

"I'm really not going to get used to those happy faces" The queen grinned as she entered the living room that afternoon, her eyes sparkling at the sight of her youngest son nuzzling his nose against his mate's neck. Baekhyun's lips were pulled up into a bright smile as he gently clutched his husbands shirt's cuff, he offered his mother-in-law a small wave on her way towards the bookshelf in the corner of the room. "did you both sleep well?"

"Your son fell straight to sleep the second his head hit the pillow last night," Baekhyun giggled, his hearing picking up his husband's offended whimper. "it was really adorable Eomma." 

The Queen watched with a raised brow as Baekhyun's cheeks flared and her son stopped his advances on his neck, they were both frozen in time and Haeun just watched them with her lower lip beneath her teeth. Her heart was pounding against her ribcage, she found the book she was looking for and pulled it tightly against her chest before turning to look back at her sons (in law and blood related). 

"I'm sorry your majesty." Baekhyun whispered, bowing his head and allowing it to rest on Chanyeol's chest. The Alpha instantly wrapped his arms around his mate's waist and held him as close as he could, Haeun's heart hurt at the small apology given to her by her son-in-law. 

"I'm honoured to be addressed with such a title." the queen offered up the most genuine smile she could, she had always seen Baekhyun's mother Seoyeon a close friend and she had been incredibly distraught when the news of her death made it's way to the castle. Her heart went out to Joonwoo and his children but most of all the youngest who had identified as an omega, she didn't like the fact that Joonwoo wasn't going to remarry and give his children a mother but now seeing Baekhyun nuzzled happily into her son, Haeun knew why. 

Baekhyun had grown into the most beautiful omega of the Light Pack, he was strong and wise just like his mother but he still held some mystery behind him that didn't come from her old friend. If Baekhyun had grown up with a mother-like figure around him then he wouldn't have found himself interested in learning about battle strategies while his brothers only worried about which one of them had the biggest muscles or kills. 

Of course she was heartbroken that the boy had grown up without a mother but she was beyond surprised that he somehow placed her in that position, it gave her a new sense of protectiveness over the omega and one that she would not use lightly. 

"I've always wanted an omega child.." Haeun found herself admitting as she slowly approached the sofa where Baekhyun refused to look at her, whether it was because of the embarrassment or if he was regretting his words. The Queen hoped it was the former. "your mother was one of my closest friends, she joined us for the selection when Sejoon and his brother were looking for mates. She always talked about having a large family and wanting the same amount of omegas for the amount of Alphas she produced." 

Baekhyun's ears perked up at the sound of his mother's life, his father was heartbroken after her passing so he never approached him to ask questions about his mother and what she was like out of respect for his broken heart. Chanyeol's face lit up in gratitude, turning to look at his mother who offered him a small smile before taking a seat on the ground just below Baekhyun's sight. 

"I, myself wanted two children one Alpha with the other being the omega but as you can clearly see I gave birth to two Alphas, I was glad when Chanyeol agreed to take part in the selection because I enjoyed my own time there." Haeun explained to the beady eyed omega, who had shifted around in Chanyeol's hold to give the queen his full attention. 

His eyes were filled with unshed tears and Haeun's heart hurt even more seeing it, she gently cupped his cheek and watched as he nuzzled into the warmth. Her heart leaped in her chest and she generally had to hold herself back from cooing. 

"I'll admit that I wasn't sure that any of you would be his mate but after some time it was quite clear that the two of you had some connection, even when he met you at your dear mother's funeral a spark was made that day and I was overjoyed when your father agreed to send you to us." she continued, her words surprising the former member of the Light Pack. "If you'll have me I would be glad to call you my own." 

"Mrs Park.." Baekhyun hiccupped, he wasn't able to hold back the tears in his eyes any longer. The Queen released a small gasp when the boy pulled her forward and into his shoulder, his arms draped gently around her shoulders as he sobbed. "thank you so much. I would love to be able to call you Eomma." 

