A Little Tease before Breakfast


"Oh Appa, father!" Sehun cried, tossing open the King and Queen's chamber door, his eyes already closed having learnt his lesson from walking in on them the last time. You would think that any normal person would realise their mistake the first time around and avoid entering their adoptive parent's (slash friends first) room, Sehun as you could probably already tell, didn't which is why he continued to enter Baekhyun and Chanyeol’s bedroom without knocking. 

"Sehun one of these days I will not hesitate to throw a book at your face.” Baekhyun huffed into his pillow, he was draped in the blankets Chanyeol had already discarded after having been shocked awake. It was obvious that they hadn’t been up to anything naughty (thankfully to Sehun) and had been merely asleep before he had interrupted their peaceful slumber.

“How could you do that to your own son?” Sehun let out a mocking cry, wiping away a tear that wasn’t even there to begin with. He closed the door behind him and walked further into the room. Chanyeol was sitting at the edge of their shared bed rubbing the sleep out of his eyes however before he could look at his friend (and adoptive son) he was suddenly pushed backwards after a massive weight was thrown onto him. 

Baekhyun let out a grunt forcing him to lift his head up from within the pillow and gaze down at his torso where Chanyeol’s head was currently resting, his mate looked dazed from the sudden action which caused Baekhyun to let out a soft laugh. His gaze shifted down towards Chanyeol’s chest where Sehun’s forehead was pressed against. “You haven’t been living with us for a little over three years Sehun, is everything alright back home?” 

“I was starting to miss the castle..” The Alpha admitted, shifting his weight around on top of the King. Chanyeol let out a groan, his head tilting back so that his mate could see how uncomfortable he was in that one position. Baekhyun tried to help out his husband by supporting his neck with the pillow Chanyeol had been occupying through the night, it wasn’t much help but at least it took some strain off his muscles. “Being the leader of the Air Lands has always been a dream of mine but I figured once I got into power things would become easier. I would be able to use the lessons you guys taught me here while I was there, but more problems and questions keep rising and I generally have no idea how to come up with solutions.” 

“You’re under pressure and that’s natural for someone in power” Baekhyun stated, reaching his hand out so that it could comb through his adoptive son’s blond hair. Sehun found himself crumbling into the touch, having missed it after not seeing his ‘parents’ in over a year. “sure take Chanyeol for example, he was a wreck the first couple months into becoming King. With time comes answers to questions that have probably really stumped you, after all the lessons we gave you were only supposed to be practise for dealing with things like that. No monarch is perfect, everyone has and will make their mistakes you just need to have some guidance and help-” 

“If this is one of your marriage suggestions I really don’t think you should continue.” Chanyeol huffed through a pant, Sehun was definitely a lot heavier than he looked. He was a grown man cuddling into his chest while allowing his entire body weight to rest on top of him, Chanyeol wasn’t going to be surprised if his organs were mushed into his ribcage by the end of day. 

“As much as I love watching him and Luhan playing ‘catch the mouse’ with each other I respect Sehun’s decision to wait, however a marriage proposal doesn’t have to be right away.” Baekhyun said mostly aiming his sentence to Chanyeol who merely hummed in response, having been in too much pain to form words. “What I was going to suggest before your idiot Father interrupted me was that you invite Luhan to live with you in the Air Lands as your advisor, two people sharing a problem is always better than one. Besides you’ve said it yourself, while you were here you felt like you could really count on Luhan and his words hence why I would think it best that you at least consider him as a possible advisor.”

“What do you think?” Sehun wondered, turning to look at Chanyeol who was still trying to get used to the extra weight on top of him. 

“I think that you shouldn’t even be second guessing this, Baekhyun’s right you should invite Luhan to the Air Lands. We both know how easy it will be to act on your crush while he’s there and plus it will give him something to do since his elder brother will be taking over their parents throne.” 

“Not to mention the fact that he already told you at least a thousand time how excited he would be to see your kingdom.” Baekhyun chimed into the conversation, his lips pressed together in a thin line as the Alpha’s both let out a gasp of realisation. 

“Oh he did, didn’t he?” Sehun chuckled nervously, sending Baekhyun a coy smile in response to his stupidity. The omega merely shook his head and allowed his face to plant against the pillows yet again. 

