Stake your claim


The castle was bustling about with servants and butlers rushing from room to room carrying various belongings and decorations for the special union that was taking place in the castle's gardens, it was going to be a beautiful day and the talk of the entire planet. 

"Good morning Baekhyun!" Suho's chirpy voice ran through Baekhyun's room, his bright smile challenging the sun that was creeping through the window near the bookcase. "How are you doing this special day?" 

"Like my heart is going to jump out of my chest any minute" the omega admitted nervously fiddling with his fingers that had been pulling at the loose threads of his jumper, it looked as though he hadn't sleep much. Thankfully the omega didn't have any bags under his eyes so that was going to help the rest of the omega's get their close friend ready for the ceremony. "this day is going to mean a lot to so many people Suho, am I really able to do this?" 

"Yes" the elder grinned, stepping closer and pressing his palms against Baekhyun's shoulders. "you can do this Baekhyun, you've been waiting for this day since you turned eighteen. Both you and Chanyeol deserve to have this day, it's going to mean a lot more to the both of you then the rest of your people." 

"I've dreamed of this day, you know?" Baekhyun whispered, looking up from the ground and straight at Suho whose heart cracked seeing the unshed tears. "Although I was too young to dream of the face of my mate, I still dreamed of this process. Where we allowed ourselves to have complete devotion to each other, where we gave ourselves to one another. Yet now that I'm living it, it feels so unreal." 

"That's only because you haven't seen Chanyeol yet" Suho reassured the omega who was more than likely getting cold feet, which was to be expected. "the second your eyes lock, nothing else will matter. It will just be the two of you, in your own world that you both created in that moment." 

"Okay" Baekhyun sniffed, straighting his head and giving himself a nod of encouragement. "I can do this, you can bring in the other's now. I'm sure that they're as excited as I am!" 

"You heard that guys!" Suho shouted towards the doorway, the other omega's heads popped up from both sides of the threshold. They each had a broad smile on their lips as they each rushed into the room with Kyungsoo staying back to close the door to make sure that there was no sneaky Alpha lurking in the hallways. 

One by one the omega's offered their congratulations to their friend, many of them had shed a tear in Baekhyun's honor. What was happening today was going to be life-changing for them as well as Baekhyun and the kingdom, the entire event would be watched by many and told of by many more. It was scary that was true but they knew Baekhyun and Chanyeol would be able to go through it like it was second nature, after all it was a common thing for the both of them. 

After sometime reminiscing on their first days together, the omega's were interrupted by a series of knocks on Baekhyun's door. Tao had jumped up to investigate keeping in mind to open the door only slightly so that no-one saw Baekhyun since it was against their planet's traditions. When Tao let out a giggle and the door was pushed open all the way Baekhyun knew that the guest would be welcomed, standing in the doorway of his bedroom Baekhyun stared into the eyes of his father. 

"I unlike many other's am allowed to see my son before the ceremony" Joonwoo smiled walking the rest of the way into the room and approaching his son and his friend who each welcomed him with warm smiles on their faces. "have the jitters happened yet?" 

"Yes" Suho answered for everyone, his eyes trailing to Baekhyun whose face had blushed bright red. " but he realised that the ceremony won't be as scary as he makes it out to be." 

"You know I was terrified of my own ceremony" Baekhyun's father chuckled taking a seat on Baekhyun's window seat, the previous leader of the Light pack grinned as he stared out into the bright blue sky. "I had more to think of since I was worried your mother wouldn't show up for it." 

"But obviously she did" Kyungsoo laughed, running his fingers through Baekhyun's bangs. "otherwise you wouldn't be sitting right here getting ready for your own ceremony." 

"She arrived and the ceremony went off without a hitch because the moment I saw her walking down the aisle in her dress I knew that we would never have to worry about anything and that's the advise that I am going to give you today, the moment you see Chanyeol you will forget that you ever did worry because you know how long the both of you have waited for this." 

"We've been waiting for it since we've found out about our mates marks" Baekhyun's gaze shifted to his wrist where his power mate lay as well as the mark that tied him and Chanyeol together. "we were seventeen then and now look at us-" 

"Nothing has changed between the both of you since then, even if it has been four years" Luhan scoffed, looking towards the other omega's who nodded their heads in agreement. "the both of you are love-struck idiots just like then, you just do PDA more." 

"He has a point" Minseok agreed, looking Baekhyun in the eye as the younger omega let out a breathy laugh. "now come on we have to get you ready!" 

Chanyeol stood at the top of the alter with the eldest council member on the entire planet, he would be the one blessing their union and as the seconds ticked by so did Chanyeol's nerves. He was nervous and hoping that Baekhyun loved him enough to appear and go ahead with their union, he had faith in their relationship but the possibilities were numerous. 

