Blast from the Past


The day started with Baekhyun checking his image in the mirror Luhan had just put up. He wore ripped black skinny jeans and a very long white t-shirt, which was all topped off with a black snap back that suited his natural black hair. Picking up a single strand he ran it through his fingers. "Do you guys think I need a new colour?" 

" isn't your natural colour?" Luhan gasped speeding towards the smaller. 

"Nope it used to be a darkish brown... but after I became a vampire I changed it to black, now I kinda want to change it again" 

"Light brown would look cute" Kyungsoo chuckled sticking himelf into the conversation with a smile.

Baekhyun pouted indicating that he was thinking about it. "I shall consider it, when we go into town later I'll just ask what they think is a good idea" 

After another couple minutes the door in front of Baekhyun started to make noise, practically terrifying the life out of the younger. "Jesus Kai you sound- oh hi Yeollie" Baekhyun smiled noticing that it was actually Chanyeol that had knocked on their door and the other two wolves were behind him. 

"Ye-yeollie?" The giant stuttered glancing the smaller up and down, the corner of his lips descretly. 

Sehun and Kai slapped each other and chuckled quietly amoung themselves. Baekhyun raised a brow at their action but quickly shook his head thinking that this was a normal thing between them. 

"Oh...I guess you don't like that nickname then..." Baekhyun pouted trying his attention back to the tallest who chose now to meet his eyes.

Noticing their hyung's lack of responce Sehun and Kai stepped forward and took over talking. "You three ready to visit the village?" They choired together. Baekhyun laughed at their ability before turneing back into the dorm to get his friend attention. 

"Yeah! I've been looking forward to it since I found out about it last night" Luhan called out from kitchen passing Baekhyun a box of Kyungsoo's miracle juice. 

"Then you better thank Chanyeol, he practically begged Ms Lee to let us go, she was pretty protective over us all after the wolf attack" Sehun explained patting his Alpha on his shoulder. 

"Then it's you, I have to thank giant" Baekhyun grinned bowing politely but formally, really meaning his gratitude. 

"Don't worry about it, you don't have to thank me" Chanyeol finally spoke his hands going down so Baekhyun would get up quicker. 

Baekhyun sent him a grin, before taking it upon himself to lock their dorm door. 

"Are we going on a bus or walking?" He called over his shoulder, not really sure how things at Millium High worked. 

"We get the bus, depending on which village we decide to go to they are pretty far" Kyungsoo smiled to his clueless dormmate, Baekhyun was suroisnly cute when he didn't know what was going on. 

Sehun and Kai led the way down the corridor Luhan and yungsoo following them close behind, leaving Baekhyun and Chanyeol standing quietly infront of Baekhyun's dorm door. 

"Where exactly is your dorm?" Baekhyun wondered playing with his thumbs starting conversation as well as the walk. 

"Oh it's in the next building over, wolves don't necessarily like vampires so they like to sparate us" 

Baekhyun giggled. Chanyeol stared down at him confused. Finally he had realised what he said. "You're still not used to me calling you a vampire or vamp yet huh?" He laughed bumping his shoulder into Baekhyun's. 

"Yeah I'm still getting used to that" The vampire admitted truthfully. Without much warning Chanyeol had grabbed onto his hand halting him in his steps therefore making the latter stop too. As if sensing the vampire's confused nature Chanyeol chuckled. 

"Relax Baek, I'm only holding your hand so you won't get lost" 

"I'm in school, I'm not going to get lost" 

"It's a big school" came the reply. 

"And I've been here a week already" 

Chanyeol shrugged leading them both down the stairs.

"I guess I'm glad to know you care" Baekhyun grinned while swinging their interlocked hands forward and backward, the action getting the action of many people they passed on the way to the front door, that Baekhyun doesn't actually remember walking through when he first came here. 

"Why wouldn't I?" 

"Because I'm annoying?" 

Chanyeol raised a brow, pulling his hand back he forced Baekhyun to stop which immedateilty caught more attention, since their faces were now pretty close to the unknowing boys.

"Yeah?" He whispered, his breath faning over Chanyeol's face. 

"You're not annoying" Chanyeo admitted before going back on his words while nodding "Okay maybe a little but I don't mind it much anymore"

"Alright" Baekhyun grinned feeling Chanyeol squeeze his hand ever so slightly making his heart beat quicker. 

"So what are your plans when I'm the village?" Chanyeol wondered pulling Baekhyun back into a quick walk, everyone's eyes following them.

"I'm not sure yet" Baekhyun admitted earning a nod in reply. "I was thinking of maybe dying my hair?"

"That sounds pretty cool plus Halloween is coming up, may I suggest getting an outfit?" 