Chanyeol watched with a heavy heart as his mate and mother both shed tears of their own, their grips on one another tightening ever so slightly before they both pulled away to wipe at their cheeks. He lifted Baekhyun into the air and got off the chair, he sank to the ground next to his mother and placed his mate back down right next to them. The two omegas were shocked but let out giggles when his muscled arms stretched around them and held them tightly in an embrace with a bright smile on his lips. 

"You both mean so much to me." The Alpha admitted, the rest of his words failing on his tongue when both of the omegas pressed their puckered lips against his cheeks. Baekhyun kissed his right while his mother took care of the left, he felt his stomach churn in happiness. His family meant so much to him. 

"Madam!" one of the chambermaids yelled rushing into the room with tears trailing down her cheeks, her eyes were blown wide as her chest heaved waiting for the air to make it's way into her lungs. 

"Harriette what's wrong my dear?" Haeun giggled, gently rubbing away her own tears. Yet the more the three stared at the chambermaid the louder their heart thumping's became in their ears.  

"The castle is under attack.." 


Baekhyun gasped awake, his eyes leaking with tears as he shot up into a sitting position in his bed. He was getting used to waking up like this, with a deep breath Baekhyun reached across to his bed-side table and puckered a tissue from the box to dab at his cheeks. 

"Baekhyun!" Luhan gasped entering the room with his own eyes blown wide as he rushed towards the vampire's bed, his brows were furrowed in the centre of his forehead. "Are you alright?" 

"I'm fine" Baekhyun laughed through his tears, he played with the tissue in his hand before looking up at his close friend. His hair was dishevelled just like he had been dragged out of his dreams by a nightmare, his eyes were now barely open since the adrenaline had coursed through his veins felt after getting confirmation that he was alright. "what are you doing in here anyway?" 

"I heard you crying" Luhan explained through a yawn, he covered his mouth with the palm of his hand and then laid his head down on Baekhyun's blanket covered lap. "We usually never could hear through the walls but you seemed so sad in your voice and it just woke me up." 

"I'm so sorry" Baekhyun gasped, gently carding his fingers through his friend's hair. "I didn't even realise that I was crying until I woke up." 

"Another bad dream huh?" 

"Not quite, but I have a feeling that the dream I'll have tonight will be the worst that I've experienced so far." 

"What makes you think that?" Luhan wondered, a brow raised as he rubbed against his eyelids. 

"I woke up before I saw anything else but the castle where we were staying on EXO Planet was being attacked." Baekhyun recalled the scene and the sudden thought of sleeping that night turned his stomach. "I don't think I want to know what happens next, after all Mrs Park said that the dreams were going to be getting worse from now on." 

"Mrs Park? I haven't heard anyone call her that before." 

"It's her married name with the king in my dreams, that's why Chanyeol is a Park and not a Lee." Baekhyun declared with a small smile curling at the corner of his lips. Luhan's face flashed with confusion but before he could continue Baekhyun attempted to answer the question he had not yet asked. "Lee is her maiden name, before she was married." 

"Baekhyun?" Kyungsoo's messy hair was the first thing Baekhyun saw when he looked up at the wall leading to his bedroom door, he too looked like he had just gotten out of bed. He had to bite his lower lip when he saw how exhausted his best friend looked, the warlock classed witch trudged towards the bed and collapsed onto the foot of it. His head rested against Luhan's thigh, the two of them snuggled into the blanket he had thrown on top of his normal bedsheets. "Chanyeol's waiting outside for you." 

"Okay.." Baekhyun whispered, gently lifting Luhan's head and fixing a pillow beneath it to act like his thigh while he talked with Chanyeol. On his way out of his bedroom, his eyes fell on the bright red digital numbers blinking back up at him. 

It was 03:12am. 

Baekhyun let out a tiny whimper when he closed over his bedroom door, he hated the fact that he wasn't able to sleep the remainder of the night away but he honestly didn't want to go back to sleep. 

