hand to pull him back into their trance. "I promise" Chanyeol muttered "You have my word"

Taking the Alpha at his word Baekhyun braced himself for the bite. He held his breath as he pulled his uniform collar to the side, his tongue drawing against his lips in anticipation. No one understood why they were reacting like this, yesterday they couldn't stand each other and now Chanyeol couldn't take his eyes away from the smaller vampire before him. Their argument that lasted a few minutes ago had run dry in everyone's mind, they were surpised to see the wolf and vampire so close and intimate with each other almost as if a spell had overcome them both, blinding them from the danger that was Chanyeol's venom. 

"Then you can have your prize" Baekhyun spoke his voice somewhat monotone, his body acting like a robot in Chanyeol's hands. The sparks between them both were obvious but to the people around them fear drove their actions. Suho and Lay took it upon themselves to separate the two before any damage could be done. Suho saved Baekhyun from the unknown while Lay saved Chanyeol the disgrace of willing giving in to his desire of finally being able to find out what happens to the person he bites, he knew that if the outcome was against the vampire Chanyeol would regret it completely. 

"What the hell is wrong with the two of you?!" Luhan yelled coming between the two gasping boys. Chanyeol was breathing heavily with his wolves holding him back while Baekhyun was gasping for air between Kyungsoo's hands. 

"Let us go!" Chanyeol yelled over to the vampire who whimpered under the sound. "He wants me to bite him so let me!" 

"No, I will not let that happen not when you both barely know each other!" Luhan shouted making sure that his point would be clear between them both. 

"I don't want to know anything about him" Baekhyun  hissed sending the wolf a glare after finally catching his breath. 

"No but you were willing to give up your neck to a wolf-bite that no one has a clue of the outcome"  Luhan snapped back, turning to his friend this time. "We're taking you out of here and you idiots get him him to calm down" he stated to the wolves who nodded gripping Chanyeol tighter. 

Baekhyun was taken out of the cafeteria by their quick vampiric speed. Kyungsoo being the only one of their group left in the cafeteria to share his voice. "I don't know what going on between the two of you but it better stop, Chanyeol as much as we know you're a nice guy we will not stop if you do something to hurt Baekhyun okay?" 

The Alpha seemed to have calmed when Baekhyun had left the room. His mind had become clear and he nodded taking in Kyungsoo's words. He didn't know what was becoming of himself but it did scare him a little. His desire of tasting the vampires blood was unlike him, he had met thousands of vampires because of the school he lived in but never once did he had a feeling for any of them like he did for Byun Baekhyun. 




"Where are you dragging me?" Baekhyun hissed at the hurt his wrist was feeling as Luhan's tight grip on his arm only got tighter. 

"Away from Park that's where" Suho sighed scratching his head in frustration. He had been spending his dinner period with Lay, the two choosing to catch up after the couple hours they had spent away from each other. But their moments had been cut short by the two idiots who are mindless when they're together. 

"Look I get it, you don't want me to get bit by him I understand that but something just came over me, I wanted to see him angry and his fangs bared again, he looked so hot that time I really considered kissing him" 

"I'm sorry what?!" Minseok yelled halting in his steps clearly shocked about the words he had just overheard. 

"Did I hear that right?" Kyungsoo wondered after finally catching up with the group of vampires, his owl eyes wide.

"You have got to be kidding me right? You can't seriously want to kiss a wolf could you?!" Luhan gasped his hand dropping Baekhyun's. The said boy looked to the ground in embarrassment, his hands grew clammy under the harsh stares being thrown his way. 

"I can't help it!" Baekhyun defended his eyes closing while he whimpered "I can't stop my body from feeling things like this now can I?!" It was a rhetorical question but one that Baekhyun hoped had an answer. 

"Just put distance between the two of you, you're in night classes and he's in the day, the only time you see each other is at dinner or breakfast time which can easily be fixed if we eat in our dorm instead" Luhan concluded with a smile, happy that an idea such as that one had been easily developed given the circumstances. 