"Why that I do that?" Baekhyun wondered. "I thought you guys don't celebrate Halloween here?"

"Really? To us Halloween here is great fun and I know you'll enjoy it I'm sure of it!" 

"What makes you so sure?" 

"I have faith" 

"But I'm nervous..." 

"What why?" 

"I told you already, I never celebrated those festivals..." 

"And I told you there's a first time for everything Baekkie" 

Baekhyun could feel the blush raise on his cheeks at the sound of the nickname roll so easily off the wolves tongue. Reaching up Baekhyun planted a single kiss into Chanyeols cheek, pulling away he realised a litle giggle before dropping the giants hand. "Thanks giant" he whispered before running towards the front door. Everyone watched who watched the scene unfold gasped, the newbie vampire just kissed the Alpha of Alpha's, surely this wouldn't go down well right?

Everyone stared at the statue that was Park Chanyeol, Baekhyun was still in everyone's view as he stopped by the front gates greeting his friends with a small smile and a blush covering his cheeks. 

"Where's Chanyeol?" Sehun asked, a brow raised poliety bowing in apology for intruppting Baekhyun and his friend

Throwing his thumb over his shoulder Baekhyun's cheeks once again turned apple red. "Well you see I think I killed him.." 

"What did you do? And how did you do it?!" Kyungsoo asked a notepad and pen appearing from no where ready to begin taking notes. 

"Well I just kissed his cheek andthen he just froze.." Baekhyun answered honestly seeing Sehun and Kai sent each other a quick glance before they rushed into the school building, not before thanking Baekhyun for information regarding their hyung. 

"Damn Baek, youre only here a week and youre already getting Chanyeol flustered" Suho chuckled appearing from thin air. 

"You need to stop appearing like that!" Baekhyun scolded, hitting his hyungs shoulder in rage. "And I did not just make that giant flustered"

"I did it once!" Suho defended rubbing his hurting arm "Oh that's right you've been making him flustered since you came here"

"Did we scare you?" Minseok asked moving the topic on when he noticed Baekhyun get redy to retaliate with excuses he would use regarding the Big Bad Wolf. 

"What no~" Baekhyun rolled his eyes clearly being sarcastic. 

"Do you think light brown will work for his hair?" Kyungsoo randomly stated hitting Tao's chest to get his thoughts on the matter. The wolf looked his hyung over before nodding in approval. 

"Yes but, I think any colour would suit hyung's hair" 

Baekhyun clutched his chest where his heart was dramatically "that is why I love this guy" he giggled wrapping is hand over Tao's shoulder which did hold some difficulity considering the boy was pretty tall in comparison. 

They began moving towards the bus, following the lines of wolves and witches who were each determined on getting out of the hot Fall sunlight. Baekhyun glanced down at his non-spelled bracelet that Kyungsoo had given him this morning. Apparently since Baekhyun's skin was sunproof Kyungsoo didn't see the need to spell another bracelet but to give the allusion that he did, he gave the vampire one anyway. 

"Here you go" Ms Lee grinned passing a small white envelope to Baekhyun's hands when it was his turn to board the bus. He thanked his principal but remained confused until Luhan had joined him on the vechile. 

"What's this?" He whispered.

"It's your spending money" his hyung winked motioning him towards the seats in the front. 

Taking a deep breath to steady his clamming hands, Baekhyun nearly gagged. "What the hell is that smell" he hissed grabbing his nose to at lest try to prevent more getting into it.

"The wolves" Kyungsoo laughed patting his shoulder as he passed him to find a seat. 

"You have got to be kidding me" 

"Nope, this is what happens to us when there's too many of them in a confined space" Minseok explained sending Baekhyun a sad smile, he too passing him in order to find a seat, choosing to sit with Luhan just behind the latter. 

"Ugh! Who said those Bloodsuckers can get on our bus as!" A wolf in the back growled.

"Ms Lee did now shut your mouth Conor!" Kris yelled boarding the bus and smiling down at his protector classmembers. Baekhyun watched the tallest walk just behind the rows of seats that held his friends, he sat just next to Tao, the beta blushing. 

When Baekhyun realised that he couldn't keep his hands to his nose the whole ride he cracked open the window hoping that the smell would escape through it and he wouldn't get a headache on his way to the village, knowing that if he did he'd be in as bad mood during the entire time. He looked down into the driver compartment which ws just below him, since he had choisen the seat right up the front of the bus. Allowing his mind to wonder Baekhyun's eyes found those of the people who contiued to board the bus looking for seats. Most finding some down the back of the bus and away from him and his friends.Peeking through the slit in the chair he sat on and the empty one next to him, Baekhyun could see Luhan and Minseok sitting behind him. 

