The Creation Story


The small party that had insisted on following Baekhyun back to his home in the Light Pack territory, hesitatingly entered the pack house where the omega claimed to have grown up in. The thirteen boys were welcomed by the entrance by Baekhyun's father; The Alpha of the Light Pack. His lips were pulled up into a small smile, but it was obvious that the emotion hadn't reached his eyes. 

"Baekhyun" he gushed, pulling his youngest pup close. Baekhyun willingly allowed himself to be embraced, feeling a lump form in the back of his throat. "I'm so glad to see you.." 

"I am too Appa." The boy admitted, holding back his tears as he gripped his father's coat tighter. "I came almost immediately after I received your letter, I'm so sorry that I wasn't here when the plague happened-" 

"Nonsense!" The Alpha interrupted, gently pushing his youngest child away. "I'm glad that you weren't here, I'm so happy that you were in the castle and away from all of this. The pack has suffered greatly from this plague Baekhyun, our family having given their lives to it. You're the only pup I have left and I am beyond overjoyed that you were safe," The Light Alpha took a moment to look around at his son's friends, happy to see them so close after so little time had past. "I'm glad that you all were safe." 

"And we will remain safe throughout our stay here, right?" Daehyun enquired, raising his hand like a student would question a teacher. Chanyeol growled at his elder brother, his hands forming fists by his sides as he attempted to control himself against the future king. 

"I think my brother meant something different" Chanyeol rushed to explain to the nervous looking Alpha, Baekhyun's father rising a brow in his direction. Chanyeol took a breath and stepped forward, a small smile on his lips as his eyes caught Baekhyun's. "we would like to know if anyone else in your village is effected by the plague because we would be more than happy to bring them back to the capital for treatment!" 

Baekhyun casually sent a glance in his father's direction, surprised to see his old man so deep in thought. A small smile cracked onto the Alpha's lips, his chest vibrating as he chuckled quietly to himself. "Although I thank you for your trouble Prince Chanyeol, I'm sad to say but your offer has been made too late. The plague was upon us before anyone could even comprehend it, people were getting sick all over the village and everyone who wasn't took time to look after them or the pups. We didn't have a chance to write letters informing of our neighbours of the threat because almost as soon as it appeared, it was gone again." 

"I'm so sorry for your loss Mr Byun" Kyungsoo and Luhan choired together, bowing respectfully towards the elder wolf. Baekhyun's father nodded his head and in turn bowed back to the young omegas. "when Baekhyun told us of the news, we insisted that we come along. We wanted to help in whatever way we could!" 

"Well in that case would you like to help out the omegas in the nursey? There are a couple orphaned pups that haven't been able to enjoy themselves after the sickness spread, they've been quite down in the dumps lately and I feel as though you lot would make their day." The Alpha explained ushering a young woman forward who bowed in greeting. "This is Mina, she'll take you to the nursey. If it's alright with you guys I might ask some aid of the Alphas." 

"That won't be a problem Mr Byun!" Tao giggled, already linking his arm through Mina's who seemed beyond shocked with the action. "Will Baekhyun be joining us?" 

"Am I Appa?" the boy wondered, gazing up into his father's eyes in curiosity. He had always been apart of the village meetings, often unafraid to voice his own opinion when his village was on the line. 

"You're more than welcome to-" 

"Absolutely not!" Daehyun interrupted, separating the grieving family members from each other. "No omega of mine would ever be able to sit in on pack meetings, have you all gone crazy?!" 

"Things run differently here than in the capital" Kris deadpanned, unafraid to slap the back of the Prince's head. "omegas are treated differently and with respect in every other land except the one in your head." 

"I can have your head for that!" Daehyun shouted, looking up at Kris with waterlogged eyes. Clearly the Alpha packed more punch in his hand than they originally thought. 

"And just for the record Daehyun, Baekhyun isn't your omega" Chanyeol continued, glaring at his brother with his arms crossed over his chest. "I say that Baekhyun is more than capable of being in the meeting with us, after all this is his land and he knows it a lot better than we do." 

"Fine, all those in favour of my brother's decision please raise your arms." Daehyun sighed, gazing down at his nails unexpecting everyone to rise their hands. He scoffed and shoved past his brother on his way further into the pack house, Chanyeol issuing an apology to both of the Light Pack members. 