"I know you're not okay so I won't even bother to ask you" Chanyeol scoffed from his position on the stool in front of the island in the kitchen, Baekhyun's lips curled up at the sight of the Alpha waiting for him. He approached him slowly, calculated his steps like he was waiting for Chanyeol to do something, anything. "how come you woke up so early?" 

"I think that I frightened myself awake" Baekhyun nervously admitted, allowing Chanyeol to reach out his arms. The vampire found himself walking into them, he draped his arms under the Alpha's and rested his chin on the broad shoulder. "I don't want to go back to sleep Chanyeol." 

"Because you know that things are going to get worse?" The Alpha wondered, his fingers running along Baekhyun's sides instantly making him crumble into the embrace. Chanyeol held him close while Baekhyun figured out his response, he already knew why Baekhyun didn't want to go back to sleep but it was 3 am in the morning and they had to go the village in a couple hours to shop for Kyungsoo's ceremony.

"I don't think I can handle what we're going to be seeing.." 

"Smurfie.." Chanyeol's voice ran out in the air, he pushed Baekhyun away and stared him in the eye. "I know you're scared but it's just a dream, we've already dealt with what ever have happened to us. You've gotten through it before and I know you will be able to get through whatever happened again, you're strong baby have a little bit more faith in yourself." 

Baekhyun stared at the werewolf with so much sincerity in his eyes, he found himself trailing out Chanyeol's facial features. The bright silver hair was sparkling in the single light shining over them both, his tried eyes crinkled upwards thanks to the wide smile spreading across Chanyeol's plush lips. He stared at his eyes and then his lips again, quietly asking the Alpha to kiss him. He wanted Chanyeol to make him feel something, to ensure him that he would be there when he woke up after whatever they dreamt of happened. 

Baekhyun watched as the Alpha's adam's apple bobbed in his throat, his eyes falling onto Baekhyun's lips. The vampire in a breath and cupped the werewolves cheeks before pulling him into a kiss. 


Baekhyun felt like he belonged there, pressed up against Chanyeol's chest and holding him so close and sharing an intimate moment between them. He never realised how desperately his body was calling out to the Alpha until that very moment, Chanyeol's arms pulled him closer by his waist causing the vampire to release a soft chuckle against his lips. There wasn't any tongue involved, only the innocence of pressing lip to lip. Baekhyun could feel his heart beat in approval within his chest and for a moment he wondered what it would be like if he and Chanyeol made their destined mate position official. 

He pulled away. 

What was he thinking? 

Of course he shouldn't be thinking that way not when they hadn't talked through their feelings and such, but he knew they wouldn't be able to. Ms Lee had warned them both that by confessing their love for each other in words, a natural disaster would end their lives and Baekhyun didn't want to be reborn again only to live through the same heartbreaks as the life he is currently living. As long as he and Chanyeol never utter the words 'I love you' their lives and the lives of their friends will remain ongoing, Baekhyun couldn't allow himself to be selfish when more people were woven into his and Chanyeol's problems. 

"Baekhyun" Chanyeol called, bringing the vampire back into reality. Staring into the eyes of his mate the newborn's cheeks lit up in a champagne pink, it was a beautiful colour under the single kitchen light and Chanyeol couldn't help himself as he pulled the vampire back into his lips. They stayed pressed against each other, their lips locked for another minute before breaking and resting their foreheads together. "I don't plan on leaving you or hurting you, but I understand if you don't want to fall back asleep. I will tell you that we have a long day tomorrow, we have to go shopping for Kyungsoo's ceremony and the last thing you want to happen is to fall sleep against your will on the bus ride there or coming back. Let's get whatever happens over with and we can face it together." 

"You'll stay with me?" Baekhyun's voice came out small, his fingers being pulled so that they entangled with Chanyeol's. The werewolf offered him a genuinely tired grin as he nodded his head. 