“Even more reason for you to make a move, honestly Sehun we have been watching you and Luhan for years it’s getting annoying how you haven’t made things official yet!” 

“Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning..” The Alpha huffed, leaning off Chanyeol and crossing his arms. The King let out a wheeze of delight, his arms deflating next to him as he desperately tried to move himself away from Sehun just in case the boy was thinking about attacking him again. 

“What do you expect?!” The Omega shouted, causing his mate to jump in fright. Chanyeol was still only half-awake and was still trying to process the information laid out in the conversation formed earlier, from what he could gather Baekhyun was trying to do his matchmaking all over again. His mate was quite famous through the castle already since he was often grouping couples together, claiming to be able to see their future together. So far about a quarter of those he had introduced to each other had gotten married or at the very least were able to hold a decent conversation, others had yet to be matched. “I usually wake up to kisses or sweet whispers from my husband and mate, not a loud shout from our adoptive kid!” 

“Noted” Sehun rolled his eyes, standing up from the side of the bed he had landed on once Chanyeol moved he began making his way back to the door. “I’ll leave you alone to feel better, I’ll be in the library until then. Oh and my grandmother said to tell you both that she’s making pancakes for breakfast!” 

“Permission to kill him?” Chanyeol whispered into his mate’s ear with a smile, he slid back under the covers and allowed Baekhyun to cuddle up against his chest. His mate was warm and unlike Sehun wasn’t completely putting his entire weight on him, even though he would have been able to support himself with his husband on top of him. 

“Why would you when he just gave us some more time to spend in bed?” Baekhyun giggled while throwing one of his legs over Chanyeol’s waist, the Alpha letting out a chuckle in response. He welcomed his mate onto his lap with a wide grin, the warm pressure on Baekhyun’s thighs had the Omega letting out a content sigh. 

“At least let me buy a lock for the door!” Chanyeol groaned, his lips curling upwards as his husband worked his lips against his neck. 

“What do you think I do every night? I do lock it, but he can pick locks! I wonder who he learned that from.” Baekhyun remarked with a teasing grin, the Omega had a long wrap sheet of material that Sehun and Chanyeol had gotten up to during the time of their selection. How Haeun was able to forgive them after all their shenanigans baffled him, however he had been on the receiving end of a couple puppy-eyed pouts before so he had a fair idea how she was able to give in so easily. 




Baekhyun awoke to kisses pressing against his cheeks and nose. I like you a lot. 


A bright grin spread across his lips as his hands came up and wrapped themselves around Chanyeol’s neck, holding the Alpha wolf closer to him (not that the werewolf had a problem with it). He let out a giggle when Chanyeol managed to find his sweet spot, pressing kiss after kiss against it like a hyperactive puppy.


“What has gotten you in such a good mood this morning?” Baekhyun laughed even though the advances on his neck had stopped for the time-being, Chanyeol having pulled himself backwards in order to stare at the boy laying below him. “I’m not complaining because I generally love your affection, but it seems as though it means a little more today than yesterday.” 


“I wanted you to feel relaxed waking up today,” Chanyeol admitted, staring into the very soul of the vampire he so desperately loved. “I know how anxious you’ve been this past week and I wanted to do everything I could to make you feel at least somewhat relaxed.” 


Baekhyun felt his heart swell at the truth behind his boyfriend’s actions, the grin on his face somehow managing to get even larger once his fingers began running through those silver locks. Chanyeol’s eyes closed, his body shivering in delight as Baekhyun continued to show him some affection. The Alpha was surprised to feel a kiss press against his chin. You’re so cute. Chanyeol felt his cheeks heat up with the hidden meaning behind Baekhyun’s gesture, they were both completely in love with their own secretive way of communicating which in turn acted as a way for them to confess their love and adoration towards each other. 


“I appreciate what you’re trying to do puppy, I mean that.” Baekhyun looked serious, his brows furrowed in the centre of his forehead even if his gaze was locked on Chanyeol’s exposed shoulders. “But you’ve already accomplished that goal when you told me that you would never allow the council to take me, you told me that yesterday and yet I feel as though you’ve just told me this morning.” 


“Good” Chanyeol claimed after pressing his lips against Baekhyun’s in a quick kiss. “Because I want you to trust me when I say that I do intend to keep that promise.” 

