Some Explaining to do pt.1


"This is going to be the first time I've ever seen such a thing!" Kyungsoo admitted with an excited grin on his lips as he trailed after Baekhyun who was leading his friends through his pack house in order to get to the centre of the village, after the omega's had been told of the meteor shower happening that night by Mina, Baekhyun was forced to bring them (even though he was going to anyway). "Baekhyun did you know that these comets are supposed to hold some magic?" 

"He has lived here Kyungsoo, of course he knows about the comets!" Daehyun uttered, rolling his eyes at the omega's stupidity. "Honestly I don't know how you omegas do things if your memories are like this." 

"Daehyun knock it off," Chanyeol growled after getting a glance of Kyungsoo's wobbling lower lip, the poor omega attempting to hold back his tears."he's obviously just excited!" 

"It's fine Chanyeol, I'll just keep my mouth shut for the time being." Kyungsoo sighed, allowing his arms to wrap around Luhan's right arm. The omegas sent glares in Daehyun's direction, the Prince holding his nose high too the sky as he ignored everyone who had greeted the small group on their journey to the village square. 

"Baekhyun!" Ten called, waving his hand to the Light Pack member. Baekhyun's lips curled up happily as he instantly directed his group towards his friends with a grin. "This is the best spot in the entire village to watch the meteor shower!" he had explained to the Alphas who nodded in understanding. 

"Ten, Johnny you've already met the omegas and Daehyun" Baekhyun giggled, turning towards the Alphas who seemed surprised to be involved in the conversation. "these are the Alphas that we have the pleasure of being courted by." 

"I wonder which one has eyes for you Baek," Ten giggled, slinging his arm over his childhood friend's shoulder. Baekhyun's cheeks flared as he gently whacked the boy's arm, he wasn't able to look in Chanyeol's direction after figuring that it would be obvious where his interests lay. "it's a pleasure to meet you guys! I'm Ten and this is my mate Johnny, we've been Baekhyun's friends for years and you don't understand how happy we were when we heard he got choicen for the lottery system!" 

"Ten, let the poor Alphas introduce themselves." Johnny interrupted his mate's rambling nature, his hand wrapped around the boy's waist pulling him away from Baekhyun so their leader's son could start introductions. 

"This is Kris he's the tallest out of all the Alphas!" Baekhyun chuckled, finding the facial expression the wolf made quite hilarious. Kris held out his hand and allowed Ten and Johnny to shake it. "He's also the son of the Flight lands leader." 

"Jogndae, the trickster as we like to call him" Baekhyun giggled, Jongdae's wide smile making him feel good about the inroduction. "he's the son of the leader of the Lighting Alpha." 

"Yixing but we like to call him Lay, he's a healer from the Healing Lands in the captical. He loves spending his time in the infirmarory, that's also part of the reason we never really see him!" The omega couldn't help but pout glancing over to his friends (the other omegas) who nodded their heads in agreement. 

"It's quite tragic honestly!" Suho gushed, his lower lip trembling as he jokingly wiped a fake tear from his waterline. Ten and Johnny laughed at the bright faced Alpha who awkwardly shook their hands before approaching Suho and pulling him away for a 'quick chat', the omega threw a panicked glance back but it was obvious that no-one was going to help him. Baekhyun threw a quick glance around before noticing that Daehyun had disappeared, not that it mattered since his friends had already been introduced to him. 

"This is Sehun, he's the youngest and he's the son of the Leader of the Air Lands." The introductions went on, Sehun happily introducing himself again to the happy couple who nodded and welcomed him to the pack. 

"This is Jongin or as we have gotten to call him Kai, he and Sehun go on like an old married couple sometimes but they refuse to admit to it. They also like to join Jongdae with his pranks, it's not very nice but it's funny when they team-up. Oh! And he's the son of the Teleportation Pack Leader!"  

"Baekhyun you know I don't like being grouped with that pup!" Jongin whined, having already shook Johnny and Ten's hands throughout his introduction. 

"What is that supposed to mean you overgrown beaver?!" Sehun yelled, hitting the wolf behind his ear earning a loud howl in response. 

"This is exactly what I'm talking about!" Baekhyun shrieked, watching with an amused expression as the two boys began bickering all over again. 

"And you?" Johnny wondered, drawing everyone's attention. "I can already tell that you have some significance, your tall but you carry yourself with a bit more pose then the others." 

"Johnny can be quite blunt sometimes you must excuse him." Ten explained before slapping his mate on the chest, his eyes narrowing as he warned him quietly how mean his words sounded.

