

"Ever since the plague has caused havoc on our lands I've been receiving some disturbing letters and threats from unnamed sources who appear to be from all over the packs territory. At first I wasn't concerned since it was just one threat a day and as an Alpha I'm used to getting those types of mail, but then it gradually got bigger as the days went on." Baekhyun's father sighed, looking around the table as each of the Alphas passed around sample threat filled letters. Baekhyun sat next to his father at the head of the table, Chanyeol by his side and Daehyun across from him in the other spot beside his dad. 

"They claim to be the reason behind the plague attack?" Kris wondered, gazing up at the Light Pack leader who simply nodded his head in response. 

"I'm not sure how they did it to be completely honest with you, but it's because of this that I request your assistance. Whoever this group of people are they clearly don't see me as their leader anymore and issued a plague that almost wiped out our entire pack, thousands of innocent wolves were apart of this ordeal and my own sons were the cost of it." 

"If its a plague they created then it surely took some of their own men as well" Chanyeol voiced out, sending a small smile to the Alpha who returned it. "these threats are quite serious but knowing how you like to operate Mr Byun, I doubt you'll accept my invitation to stay with us at the castle." 

"I used to say before that nothing would ever drive me away from my pack, I have given up so much in order to run it while looking after the sons that I no longer have.. I lost Baekhyun's mother here and I have lost my children, the only one I have left is you Baekhyun. My place in this world has been decided by the countless people who don't wish to see me here anymore, my pride proclaims that I stick out my reign for as long as I can. I'm an old man now and I don't think I've even begun to properly live my life. Am I allowed to be selfish?" 

Baekhyun giggled quietly and gently rested his hand down on top of his father's, after giving it a little squeeze he drew a breath. "Appa, you have done everything you can and even though it hurts me to see the people you put before your own needs turn against you so soon, I'm afraid I have to agree with Chanyeol. I've already lost my brothers and my mother, I cannot bear the pain I will experience if I lost you too. I may prove to be stubborn and refuse to leave here without your acceptance to Prince Chanyeol's invitation,.. please come back with us to the palace. I'm sure Sejoon would be more than happy to welcome you back after so long." 

"I also agree with Chanyeol and Baekhyun Mr Byun, I don't think you would be running away from this. If anything I believe you would be making the right decision, no offense to you or your family but do you really have anything stopping you from leaving in the first place?" Yixing stated cautiously, his facial features relaxed as he gestured to the threat notes filling the table. "This place doesn't really feel like a home to me with this evidence piling up here." 

"It hasn't been home since Baekhyun left, even his brothers said the same thing." The elder chuckled, gazing back at his youngest son who he only now realised had tears in his eyes. "My pride is telling me to stay and see this out until the end, yet my heart is telling me to accept your offer Prince Chanyeol.." 

"You don't have to decide right away if that is the case Mr Byun" Chanyeol exclaimed with a small nod. "think it over for a couple days, it will allow me to draft a letter to my father about your consideration although we both know that he would be more than happy to have you stay." 

"I appreciate your offer" Baekhyun's father grinned, reaching over to pat the youngest prince on the back. "I will think long and hard about the decision but for now I believe that I've taken up enough of your time. This meeting is dismissed, you are all free to go and do whatever it is you wish. I'm sure Baekhyun will happily show you to your rooms." 

Baekhyun jumped up from the chair and gently pressed his lips against his father's cheeks, the Alphas watched him with a small smile on their lips. They quickly excused themselves from the meeting room, Daehyun being the first one to leave the room. 

"Have they been treating you well?" his father wondered, cupping his son's cheeks with the warm palms of his hands. "You seem so much happier than the last time I saw you.." 

"They're the sweetest bunch of people I have ever met Appa, Daehyun has his moments but seeing as how he's going to be the next king I know I need to respect him as a Prince, even if he is the most annoying person on the planet." Baekhyun admitted with a slight pout forming on his lower lip. "The omegas are probably the bestest friends I have and the remaining Alphas all look out for me." 

"What about Chanyeol, don't think I didn't see the way he trailed behind to see if you were okay." his father chuckled, recaching up to ruffle his standing son's head of hair. 