"I'm not planning on going anywhere, let's go back to bed." 

"Can we go to yours?" Baekhyun whispered, his breath fanning against Chanyeol's nose and cheeks from their close proximity. "Luhan and Kyungsoo have taken over my bed and I don't feel right sleeping in one of theirs or the couch. I want you to hold me through this dream Chanyeol, I'm really scared.." 

"I'll do whatever you want me to do but please, you need your sleep too." he begged and Baekhyun's not used to seeing him this way so without another thought he agreed. Chanyeol stood up from the stool, switched off the light and pulled Baekhyun over into his own dorm where he shared with Jongin and Sehun. Both of the Alphas were still asleep when Chanyeol's looked in on them while he was leading Baekhyun to his bedroom, it felt strange at first but then a sense of familiarity got rid of any tension in the air. 

"Pick a side." Chanyeol chuckled, gesturing with his opened palm to his bed. The covers on the left had been tossed to the side from what Baekhyun could only assume happened earlier when he forced the Alpha awake after the dream, a small smile made it's way onto the vampire lips as he crawled over to the right. He found it funny that Chanyeol slept on the unoccupied part of his bed back in his own dorm, if that wasn't destined soulmates Baekhyun didn't know what was. 

After a moment of turning off the lights and pulling off his hoodie, Chanyeol joined his mate back under the covers. Baekhyun shifted closer and the Alpha welcomed him into his arms and immediately wrapped the blankets around them, keeping them warm against the cold of the night. 

"I think I could get used to this.." Baekhyun whispered into the darkness, his fingers running along Chanyeol's chest. When Chanyeol didn't move to retaliate the vampire's words Baekhyun felt himself start to wonder if he shouldn't be feeling this way, he pulled his hand away and went to turn around so that his back was then facing the werewolf but the arms around him only grew tighter. 

"Should this start becoming a ritual then?" Chanyeol's voice was laced with a teasing tone, he pulled Baekhyun's hand back to his chest by gripping onto his wrist. The vampire's heart finally returned back to a normal rhythm, he unintentionally let out a breath of relief which in turn caused Chanyeol to let out a laugh. "You know how I feel about you Baekhyun, you were the one hesitating-" 

"I'm so sorry Chanyeol." Baekhyun mumbled, shifting himself up until his nose ran along the wolf's jawline. From the palm of his hand Baekhyun was able to feel the Alpha's heartbeat quicken beneath his skin, it naturally brought a smile to the vampire's lips. He liked the idea of making the latter flustered and it was definitely going to become something that he would continue to do for as long as the universe allowed them to this lifetime. 

"Stop apologising to me Smurfie" the giant whispered, running his fingers through the vampire's hair. Baekhyun slowly felt his eyes get heavy, Chanyeol was lulling him back to sleep. Baekhyun half-expected himself to retort the wolf for his actions, get angry at him for pushing him towards the dreams that he wasn't sure that he was ready to see. 

But he was. 

With Chanyeol by his side willingly, Baekhyun felt like he would be able to do anything, like, fighting the demons that have haunted him in the past and the horrors that were waiting for him in his dreams. He knew that the Alpha would never leave his side, maybe weeks ago but not now. Baekhyun was almost sure that it would take an entire army to pull Chanyeol away from him and even then they wouldn't be able to succeed fully. 

"-you needed time to heal and I was patiently waiting for you on the sidelines." 

"Yes" Baekhyun's fluttered into the air, hanging loosely in the darkness while his head became heavy on Chanyeol's chest. His finger stopped moving along his collarbone and it took a moment for his tired mind to realise that the vampire was mapping out their mate mark dream Baekhyun had given to him in one of the dreams they shared together, the Alpha's cheeks flared but he didn't allow himself to question it since he needed Baekhyun to fall asleep. Not just for the boy to rest but also for himself to. Chanyeol didn't think that he would be able to handle waiting any longer to know answers that his mother wasn't willing to give them after she had been their walking cheat sheet for centuries. "I really wish that this could become a ritual." 