"Hi Baek!" Minseok grinned waving slightly. Baekhyun grinned back at him. "Hey Minnie" 

Baekhyun suddenly felt the seat next to him fill up, so after carefully pulling away from the gap between the chairs he stared up at the wolf who was more than likely shoved down on the seat by the giggling maknae's. 

"Why do I have have to sit here? Kai you said you wanted to watch the driver drive" 

"Hi" Baekhyun muttered chosing now to be the best time to make himsellf known. After all he sort of knew why the maknae's had did what they did. 

Chanyeol froze before turning around slowly "Oh...Ba-Baekhyun?" 

"Yeah? You ok? Your looking abit pale at the moment" Baekhyun pouted raising his hand to put it on Chanyeol's cheek but Chanyeol had jumped up before their skin touched. 

Chanyeol immediately began waving him off, while stepping backwards towards the laughig boys across from Luhan and Minseok. "No no I'm fine just excuse me for a moment" 

C H A N Y E O L 

"Why exactly are you doing this to me!" I hissed staring down at the two stupid idiots in front of me. 

"Oh come on we know you like him, so we're giving you some time to talk to him" Sehun stated, his ever so slight lisp making itself present to my ears. 

"I don't like him" I defended, when the truth is I honestly don't know how I feel about him. After all I've only known him for not even a week yet. 

"Ohhhh please" Kai groaned almost banging his head off the window next to him "He's the first person to stand up to you infront of the whole school, of course that going to cause some attraction there, plus he's cute!"

"I gotta admit that's true Chan, after all you did go easy on him during the defense class" Chen spoke up, popping his annoying head onto the headrest of the seat Sehun was sitting on. 

"I was not, that vamp really knows his " I muttered, knowing I wasn't helping my reputation very much. 

"That's the other thing!" Sehun smirked hitting my shoulder. "You call him and his friends vamps not bloodsuckers anymore"

"And just there you froze because he kissed you" Kai added. 

"Hold the , you and Baek kissed?!" Chen gasped, his hands clamping over his mouth in pure shock. 

"It was on the cheek!" I growled sending the three of the death glares. 

"Yeah right!" He laughed completely ignoring my faous look, sitting himself back down. 

I sent them each of them one last glare before I trudged back over to my seat next to Baekhyun, who by the way somehow managed to make my heart pulse at the weirdest moments. 

"You okay?" He asked, his voice soft and filled with a caring tone. 

"Just fine, thank you" I smile seeing him return it a thousand times over.

"You sure?" He contiuned, narrowing his eyes at me.

"Yeah, I'm just tired that's all" I admitted honestly not really seeing why I would lie to him right now. A yawn escpaed my mouth, 

"Then sleep, we're going to be in the road for awhile" He stated looking out the window beside him. It was overcast today, clouds filled every speckle of bright blue sky which meant that the vampires wouldn't be getting alot of trouble today. "I won't wake you, not until we get there" 

His voice drove me to insanity. How can it be so soft and gentle but at the same time so confident and relaxed? It was a sweet melody one that I would kill to hear more often. 

"I'm not that comfortable" I groaned pulling my snapback down to cover my eyes, as the driver began the bus the vechile shaking from the shake up. 

"Awwh look at your cute ears!" Baekhyun giggled. 

I could feel him reach forward and touch my right ear. Rubbing the lobe between his fingers. The sensation and the soft touch began to help my tired body take over, eventually drawing me into dreamland. 


After Chanyeol fell asleep, I couldn't help but start to feel sleepy myself. I had a bad dream last night, finding myself awake at ungodly hours in fright. My mind kept replying the wolf attack and how unlucky we were to get them in our dormroom. It was strange to hear that we were the only one's that experienced something like this since everyone else met the wolves when they were already in the school grounds. If I had seen these wolves in my daily life as a normal human being I probably wouldn't have thought so hard into this, but since I wasn't normal and I had been taken in by a power seeker weirdo I guess that it never bothered me as it should have. 

"Baekhyun" Luhan whispered drawing me from past memories.


"Is he asleep?" Turning to glance at Chanyeol I shrugged. His eyes were slightly open but he seemed asleep, although his breathing was very slow.

"Does he look like this?" Sehun called over grabbing my attention away from the sleeping boy beside me, I nodded seeing as how he had recreated Chanyeol's sleeping face perfectly. Sehun gave Luhan a thumbs up which gave him his answer. I expected the conversaton to go on but a pair of earphones were passed into my hand without any further words. I thanked him regardless, deciding that listening to music on my phone was alot better than having a silent journey with a sleeping boy. 