"I'm Chanyeol, nothing really special" Chanyeol introduced himself with a shrug of his shoulders. "it's a pleasure to meet Baekhyun's childhood friends, I'm assuming that you guys have quite interesting stories huh?" 

"Not special my ," Baekhyun snapped, walking towards the Alpha and pressing his index finger into the taller's chest with a broad smile developing on his face. "this guy right here is actually the youngest son of the king!" 

"Oh you're the prince that Baekhyun kept going on about when we were kids!" Ten gushed, his eyes wide as he pointed towards Chanyeol even though his eyes were locked with his mate. "Remember love? It was after his mother's funeral and he kept going on about how cute the prince he played with in the river was?" 

"Oh you're the lucky guy that sparked our Baekhyun's attention!" Johnny chuckled, reaching his free hand out to shake Chanyeol's. They both s their arms around the waist of the smallers standing against their chests, Baekhyun's face lit up like a bonfire while Ten lovingly kissed his mate's cheek. "It's an honour to meet you Chanyeol after all this time!" 

"Likewise" the prince smiled, his charming skills clearly in effect as the other Alphas whistled at his current position with Baekhyun. "I remember Baekhyun telling me about you two when we were playing all that time ago, I want to personally thank you for everything you did for him after his mother died." 

"You have to thank yourself too, we couldn't wipe that smile off his face for a week!" Ten winked his eyes boring into Baekhyun's face, his best friend sending him back a glare as a response. 

"Oh really?" Chanyeol wondered, glancing down to the boy with his back pressed against his chest. He looked up only to have his eyes locked to Johnny's, the Alpha gestured to the treeline and loosened his grip around Ten's waist. He started his journey towards the treeline, making Chanyeol lean down to whisper into Baekhyun's ear. 

"I'll be back in time for the shower, wait for me?" 

Baekhyun's head snapped up to meet his eyes, Chanyeol's lips pulled up into a small smile as he pressed a quiet kiss onto the back of the boy's palm. Baekhyun's breath caught in his throat as he watched his crush approach the treeline that Johnny had just entered, before he could stress his lungs to get oxygen Baekhyun was instantly swarmed by his friends, Ten's bright smile mixing in with the other omegas he has had the pleasure of meeting. 

"That was the most adorable thing ever, oh my gosh Baekhyun are you okay?!" Luhan shrieked, cupping his friend's cheeks. He gasped once he realised how hot they felt to the touch, it was almost pitch black outside so although it dulled the wolves senses they could still vaguely see what was around them. "Have you developed a fever?!" 

"No, he's just embarassed." Ten giggled having seen his best friend act like this before. "It's how he looked after he waved Chanyeol off after they spent the entire day together, only now he'll be the one going back to the castle with his prince charming." 

"I ship it!" Minseok squealed, drawing everyone's attention. Luhan looked at his best friend in confusion, a brow raised in his direction. "I hear you say it all the time, don't look at me like that you're making me feel weird!" 


"Baekhyun, let my ear go!" Chanyeol snapped, his loud voice rippling through the empty hallways. The students who had been in their day classes all looked through the glass at the pair as they walked through the hallway, their brows raising as they realised Baekhyun had a tight grip on the Alpha's earlobe. Some of the werewolves winced at the sight of it having known how sensitive their ears were, many of them massaging their own at the sight happening before them. Teachers had been warned by the principal that if they saw the two protectors at any stage of the day they were told to let them be, unless another fight was to break out which was actually a going bet between the faculty members. 

"I need to talk to you," Baekhyun admitted, using his opposite hand to press against the oncoming headache he could feel approaching. Chanyeol noticed the action, his brows furrowing in confusion as the vampire attempted to breath through the pain generating in the crown of his head. "it's about what you said in class- ow!" 

"Okay stop," Chanyeol ordered, halting his steps and thereby stopping Baekhyun's steps too. The smaller dropped his grip from the wolf's ear and instead placing it on his forehead, Chanyeol instantly approached him gently taking his chin and making the vampire look at him. "you're in pain, what's happening?" 

"My head," Baekhyun breathed, his body releasing a sigh he didn't realise he was holding back. Feeling the warm touch of the wolf press against his cheeks made Baekhyun's body relax from it's tense standing he had been in due to his pain, it was still there but with Chanyeol's touch to distract him, Baekhyun's pain was divided by more than half. He gently placed both of his palms against the back of the Alpha's, his eyes closing for a moment to take a deep breath. "it hurts pretty badly." 