"He's really sweet, he told me that he's been courting me above the other omegas but I don't want to get my hopes up because I'm afraid that we may not be mates.." Baekhyun admitted, knowing that whenever his father was around he could never even think about spurting a lie. His father released a chuckle while nodding his head, pushing his chair out from beneath the table, raising up onto his feet and looking down at his young son. 

"You're still young Baekhyun, you haven't even reached sixteen yet. You shouldn't be worrying about if you guys are mates yet or not, you should be enjoying the time the both of you have together because you never know what the future holds Baekhyun. He could be beside you one day but he could be gone the next.." 


The following morning Baekhyun woke up with a headache, his forehead feeling as if something had been drilled into it consistently throughout the night. For the past couple night's he's been experiencing such strange dreams of a man that seemed in some way, familiar. His face was somewhat young with just enough wrinkles to allude to the possibility of a highly stressful job however, his warm chocolate orbs was where all his youth was contained. The man was familiar, yes, but he wasn't someone that Baekhyun had come across in all his years alive on this Earth. He didn't seem related to Daehyun's clan at all and he was most likely not one of the shop owners in the human villages they attended, it was strange but Baekhyun could somehow feel an emotional connection to this man and was shockingly not surprised by it. 

Deciding to shove the dream towards the back of his head, Baekhyun thrashed around in his bed for a couple more moments before he figured that he best get up before Luhan came in to forcefully drag him out of bed. 

Baekhyun was hoping for a somewhat normal day to occur, he didn't want to find wolves standing outside his door or another dead body after the school already lost two female students. He saw it as a pointless wish since nothing was 'normal' in Millennium High, witches casting spells everyday was normal, vampires constantly trying to avoid drinking blood was normal and the werewolves stinking up the classrooms (even though Baekhyun still couldn't smell them) was normal. 

He hated to admit because he had grown attached to the people he had met at the supernatural school but, Baekhyun missed being a human. He missed the churning feeling he got in his stomach whenever he saw blood, he missed the life he had before he met Daehyun and constantly thought 'but what if'. 

After exchanging his bed clothes for some joggers and a hoodie, Baekhyun drew a sigh before pulling open his door. He couldn't help but let out a sigh in relief when there was no wolf there to greet him, his head still aching as he made it into the kitchen. 

Luhan was standing against the counter, a cup of coffee in his hand while his eyes gazed off into space. Baekhyun felt his stomach churn at the sight of the boy's bangs underneath his hallow eyes. After Chanyeol had arrived at the dorm last night, barely anyone got any sleep. Baekhyun, himself, had stayed up a good eight hours before his body eventually gave up and forced him into submission and even then he only got about two hours rest. 

"Do you think he's okay?" Luhan wondered, his voice somewhat strained after all the crying he had been doing the night before. "Did you see the way he avoided you? He looked broken Baekhyun, I've known Chanyeol a long time but I've never seen him look like that.." 

"I don't want to talk about Lu.." Baekhyun trailed off, his heart heavy as he turned his attention towards the fridge- mentally hoping that it had something to allow him to eat his feelings. "I know that this is all my fault and Chanyeol is hurting because of me but at the end of the day I'm still right-" 

"How can you say that?!" The vampire shouted, slamming his cup down on the marble countertop. Baekhyun jumped at the sound of it smashing, hot coffee spilling everywhere including Luhan's hand even though it appeared like he didn't even notice it. "How do you know that you're in the right? Have you seen yourself? Like actually stared at your reflection in the mirror?" When Baekhyun didn't speak Luhan took it as a chance to continue. "You both are walking around looking like kicked puppies with massive black clouds hanging over your heads for no reason. 

You guys kissed, what the hell is wrong with that? If you ask me it just proves that the both of you obviously have feelings for each other-" 

"But-" Baekhyun attempted to interrupt, his face shifting into the famous 'kicked puppy' look that Luhan had just referred to. 

"No buts, the both of you got scared about the sudden action and said things that you are both regretting. You didn't tell me all the details so I cannot aid you in this situation Baek but I can tell as your friend that you ed up, big time." 

"We're not ready for serious relationships Luhan, we all have skeletons in our closets or baggage that he bring from the past."

"Baekhyun I'm not telling you to jump into a relationship with Chanyeol, I'm just saying that what you did that night as stupid because it caused a rift between the both of you and you're forcing everyone to choose sides." 