"Wakey Wakey sleeping beauties" Luhan's voice rung through my ears making me groan and cuddle further into my pillow, which kinda seemed abit hard and hairy. "Awwwh that soooo adorable!!" Luhan cooed clearly fangirling over something unimportant to me.

"Classes don't start yet I still got time" I muttered, desperate for him to go away so I can get a couple more minutes of shut eye. 

"Come on Chanyeol Wakey Wakey look at the pillow under you" a slightly deeper voice called from where Luhan's voice had come from. What was Sehun doing in our dorm room? I felt an arm wrap tightly my waist pulling me against something hard. "I'll take your pillow if you don't get up"

"Nooo Sehun, I want to keep this pillow its so warm and comfortable~" Chnayeol's deep voice came from beside me, furrowing my eyebrows I squinted down onto my body seeng it encased in Chanyeol's arms. I almost screamed. Almost.

"Oh h-hi" Chanyeol stuttered pulling his arm back from around my waist, his voice just after waking up mke my whole shiver and it didn't go unnoticed. 

"Morning" I smiled before hitting his head that was resting on my chest. 

"Okay, okay I'll move" He sighing shoving himself back onto his chair, his hand massaging the parts I hit, although I noticed that the ears I had been playing with before he fell asleep were now bright red. 

I pulled out the earphones that fell on my kap and passed them back to Luhan, I stood up getting ready to leave while Chnayeol seemed to be in a daze still sitting in the seat beside me. "Yoda! Everyone's already gone! Get up!" I yelled into his ear making him shrug me away. 

"Yah not so loud I'm only awake" he growled slowly rising to his feet, pushing a laughing Chen out of the way. 

We allowed our friends out of the bus first, when it came to our turn I playfully shoved him down the stairs and out the bus door, by just watching him nearly stumble over his footing made me laugh. "Careful" I giggled seeing him send me a childish glare back. He princely bowed as I stepped onto the last step leading out of the bus, he held out his hand for me to take which I did using it to help myself off the bus. Once my feet hit the concrete I smiled up at him. 

"So where to first?" He asked tightening his grip on my fingers, he was looking around the stores taking in the village. 

"Help!" A loud feminine voice screamed from somewhere off to the side of the bus. 

I rasied a brow passing my bag to Sehun who stared at me confused, clearly he hadn't heard what I did, no-one had. I sped around the corner of the bus, leaving my friends and Chanyeol to investigate the noise I heard. Surely enough there was a girl being held up against the side of the bus a rough hand clamped around her neck "Help!" She continued to scream, tears streaming down her cheeks. 

When I finally saw the face of the guy who held her in the iron grip, I felt myself freeze up. "Dae?" I whispered, feeling my stomach churn. I watched as his eyes turned from blue to brown as he glanced in my direction. My eyes were a simple silver which was apparently not very common in the vqampire community while Daehyun's bllue wasn't at all rare. When he saw me his hand uncurled itself from the girl's neck almost immediately. I felt my throat dry up seeing her fall to her knees, Daehyun was slowly approaching me, in pure shock I found myslef stepping back slowly, until my back hit against something hadr which caused Daehyun's eyes to widen. 

"What were you doing Dae?" I questioned locking my eyes on his.  

"Getting some lunch" he grinned his signature smirk, he sped back over to the girl I was unfamiliar with, pulling her up against his chest his hand wrapping around her neck as she began shaking in his hold. 

"Don't!" I yelled, my hands balling fists in pure rage "You don't want to do that" 

"You left me! I turned you and that's how you repay me?! Now you think begging me to not kill this lowlife will stop me?!" 

"You turned me into a blood craving monster! How was I supposed to react?! You broke your promise, you promised me you'd never hurt me and what happened, you broke my neck and threw me down the stairs like I was the lowlife!" 

I'm not here to discuss our realtionship Baekhyun I know one day I'll get you back.. for now all I want to know is how can you walk in the sunlight?" 

"I will never go back to you" I stated, it felt weird seeing him out in the daylight, usually when we were together we would only go out at night. "As for the other thing, look up Daehyun, its ing cloudy you know vampires can survive outside when the clouds are covering the sky, you taught me that"

"Oh the amount of fun I could have if the sunlight were to shine through those clouds right now" he chuckled knowing Baekhyun wouldn't be harmed under it's light after all he could see the glisten of the bracelet on his wrist. 

"You hate the sunlight, it would burn you to a crisp" 

I watched as he nodded, tighting his grip on the now crying girl. "This is Jessica by the way, say hello to Baekhyun Jessica" 

"He-help me" she whimpered, her makeup running. 