“I trust you with my life puppy” Baekhyun whispered, somehow believing that the gentle tone would mean more in that moment. To Chanyeol it meant everything. 


The Alpha was beaming when he stood up from beneath the covers of Baekhyun’s bed, his hand offered out like it had been these past couple days and without fail the vampire willingly allowed the Big Bad Wolf to pull him out of the warm clutches of the duvet. 


“What the hell is wrong with you people?!” A voice screamed from somewhere close to the entrance of Baekhyun’s room, the vampire letting out a sigh wondering how he could have possibly forgot to lock his bedroom door after having gotten interrupted countless times these past couple months. 


“Sehun are you aware that it is currently six o’clock in the morning and you’re in a dorm room with a vampire present who has quite a sensitive hearing ability?” Chanyeol announced to the blond who had been staring back at him dumbfounded. 


“Don’t wolves have that ability too?” Baekhyun wondered, his head tilting towards Chanyeol even though their bodies had unintentionally drifted apart in the presence of another person. 


“Yeah, we do. But you get used to it when you live with him on a daily basis.”


“Could the two of you stop talking like I’m not even here?!” The younger wolf pleaded, looking between Baekhyun and Chanyeol who were surprised to hear the desperation in the boy’s voice. “I have a bone to pick with you two!” 


“Nice play on words when talking to a werewolf!” Chanyeol spoke with a sarcastic tone laced within the words, he had begun to busy himself with searching for his shirt that he had taken off when he realised that he would be (yet again) staying at Baekhyun’s dorm last night. 


Baekhyun rolled his eyes and pointed in the direction of the desired piece of clothing, it was strung up over the back of his chair by his study desk which was currently being used as a place to dispose of assignments and other forms of school work from both himself and Chanyeol. “Don’t mind him, what is it you want to talk to us about? It must be really important for you to come in here when you could have just asked us at breakfast.” 


“When were the two of you going to tell me that I’m your adoptive son?” 


“The thirty-first of never-mber.” Chanyeol grinned, after having pulled his head through his shirt. Sehun released a huff and crossed his arms, his stance reminding Chanyeol and Baekhyun of the gesture he pulled back in their shared dream. 


“How do you suggest that we tell you something as large as that?” Baekhyun asked, generally interested in how Sehun would have liked them to explain things about their past lives to him. “We couldn’t simply walk up to you and be like ‘hey Sehun so funny story, the dream I had last night told us that you’re actually a lot more than just the leader of the Air Lands. You’re also our adoptive son that’s only adopted because you needed help trying to secure your lands from creepy old generals who were land-hungry’ would that have worked?” 


“Yes,” the Alpha stated, his eyes wide as he stared at Baekhyun like he had just won the lotto. “That’s exactly what I had expected you to say when you found out! How long have you known that I’m your son?” 


“Twenty four hours and exactly to the minute.” Chanyeol explained holding up the clock Baekhyun had placed on his bedside table after having found it a burden when it was on his study desk. 


“We were going to tell you eventually” Baekhyun expressed his genuinosty through a small smile that had surprisingly made Sehun’s tense shoulders relax. “We just figured that we needed some time to ourselves to wrap our heads around it first, besides it’s Kyungsoo’s special day today and the last thing I want to tell him or anyone else is that Chanyeol and I have an adoptive son from a life we are only beginning to figure out now.” 


“Baekhyun has a point,” Chanyeol agreed, taking his spot right next to the vampire. His hand wrapped itself around Baekhyun’s waist in order to hold him close, appearing as a joint unit to Sehun who seemed so lost. “We know that we should have told you ourselves the second we figured it out. But he got sidetracked and for that we apologise, we just didn’t know when would be the best time to tell you.” 


“I understand,” Sehun nodded his head, his gaze turned to the floor. “The only other person who knows is Lu because we were both reading the book when I found out. He tried explaining things to me too but I wanted to hear you guy’s explanations first.” 