Baekhyun waved his omega friends goodbye and followed the Alpha's into the meeting room, having absolutely no idea of what was to come. 




Baekhyun stared at the blinking red neon numbers flashing through the screen of his automatic clock on his beside table. 


He could hear the noise of his friends outside in the living room, their rushed conversations and anxious steps. Something was wrong. Something always seemed wrong whenever more than two people were making holes in the floorboards in the living room. Baekhyun had learned to grow used to the situation, but tonight it was different. 

No one had heard from Chanyeol since he had left the café in the human village hours ago, no phone call or text message, not even a sighting from anyone in school. Baekhyun had returned from his walk around the school grounds at around dinner time, his ears automatically getting bombarded by questions from his friends begging him to tell them where Chanyeol was. But he didn't know. 

According to Sehun -who had spent a majority of the day searching the village- his scent had disappeared further inward, meaning to the supernatural community that the werewolf had decided to hide himself in among the human population. 

Baekhyun had grown to learn that this wasn't the first case of a supernatural being fleeing away from the school and taking refuge inside the human world, but his heart kept pumping harshly against his chest when he thought about it being Chanyeol. The Alpha would surely become thirsty for blood soon if he hadn't already and the last thing the school needed was for the supernatural council to find out. Baekhyun had managed to stay under their radar since his spilt with Daehyun and he didn't feel comfortable seeing them so soon, even after the sudden death of two girl students. 

He knew that he was the cause for the Alpha to leave in the first place so Baekhyun did the only thing he could think of in that moment. He shoved his blankets off his body and rolled himself out onto his feet, he stretched for a brief moment before pulling off his PJ's. He pulled a long sleeved shirt over his head and threw a hoodie on top, he changed his underwear before pulling on a pair of jeans and some socks before sitting back down at the edge of his bed in order to tie his shoelaces. He was going to go and join his friends in the search for the Alpha, knowing that he wouldn't be able to get rest until he was back with them. 


Chanyeol sat on a chair in the principal's office, his head in his hands as the woman continuously lectured him on the grief he had caused her as well as the entire student body. She paused momentarily when she realised that the words she was spilling were clearly going unnoticed by the preoccupied boy before her, she could tell that the Alpha's mind was thousands of lightyears away resulting in a soft sigh. 

Her words ran out as she stood up from her chair and began making her way towards the bookshelf in her office, the tall mahogany structure built into the wall. It stretched from the ceiling to the floor with six shelves in total, the mini library was filled with interesting looking books that any classic collector would love to their hands on. Chanyeol remembered gazing through the spines when he was there for a meeting beforehand, he was surprised to see that the languages of the books ranged from Korean to English, to Spanish, Chinese, French, Danish, Filipino, Greek, Latin and a bunch of cursive languages he had never seen before. 

The silence of the room pulled the boy back from his trance, his eyes falling on the headmistress who had turned her attention to the third lowest shelf. Chanyeol's brows furrowed together as he watched her pull a book from the shelf, a book that seemed to be foreign among it's neighbours. The shelf was filled with hard back copies of some of the most famous books of all time and yet this particular book was leather bound and it's title wasn't one he was familiar with. 

Ms Lee smiled as she glanced the cover over, her delicate fingers wiping away some imagery dust. She backtracked until she was once again behind her desk, she sent Chanyeol a quick glance before laying the book out before him. He sent a confused glance but the headmistress simply nodded her head, gesturing with her hands for him to take it. And he did. 

His shaking fingers reached out and touched the waxy material holding the book together, he gently lifted the novel up from the desk and pulled it closer to him. His eyes glanced over the faded title, his fingers tracing the block English letters. 

The Creation Story. 

"What is this?" he asked, when he released that there was no blurb on the back to tell him of the tale in which the bounded leather book stored. Not even a single phrase to at least allude to it's contents. 

"It's our creation story," Ms Lee explained with a small smile pulling at the corner's of her lips. "I used to read it to you every night when you were younger, it put you right to sleep. I stopped when you told me that you were too big to listen to bedtime stories, the page I finished on is still marked in there if you want to continue on from where I left off-" 

"Why are you giving me this?" Chanyeol didn't mean to interrupt the woman, after all he had manners but right now manners wouldn't give him the answers to the many questions he had circling in his head. "What good will I get from reading a story about creation? Isn't it about Adam and Eve or the Greek Titans? Believe me Eomma I'm pretty sure I'm aware of the many different creation stories this world has to offer." 