"That could work" Minseok agreed sharing a nod to further express his acceptance. "I mean you'll even have more time to sleep so I don't see anything bad with the idea" 

"And to make sure that you three don't get lonely we can join you" Suho smiled, his thumb indicating himself and Minseok. 

"Okay" Baekhyun smiled excitement coursing through his veins "I like that idea" 

"Good because it's the only one we got, I'll go and get some food from the cafeteria later so we have some stuff for breakfast" Kyungsoo declared before they began moving again. 

Baekhyun followed quietly listening in to the different conversations going on amongst the group. Suho and Minseok were talking about their new dormmate while Luhan and Kyungsoo were playfully bickering over what food Kyungsoo should take for their breakfast in a couple hours. Baekhyun focused on the school around him, mentally making himself aware of his surroundings so that he knew where he was at all times. He noticed rather quickly (thanks to a sigh on the wall) that they were making their way to the infirmary. 

Upon reaching their desired destination Suho held the door open for the group and each one of the five members slipped through. 

"Hello Suho and co. what are you all here for, shouldn't you be in the cafeteria having your dinner?" Ms Butterwell asked the group as they entered the hospital wing, a clipboard in her hand. 

Baekhyun studied the woman, scanning his eyes over her ginger hair that was hidden under the white nursing cap that looked like it should belong in a 60s movie. Her uniform was also white matching the cap, a little blue watch sat in her blouse pocket while another fastened on her wrist. 

"Hi, we were actually wondering if we could see our new student" Suho smiled bowing polity to the school facility member. "Ms Lee told us that he would be our new dorm mate, we wanted to come and say hello to make him more comfortable here." 

"Oh you mean Tao, of course please follow me this way!" She smiled showing her somewhat yellowish teeth. Baekhyun faintly recalled that she was a herbal witch, a nurse that used potions containing spices, fruits and herbs in order to satisfy herself or her patients. 

The group followed her down the ward, deciding to keep close to each other on the journey. Eventually they stopped by a bed that was possibly the only one being used in the entire infirmary. Baekhyun viewed the boy who had blonde hair and dark circles under his eyes. He clearly looked to have been through alot by the bruises to his face and chest. 

"He's only awake, he came here with some broken ribs and bruises everywhere. He may need rest rather quickly so I must show you out when he does but for now I'll leave you all to talk, I'll check back on him later" Ms Butterwell explained briefly gently tapping the boy on his leg to get him to open his eyes. 

Muttering a small thank you to the nurse the group took over the space and smiled down at the awakening boy. Tao was wrapped in a blanket and his head was propped up on a rather fluffy pillow, Suho immediately becoming jealous of the sight, he just wanted his bed at this point after everything that had happened. 

"Please don't hurt me..." Tao begged tears filling his eyes as he glanced around at the five boys by his bedside. Baekhyun could tell just how much this boy had went through in order to have offered a statement such as that. 

"It's ok" the vampire whispered, his hands coming up in surrender "I'm not going to hurt you, and neither are any of these guys" 

"I'm sorry" the boy apologised trying to sit up properly. Baekhyun decided to help him in his struggle, gently wrapping his arm around the bruised waist of the wolf, Baekhyun somehow managed to lift him into a proper sitting position without hurting him. "I'm not very confident being here, after all you probably see me as the enemy" 

"Don't apologise its okay" Baekhyun giggled feeling a slight draft hit against his back, reaching behind himself Baekhyun pulled the opened window closed. "And I surely don't think that at all, I mean no offense but look at you you're too battered and bruised to attack us now, am I right?" 

Tao let out a laugh before whincing at the pain in his ribs. He was healing rather quickly thanks to his natural wolf ability but he still needed to rest as per the nurses request. "If you don't mind me asking but, why are you guys here? You're the only vistors I've gotten"

"We came to see how you are, Ms Lee told us you were here" Luhan grinned taking a seat on the bed next to Tao's. 

"Oh, I'm sorry I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Tao and I'm a werewolf" The wolf smiled bowing as best as he could given his physical state. Suho took it upon himself to welcome the boy to Millennium High, a speech Baekhyun had already heard before. 