"I am not forcing anyone to choose sides Luhan, this isn't about who has the most support. This is about Chanyeol and his grieving over Jessica, he needs to accept the fact that his venom killed her but it wasn't his fault. She forced him to do it-" 

"Chanyeol already knows that it wasn't his fault and he has the entire school to keep reminding him about it, if you ask me Baekhyun it's you who needs to overcome their grief." Luhan explained with a softer tone of voice now, his hand was wrapped up in a cloth the vampire healing perk taking effect. 

"Can you blame me?" the boy's voice cracked, his eyes instantly feeling with salty tears as he bit his lower lip to prevent it from shaking too much. "My entire life I was controlled by my parents and then mentally and physically controlled by Daehyun, I killed my parents and I became a vampire because of him. I became a monster all because I believed in a love that wasn't even real from the start, I wasn't strong enough to abandon it when I was a human but when I was transformed into a vampire I ran the first chance I got. How can you get over the loss of your parents and your mind?" Baekhyun generally wondered, his body trembled as he forced the tears away from his eyes refusing to allow them to fall. "When I got close to Chanyeol, I was scared. I didn't want to lose my mind or someone important to me again, I know Chanyeol isn't Daehyun, I know that because I feel safe in his safe whenever he's near me but I cant help that fear." 

"Baekhyun you managed to escape from him though, granted you had to turn into a vampire before doing that but you still found strength to decide that the relationship you had with Daehyun was toxic. I don't think I could ever find you even remotely pathetic when you did something so courageous as that, you're stronger than you allow yourself to see Baekhyun and I think that being with Chanyeol makes you see just how strong you can be." Luhan smiled, gently cupping his friend's face and swiping softly against his dry cheek.  "You're not a monster, although you do become scary when someone pisses you off that I will admit - like damn and I thought we only had one Satansoo in this dorm." 

The taller's words were unsurprisingly helping, Baekhyun couldn't help but let out a soft giggle as he listened to Luhan drone on about hoe he needed to exchange dorms with Suho or Minseok since they seemed to know how to deal with 'Satansoos.' 

"Look I know the things that you're telling us are only snippets of the story of what happened to you Baekhyun, we understand that you can't tell us everything and I don't expect you to if it makes you uncomfortable but I definitely think that you should talk to someone about the parts that we can't help you with. And I think that you need to speak with Chanyeol too, the both of you clearly need to have some sort of discussion between just the two of you. You both clearly have some stuff that needs to be sorted out, but for today why don't we just have another Disney Movie Marathon hmm?" 

"Now that is something that I would love to join in on" Kyungsoo smiled from the hallway leading towards their bedrooms, he was wrapped up in an oversized shirt and joggers looking beyond comfortable with a blanket thrown over his shoulders. "I already invaded the cafeteria so we're stocked up on snacks, although we might be running low on drinks.." 

"How about we invite Suho, Minseok and Tao over?" Baekhyun wondered raising a brow in his friends direction, both boys smiled and nodded their heads whipping out their phones in order to send the invites. "Oh and while you're at it you can invite the Alpha's over as well." 

Luhan and Kyungsoo's fingers froze on the touchscreen of their phones, Baekhyun imagining their keyboard to look as if it had be smashed. "Are you sure that that's a good idea?" Kyungsoo whispered, his voice low so that he didn't spark off another argument. 

"Yeah Baek, I told you that you can sort all that stuff out with Chanyeol another time. For today let's just have some fun and relax after everything that's happened this past week." Luhan agreed with the doe eyed boy standing beside him, Baekhyun sent them both a glance before shaking his head. 

"I'm not going to do anything about Chanyeol and I's situation today, but I just thought that maybe if he sees that I'm alright with him tagging along it might give us some room to talk and then when I'm ready I'll direct the conversation back to our.. moment." Baekhyun's face flared red in embarrassment, his cheeks being the only thing his friends can see from his position behind the fridge's door. 

"So~" Luhan singsonged, swinging back and front on the balls of his feet. Baekhyun sent his friend's a quick glance before raising a brow in their direction, the mischievous glint in their eyes sending a shiver down the back of his spine. "are you going to tell us what it was like kissing him or what?!" 

"That depends are you both going to tell me details of what happened between you and your werewolves hmm?" Baekhyun teased, wiggling his brows in a suggestive manner. Luhan's cheeks brightened as he sent a quick glance in Kyungsoo's direction. 