“And we understand that,” Baekhyun smiled, opening his arms. He didn’t expect the Alpha to walk towards him and actually allow himself to crumble into his hold, but Baekhyun quickly bit his tongue while his gaze locked on Chanyeol (who just for the record looked beyond surprised). “There isn’t much we can tell you about what we know though-” 


“Apart from the fact that you loved walking into our bedroom in the morning to wake us up.” Chanyeol growled, Baekhyun wasn’t even shocked to know that his boyfriend was clearly still holding onto that grudge. “But you also got karma for walking in on us when we were-” 


“Making another baby I know” Sehun gagged, instantly backing himself away from Baekhyun’s embrace. The vampire couldn't stop the blush that was suddenly attacking his cheeks, his eyes wide as he stared up at Chanyeol who also appeared to be frozen after Sehun’s choice of words. “We don’t need to go into the details, I appreciate that you guys did that for me even though I’m sure that it was very awkward for you when you both found out yesterday.” 


“I actually thought that our family looked quite cute.” Baekhyun admitted, a small shy smile on his lips when his eyes travelled back onto the werewolf in his room. “Although I admit it was a little hard to wrap around my head.” 


“I don’t doubt that.” Sehun laughed, his hands clutching his sides as his head tilted backwards just a fraction. 


“But on a good note at least you and Luhan are finally becoming something!” Chanyeol teased the younger wolf by sending him a wink, which caused Sehun’s entire face to turn into a tomato. Baekhyun slapped his open palm against his boyfriend’s chest and glared when Chanyeol’s gaze met his own, the Alpha suddenly turned into a kicked puppy when Baekhyun merely rolled his eyes. 


“Don’t mind him, he needs his morning coffee to function properly. Otherwise he will spout nonsense and information that may be personal, we will meet you outside in the kitchen in a few minutes Sehun.” Baekhyun offered the Alpha a smile, Sehun being able to return it as he made his way back towards the door. When he was sure that the boy was gone Baekhyun his heel and glared even harder at his boyfriend who had now resorted to pouting as his defence tactic. “What the hell is wrong with you?” 


“I’m telling him the obvious, he obviously still likes Luhan after all the lives we’ve lived through and if our first -technically second- life has anything to do with it, I believe that this is progress!” 


“You’re lucky you’re so handsome, otherwise I would have gone for your face instead of your chest!” Baekhyun growled, grabbing a towel from the pile of laundry he had managed to do yesterday afternoon. Chanyeol wasn’t sure if he was allowed to follow the smaller into the bath-closet, so he decided to take small miniature baby steps forward with his eyes trained on Baekhyun’s back which was facing him since the vampire was too occupied with finding the right temperature setting for his morning shower. While staring at Baekhyun, Chanyeol felt his heart skip a beat. The vampire really had an effect on him unlike anyone Chanyeol has been with before. 


“Are you going to let me join you?” He didn’t mean for his voice to sound so sad or desperate, however his body just seemed to work against him. Baekhyun stood taller after taking off his shirt, his shoulder muscles clenching as he turned around so that he was facing his boyfriend. To be honest the two of them hadn’t made anything official per-say yet they both addressed each other as boyfriends in their minds, after all they couldn’t be too sure about their curse. 


“Would I have come in here and willingly stripped myself knowing that I left the door open for you, if you weren’t?” Baekhyun teased, his lips curling upwards as he watched Chanyeol’s cheeks flare in a blush. 


“I thought you were doing that to smite me.” The Alpha admitted, hanging his head between his shoulders. With his gaze locked on the floor Chanyeol was able to see Baekhyun walk towards him, it wasn’t until he looked up that he realised the smirk displayed on the boy’s lips. 


“If I was smiting you, you would know about it puppy.” Baekhyun pressed his lips against Chanyeol’s cheek, before walking back over to the shower. He entered after having discarded his pants and underwear, his fingers running through his hair as he sent the taller a glance before ducking back behind the curtain. 


Chanyeol was frozen in his spot in the bath-closet, his heart was thundering against his ribcage and his eyes were blown wide at Baekhyun’s secret gestures that to the average person would completely miss. The Alpha felt his throat dry up which in turn forced him to gulp down the salvia that was unwillingly being created in his mouth. He didn’t have to try hard to smell Baekhyun’s scent coming from the shower, Chanyeol pulled off his shirt and pants. He stood in front of the curtain where the scent was the strongest, he closed his eyes and entered the shower only to be met with nimble fingers on his chest and neck. Before the Alpha could register what was happening he was pulled into a kiss, it was just lip on lip but the heat pulsing down his body had Chanyeol’s heart nearing an attack. This was not going to end well. 