"It's nice to meet you Tao my name is Luhan, and this is Suho, Baekhyun, Kyungsoo and Minseok" Luhan explained once the elder vampire stopped talking. 

"H-hi" Tao stuttered suddenly overwhelmed with the friendlyness of the group. By their scent he could tell four of them were vampires while one was a witch. 

"So your a rogue wolf huh?" Minseok snickered getting himself comfortable at the foot of the wolf's bed. 

"Yes" Tao nodded in reply "I managed to escape Maddix's clan but I ran into some trouble on my way here, former pack mates must have figured out my plan to escape and attacked me thinking that I would die in the woods where they left me, I somehow managed to get through your barrier and well, here I am" 

"You wanted to find us?" Kyungsoo wondered following Luhan's lead on taking a seat on the opposite bed across from Luhan, on Tao's right. 

"Well not entirely, I had been planning my escape from Maddix for awhile but since I wasn't familiar with the terrain I was scared to leave, we had travelled to the forest just along the city front when I overheard one of the wolves talk about your school. You see Maddix always sends wolves out to do his bidding, he doesn't care if they die or not but when I realised I'd be in the next group, I got scared so I ran as far as I could, my old pack mates tracked me down and we fought, they thought I would die in the forest but I hadn't realised that I was so close to your barrier anyway. When I finally crossed it I knew I would be alot safer here then outside it" Tao spoke, his voice cracking somewhere in the middle as he kept his tears back. 

"Don't worry I understand what you mean" Baekhyun smiled warmly, he chose to sit down right next to the wolf, who shared a similar past to his own. Baekhyun suddenly felt really attached to the wolf, their pasts were similar as well as the fears of being rejected by the people in the Academy's walls. 

"You do?" Tao gasped staring at the vampire with wide panda like eyes. Baekhyun chuckled realising that he nearly had an animal to describe each of his friends. 

"In some ways" Baekhyun nodded in agreement his eyes fallening to the thick white cover that rested over Tao's chest. "I wasn't in Maddix's clan but I can relate to being expected to do things that you don't want to do, I know what it's like to run away, I can understand exactly what you're feeling right now. You're scared of rejection from everyone here, you're upset that you had to leave everything you thought you loved behind. You're worried that no one will see the goodness within you, but only see the darkness that you had no choice but to accept.." 

"Yeah..thats exactly it" Tao whispered his cheeks forming a blush in surpise that the vampire could relate to him so easily. "How do you know?" 

"That's a story for another time" Baekhyun muttered not feeling comfortable enough just yet to talk about his past. "But the one thing that I can tell you, is don't be afraid, everyone that's here right now is here for you. They'll look out for you, worry about you, cherish and love you, trust me I know what I'm saying" 

A large grin took over the wolf's face as he pulled Baekhyun down into a hug, the said boy chuckling in his grip, hugging him back just as tight. 

"I don't want to be alone anymore" he whispered, tears cascading down his cheeks, his tight hold on Baekhyun almost making the vampire cry with the emotions too. 

"I don't want to be alone anymore either" Baekhyun whispered back, choking back his own sobs. 

"And you won't be" Kyungsoo spoke while standing up a bright smile decorating his face, Baekhyun watching as his famous heart shaped smile took effect "We are your new family and we will treat you both that way"  

Letting a single tear cascade down his cheek, Baekhyun grinned and jumped into the group hug. Being careful not to hurt Tao's healing ribs. 


Later that day~


After all the commotion and crying and some homework Baekhyun went to bed exhausted, his eyes had been clamping shut in the shower as he tried to enjoy his time under the flowing water. So he called it an early night and went to bed pretty early. 

"Baekhyun you need to get up now!" Luhan screamed, his voice echoing off the walls which gave Baekhyun the idea that he was in the kitchen. 

To say that the vampire didn't like the wake up call was an understatement. Baekhyun wished that Luhan had been down the end of his bed opening his curtains like the first time he had woken him up instead of a rather loud yell from outside his closed door. 

Groaning softly to himself as he pushed up into a sitting position, he sat there for a moment trying to blink away the sleep in his eyes. Turning to his clock on his bedside table Baekhyun's eyes nearly shot out of his sockets. He hadn't even been asleep for three hours?! Someone was clearly going to die. 