"Do you want me to take you to the infirmary?" Chanyeol questioned, hesitance written all over his face as he dared to step closer to the smaller. "You seem to be in quite the amount of pain-"

"Do you think that if I were to flip my switch it would all go away?" Baekhyun whispered, his eyes opening to Chanyeol's worried filled ones. 

"Everything? Baekhyun I don't think that's a good idea-" 

"I keep getting these daydreams and it gets worse at night" Baekhyun admitted, tears filling his eyes as he clutched Chnayeol's hands desperately keeping them against his cheeks. "it's like my mind is telling a story but everyone I know are the faces of the characters." 

Chanyeol's forehead creased, his eyes searching for an explanation in Baekhyun's eyes, he couldn't find anything apparent from a broken boy who needed someone to talk to. "How long has it been going on for?" 

"Ever since I shut off my humanity," Baekhyun sighed, hanging his head between his shoulders allowing only Chanyeol's hands to hold him up. "look it's not important I need to talk to you about the meteor shower and your interest in the number of them." 

"Go on then." 

"In my dreams there is a group of us out waiting for a meteor shower-" 

"A group of us?" Chanyeol wondered, unintentionally interrupting the boy in his sentence. "us? Are you trying to tell me that we're the people you're seeing your dreams?" 

"The twelve of us," Baekhyun agreed, dipping his head even lower. Chanyeol had to force himself from moving Baekhyun's neck to look back up at him, he was scared that he would cause another neck break. "Ms Lee and Daehyun, they're the only people I know. Everyone else is familiar but I have never met them, they weren't apart of my old life with Daehyun so I don't know how I know them." 

"Wait, wait, how many of us were there watching the shower?" 

"Us twelve, Daehyun and two other boys I don't know. In my mind their names were Johnny and Ten-" 

"Who else knows about this?" 

"Just you, I haven't been able to tell anyone else because of the other stuff on our plate. I knew by just looking at you that you knew how many meteors there were before Kyungsoo told you, you've been holding onto that book for the past two days. What's in it?" 

"Your dreams," Chanyeol explained watching as Baekhyun's head shot up to meet his eyes. "At least I think, I haven't gotten far into it. Sehun and I have been trying to decode it since my mum gave it to me, she told me that she was getting tired of telling me everything all over again. She kept saying that she couldn't keep watching us lose to him, I have no idea what she's talking about but I know this whole thing has something to do with you and I-" 

"You mother?" Baekhyun frowned and remained silent for a moment before placing the pieces of information he knew together. "You're telling me that Ms Lee is your mother, Chanyeol she's the Queen in my dream!" 

"Queen? Baekhyun does she have two children?" Chanyeol's eyes were getting larger, his hands dropping from Baekhyun's cheeks instantly making the headache he kept at bay come back with force. 

Baekhyun's lips quivered as he nodded his head. "You and Daehyun, you two were the Princes in my dream. You were both Alphas and the sons of the King of some alien like planet where everyone was werewolves with powers." 

"Baekhyun are okay?" Chanyeol mumbled, noticing the sudden paleness of the vampire's skin in front of him. Reacting quicker than the boy Chanyeol bent down and lifted the boy into his arms, drawing a gasp from Baekhyun's pale lips. 

"I'm not," he admitted, allowing his arms to wrap around the taller's shoulders. "my body wants to sleep but I don't want to dream Chanyeol please-" 

"You'll be okay" the wolf whispered into his ear as he began his way out of the hallway, everyone watching as they left. Some looked on his confusion wondering why Chanyeol had to carry the vampire so intimately out of the hallway, most looking out in concern. They noticed the sudden paleness coming from the vampire and although they wanted to question it they thought it best to allow Chanyeol the space to sort things out after all the entire school knew of their clear connection. "I'll be by your side if you do fall asleep, I promise to be there when you wake up." 

"I'm okay, just lightheaded" the vampire explained as the wolf sped them throughout the school. "let's just pick up some painkillers from the infirmary before we go back to my dorm. Kyungsoo ran out of them after giving them to Jongin when you collided his head against the kitchen counter." 

The memory made the wolf laugh, his steps directing them in the direction of the school hospital. They expected to see Nurse Butterwell sitting at her desk scrolling through her computer but they were stunned to see two men standing in black formal tuxedoes, their eyes widening at the sight of the two boys. 