"Yes!" Kyungsoo yelled at the same time Luhan yelled "No!" 

Baekhyun burst into a fit of giggles, the tears that had developed in the back of his throat holding a new meaning now as he clutched his stomach as his friends began yelling at each other. 


"Chanyeol can you spot me?" Sehun's voice broke the boy away from the words written into the book. The Alpha stood up from the weight lifting bench and stood behind Sehun who was currently lying down on the bench press, the younger wolf curious as to why his hyung was so interested in a book with a weird title on the cover. "What'cha reading?" he questioned through the quick breaths he took lifting the weights. 

Chanyeol didn't even spare him a glance as he continued reading, his mind on overdrive as he re-read the story of Creation that he had read the night before. "A book." he answered grimly, his thick fingers playing with the edge of the page his eyes travelling from left to right before they returned to the top after he had turned to the following page. 

Silence consumed them, Sehun staring blankly up at his hyung whose attention had not swayed from the leather bonded novel. He didn't let it phase him, turning his own attention back to his gym timetable that he had recently developed so that he was as fit as a fiddle for when defence and training class with the vampires came around. Due to yesterday's loaded events Ms Lee figured that it would be best if the students and facility were given some time off, during the following couple days that had yet to come they expected there to be a burial ceremony for the two female students that the school had lost. 

Most of Chanyeol's pack had found themselves getting roped into border control with Kris but not their Alpha, when Chanyeol woke up that morning he got an earful from his friends and pack-members telling him that they wouldn't be allowing him anywhere near the border until he and Baekhyun sort things out. Surprising himself Chanyeol realised that he hadn't been thinking much about the small vampires unless he randomly floated into his brain whenever he read a word or sentence from the book that had undoubtfully become his new obsession. 

"Sehun do you believe in reincarnation?" 

The youngest wolf paused in his actions, the burn from holding the weight above him proved that he best let it down for now. With the help of his hyung's right hand Sehun was able to reposition the weight on the rest before he carefully sat himself up, making sure to avoid the pole that would have been in direct contact with his forehead. 

"Do I believe in what now?" 

"Reincarnation," Chanyeol echoed, closing the novel in his hand. "you know the rebirth of a soul in another body. According to the book I'm currently reading it says that it's quite a likely thing!" 

"Since when have you become religious?" The youngest wolf couldn't help but spat, his mind almost malfunctioning at the words spewing from his Alpha's lips. "I didn't expect you to randomly become Buddhist or something, are you feeling okay? You've been acting strange ever since yesterday.." 

"Sehun" Chanyeol sighed, his fingers scratching against his nape as he stared down at the younger who was still sitting on the bench press. "I just need you to answer my question." 

"Why? If the book that you're reading says that reincarnation happens then it happens, what I don't understand is why you're getting so freaked out about it-" 

"My mum is the one who gave me this book and told me - to my face - that she was growing tired of having to explain things to me over and over again. She kept going on about how she wasn't supposed to be here and then she dragged Baekhyun into the conversation, apparently he wasn't supposed to go through a portal or something-" 

"Yeah okay that's enough to convince me!" Sehun proclaimed, tossing his hands up in the air as he nodded his head up and down. Chanyeol's jaw dropped as he stared bewildered at his best friend. 

"You're joking right?" 

"Of course I'm joking, how would you like it if I turn around and propose random that could literally mean anything to anyone?!" he hissed, slapping the Alpha's waist (since that was all he was able to reach at the moment). "But I am curious as to understanding what the book means, clearly your mum has some purpose of showing it to you." 

"Whatever it is, it is tied to Baekhyun in some way." Chanyeol explained, presenting the tan coloured leather bonded book to Sehun who hesitantly took with gentle fingers. The elder watched as he pulled back the cover slowly, revealing the story that had Chanyeol up most of the night researching. "Apparently the world being created by wolves doesn't seem to be a rare thing, many cultures worshiped wolves as their creators and or gods but no story seems to line up to this one." 

"By just scanning through the first few sentences I can agree with you, this is quite interesting but strange a the same time. Has your Eomma given you any other clues as to why she gave you this?" Sehun asked flipping through the book, his eyes catching small drawings and a lot more words and stories similar to the first. The book automatically falling onto the last page, which seemed to have been used quite a lot. "What's all those lines mean?" 