Tossing his blankets away Baekhyun stood up steaming. He wanted to know why Luhan had interrupted his clearly needed beauty sleep when the elder knew fully well that Baekhyun had wished to go to bed before his housemates. When he stomped to his door he raised a brow in confusion hearing a loud crashing sound outside. 

Pushing his handle down Baekhyun drew the door back a little only to see black fur and sharp teeth bared of an animal that definitely was a wolf. "Oh you have got to be kidding me!" He screamed immediately shutting the door, completely losing his cool in fright. 

"Help!" Luhan screamed from the kitchen, reminding Baekhyun had he had two other people in the dorm with him, not just himself. At least there was a posiblity that one of them would end up the wolves meal instead of him. Shaking his head of his crazy, physopathic thoughts Baekhyun took a deep breath before reopening his door and pouncing on the wolf before it could notice him. The beast propelling itself back through the hall and into a war zone. 

Baekhyun could faintly notice two other wolves fighting against his friends, Kyungsoo having the harderst time fighting while being in a penguin onesie. "I don't know what to do with wolves, our defence class hasn't that covered it yet!" He yelled clumping his fists into the wolves fur as the animal tried to bite the vampire's hands and get him off his back. 

"Grab it by the waist and pull it towards you, it will crack the ribcage and dislocate the spine!" Luhan yelled. Baekhyun nodded taking in the words before putting them into action. He had taken the wolves waist into his hands and pulled his arms back towards his legs, loud cracking mixed with some popping sounds filled the room. 

The wolf beneath him fell to the ground, it's breathing slowing. After it had stopped moving altogether Baekhyun slowly stood up only to be pushed back down by the wolf that Kyungsoo had been fighting. Twisting himself around on the ground while trying to avoid being taken down by the beast's teeth. Finally he was able to wrap his arms around the beast's waist and once again he pulled, his ears recognizing the familiar cracking sounds. 

A loud howl took over Baekhyun's ear drums as the last wolf shoved Luhan into the fridge making him hit his head before falling to the ground. Baekhyun leaped forward glancing over at his friend who groaned at the impact, he was okay which meant that gave Baekhyun the time to kill the other wolf. 

After his anger and drive to survive had taken over Baekhyun felt his heartbeat stop and his fangs come out, the wolf before him whimpered and turned around running through the door it had forced open. A loud howl ran out causing Baekhyun to jump to his feet, the school wouldn't be safe with a wolf on the loose, he needed to find it and kill it before anyone else got hurt.  

Speeding towards the door, he stopped frozen in his tracks seeing the beast's dead body on the ground, a man standing over it, a bloody heart in his hand. Baekhyun gagged and looked away declaring himself not a fan of animal blood. He felt his eyes and skin return to normal after witnessing the scene before him. 

"At least that's the last one" the guy sighed turning back to his two friends who each were too preoccupied by staring at Baekhyun. 

"Chanyeol?" The vampire whispered watching as the tall male froze, his head snapping back to look at him making Baekhyun jump slightly at the creepy action. He didn't let it faze him however, instead he exchanged his frightened expression for a smile "I'll admit I'm glad to see you."

"Hi Baekhyun" Sehun bowed, hitting Kai's shoulder, the tan male bending over to bow also. The vampire suddenly becoming very awkward as he allowed the polite manners of the wolves wave over him. Chanyeol cleared his throat and Baekhyun almost expected him to do the same. 

"Please, you don't need to bow to me. I'm not a big formalities type of guy, and you can call me Baek if it makes it easier for you two" he smiled totally avoiding Chanyeol and focusing on the two wolves behind him. 

Chanyeol's hand dropped the wolves heart causing it to release the last bit of blood it would have pumped if a certain giant didn't detach it from it's owner's body, Baekhyun whinced at the sight and stepped back into his dorm leaving the door open incase the wolves wanted to enter too. 

"Baekhyun...I'm sorry you had to witness that" Kyungsoo breathed drying his blood free hands in a towel, his penguin onesie thankfully hadn't been destroyed in the attack. 