Daehyuns teeth gritted, his hands moving up to Jessica's neck. "Dae! STOP IT NOW!" I roared seeing him freeze and glare over to me. 

I took a couple steps forward. He began shaking his head quickly "No no no Baekkie boo you stay there or our little Jessica here will meet your parents in hell" 

I slammed my eyes shut trying to ignore the memory that Kihyun and Chanyeol had helped me with. "Baekhyun?!" I knew the was Chanyeol. He was clearly worried. But I knew if I turned away from Daehyun, he'd kill the girl. I knew him too well even though I'd hate to admit it. 

"Who's this Baekkie?" Daehyun grinned evilly, his head moving towards Jessica's neck teasing a bite.

"Daehyun please let her go!" I screamed, tears streaming down my cheeks. I wasn't ready to see him again. But now that I had I could'nt protect myself from the oncoming tears or flashes of unforgettable horror that I had finally managed to forget about. 

"Baekhyun?" I could hear my friends and their scared voices. 

I could feel Chanyeol from behind me, his heat giving me a bit of strength as his chest pressed against my back. 

"Daehyun you can't kill her! It's broad daylight! This isn't your style" 

"Oh I'm aware of that Baekkie, it will just give me a reason to see you again" he winked. "If I make her a vampire then you can teach her all you've learned, maybe even let her meet the friends you've made"

"That will be the biggest mistake of your life" I mumbled "If you still love me the way I know you do, you'll let her go"

Within blinking time he was gone. Jessica rushed towards me, but before she could reach me I was pulled backwards into a different chest I was unfamiliar with. "Are you ok?" Luhan whispered, his fingers threading themselves into my hair, my snap back had fallen on the ground due to his pull.

From the conor of my eye I could see Chanyeol stumble backwards with Jessica in his arms. She was crying and the giant didn't seem to know what to do with her, glancing around at the wolves for help but they were too focused on me to even see to the girl.

"Who was that guy?" Sehun questioned pulling me away from Luhan's chest, forcing me to speak by shaking me around. It just brought more tears to my cheeks the shake had reminded me of the countless times I had disappointed Daehyun and I didn't want to be reminded of it after seeing him. 

"Leave him alone!" Kyungsoo scolded hitting the blonde haired guy upside the head hard, Sehun nodded and released me clearly noticing that he had hit a massive nerve within me. Pushing myself away from Luhan I bent down sniffling, picking up my hat, I pushed it back onto my head trying with whatever energy I had left in my body to appear fine, when I wasn't. 

"Baekhyun?" Turning around to see Chanyeol looking at me I shook my head trying to answer the question his eyes were asking: Are you okay? Jessica cuddled into his chest more making a hard feeling crash in my chest. I allowed the tears to fall out of my eyes stinging my cheeks while they trickled down. Kris who seemed to notice what I was truely craving stepped forward and became my cushion for now, allowing me to cuddle into him and feel comforted since the true guy I wanted to be comforted was to busy comforting someone else.

"He..." I stuttered, wanting everyone to know who he was "he was the vampire that turned me... that was Daehyun.." 

The gasps and low growls took up my ears, from everyone around me, something smelled fishy and it wasn't from our huddle. Kris' arms tightened agaisnt my body making me feel the most at home as he could whispering softly that he was sorry he was the one that had to do it. 

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Beau1996 1378 streak #1
Chapter 11: I was pretty sure Daehyun would make an appearance!!
Beau1996 1378 streak #2
Chapter 10: Village trip - will it be fun or a run in with bad supes??
Beau1996 1378 streak #3
Chapter 7: Hard revelation to share but Chan is there to support him
Beau1996 1378 streak #4
Chapter 5: Day class and night class - one of my favorite animes but vampires and humans were the students - vampire Knight
Beau1996 1378 streak #5
Chapter 2: Baek is a daywalker!!
Beau1996 1378 streak #6
Chapter 1: I must have read before because I was already subscribed but looking forward to re-reading
Vampirella77 #7
Chapter 78: Wow. 2 new books. I'm so excited 😊😊😊. Thank you
747 streak #8
Chapter 78: Thank you so much, I am really looking forward to both books. Your writing is so amazing and the characters really come to life. I am in hopes that Chanyeol will make it back to Baekhyun by the end of both books. I can’t wait to see what awaits everyone.
Erica_flv #9
Chapter 78: I read this story twice . And I’m going to read it again . The story it so amazing . I will be waiting but I probably read it more time .
747 streak #10
Chapter 76: I binge read all the chapters and finally got caught up. I absolutely love this story, it reads almost like a saga. Your plot and characterization are flawless. Thank you so much for taking us on this adventure. I can’t wait to read the continuation, this is a real gem.