"We only came here to get painkillers" Chanyeol expressed to the confused men, his brows furrowing together as they attempted to shield one of the beds from both he and Baekhyun's view. The wolf was originally going to place the vampire down in one of the beds while he looked around for the bottle of pills but something about the two men didn't sit well with him, instead he held Baekhyun tighter and allowed him to take possession of the book so that his free arm could pluck the medicine from one of the shelves. "we'll be out of your hair shortly." 

"Take your time Chanyeol." one of the men nodded his head, his gaze fixated on his friend who seemed to have become quite fidgety. Baekhyun casually sending him a quick glance whenever he could, something didn't feel right about the situation but at least he felt safe in Chanyeol's arms. 

Both he and Chanyeol shared a look between them, their backs having now faced away from the two men in suits. They couldn't risk speaking just in case they were overheard by the two supernatural beings standing behind them, so they resulted in quiet head tilts. Chanyeol shook his head as Baekhyun gestured towards the two men, wondering if the Alpha had any idea who they were since one of them had called his name. 

They were able to locate the painkillers quite quickly, to Baekhyun ultimate surprise. He bowed his head as Chanyeol walked past the two suit wearing men, offering them a kind smile as his eyes quickly scanned what they were hiding behind their backs. All he saw was a white sheet covering something. 

They didn't talk until they were safe in Baekhyun's dorm, the wolf having slammed the door closed with his foot before setting the vampire down on the couch in the living room. Baekhyun sighed in comfort, his eyes trained on the wolf that had busied himself with pouring him a glass of blood for the modified ice dispenser in their dorms fridge. The vampire watched as the werewolf took a quick sip of the ruby red substance, he sent him an awkward smile before handing him the glass. 

"Sorry but I needed that too." Chanyeol admitted with a shy grin, he quietly sat himself down next to the vampire on the couch. Baekhyun happily taking a large gulp of blood before he spit it back into the glass, he stared at it for a moment before gagging again. "Yeah, I'm surprised I was able to swallow it to be honest-" 

"It's horrible!" Baekhyun hissed, pushing the glass down onto the coffee table in front of him. "I didn't know blood could go off!" 

"It isn't gone off" Chanyeol laughed, his feet being plopped up onto the leg-rest. There was a good distance between the two of them, making Baekhyun unintentionally frown. "yesterday I had a bottle of blood from the vending machine because I needed some and I didn't want to disturb you guys, anyway long story short I ended up throwing it all up in the bathroom with Sehun." 

"What's wrong with us?" 

"We relied on each other for our blood source, our bodies got used to it so they repel the other blood we try to consume. It was hard to understand for me to believe me, but according to Suho it can happen." Chanyeol explained with a sad smile on his lips. "Besides when was the last time you had blood that wasn't my own?" 

"When I came back after I shut my emotions off, Suho filled me a glass from the fridge that's why I'm surprised that it tastes that bad. I guess that even though we tried to distance ourselves from each other we're more connected then we thought huh?" 

"I'm beginning to think we are connected on a stronger level Baekhyun," Chanyeol whispered, daring himself to move closer to the pale vampire. "my mum was talking about you before I came to your dorm that night no one knew where I was. I instantly went to her office after I got back and she started spurting all this nonsense, well at least what I thought was nonsense until you told me your situation. She said that her time on this world was almost over and she couldn't watch us lose to him again, I honestly have no idea what she's talking about." 

"Where does the book fit into this?" Baekhyun wondered, tossing the novel a glance in it's position beside the glass of blood on the table. "You said that it contained my dreams right?" 

"Well now that I think about it, it couldn't. I mean did the world you saw be created by-" 

"Werewolves, yes." Baekhyun deadpanned, almost as if he had read the wolf's mind. "Twelve of them to be exact." 

Chanyeol's jaw dropped as he stared helplessly at the boy before him, a whimper passed his lips as he allowed his head to fall among the pillows. "I've only read up to the chapter called The Arrival. It basically tells the story of a feuding family, there was two princes one born for the throne while the other was said to be the one with the noble heart. The youngest prince ended up receiving the throne and in a fit of rage his elder brother travelled to Earth in hopes of creating a new kingdom for himself, the Queen followed behind him hoping to prevent her son from trouble. The youngest brother was left alone in the kingdom with his mate and a group of ten other wolves that was said to be held close to his heart, they all agreed to travel to Earth in hopes of changing the elder brother's mind. They weren't able to complete their mission because something stopped them before they were able to." 

"My dreams are a continuous story of the previous nights, I remember it all sadly." Baekhyun admitted with a quiet sigh leaving his lips. "Since you're the youngest Prince in my dream I guess I'll just address you as that for understanding purposes," Chanyeol nodded his head. "your brother is Daehyun in this case the eldest brother of your story and he sort of got in the way of you and your mate?" 