"The book isn't telling you the story of how this world was created Chanyeol, it's a story of something much much older, stretching back long before any of us were even born!" Ms Lee hissed, slamming her hand down on her desk as she glared at her son from across the table. "I'm giving you this book now because I think it's about time I do something to make you remember." 

"Make me remember?" Chanyeol's jaw dropped, his eyes nearly bulging out of his sockets as he leaned forward in his chair. "What happened to me that I forgot something?" 

"You can't blame yourself for forgetting what happened in the first place Chanyeol, it's not your fault that the accident happened. Baekhyun was never meant to follow you through the portal on your way here but he did and now everything that you know is so much different than it used to be." 

"Eomma you're starting to freak me out, what happened between Baekhyun and I, why can't I remember?" Chanyeol pressed further, standing up from his chair, his grip on the book getting tighter and tighter. 

"I can't find it in me to tell you all of it again Chanyeol, I've spent so long reminding you both of the memories you two shared before that I've grown tired. I cannot stand this hell anymore, I cannot bare to loose you repeatedly. I cant stand to see you both loose to him every time, you can call me selfish all you want. My time here is going shorter and shorter and I don't think I'll be able to handle another lifetime-" 

"Another lifetime? What the hell are you going on about?" Chanyeol shouted, looking at his mother with tears in his eyes. He couldn't help but glance to the book in hands when his mother refused to utter any more words on the matter, he knew that all the knowledge he needed to know would be stored within the countless pages of the book his mother had kept on display ever since he was a young boy. Chanyeol scoffed but nodded his head and loosened his grip on the leather, it was heavy against his palm. The weight of the leather dragging his tired arm down, his brain was now completely mushed up with his thoughts revolving around the ancient secret his mother had kept from him, how worried his friends must be and finally, Baekhyun. 

Without another word Chanyeol wished his mother goodnight and left her office entering the hallway to find it empty of all students. He figured that the night classes were going ahead so he tried to keep his loud steps quiet as his sneakers squeaked against the floor, the closer he got to his dorm floor the more tired he realised he had become. His feet were heavy and it took a lot of energy to fully lift them forward to enable him to walk, Chanyeol was almost a hundred percent sure that he would appear to be intoxicated from anyone else's point of view so he considered himself lucky that no one was on their floor at the time. 

Chanyeol felt around for his keys in the back of his jeans, his fingertips wrapping around the thin frame of his cell phone which he considered to have been blasted with text messages from his friends and fellow students alike. He pushed it aside and dug his fingers in deeper only to come up empty handed, he must have left them in his dorm or at the café in the village (he just hoped someone had picked them up on their way out). 

Having no choice but to raise his hand, Chanyeol collided his fist against the wooden door his breathing uneven as he waited patiently for the door to open. When it finally did he almost allowed the tears he had held back to fall, there standing before him was Luhan, the vampire looking up at him with tear stained cheeks and red puffy eyes. 

"Is Sehun here, I need the keys to the dorm.." Chanyeol whispered, unable to look the blonde haired boy in the eye. After everything that he had caused for his friends he couldn't stand to see them all so upset, his heart aching at the sight of Luhan sniffing. 

"You have some nerve asking that after you disappear on us for more than six hours Park Chanyeol!" Kyungsoo hissed grabbing the boy by his shirt collar and dragging him past the threshold. Chanyeol whimpered when he received a hit to the back of his neck, Kyungsoo instantly hugging him close as an apology. 

"You shouldn't have left like that!" Luhan shrieked finding comfort in Sehun's arms, the pair sitting close on the couch. "Not without a call or text to at least tell us you were okay, we thought something happened to you like Taeyeon!" 

"Is Kris on border duty?" Chanyeol wondered aloud once Kyungsoo had backed off by Jongin's quiet coaxing. He wasn't sure if everyone had seen the soft tan leather book in his hand but if they had no one spoke of it, much to Chanyeol's relief. "Where is Tao and why am I hearing so many groaning sounds?" 

"Yes Kris is on border duty and Tao decided to tag along with some of the other wolves from the day classes, everyone figured that we needed time to find you so they took over the patrol. The groaning you are hearing is from our stomachs, we haven't eaten since the diner. We've been worried about you." Sehun explained without missing a beat, he gently rocked Luhan from side to side calming the boy down even further now that they knew Chanyeol was safe. 