"I can feel your anxiousness from here Prince Chanyeol" the elder chuckled, placing a steady hand on the back of the Alpha right between his shoulder blades. The touch made the prince let out a deep breath before nodding his head, he wasn't allowing himself to look out into the crowd of people who were in attendance, instead he watched the red carpet pulled out from some special place his mother and the castle's staff knew about. "relax, your mate will be here." 

At the exact moment the music started and the ceremony was beginning, everyone watched with bathed breaths as the Alphas walked the omega's up the aisle each of them sporting grin in their prince's direction before departing to their respected sides of the alter. The crowd released a chuckle as Jongin happily skipped down the aisle throwing pink rose petals out of the basket he had been given, Kyungsoo biting his lower lip as he held back a laugh while he clutched the pillow with Chanyeol and Baekhyun's rings. At the sight of them Chanyeol himself let out a chuckle, trust Baekhyun to be the one surprising them at his own wedding. 

The awaited music changed and the audience all stood up from their seats, their eyes falling on the doorway where Baekhyun and his father stood arms interlocked. Even though Baekhyun's power was light he still outshone the sun as he smiled up at Chanyeol once he began walking towards him, his steps were rushed wanting to get to him sooner and judging by his father's soft chuckle he allowed it. The smile on the prince's face was photographed and would be published in the newspapers the following day, but to everyone in attendance today was probably the best day of Chanyeol's life. 

The Alpha accepted Baekhyun's outstretched hand and pulled him closer by his waist,  the omega letting out a sigh of content as he gently leaned into Chanyeol's touch. Now that they were so close the prince was able to get a good look at his husband-to-be, the sight before him making his heart pound in happiness. 

Baekhyun was wearing a pink rose headband, he was dressed in white robes that were traditional in the marriage arranged in his pack. His now honey hair was brushed and prepared beautifully, the small amount of makeup was directed more on his eye area rather than his face. It was a simple look, Chanyeol knew this because he had seen his mother do something similar yet with Baekhyun his view was almost like tunnel vision, nothing else mattered. 

"You look beautiful." Chanyeol commented, gently bumping their shoulders off one another while the elder before them focused on beginning his speech that they had already heard countless times from the rehearsal. 

"Thank you" Baekhyun blushed, his gaze falling onto the ground since he wasn't able to look his fiancée in the eye yet. "You look handsome yourself." 

"Oh this little thing?" Chanyeol teased, straightening himself up as his eyes stayed trained on the elder. "I've had it for sometime now, I was ready for this moment for awhile Baekhyun you know that." 

Baekhyun's giggles never ceased to amaze him, Chanyeol felt his chest lift of all worries that he had before the ceremony and without thinking his fingers sought out Baekhyun's. The omega happily welcomed the touch and even though it may have broken the rules of tradition he was made comfortable by the touch so he didn't mind it. "How could I possibly forget?" 

That night following the ceremony Baekhyun had to say goodbye to his old chambers as he was now a happily married man, both he and Chanyeol would move into another bedroom that allowed both of them to stay together all the time. 

"This is a really nice room" Baekhyun smiled, twirling around in the centre of the room. After the ceremony was a feast and dancing, the omega had tired himself out on the dancefloor with his friends before giving the people what they wanted when he and Chanyeol performed a couple slow dances until a spotlight and quiet lovely music. "have you designed it?" 

"I might have asked my parents for the room with an incredible view, a fireplace and the perfect place for a window seat and bookshelf." Chanyeol stated after collapsing onto he bed back first, he groaned once his head touched the pillows. It really had been an exhausting day. 

"You always know what to say," Baekhyun giggled climbing onto the bed and laying down next to his husband who rolled over on top of him with a smile on his lips. "we're officially married." 

"That we are smurfie" The prince grinned, caressing his husband's cheeks before running his finger along Baekhyun's jawline. "we are linked together for life, you're too late to back out now muhahaha!" 

The omega let out a shrill cry but Chanyeol could hear the laughter behind, the two of them just gazed at each other for a little while longer taking in each other's presence before their lips gradually connected. The kiss was sweet and innocent, showcasing their love and care for each other. It wasn't until Baekhyun's fingers curled through Chanyeol's bright red locks that their innocent childish kiss took a turn, their breathing hitched as they attempted to pull the other closer. The Omega allowing his knees to pull apart while the Alpha allowed himself to rest between them, his direction of kisses changing to run along Baekhyun's throat all the way down to his neck and collarbone. 

"Chanyeol," Baekhyun panted, clutching the prince's hair tightly in his grasp. "giant-" 

"Are you alright?" 

