Here to help..


~Byun Baekhyun~

Blood... that's all he could think of as he continued to on the stranger's neck. The girl whimpered at the pain but never screamed following Baekhyun's mind control to a T. The dark alleyway would have terrified Baekhyun to the point that he wouldn't have been able to stand, but since his food was practically begging to be eaten he figured he could overcome his fright quickly for his hunger. 

"You know if you keep going it will get out of control" A new voice chuckled from somewhere hidden in the shadows. Baekhyun pulled away slightly afraid of who could have caught him, yet the drive to finish his meal still haunted him. 

"I'm too hungry" Baekhyun reasoned with the air before plunging back into his main course, drinking alot more than he should have. A small crack floated in the air, Baekhyun's fangs had bit too deep into breaking everything including her spincal cord connecting her head to her body. In result her body dropped to the floor.

"Ah!" Baekhyun screamed dropping her head, the once blond curls bouncing when they impacted against the ground. Baekhyun cringed seeing the girls head hit off the concrete, more than likely breaking her skull or giving her a serious head injury had she still been alive. 

"Told you" the voice from earlier laughed. 

Baekhyun looked around scared. His chin still soaked with his snack's blood, yet his body shook in fright, never had something like that happened to him before. The hunger was getting worse with everyday that passed, he only became a newborn vampire a couple days ago yet the drive for feasting on the lush red liquid haunted him even in his sleep. 

"Please don't react too much!" The man said walking into the only source of light present in the alleyway, stepping closer to Baekhyun while doing so. "My name is Suho, I'm not going to hurt you I just want to help you, I'm used to seeing newly turned vampires react like this, you don't have to be afraid of me" 

At this point Baekhyun already had tears in his eyes. "You won't be able to help me unless you're human and are willing to give up your blood to me" 

Suho laughed and shook his head reaching into his pocket, drawing out a small cardboard juice box, he carefully threw it to Baekhyun who managed to catch it with ease after his moment of weakness. 

"That should slow the hunger for at least four hours" Baekhyun stared at the juice box in wonder for a second before piercing one of his fangs into the little hole, since the juice box didn't come with a straw. To his surpise he felt the intense craving sensation in his stomach die down before fading completely. He finished the mixture completely making sure to drink every single drop. 

"You said you were here to help do you plan on doing that?" He questioned crumbling the juice box in his palm once he was done with it. 

Suho took it upon himself to take another step towards the other, slowly and cautiously as to not scare the latter. Baekhyun dropped the now scrunched up juice box onto the ground. His beautiful silver eyes morphed back into​ his normal 'humanlike' colour, which were a chocolate brown. Suho marvelled in the dramatic change for a little while longer before continuing. 

"Feel any better?" He asked raising an eyebrow at the boy in front of him. "Your eyes have gone back to their natural colour now so I'm assuming that you're not as hungry as you were?" 

"Yeah, thank you Suho" Baekhyun bowed showing his rightful manners "my name is Baekhyun and I'm really sorry you had to see that, I've never felt hunger like that before..."

"Well Baekhyun it's great to meet you, but dont worry about this, to be completely honest with you I have seen much worse" Baekhyun nodded, his body relaxing no longer scared of the darkness around him, feeling safe and protected now Suho was with him. Although he doesn't know Suho at all Baekhyun could tell he wasn't a threat. He called it his sixth sense which he thinks he got after turning. 

"I'm here to enroll you into Millennium High, it's a school where we can be ourselves, no humans around to worry about, it's filled with other people like us, and soon, if you agree you can be apart of it too" Suho beamed clearly proud of his school, yet he was secretly crossing his fingers hoping that his speech would hit home for the vampire before him. 

"I don't have any money to enroll in a school" Baekhyun sighed mentally stomping his foot not showing even a fraction of how upset he was on the inside. A school where he can be himself and be around people like him sounded amazing in comparison to what he had just run away from. 

"You don't need money Baekhyun everything can be found in school" The said male's ears perked up hearing that single sentence, no money needed in order to enrol in a supernatural school, Baekhyun was ready to sign up with the chance he had. 

"Okay, then I would be honoured to join" He smiled feeling his excitement take over his body. He couldn't believe it, he had just killed a girl and now he was being brought to a school to help him. The remaining hours of the day surely had been eventual.  