He glanced around the living room, his eyes naturally falling into the kitchen where Baekhyun stood looking at him with a sense of relief in his eyes. The Alpha instantly dropped eye contact, his gaze falling onto the floor instead of on the vampire a couple arm lengths away. "You shouldn't have worried, if anything did happen I would have been fine." 

"Chanyeol-" Suho sighed attempting to begin the conversation but the taller wasn't having a second of it. 

"I just came here to get the key to my dorm since I seemed to have misplaced mine, it's been a long day and all I want to do right now is sleep. I'll deal with whatever questions or concerns you have in the morning but right now all I have on my mind is getting that key." he lied, turning to Sehun to whom he held out his palm. The youngest wolf stared at him for a brief moment before turning his attention to the book and back, a brow raised in question as he fished his dorm key out of his pocket (which wasn't as easy as it seemed since Luhan was still seeking comfort). Chanyeol was happy to see Sehun's lips remain closed as he straightened up, dorm key in hand. 

He sent one last glance around the room filled with his friends before he made his way back to the door, ignoring their tired sighs of frustration and anguish. His eyes lingered on Baekhyun for a moment too short, he was unable to witness the smaller sheading a tear for him. 

However, despite his need of running away, of hiding beneath his bedcovers. Chanyeol still found himself halting in his steps when Baekhyun called out his name, his voice cracking as he held back the lump in his throat. 

Don't look back. 

He chanted to himself, his eyes harshly closed. He focused on the cold metal beneath his fingertips, he couldn't help but notice that his palms had developed a thin layer of sweat.

"Chanyeol please-" 

"Baekhyun please don't" he found himself answering, unable to turn around and look at the boy. "not tonight, not right now." 

Baekhyun watched with an aching heart as Chanyeol walked out of his dorm, repeating the words that he had muttered earlier in the diner. Hearing his own words be thrown back at him made Baekhyun realise just how much hurt he had caused, made him realise that even though he attempted to do good he ended up completely destroying them both and there was absolutely nothing that he could do about it now. 


Chanyeol lay in bed fresh out of the shower with his bedside lamp on at full blast. His tired eyes swept the cover of the book his mother had given him yet again, his mind racing at all the possibilities that it could contain. His fingers toyed with the edging, contemplating whether he could allow the curiosity to kill his inner cat or allow it to live another life. The once cold leather was now warm against his fingertips, the temptation of reading about the strange words his mother spoke to him was overpowering, something he had never felt before in his life. He didn't understand the feeling he was undergoing, but for some strange reason Chanyeol thought that the book in his grip held answers to questions he didn't even have yet.

With a sigh Chanyeol opened the book, his tired eyes blinking as he tired to focus on the words being written out before him. 


The Great Creation 

12 wolves quietly awoke under the watchful eye of their mother, her lips curled up into a smile unable to believe that her magic had finally worked. Her children had finally been created after so long. A pack of 12, each one strong and clever in their own way.

As they were just pups she never realised that the powers they had would prove to be more powerful than anything she could have ever known. She whispered in their eyes, her fingers gently cascading themselves through their fur calming them down from their excited play. 

"Hush now my darlings, finally you're time has come." with a breath of light she passed one of her powers into each one. 

Their shoulders raised and their fangs bared as pain coursed through their veins, holding onto one another they waited and attempted to fight against it. Their paws stretched out into hands, their snouts were pulled back to from chins, their hind paws grew out into legs, their body forming a torso and chest. 

Their mother smiled as they whimpered the pain away, standing up on their new legs they stared at each other in awe. Although they were and cold they knew they had a job to do, their mother expecting them to help her with the new world she was creating. They shuffled into a random line, their lips sealed together as they waited patiently for her instruction. 

"My nineth please step forward."  came the voice. 

The once small wolf with the deep brown eyes stepped forward. The cloud around them gently floated away as a clump of earth shot up from the darkness below. The earth was filled with wedges, grooves of dirt and mud were visible for all to see, their mother smiled happily clapping her hands in glee. 

"Thank you" she whispered and the man-wolf stepped back, taking his place beside his 'brothers'. "My fourth and tenth!"