Baekhyun's lips curled up into a smile as he nodded his head, staring into the worried eyes of his husband who had instantly stopped his advances at the omega's words. 

"You haven't marked me yet" Baekhyun admitted, looking deeper into his Alpha's eyes. "what is stopping you from completely making me yours?" 

"I wasn't sure if you were ready" Chanyeol whispered after having shifted himself on top of his husband's petite figure, his fingers gently ran against Baekhyun's skin soothing him from the confusion he was feeling. "I didn't want to remind you of my brother and his advance on you.." 

"You are not your brother" Baekhyun declared his eyes hardening when Chanyeol allowed himself to compare to his brother. "I trust you with my life Chanyeol, you are my husband for a reason. I love you more than you can imagine destined soulmates or not, you mean the world to me and I would never change that. Mark me." 


"Stake your claim, show everyone that I belong to you Chanyeol. I'm allowing you to take this as long as you know that what you do to me you will receive." Baekhyun winked, his lips curling up into that smirk Chanyeol had made himself aware of. 

The Alpha had never felt so excited in his life, he distracted the omega from talking by pressing their lips together and then gradually began marking his way towards the perfect spot to sport his marking claim. All wolves had to have them on their necks, some didn't need to be shown but from the chosen place Chanyeol had picked it would be exposed to the world just like Baekhyun wished. 

Turning his head Chanyeol allowed himself to press his lips against the area, it was just below Baekhyun's sweet spot which in turn had the omega whimpering against him. Not wanting to receive a hit to the chest from his impatient husband, Chanyeol bared his fangs and allowed them to sink into Baekhyun's flesh the omega letting out a content howl. His husband went lack in his grip but after the venom from his bite was injected Chanyeol could feel their bond getting stronger deeming them both official mates and no matter how much someone tired, they would be unable to break apart. 


"Welcome back to the land of the living, did you enjoy your nap Baekhyun?" Ms Melody their music teacher wondered looking Baekhyun in eye as he almost jumped out of his seat. "Golly did I scare you that much?" 

"Sorry Ms" Baekhyun apologised, standing up from his desk to properly bow in his apologises. "I've been a little more tired as of lately since I've been doing the boarder patrol with Chanyeol every night for the past week." 

"Oh?" Ms Melody's eyes widened at the mention of the school's Big Bad Wolf, the staff had realised a shift in both of their attitudes towards each other and they were grateful for it. "So the two of you have been getting along huh?" 

"It's sickening to see really" Tao gagged, smirking from his seat by the window. He received a balled up piece of paper to the head from the vampire himself, Baekhyun releasing a grin when he had hit the exact spot on the boy's forehead. "their PDA is digusting!" 

"We don't do PDA!" Baekhyun attempted to defend himself but the smile on his lips was a dead give away, it wasn't his fault that things between himself and Chanyeol had been more on the better note than before. They both said that communicating was the best way of dealing with their problems and as of lately Baekhyun had realised a lot of those problems were revolving around his dreams. 

Whenever Baekhyun found himself slipping into slumber no matter the time of day it was, Chanyeol would be forced to sleep along side him regardless of where he was within the school. Since the vampire had been awoken from his nap by his music teacher, Baekhyun half expected Chanyeol to be on his way towards the classroom. Thankfully he had another couple minutes to enjoy in silence since the Alpha's technology class was located downstairs near the cafeteria. 

"I wonder what you dreamt about today!" Luhan shouted, looking over his shoulder at Baekhyun with his eyes sparkling in curiousity. The vampire sent his friend a funny look, sticking his tongue out for good measure. 

"I'm sure you'll hear all about it once Chanyeol gets here, he'll kill me afterwards because I forced him to fall asleep in class again." 

"I warned you about the consequences of linking your dreams with another" Kyungsoo scoffed with a shake to his head, he wouldn't look at Baekhyun finding whatever lyrics were written on the whiteboard ahead of them more important. "no one listens to the terms and conditions do they?" 

"They all dull into one massive haze to me." Minseok raised his hand gaining the rest of the protector's attention, Baekhyun let out a laugh while Ms Melody simply sighed and shook her head in disappointment. 

"I guess that concludes our lesson for today, I won't assign you homework but Baekhyun maybe it's time that you and Chanyeol allow someone else to take over the boarder patrols. I admire that the both of you are so adamant on protecting us but you must look after your health, if what Kyungsoo is saying is true and you both have linked your minds then the exhaustion you feel is doubled since you feel your own tiredness as well as Chanyeol's." Ms Melody ordered, pointing out some very useful facts that Baekhyun would definitely take time to think about later in the day. 