And like that Baekhyun was plunged back into his nightmares, taking Chanyeol along for the ride. 


Screams filled the walls of the castle, butlers and maids all getting slaughtered as the guards attempted to hold back the advancing army of Kronas that had somehow managed to be pulled through the portals leading from Earth, no one knew how but the answer was quite obvious to everyone whether they wanted to admit it or not. The Queen was under severe protection as well as the young Alphas and Omegas who were determined to put their powers to the test. The King and Baekhyun's father had locked the room they were in and had rushed off to another position in the castle, barking orders to whatever guard was around them. 

"Why do we have to stay here?" Baekhyun cried, pacing the floors of the drawing room they had been locked into. "Why can't we help them? We have these powers for a reason, why can't we use them?" 

"No one apart from us and the council should know what power you possess, at least not yet. Once Chanyeol is crowned king then by all means you can show off your gifts but not now." The Queen explained to the young adults who were starting to get anxious with the lack of action being allowed to take part by them, she could understand their distress. Haeun didn't want to be stuck in a room with them when she could remain by her husband's side through the attack, but she had a fair idea as to why her beloved did this. 

She attempted to hold her tears back when the truth became apparent to her, her husband, the king was going to sacrifice himself so that she and the children they had looked after would survive regardless of the fact that they could protect themselves. It was heroic but stupid. 

"You seem awfully quiet" Haeun stated, her eyes locking with Daehyun whose gaze was fixated on a spot outside the window. Out of all the boys in the room the eldest prince looked calm and collected, like there wasn't an attack on his beloved home happening outside the locked doors. "you are aware that the castle is under attack right?" 

"Father made quite a foolish decision by not allowing these twelve to use their powers, they would have been greatly useful for this attack. But yet he wants to be the one to receive the praise himself, what a selfish old man." Daehyun shook his head, his lips pursed out in a meaningless pout. He wouldn't turn to look his mother in the eye and the queen knew exactly why. 

She found herself grinning when the entire plan had been laid out in front of her, Daehyun had organised the attack to see what his brother and friends were able to do so that he would be able to work against them properly later. The King was right in his decision to keep them locked away in the room, otherwise they would have revealed their secrets which in turn could damn them.

"I believe your father made the most reasonable decision there was given the circumstances of this attack, it's sloppy and uncalculated whoever that is behind it surely hasn't taken everything into account." The Queen turned her eyes to Baekhyun who was still pacing the floor near the door, the furthest position he could get from his brother-in-law. She could hear Daehyun let out a frustrated noise and it appears that she wasn't the only one. 

Kyungsoo who she had recognized held the most hatred for her oldest son turned to look at him from his spot in front of the fireplace, his eyes were wide in alarm. She met his gaze and pressed a slender finger to her lips, ordering him not to say a word and allow the conversation to continue as it was. The omega merely bowed his head in obedience although he did turn his head and began a conversation with Tao for means of distraction. 

The Queen was unable to continue her words due to the loud pounding on the doorway, she held her breath as the two guards raised their swords. They approached the door and waited to hear more but the knocking had stopped and there didn't appear to be anything else outside it, they tossed a glance between each other before turning to look back at the Queen. She felt the weight of the world load onto her shoulders, unable to come to a conclusion of what to do.

Then she heard it. 


"Dad!" Baekhyun screamed running to join the guards sides, but like a loyal dog he waited for the Queen to give her order and without thinking twice she begged them to open the doors. 

Everyone watched with bathed breath as the doors opened and closed behind the hunched figure that had fallen into Baekhyun's arms, the young omega wasn't ready to support the weight and tumbled to the ground with the wounded man in his arms. Haeun instantly rushed to their side, the guards were ushered away once they were able to identify that it was Baekhyun's father that had entered the room and not an imposter.  