The nineth watched as his brothers stepped forward. They too had brown eyes yet they were both darker than his own. The tenth took his stance while the fourth created water from his fingertips. Together they managed to force the liquid around the clump of earth. The eleventh releasing a growl as if to warn the water of it's new place on the piece of earth his brother had made.

As they moved back the third oldest stepped forward without needing to be called, like he had known of what was needed of him. He raised his head high and the ball of earth was able to float on its own without the need of the second oldest holding it up, as a metal core slowly began filling the centre.

The eldest took his turn and froze the top and bottom parts of the sphere, the once flowing water iced over creating beautiful ice caps, while the remaining continued to flow.

The youngest blew at the sphere making the excess water go away to reveal islands and continents. Stepping back he gave way to the fifth eldest who kissed the sphere causing lush green fields and trees to spring from the nutritious earth that had now free from the waters clutches.

A flash of lightning held everything together given as a gift from the seventh. The eleventh nudged the earth into its spin.

"Earth has now been created!" the mother squealed wrapping her arms around her sons. Yet two whimpered away, the sixth and eighth bent their head and nuzzled their noses together, their eyes were locked as they slowly began circling each other their wolf characteristics making themselves known as they shifted into their animals forms again.

They were the first mates, the first couple of the twelve wolves. Their love brightening the darkness below their cloud.

The sixth shone brightly, his fur a pristine white; pure and innocent to everything around him. However his mate was different, the eighth was a fiery red his veins coursing with a darkness that he would spend the rest of his life battling. Feeling his mate's sadness the sixth child leaped forward gently nudging the eighth beneath his chin, him just below the ear with a small smile on his lips. 

From this single act of affection sprouted something that could never be broken by magic, time or death. A bond so strong and filled with love that linked them for entirety. The love set fire to the eighth wolf's soul, in excitement and love he created a large ball of fire to show his mate the love he had for him. Feeling overwhelmed with embarrassment the sixth wolf's body glowed a magnificent white, he howled in content and from him created a ball of white. Together they had created a sun and moon for the animals on Earth. Both beautiful creations all on their own.

Chanyeol couldn't help the smile that naturally formed on his lips after reading the beginning of the book, his mind surprisingly at rest after having finished the first page of the leather bounded novel. Although he still couldn't wrap his head around why his mother seemed so freaked out about it, or why she had sprouted such weird words. 

Chanyeol couldn't see any similarities between his life and what the book had given him in the first chapter. There was no index or blurb to give him an idea of what he could expect in the future but for now the novel definitely had taken his interest (and he didn't find it hard to admit it). 

Glancing over at the clock hanging on his wall Chanyeol's eyes widened noticing the time. 


He was going to need sleep if he was going to have to deal with the countless questions from his friends tomorrow and he wasn't even sure on what Baekhyun wanted to talk to him about today, but for the first time in a long while Chanyeol really hoped that he would completely forget about it. 

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Beau1996 1378 streak #1
Chapter 11: I was pretty sure Daehyun would make an appearance!!
Beau1996 1378 streak #2
Chapter 10: Village trip - will it be fun or a run in with bad supes??
Beau1996 1378 streak #3
Chapter 7: Hard revelation to share but Chan is there to support him
Beau1996 1378 streak #4
Chapter 5: Day class and night class - one of my favorite animes but vampires and humans were the students - vampire Knight
Beau1996 1378 streak #5
Chapter 2: Baek is a daywalker!!
Beau1996 1378 streak #6
Chapter 1: I must have read before because I was already subscribed but looking forward to re-reading
Vampirella77 #7
Chapter 78: Wow. 2 new books. I'm so excited 😊😊😊. Thank you
747 streak #8
Chapter 78: Thank you so much, I am really looking forward to both books. Your writing is so amazing and the characters really come to life. I am in hopes that Chanyeol will make it back to Baekhyun by the end of both books. I can’t wait to see what awaits everyone.
Erica_flv #9
Chapter 78: I read this story twice . And I’m going to read it again . The story it so amazing . I will be waiting but I probably read it more time .
747 streak #10
Chapter 76: I binge read all the chapters and finally got caught up. I absolutely love this story, it reads almost like a saga. Your plot and characterization are flawless. Thank you so much for taking us on this adventure. I can’t wait to read the continuation, this is a real gem.