"What the hell was that?!" Chanyeol shouted, thrashing the door open as he entered with wide eyes, the rest of the Alpha's following him into the classroom. They looked just as confused as the others seated who have been waiting for Baekhyun to open up about his dreams, but now seeing Chanyeol so red in the fcae they just had to know what happened. 

"I believe it was our wedding" Baekhyun rolled his eyes completely unaffected by the visions of their previous life, Chanyeol blinked his eyes as he continued to stare at the vampire. "what do you want me to tell you? I saw what you did, I begged you to stake your claim and you did what are you not getting?" 

"Oh well gosh I don't know!" Chanyeol dramatically stressed, throwing his hands up in the air as he walked around the vacant chairs and over to Baekhyun who remained seated. "Maybe the fact that we got married surprised me? Or maybe that we got our own chambers once we became the happily married couple we were? Or was it that I bite you or as you have said staked my claim on you?" 

"Wasn't it obvious that we were mates from the beginning?" Baekhyun deadpanned, looking into Chanyeol's shocked eyes since the Alpha had gotten onto his knees by the vampire's desk. Everyone was staring at them in surprise, some of them wanted to comment on this supposed marriage that they were unaware of but thought against it since the conversation between the only two people having any clue as to what was happening, were still talking. 

"Yes, but seeing that was not what I expected!" Chanyeol shriked, his eyes narrowing as he traced Baekhyun's facial features. "It was so intimade and I felt like I was imposing-" 

"It was us in another life what is so strange about it?" Baekhyun questioned, he didn't understand why Chanyeol was freaking out about the dream. It was as PG as a dream could get and the only intimate scene was when the Alpha had bitten him. "We are mates in my dreams, obviously stuff like that is going to happen Chanyeol." 

"Why aren't you as freaked out as me?" 

"Because I've come to peace with it-" 

"No you would have been freaked out as much as me after the scenes in that, we kissed, we shared a bed-" 

"Nothing that hasn't happened already!" Baekhyun reminded him, pointing his finger against Chanyeol's nose. "We shared a bed and kissed in it before, not a good enough excuse to freak out about a dream." 

"I bit you Baekhyun, that's the most intimate thing a wolf could do-" 

"You bit Jessica before, wasn't that intimate?" Was that jealously in Byun Baekhyun's voice? Well that was new. 

"No it wasn't" Suho stated for Chanyeol, of course the vampire with the wolf anchor had so much knowledge on the Alpha's species. "usually wolves deliver their mark in bed when they-" 

"Have with the person they want to mark." Chanyeol interrupted, locking eyes with Baekhyun. "I had bitten Jessica in the hallway because I let my anger get the better of me with her constant asking, I almost bit you in the cafeteria that day you came here because I felt a pull towards you like I needed to do it even with people around me. Both experiences are very different." 

"Okay fine I get it," Baekhyun huffed, throwing his arms in the air before he looked back at the Alpha whose lips had made a small smile. "we should book an appointment to see your mother about all of this." 

"Agreed" the protectors and Ms Melody stated with nods of agreement. 

Chanyeol let out a sigh before dipping his head in surrender. "Fine, I'll arrange things." 

"Thanks giant." Baekhyun grinned, running his fingers through Chanyeol's silver locks. It was probably one of the only things that kept him grounded in reality, the Chanyeol in his dream had fiery red hair while the Chanyeol before him sported his silver locks. 

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Beau1996 1378 streak #1
Chapter 11: I was pretty sure Daehyun would make an appearance!!
Beau1996 1378 streak #2
Chapter 10: Village trip - will it be fun or a run in with bad supes??
Beau1996 1378 streak #3
Chapter 7: Hard revelation to share but Chan is there to support him
Beau1996 1378 streak #4
Chapter 5: Day class and night class - one of my favorite animes but vampires and humans were the students - vampire Knight
Beau1996 1378 streak #5
Chapter 2: Baek is a daywalker!!
Beau1996 1378 streak #6
Chapter 1: I must have read before because I was already subscribed but looking forward to re-reading
Vampirella77 #7
Chapter 78: Wow. 2 new books. I'm so excited 😊😊😊. Thank you
747 streak #8
Chapter 78: Thank you so much, I am really looking forward to both books. Your writing is so amazing and the characters really come to life. I am in hopes that Chanyeol will make it back to Baekhyun by the end of both books. I can’t wait to see what awaits everyone.
Erica_flv #9
Chapter 78: I read this story twice . And I’m going to read it again . The story it so amazing . I will be waiting but I probably read it more time .
747 streak #10
Chapter 76: I binge read all the chapters and finally got caught up. I absolutely love this story, it reads almost like a saga. Your plot and characterization are flawless. Thank you so much for taking us on this adventure. I can’t wait to read the continuation, this is a real gem.