“Baekhyun,” he called once he was free from the intoxicating kiss, Baekhyun’s attention having found his neck instead. “If you keep doing what you’re doing I’m really going to have a hard time trying to control myself.” 


“You make yourself out to be some kind of animal.” Baekhyun chuckled against his boyfriend’s sweet spot, Chnayeol visibly shaking from the hovering touch. 


“I’m part wolf you know,” the werewolf stated through a pant, his back pressed against the cool tiles of the shower. He noticed that the water wasn’t as warm as it had been whenever they shared their shower before, which also didn’t help to keep his mind out of the gutter. They were supernatural beings but if they were to do anything it could get dangerous with the heat of the shower steam around them, one of them might faint and hit their head or at least something similar. “Which technically means that I am in fact an animal.” 


“Hmmm I’ll just have to see that for myself.” Baekhyun blew a tunnel of air against Chanyeol’s ear, the Big Bad Wolf merely groaned at the sensation, his eyes slamming closed while his face contracted. Baekhyun watched amused as his boyfriend was trying so hard to control himself from popping a , it was quite the amusing sight which is why the vampire almost felt sorry for what he was about to do now. 


He took Chanyeol’s limp member into his hand and with the help of the luke-warm water spraying around them he was able to glide his hand up and down the shaft. Baekhyun nearly winced when he heard the loud thud of Chanyeol’s head against the tiled wall behind him, when he looked up to see if he was okay Baekhyu was surprised to see him huffing out breaths of air like a dog in heat. At the sight before him Baekhyun’s hold on the semi-hard only grew, Chanyeol body shaking in pleasure. Baekhyun could see that his boyfriend was on the brink of insanity, his body on the border of completely losing himself in the pleasure Baekhyun was giving him as well as trying to stay in control of his actions. He could see the fisted hands of the Alpha pressed against the wall, Chanyeol was holding himself back from touching him. Baekhyun’s lips curled up. 


“I was originally planning on just finishing you off..” Baekhyun whispered into Chanyeol’s ear, the Alpha groaning at the sound of it on top of his pleasure. “but I think you’re more than fully capable of doing it yourself sweetheart. I’ll see you for breakfast in a while, try and be as quiet as you can, the walls are soundproof but it looks like I wound you up good.” 


Before Chanyeol was able to register what the hell was happening to him, Baekhyun was gone. He had sped himself out of the shower and out of the room itself. The Alpha stared down at his with a pout covering his lips, he should have expected this, he never knew how much of a tease Baekhyun could be but it only made him want the vampire more. He let out a growl of distaste when his hand reached out and turned the dial of the shower and turned the temperature all the way down to freezing, oh how he was so going to get back at Baekhyun for this.


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Beau1996 1378 streak #1
Chapter 11: I was pretty sure Daehyun would make an appearance!!
Beau1996 1378 streak #2
Chapter 10: Village trip - will it be fun or a run in with bad supes??
Beau1996 1378 streak #3
Chapter 7: Hard revelation to share but Chan is there to support him
Beau1996 1378 streak #4
Chapter 5: Day class and night class - one of my favorite animes but vampires and humans were the students - vampire Knight
Beau1996 1378 streak #5
Chapter 2: Baek is a daywalker!!
Beau1996 1378 streak #6
Chapter 1: I must have read before because I was already subscribed but looking forward to re-reading
Vampirella77 #7
Chapter 78: Wow. 2 new books. I'm so excited 😊😊😊. Thank you
747 streak #8
Chapter 78: Thank you so much, I am really looking forward to both books. Your writing is so amazing and the characters really come to life. I am in hopes that Chanyeol will make it back to Baekhyun by the end of both books. I can’t wait to see what awaits everyone.
Erica_flv #9
Chapter 78: I read this story twice . And I’m going to read it again . The story it so amazing . I will be waiting but I probably read it more time .
747 streak #10
Chapter 76: I binge read all the chapters and finally got caught up. I absolutely love this story, it reads almost like a saga. Your plot and characterization are flawless. Thank you so much for taking us on this adventure. I can’t wait to read the continuation, this is a real gem.