"Baekhyun.." the man coughed, his left cheek stained with blood while his dress shirt and suit pants were also wet in various places. "you need to get out of the castle, these are nothing like the Kronas we have dealt with before. You don't know how to fight them, none of you do so you must leave immedatiely." 

"Dad-" Baekhyun sobbed, clutching his father's coat like a babe. He stared down at the wounds all throughout his father's body and cringed, even if he was to put pressure on them he had surely lost enough blood to kill him without a doctor present. " you need to tell us what happened, what happened to you and where's the uncle Sejoon?" 

"Haeun" Joonwoo panted turning his head to stare into the eyes of his best friend's wife, she already had tears in her eyes as the look in his turned sorrowful. He shook his head and she was no longer able to control herself, she let out a fierce howl to the ceiling of the room and thus allowed her tears to cascade collecting in a pool on the floor below. "I'm so sorry." 

"No!" She snapped, grabbing the man's hand and holding it tightly. She sent Baekhyun a glance before turning to look at Chanyeol, the poor Prince frozen at the mention of his father's death and what it meant for him. "Don't you dare apologise to me, you've done more than enough for this family-" 

"Please look after my boy, he cannot be all alone anymore. He's suffered enough with his mother passing and then his brothers please Haeun-" 

"Shhh" the queen begged gently pressing her finger against the man's lips, she watched as he puckered them and sent them a sweet kiss. "save your strength, I'll make sure he lives a happy life don't you fret." 

"Chanyeol?" he called, stunning the prince back into reality. Chanyeol approaching the bleeding man as quickly as he could, taking his seat next to Baekhyun who was sobbing quietly while he held onto his father's other hand. "I may not have liken you completely when I first saw you, looking into your innocent eyes at my wife's funeral had me wondering what kind of trouble you would cause." he released a cough, it took him a few moments to catch his breath but when he did he managed to speak again. "But only thing you caused for me was allowing my boy to fall in love, sincere love and I will forever be grateful for that." 

"Thank you for trusting me with his hand" Chanyeol smiled down at the dying man, taking the hand Baekhyun's father was giving him. "I will try to make him happy for the rest of our lives." 

"That's all I needed to hear." Joonwoo smiled, but his joy was only short lived. The doors just behind them were shaking again, thousands of knocks and loud thuds ran through the room. The guards raised their swords again being able to distinguish between who was friend and who was foe now, the doors weren't meant to hold for long and that didn't settle well with the queen whose first priority was to protect everyone in the room. 

"Dad please stay with me" Baekhyun begged holding his father close as he sobbed into his chest, his weight was light but blood still managed to pour from the wounds. Chanyeol gently wrapped his arms around his mate's waist and pulled him away, Baekhyun watching the consequences of his actions play out with a scattering heart. "I can't do this without you, please Dad!" 

"I'm so sorry son" Joonwoo let his own tear slip, he reached out to touch Baekhyun's hands which were being held together by Chanyeol's larger ones. "protect each other, love each other and never let anything get in the way of your happiness. That is my only wish for you both." 

Then he was gone,

The doors were burst open

And Baekhyun let out the most heart wrenching ear-piercing shriek that had ever been heard through the land, Chanyeol held onto his as the omega's body sent out pulses of white lights flying and frying the creatures that attempted to get into the room. Their bodies crumbling under his power as he screamed until he passed out, his husband's grip never loosing. 


This time when Baekhyun awoke he didn't wake up to tears or his chest constricting in pain, his lungs were filled with air and there was no lump in the centre of his throat. For a moment he wondered if he had subconsciously flipped his switch but when he laid eyes on the man laying next to him his heart filled with love and serenity. 

The vampire watched with a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips as Chanyeol's nose crinkled and not long after that did his eyes open and Baekhyun was met with those bright brown orbs all over again. He let out a soft giggle as he threw his leg over Chanyeol waist and held him tighter, the Alpha let out a small grunt at the impact but didn't allow himself to comment on it instead he gently rested his warm palm on his thigh. 