"What do you mean sorry? He kicked !" Luhan chuckled, before whincing at the ice pack on his head. Apparently the harsh hit into the fridge had created a bump on Luhan's head. There wasn't much Kyungsoo could do about it since he had been abruptly awoken similar to the way Baekhyun had been. "I'm going to make tea you want some?" 

"Can I steal some too?" Sehun wondered sticking his head in the door in curiosity, wolves had never stepped foot into Luhan and Kyungsoo's dorm before so the said boys were slightly surpised to see the three wolves enter cautiously. 

"You guys had to deal with more than we did" Chanyeol stated crouching down and viewing one of the wolves that Baekhyun had brought down. 

"Well as you can see there's that one as well as the one closer to the kitchen, I'm assuming you guys took care of the other one am I right?" Luhan wondered after having pointed to each of the wolves in turn. 

Chanyeol and his friends nodded "Well then you can thank Baek for making your lives easier" Kyungsoo chuckled taking the kettle away from Luhan who was having a hard time juggling his ice pack and the kitchen appliance. "If it hadn't have been for him you would have had to deal with three wolves running amuck in the school instead of just one" 

"I only followed what Luhan told me to do" Baekhyun whispered finding himself a seat at the kitchen counter.

"So you broke their bones?" Sehun asked, picking up one of the wolves paws watching it fall back to the ground as he let go. 

"I guess" Baekhyun shrugged. 

"Oh my goodness!" Ms Lee shrieked entering the dorm, her high heels clicking off the wooden floor beneath her. The three wolves stood up from their crouching positions and bowed politely to the principal, who in turn ignored them in order to view the deceased wolves before her. 

"Please come in, not as if we didn't have enough people in here already" Luhan whispered under his breath. Baekhyun almost laughed seeing the boy try to hide behind the fridge so he didn't show his pink Hello Kitty PJ's, the blue ice pack still connected to his head. Kyungsoo and Baekhyun released a puff of air, trying to hold back their laughs. Ms Lee glanced around the room, her eyes widening as she the other dead wolf closer to the kitchen. 

"What happened here?!" 

"Rogue wolf attack" Kai stated the obvious, the principal sending the boy a glare before declaring that her question was rhetorical. 

"Baekhyun's took care of those two" Luhan explained seemingly unfazed that his Hello Kitty pink Pjs were on display for everyone to notice now. "Chanyeol took care of the one out in the hall, I'm amusing" 

Sehun nodded agreeing to Luhan's claim. The blonde wolf chuckled quietly to himself watching the bubblegum haired vampire pull out different cups for tea. Luhan looked adorable in pink. 

"You're the cause of this?" Ms Lee questioned looking to Baekhyun who felt uncomfortable under her gaze. He nodded after fearing that words would fail him. "You're a very strong vampire aren't you" she grinned. 

"More like a bloodsucker" Chanyeol muttered his voice low but still able to be heard by the vampire, Baekhyun sent the giant a glare before taking a breath and cooling himself down for the principal. 

"Classes are going to be dismissed for today so I want you all to go get changed into your normal everyday clothes and meet in the cafeteria as soon as possible" Ms Lee announced clapping her hands to grab everyones attention, she gratefully took the cup of tea Luhan was holding out for her however she took only two sips before she had to leave. 

"But what about the wolves?" Baekhyun asked before the woman could step outside. 

"Don't worry they'll be gone when you get back from the cafeteria" Ms Lee smiled patting his shoulder. "Oh and I orginally came here to inform you boys that Tao is now in his dorm with Suho and Minseok, his ribs are still healing but he'll be fine tomorrow"

"That's great news Ms Lee thank you" the vamlires grinned before bowing, Kyungsoo stating the same but remaining upright. 

Luhan carefully placed Sehun's cup of tea down in the counter next to Baekhyun. The wolf racing to it, claiming the seat next to the vampire. "Thank you" he muttered looking at the vampire with a warm smile. Baekhyun watched as Luhan's cheeks heated up, he was just about to comment on it when he noticed Sehun's eyes widen and Luhan quickly turning around. 