"Do you want to go return home and pack your belongings so you can have some stuff to remind you of home at the Academy?" Suho wondered, pulling out a napkin to which he instructed Baekhyun to use on his blood coated skin. 

"Okay, wait right here" he stated holding out his hands begging the elder to stay where he was and not move a single inch. Suho watched as Baekhyun briskly walked over to the dumpster pressed up against one of walls in the alleywall. His breath hitched as Baekhyun pushed behind it, coming back out a few moments later with a duffel bag over his left shoulder. Suho gave him a questionable look. "I packed" 

"You've been living behind a dumpster?" The elder questioned threading lightly unable to know if Baekhyun would turn against him quickly in denial or anger. 

"Yeah, I sorta ran away from my home when I was turned I didn't have any money to rent a room in a hotel or anything like that so I slept here" 

"Well that is even more reason for you to come to the Academy, you'll get warm food and a comfortable bed and-" 

"A hot shower?" Baekhyun interrupted too amazed to listen to the remaining words of his saviour's sentence. 

Suho let out a chuckle but nodded answering the boys question with enthusiasm. "Yep, you will have your own bathroom too if that excites you too" 

"It does" Baekhyun agreed, looking down at the ground in slight embarrassment. "Shall we go? I really want to see what this place looks like" 

"Of course, try keep up newborn" Suho joked sending the taller a wink before speeding himself out of the alleyway. Baekhyun quickly ran after him, speeding out of the dark creepy alleyway happy that he would never need to step a foot in it again. 

Suho was leading him to the suburbs of the city, where the a wide forest cut away the concrete jungle. Baekhyun had never been allowed to enter there before after he had heard many people had gone missing in there, but since he knew he could trust Suho he followed him through the brush, dodging low hanging branches and jumping over larger rocks. 

"Baek, it's coming up" Suho called from a few feet away, his arm coming out to grip out onto the newborn vampire's arm. Baekhyun felt himself pass through some sort of soft material, he shivered his skin crawling almost as if he had run straight through a large spider web. 

He didn't stay creeped out for long as a large castle like building filled his view. Large stone walls stretched from the lush green grass up to the star filled night sky. Faint yellow and orange glows of the lights within the building showcased shadows that moved freely inside. 

He breathed a sigh of awe before coming to a complete stop at the large oak entrance doors. Suho hadn't realised Baekhyun hadn't continued to follow him inside the Academy instead his saviour directed himself through the hallways and up a staircase before realising that the person he had brought through the protective barrier around the school was now lost. 

"Woah..." Baekhyun grinned looking up at the large castle walls and the large space that the castle had around it. From just the front door Baekhyun could tell that the school was very big on sport considering a football field stretched down the yawn to his left while a basketball court took up his vision to the right. 

"Yah! Who are you?" a deep manly voice shouted out, making the easily scared vampire turn around in his stance, only to notice a boy with white hair with dark blue tips. He was wearing gym shorts and a black muscle tee. He was clearly ripped, Baekhyun had to hold himself back from drooling at the sight of the latter. 

"N-new...I'm new" Baekhyun stuttered, common sense leaving him as his eyes raked over the boy's sweaty body. 

"Well New I'm Wonho, captain of the football team-" 

"Co-captain!" Another voice yelled with a slight undertone of annoyance. Baekhyun's eyes widened as he witnessed another taller guy emerge from the corner of the school building. 

"This is Shownu" Wonho introduced the other, who was just as tall, just as built and just as sweaty looking as his friend. 

"Nice to meet you" Baekhyun bowed respectfully, his cheeks dusting over in a faint pink blush. 

"What are you?" Shownu asked, his eyebrow raised, his chest muscles tightening as he crossed his arms. 

"I'm a vampire" Baekhyun explained with hesitance laced in the words. He wasn't sure if he could openly explain what he was to the others and not expect to be teased about it. What he got back in return surpised him completely. 

"Ah cool he'll be in my defense class" A new boy smiled coming from where the other two had entered. This boy was smaller than the others and less built, he was more on the cute side than the masculinity side.

Baekhyun took a breath of relief, these boys weren't going to hurt him or for being a vampire. They were welcoming and kind to the new member of their school. 