"In what way?" 

"Well from what I understood he also shared the same interest in the boy you liked."

"Which I'm assuming is you." Chanyeol muttered, trying to hold eye contact with the vampire but remained unable to. 

"Yeah, let's say for the purpose of this conversation I'm your mate. I came from the Light Pack as an omega, I was brought to the castle along with my friends to take part in a sort of lottery thing which basically just proved which one of us was your mate. The difference between you and Daehyun in my dream was that you were against it at first while he loved the idea, you only agreed when you begged your father- the king- to include your friends which turned out to be this school's Alpha group, your friends. The dream I had last night tied things together, I was born into a litter of pure Alphas but they all died from a plague that ran rapid through my village, I was in the castle with you and everyone else when it happened so I was save. Anyway we all visited my village afterwards and my father was receiving death threats-" 

"Did you invite him to the castle after you learned of it?" Chanyeol questioned, interested in the story Baekhyun was sharing. 

"Actually," the vampire took a breath, lifting his head from his lap to look the Alpha in the eye. "you did. Our fathers were friends in the past so you assumed that your father would be more than happy to allow mine into the castle, the night we came to my village was the night of a well known meteor shower in my village. I told you in the dream that the shower was seen as a fulfilled wishes and many of the wolves in my village had actually found their mates under it, weird right?" 

"Well that's clearly a different meteor shower from the one we're learning about in class. The one that happened all those years ago was the creation of all supernatural beings and according to that book the fourteen meteors were the eldest son -Daehyun in your dream-, his mother the Queen -Ms Lee- and the twelve others -us apparently. Your dreams might not have caught up to the finished story yet." 

"What does the book say about after their arrival?" Baekhyun asks. 

"Sehun and I haven't gotten that far yet so I'm not sure but if we look at what we learned from class we can only assume that the witches of that time had something to do with it." 

"Lets just say hypothetically that we were the ones that came in on those meteors trying to find Daehyun before he could rise up against us or whatever, how come we don't remember it or look like we've lived all those years?" 

"Hypothetically speaking?" Chanyeol wondered, a brow raised as he turned his head to look at the vampire who nodded his head. "My best bet would be reincarnation, it's a chapter in the book." 

"You're trying to tell me that you think we could have been reincarnated for over a thousand years?" Baekhyun gasped, looking at the Alpha like he had suddenly grown two heads. 

"If I was to usher a guess I would probably say six-hundred and fourteen times, that was also written in the book at the last page. It was kind of in a tally situation so you can only guess how long that took me to figure out-" 

"Chanyeol!" Baekhyun shouted, stopping the taller in his rambling. The Alpha lowered his head and let out a deep breath. "You don't think this whole thing is true do you? There is no possible way that we have been born countless times over the past couple of decades!" 

"It's also impossible that you are a vampire and I'm a werewolf but here we are," Chanyeol challenged, his voice stern as he watched Baekhyun stare at him in shock. "you were a human before, you had no idea supernatural beings were a thing until Daehyun found you-" 

"Daehyun.." Baekhyun whispered, his eyes filling with tears as his grip on the blanket hanging over the back of the couch tightened. "I always thought that he willingly allowed himself to be found drinking blood from a squirrel outside my school. What happens if this whole thing is real and the person your mother is talking about in regards to 'watching us fail to him' was him all along?" 

"But your dreams, you told me that Daehyun and I shared a common interest in them; you. We both thought you were our mate Baekhyun, if 'watching us fail to him' means that we end up dying in the end then that wouldn't prove your point would it? Daehyun wouldn't willingly hurt you." 

"Wouldn't willingly hurt me? Chanyeol he force fed me his blood, broke my neck and threw me down the steps of his hideout. I lay on that ground until I woke up with a blinding hunger I couldn't handle, if that shows his love for me then I'd rather take my chances with you. At least you didn't mean to kill me that day on the football field." 

"Oh so you're finally admitting that you know that huh?" Chanyeol teased, a small smile developing at the edge of his lips. Baekhyun simply rolled his eyes before his lips. 

"We need to talk about all that other drama we have going on.." 

"We will," Chanyeol nodded his head, tossing a glance up at the clock on the wall in the kitchen. "but I think we should get some rest. You still look pale and I think it would be best if you rest." 

"I need blood," Baekhyun whimpered out, his eyes crunching up as he crossed his arms over his chest. "would you mind?" 