"I'm going to get ready" Luhan announced to everyone in the room before speeding himself over the wolf and down the hall. 

"What's his problem?" Kai wonderedclaiming the last seat next to Baekhyun, the vampire slightly nervous with having two wolves on either side of him. 

"He gets embarrassed easily, not a fan of hot guys seeing him in his Hello Kitty stuff apparently" Kyungsoo admitted pulling the fridge open and producing a juice box for Baekhyun. Tossing it to the vampire Baekhyun caught it swiftly. 

"What's that?" Sehun wondered looking at the thin juice box in Baekhyun's fingers. Baekhyun fumbled with the plastic that covered the straw for a moment before answering. 

"It's what helps me control my blood thirst, usually I drink a glass of blood and then drink this but we ran out of blood yesterday so I'll be going around with a half full stomach" Baekhyun explained showing the wolf his juice box properly. Sehun examined it then Kai and them finally Chanyeol. The Alpha finding more interest in Baekhyun's eyes then the box. "You should probably leave now" He whispered looking Chanyeol in the eyes, inwardly admitting to himself that if the giant stayed any longer something from before may happen again. 

"Yeah, you're right. We should leave" Chanyeol nodded taking a few steps back in the process. His friends standing up agreeing with the accusation, Sehun telling the warlock classed witch that he appreciated the tea. And with that they were gone. Baekhyun dove into his juice box and Kyungsoo watched him do it. The hunger within Baekhyun burning bright in his aura, finally it was quenching when the essence of the juice box settled his stomach. 

The two boys retreated to their rooms, Kyungsoo jokingly admitting taht he was going to have a few more minutes shut eye instead of having a shower, that would allow him to only need to change out of his Pj's and he's be ready to go. Baekhyun laughed before watching the witch enter his room. 

Finding himself some ripped black jeans and a simple white t-shirt that flowed down his body, Baekhyun was ready to go, he had crumpled up his blood box and tossed in the trash can. He ruffled his fingers through his hair and looked over his reflection in the mirror. No red hue on his teeth because he cleaned them, no bad smell of sweat because he dosed himself in cologne and no bad breath. His morning was becoming to look up. 

While grabbing his dorm room key off his bedside table he walked towards the kitchen surpised to see that he was the first out. Quietly stepping over the dead wolves he sat himself back down by the counter.

Kyungsoo was the next person to walk out, unlike Baekhyun he had decided to wear a grey sweater with black non-ripped jeans. He too took a seat at the counter near the front door. "Luhan always says he'll race me getting ready but I always win" he chuckled. 

"What is he even doing?" Baekhyun asked while giggling "I mean he did leave before us so how is he taking so long?" 

"He's making sure he looks presentable" Kyungsoo rolled his eyes. "He's very dependable on his looks, apparently being called girly instead did manly hurts his feelings. 

"But he wears hello kitty and pink outfits, his face is like a girls too" 

"Don't say that openly Baek," Kyungsoo laughed "if he heard you say any of those things he will kill you" 

"I'm ready~" Luhan sing songed entering the room after jumping over the wolf in the hallway. 

"Are they people that we killed?" Baekhyun asked, allowing his thoughts and mouth to run wide. He learned in Species class that there were two types of wolves, ones that are human and turn willingly (otherwise known as Werewolves) and wolves that are fully animal, that do bidding for werewolves. 

"No" Kyungsoo began, with a shake to his head "They're animals, if they were humans they wouldn't have been left in their wolf form after you broke their bones, when you kill a werewolf their human form is revealed after they die"  

"By the way how the did they even get in?!" The newbie exclaimed the single question confusing him from the beginning. 