"That's a tally, one line indicates the number one of something it keeps going like that until it gets to five and from there the four previous get crossed out. This is the way my mum works out numbers sometimes, usually she places a hint as to what she's counting but there doesn't seem to be anyth-" 

"Oh look here!" Sehun shrieked, pointing towards the left hand corner of the back page. A small 18 was written among the line tallies, Sehun remained quiet as Chanyeol's eyes swept through the tallies briefly his eyes blowing wide as he noticed it go far beyond 100. "What is it?" 

"614?" he answered, is tone in the form of a question. Sehun sent him a glance before turning his attention back to the book in his hands. Chanyeol's mind ran with the possibilities of what the tallies could symbolise, he wondered if it alluded to school prices, the amount of students present in school at a certain period of time or-

"Hyung" Sehun called out yet again, this time hitting the taller with his elbow. Chanyeol approached the boy, his eyes casting over his shoulder to see what he had stumbled upon. "page eighteen is the title page for Reincarnation, you don't think that she-?" 

"My mother has been reincarnated six hundred and fourteen times?" Chanyeol finished raising a brow as a scoff escaped his lips. "I highly doubt it." 

"What happens if it wasn't her being reincarnated though?" Sehun stressed, staring up into his friend's eyes attempting to freak him out and succeeding in some way even though Chanyeol didn't want to openly admit it. 

The buzzing of their phones pulled them away from their conversation and towards the one happening in their private messages. Chanyeol felt his heart skip a beat at the message that had been sent by Luhan. 

Sehun's_mate?: Chanyeol, you and the boys are invited over to our dorm tonight! We're going to be having a Disney movie marathon so bring your blankets and be dress comfortably... OH! And bring some drinks okay??

"Is Baekhyun going to be there?" Chanyeol couldn't help but ask the air. Sehun who had sent his friend a look of pity nodded his head after receiving another message from the vampire. 

"He says that Baekhyun was the one that thought about bringing everyone over, Luhan says that he wants to see you at least tonight. He apparently knows you two need to talk but he's willingly to wait until a later date." Sehun explained briefly from the lengthy paragraph that Luhan had sent with a bunch of smiley faces to add to the message. 

"I think I might just go and research this instead." Chanyeol admitted, pulling the novel from Sehun's grip. However despite being fast, Sehun could proudly announce that he was the fastest wolf out of their pack and he found great pride in letting everyone know it. 

"No you're going to this movie marathon and you're going to play nice with little diva Baekhyun okay?" 

"If I say no you're still going to force me to go so, why not?" Chanyeol attempted to release a genuine smile but it was beyond clear that it was forced and not meant to be taken seriously at all. 

"Now that sounds like it!" Sehun teased, gently hitting his friend's waist with his elbow. 

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Beau1996 1379 streak #1
Chapter 11: I was pretty sure Daehyun would make an appearance!!
Beau1996 1379 streak #2
Chapter 10: Village trip - will it be fun or a run in with bad supes??
Beau1996 1379 streak #3
Chapter 7: Hard revelation to share but Chan is there to support him
Beau1996 1379 streak #4
Chapter 5: Day class and night class - one of my favorite animes but vampires and humans were the students - vampire Knight
Beau1996 1379 streak #5
Chapter 2: Baek is a daywalker!!
Beau1996 1379 streak #6
Chapter 1: I must have read before because I was already subscribed but looking forward to re-reading
Vampirella77 #7
Chapter 78: Wow. 2 new books. I'm so excited 😊😊😊. Thank you
747 streak #8
Chapter 78: Thank you so much, I am really looking forward to both books. Your writing is so amazing and the characters really come to life. I am in hopes that Chanyeol will make it back to Baekhyun by the end of both books. I can’t wait to see what awaits everyone.
Erica_flv #9
Chapter 78: I read this story twice . And I’m going to read it again . The story it so amazing . I will be waiting but I probably read it more time .
747 streak #10
Chapter 76: I binge read all the chapters and finally got caught up. I absolutely love this story, it reads almost like a saga. Your plot and characterization are flawless. Thank you so much for taking us on this adventure. I can’t wait to read the continuation, this is a real gem.