"I'm Kihyun, the 'eomma' of those two plus another three idiots" the boy smiled stretching out his hand to welcome the elder to the school. 

Baekhyun smiled and took his hand. Yet what happened next scared him again. His mind had for some reason decided now would be the best time to show a very upsetting memory Baekhyun would rather keep buried. 

"Oh my god" Kihyun groaned holding his head, his hand flying away from Baekhyun's as the pain for the both of them became too much. Baekhyun quickly wiped the tears that had crept out of his eyes. His heart was now lighter, a calm feeling resting on his shoulders making them sag in responce to it. 

"CHANGKYUN!" Shownu screamed getting the attention of a boy whose face began to become blurry to Baekhyun, whose knees buckled and he collapsed onto the ground. 

Kihyun's hand went out to help him up, Baekhyun sobbed as the memory came back into his mind. He clutched the hand held in his tightly using it as a guide to get out of the daydream. As the memory procressed and the darknest part finally took to the stage Baekhyun could feel Kihyun grip his hand tighter.  

"Kihyun stop!" A new unfamiliar voice screamed, the face and voice around them becoming white noise as both boys seen the darkest memory Baekhyun had tried to keep buried in the deepest part of his brain, feeling so emotional whenever he thought about it. 

"Do it Baekhyun.."

Two crying faces greeted the boy, a man and woman sat locked to chairs by chains. The man held on to his wife's hand desperately as the voice behind the vampire continued to whisper attempts and demands into his ears. 

"They are holding you back from being who you truly are, my mate will have no weakness, you will kill them both right now or our love will never be-" 

A gunshot echoed throughout the warehouse walls.

Bang! Bang!

Baekhyun was hollow the mind control was strong and his body easily folded into whatever the man behind him favoured. Like a beautiful flower that had been suffocated with weeds and thorns. 

"Kihyun..." Baekhyun whispered before everything went numb, his hand slipping out of the boys hand and onto the slightly damp grass below him. 

The four boys looked down at their new classmate, now in a deep sleep. Kihyun's hands dried his tears, a scene of anger and sorrow filled his body as he looked down at the boy below him. "This boy really has gone through so much" he breathed finding energy to crutch down to become closer with Baekhyun. 

"What happened to him?" Shownu asked, lifting the newborn vampire into his arms. Kihyun remained quiet watching his friend lead the way towards the infirmary. 

"He's mind was corrupted alot before his transformation, my guess is that he was living with another vampire as a human, doing the things the vanpire wanted before he wasn't needed anymore and instead got given the power of immortality. Baekhyun surely is one strong boy to have dealt with all these memories and not turn off his humanity. 



A/N: hello everyone I'm April and I'm new to Asian FanFics, I recently moved here from Wattpad with my book Destined so I hope you enjoy it and the chapters to come :) 


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Beau1996 1378 streak #1
Chapter 11: I was pretty sure Daehyun would make an appearance!!
Beau1996 1378 streak #2
Chapter 10: Village trip - will it be fun or a run in with bad supes??
Beau1996 1378 streak #3
Chapter 7: Hard revelation to share but Chan is there to support him
Beau1996 1378 streak #4
Chapter 5: Day class and night class - one of my favorite animes but vampires and humans were the students - vampire Knight
Beau1996 1378 streak #5
Chapter 2: Baek is a daywalker!!
Beau1996 1378 streak #6
Chapter 1: I must have read before because I was already subscribed but looking forward to re-reading
Vampirella77 #7
Chapter 78: Wow. 2 new books. I'm so excited 😊😊😊. Thank you
747 streak #8
Chapter 78: Thank you so much, I am really looking forward to both books. Your writing is so amazing and the characters really come to life. I am in hopes that Chanyeol will make it back to Baekhyun by the end of both books. I can’t wait to see what awaits everyone.
Erica_flv #9
Chapter 78: I read this story twice . And I’m going to read it again . The story it so amazing . I will be waiting but I probably read it more time .
747 streak #10
Chapter 76: I binge read all the chapters and finally got caught up. I absolutely love this story, it reads almost like a saga. Your plot and characterization are flawless. Thank you so much for taking us on this adventure. I can’t wait to read the continuation, this is a real gem.