Luhan pointed to the opened balcony door. "I'm guessing they somehow got through the barrier and jumped up to the balcony, they probably thought that it would lead them out into the school grounds but they winded up in our dorm instead" 

"How did they even get through that barrier, if I remember correctly Ms Fell in History said that the protection barrier around the school only allows people who students or facility want in here" Baekhyun annouced as they walked down their corridor. "But even then that doesn't explain why Tao got through" 

"Sounds like someone wants them in the school..." Kyungsoo whispered once they stepped outside their dorm room. "As for Tao I honestly don't know why our barrier allowed itself to be broken for him to get through" 

"Maybe because the school itself wanted him here?" Luhan offered keeping his voice low when they ran into other members of the school who were trying to move the crowds along into the cafeteria. Kyungsoo and Baekhyun stayed quietly both thinking the situation through. Luhan's explanation held up no evidence the only likely possibility was that someone within the school walls wanted Tao in as well as the other rogue wolves. 

Finally after entering the cafeteria, the trio went straight to their normal table; Suho, Minseok and their new member Tao greeted them once they sat down. 

"Hello" Baekhyun grinned seeing the wolf at their table, looking so much better than before. However his dark circles still remained. "Are you tired?" 

"You're asking because of my dark circles right?" Tao laughed, Baekhyun nodded shyly which made the wolf coo. "I was born with them, I'm healthy andI've slept perfectly week in the ward, you don't need to worry about me hyung I promise" 

"Well in that case I'm glad" Baekhyun smiled bumping his shoulder of Tao's. He looked around to try and spot Kihyun or Changkyun but he came up dry, not even Shownu or Wonho were present either. Just as he was about to ask Suho where his friend had disappeared to the familiar voice of the principal from her little podium rang through the room.

"Everyone if I could please have your attention for a moment!" Ms Lee's soft but stern voice echoed through the cafeteria, grabbing the attention of the previously chatting and confused looking students. "An attack on a few student's dorms this morning have caused me to hold a talk with the supernatural council

Baekhyun's breath hitched. Once again he was faced with reality, the school had a direct link with the council. If they somehow found out that he had joined them they would come and see to it that his head left his body. 

"They have come to a conculsion, six students of the night classes have been chosen alongside six day class students to participate in a programme issued to protect the school" Loud gasps and shouts filled the room. "Silence...thank you, now I have had the opportunity to decide who those twelve students are going to be" 

"Hold up werewolves and vampires together in one class?!" A guy yelled from somewhere in the cafeteria. "You're going to cause chaos!" 

"That's correct" Ms Lee smiled noticing just how scared her students were at this moment. "Now the students that I have personally picked out are.." the silence that followed was deafening. A pin could drop but no one would notice, too focused on their principal and what she was about to say. "I'll start with those chosen from the night classes; Suho, Minseok Luhan and Kyungsoo. Our new wolf that has just joined us Tao and let's not forget our new vampire too Baekhyun congratulations you'll be apart of the twelve protectors" 

Cheering broke out, Baekhyun turned to look at those present at his table, he will be staying with his friends responsible for protecting their school. Tao looked surpised the most, he had been scared of even coming down here but now seeingtaht his principal saw something within him to promote him to a title of protector made him smile. 

"What about the day classes?!" Baekhyun called over seeing a slight smirk brush onto Ms Lee's face. His stomach doing a somersault as a possibility rang through his head. 

"The Alphas-" she began but was unable to finish as Baekhyun and Chanyeol stood up to decline.  

"Nope!" Baekhyun yelled crossing his arms over his chest. 

"Never gonna happen!" Chanyeol hissed glaring daggers up at the principal who sighed at their reaction. 

"In our defence they call us bloodsuckers!" Luhan defended looking up to the principal with pleading eyes, mentally begging her to reconsider her choices. 

"They shouldn't even be in the night classes they're not bloodsuckers, that means that we have eight for day classes and only four night class students!" Kai countered pointing to Kyungsoo and Tao who each sent a glare in his direction. 

"For you're information, we like vampires so you!" Tao yelled slamming his hands on the table, his inner wolf angered by Kai's remark against his vampire friends. 

"Ms Lee I really think you should reconsider" Suho announced to the woman in a somewhat calm tone. The principal sent him a sad smile before admitting that she couldn't, her decision was final. 