"Sure." Chanyeol nodded. Although the vampire couldn't see him he could see the werewolf get closer, his eyes remained closed as the scent of blood filled his nose. Chanyeol watched as the vampire's eyes fluttered open, his heart pounding in his chest as the boy leaped forward and clamped his lips around the expose blood vessel. Chanyeol bit back a moan as Baekhyun the living daylights out of him, his ears picking up the soft whimpers vibrating against his skin. 

Baekhyun willingly allowed his wrist to be taken between the wolf's other hand, he let out a quiet gasp as Chanyeol bit into his previous wolf-bite (it hadn't properly healed any way). It was like a cycle, the both of them getting high off each other's blood as they a little more than they usually did. 

They both hissed as they pulled away, Chanyeol allowing the vampire to kiss his skin better while Baekhyun waited until Chanyeol's tongue had finished lapping at the now healing wound. 

"Will you stay with me?" Baekhyun whispered as Chanyeol's hands hooked around his legs, lifting him from the couch and into his arms. The vampire naturally wrapped his arms around the Alpha's shoulders, a shy smile on his lips as he waited for Chanyeol's answer. The boy taking quite a long time to answer. "I want you to be there when I wake up so we can talk about my new dream." 

"If I say no it will cause us to have another fight." the wolf admitted, unable to look the boy in his eye. 

Baekhyun felt his heart crack, without thinking he shoved Chanyeol's chin in his direction forcing the Alpha to look at him and not his bedroom door. "I'm done fighting with you, I'm admitting to the connection we have and even though I know we still need to talk through everything I can't deny that I feel safe with you. We don't know about what we're currently learning about but we can admit that ever since we met in the cafeteria on my first day here we had a connection, reincarnation or not."

"I'm done hurting you," Chanyeol found himself admitting as he slid the door open with a quick flex of his arm. "we're promising right here and now that we're not going to end up running away from each other any more. We're going to be mature and talk things through, right?" 

"I like the sound of that giant." Baekhyun snickered as Chanyeol dropped him dramatically onto his bed after having heard the nickname. "I promise, no more running." 

"Then I'll stay" the wolf nodded, turning on his heel and speeding out of the room. Baekhyun blinked and he was back holding the book they had left out on the coffee table, a foolish smile on his smile as he slipped out of his shoes and slid in beside the smaller. "I didn't want them finding it, Sehun will think I left it in our dorm if he stays here tonight." 

"I'm afraid to sleep Chanyeol" Baekhyun croaked, his eyes filling with tears as he his side solely focusing on the wolf beside him. "I-" 

"Shh" the wolf whispered, gently taking the boy's cheek into his palm. The pad of his thumb rubbing over the boy's gentle skin. "I'll be here throughout the whole thing, don't worry. I won't it bother you or anything hurt you okay?" 

"Promise me" Baekhyun begged, completely destroying his walls as he cuddled into the taller's chest. Chanyeol froze at the contact, unsuspecting it after everything that happened. He realised that the vampire was truly trying to open himself up again, this time Chanyeol was willing to help him and there wasn't alone in the way of it this time. 

"I promise." 

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Beau1996 1378 streak #1
Chapter 11: I was pretty sure Daehyun would make an appearance!!
Beau1996 1378 streak #2
Chapter 10: Village trip - will it be fun or a run in with bad supes??
Beau1996 1378 streak #3
Chapter 7: Hard revelation to share but Chan is there to support him
Beau1996 1378 streak #4
Chapter 5: Day class and night class - one of my favorite animes but vampires and humans were the students - vampire Knight
Beau1996 1378 streak #5
Chapter 2: Baek is a daywalker!!
Beau1996 1378 streak #6
Chapter 1: I must have read before because I was already subscribed but looking forward to re-reading
Vampirella77 #7
Chapter 78: Wow. 2 new books. I'm so excited 😊😊😊. Thank you
747 streak #8
Chapter 78: Thank you so much, I am really looking forward to both books. Your writing is so amazing and the characters really come to life. I am in hopes that Chanyeol will make it back to Baekhyun by the end of both books. I can’t wait to see what awaits everyone.
Erica_flv #9
Chapter 78: I read this story twice . And I’m going to read it again . The story it so amazing . I will be waiting but I probably read it more time .
747 streak #10
Chapter 76: I binge read all the chapters and finally got caught up. I absolutely love this story, it reads almost like a saga. Your plot and characterization are flawless. Thank you so much for taking us on this adventure. I can’t wait to read the continuation, this is a real gem.