Baekhyun's cheeks felt hot against the pillow as he stared into the eyes of the man he loves. 


That was actually a lot easier to say now that his mind wasn't clogged with imagines of Daehyun and his horrible deeds, Chanyeol felt like home, a place that Baekhyun hasn't felt in a long time. 

"Good morning" the Alpha whispered, scooching closer and pressing his lips against Baekhyun's for a moment before pulling back and laying himself down on his folded arm. The vampire hummed in content, nuzzling his nose against Chanyeol's jugular blowing soft air against his skin when he found comfort. "how do you feel after that?" 

"Honestly?" Baekhyun breathed, his breath tickling his mate into releasing a chuckle. The vampire let out a laugh as the werewolf rolled on top of him, balancing his weight on his forearms on either side of his head so that he didn't completely crush Baekhyun. "I feel like I've gotten enough answers for myself, seeing how things lead up to where we are today makes sense. Although I never expected to loose my entire family, I've dealt with that pain before when I was forced to kill my parents it's just nice knowing that I wasn't the physical cause of my real father's death." 

Chanyeol's lips curled when he heard Baekhyun address his parents death as being something he was forced to do, rather than placing the entire blame on himself. The vampire below him had really changed in the past couple weeks and Chanyeol's heart could only yearn for him more, his left hand's thumb gently brushed along his cheekbone making the smaller's eyes close for a moment. They wallowed in the moment for another minute, enjoying their space away from their friends and fellow-protectors. 

"Thank you for keeping his promise" Baekhyun whispered after Chanyeol had taken his hand away so that he could evenly balance himself out again, his grin only getting bigger when the vampire's arms wrapped around his neck pushing him down lower, automatically bringing their faces together again. "thank you for remaining by my side through this life and all the other's we've had together." 

"I lo-" Chanyeol prevented himself from saying the sentence, too paranoid to say it just encase he doomed them. Baekhyun's eyes twinkled in understanding, his nimble fingers rubbing against the skin on Chanyeol's nape which was his way of calming his mate down. "I hated you then, and I still find myself hating you now." 

Baekhyun let out a laugh, the crown of his head pressing deeper into the pillow as he howled out his laughter. If Chanyeol had said such words a month ago Baekhyun would have punched him so hard that he would have broken his nose again, but now after everything they had learnt and developed on he generally felt himself falling even harder. When his laughter died down, he stared deep into Chanyeol's eyes and pulled him closer delivering a firm press to his lips before whispering a soft "I hate you too." 


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Beau1996 1379 streak #1
Chapter 11: I was pretty sure Daehyun would make an appearance!!
Beau1996 1379 streak #2
Chapter 10: Village trip - will it be fun or a run in with bad supes??
Beau1996 1379 streak #3
Chapter 7: Hard revelation to share but Chan is there to support him
Beau1996 1379 streak #4
Chapter 5: Day class and night class - one of my favorite animes but vampires and humans were the students - vampire Knight
Beau1996 1379 streak #5
Chapter 2: Baek is a daywalker!!
Beau1996 1379 streak #6
Chapter 1: I must have read before because I was already subscribed but looking forward to re-reading
Vampirella77 #7
Chapter 78: Wow. 2 new books. I'm so excited 😊😊😊. Thank you
747 streak #8
Chapter 78: Thank you so much, I am really looking forward to both books. Your writing is so amazing and the characters really come to life. I am in hopes that Chanyeol will make it back to Baekhyun by the end of both books. I can’t wait to see what awaits everyone.
Erica_flv #9
Chapter 78: I read this story twice . And I’m going to read it again . The story it so amazing . I will be waiting but I probably read it more time .
747 streak #10
Chapter 76: I binge read all the chapters and finally got caught up. I absolutely love this story, it reads almost like a saga. Your plot and characterization are flawless. Thank you so much for taking us on this adventure. I can’t wait to read the continuation, this is a real gem.