"Many of you are probably wondering why these particular people have been chosen-" she started But was unable to go on as a loud "YES!" ran through the hall, from the twelve selective students as well as the others who hadn't been. "Then let me explain; Suho, Minseok and Tao worked together to fend off a wolf from a group of our junior wolves. Kris, Yixing and Chen share a similar situation defending a group of junior vampires from two wolves. Kyungsoo, Luhan and Baekhyun had the misfortune of dealing with three rogues in their own dorm, had the wolves been able to escape they would have been free to run to the witches classrooms. As for Kai, Sehun and Chanyeol everyone here knows how strong these three wolves are alone" her reasons were clear and Baekhyun could understand why they had been the ones chosen, they were the only ones present who were able to fight the wolves wherever they were. But the idea of avoiding Chanyeol was never going to be able to happen if they were apart of the school's protectors. His friends seemed to have noticed that. 

"But Ms-" Minseok declared only to have a hand hold him back. Ms Lee nodded in his direction before turning to the remaining students and facility members. 

"Everyone else in dismissed except the 12 members I called out" she smiled into the microphone. Baekhyun watched as everyone quickly rushed out of the room, desperate and happy that they weren't the ones being chosen. He went to leave in hopes to exit the cafeteria with the rest of the school only Suho must have read his mind considering he shook is head, leaving Baekhyun to swamp in his failed success. 

"What was it that you wanted to say Minseok?" Ms Lee continued, stepping down off the podium and instead sitting down ontop of one of the tables alongside the night and day classes favoured desks. 

"Just so you know, Chanyeol and Baekhyun don't really get along very well" Sehun chuckled taking the words straight out of Minseok's mouth. The elder vampire sighing in agreement. 

"Is that so?" She questioned glancing between both of the said boys who wouldn't look up from the ground. "Well that will change soon~" she giggled clapping her hands together gleefully. 

"Don't get me wrong Ms Lee but there is no way in hell I'm going to be stuck in a classroom with a wolf who wanted to bite me" Baekhyun explained his eyes shifting to Chanyeol's. 

"You're still on about that!?" 

"Trust me puppy I'm not going to drop that any time soon!" 

"SEE!" Everyone screamed, shocking the two who were currently having a glaring contest. 

"You're the one that started this whole thing, you freely offered me your neck so of course I was going to take it!" 

"Only as a prize for avoiding calling my kind bloodsuckers which you still haven't done by the way!" 

"Sorry guys but I can't help you there, these two will just have learn how to get along and hopefully not try to kill each other in the process..." Ms Lee whispered, truly going back on her decision of the protectors. 

"No promises" Chanyeol muttered crossing his arms over his chest in anger. 

"Aww does the big bad wolf want to kill me?Baekhyun teased his lower lip out in a fake pout. 

"Why don't you just shut your mouth Red Riding Hood" he snapped back. Baekhyun's eyes widened, so that was the nickname he had been given. 

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Beau1996 1378 streak #1
Chapter 11: I was pretty sure Daehyun would make an appearance!!
Beau1996 1378 streak #2
Chapter 10: Village trip - will it be fun or a run in with bad supes??
Beau1996 1378 streak #3
Chapter 7: Hard revelation to share but Chan is there to support him
Beau1996 1378 streak #4
Chapter 5: Day class and night class - one of my favorite animes but vampires and humans were the students - vampire Knight
Beau1996 1378 streak #5
Chapter 2: Baek is a daywalker!!
Beau1996 1378 streak #6
Chapter 1: I must have read before because I was already subscribed but looking forward to re-reading
Vampirella77 #7
Chapter 78: Wow. 2 new books. I'm so excited 😊😊😊. Thank you
747 streak #8
Chapter 78: Thank you so much, I am really looking forward to both books. Your writing is so amazing and the characters really come to life. I am in hopes that Chanyeol will make it back to Baekhyun by the end of both books. I can’t wait to see what awaits everyone.
Erica_flv #9
Chapter 78: I read this story twice . And I’m going to read it again . The story it so amazing . I will be waiting but I probably read it more time .
747 streak #10
Chapter 76: I binge read all the chapters and finally got caught up. I absolutely love this story, it reads almost like a saga. Your plot and characterization are flawless. Thank you so much for taking us on this adventure. I can’t wait to read the continuation, this is a real gem.