
I don't believe there is a love for me

Key was so distracted by Jonghyun that he had forgotten that the only empty seat in the classroom was the one right next to him. And so, he was quite shocked when the teacher said “Okay Jonghyun, that’s good. It seems like the only seat left is next to Kibum, so just sit there and we can start.”


Key’s eyes widened and his eyebrows shot up into his head. His heart was beating erratically and there was this weird, scary nervous feeling in his stomach at the thought of sitting next to Jonghyun everyday. Oh my god, what do I do? AHHH! Needless to say, Key was internally freaking out. On the outside, he had this perfect poker face, with the exception of his lightly tinted cheeks.


Jonghyun offered him a slight smile as he sat down. He unpacked his stuff, and for a few minutes, silence reigned between the two. And then Jonghyun broke it.


“Hi Kibum. It seems like I’ll be seeing you a lot huh?” he asked casually.




Jonghyun looked puzzled. He tilted his head to the side and looked at him with wide puppy eyes. That weird urge to pet Jonghyun overcame Key once again, and he almost didn’t respond to Jonghyun.


“My name’s Kim Kibum, but everybody calls me Key.” He said quietly.


“Oh! We have the same last name then! Maybe we should pretend to be brothers.” He joked. Jonghyun’s playful smile enticed Key, but before he could respond, the teacher began calling the roll and Jonghyun put his finger on his lip and faced the front.


Who the hell does that anymore?!



Finally. Time for recess. And then back to hell. Key sighed in appreciation as he stretched his arms and legs, unaware of the person watching him.




Key spun around to see Jonghyun standing behind him. Key jumped back, before stepping forward and smacking Jonghyun’s arm. Hard.


“Ow! Key! Why did you do that?! That really hurt!” Jonghyun pouted.


“Well, what the hell were you doing watching me?! That is SO creepy!”


“I just wanted to ask you a favour… Since I don’t actually know anybody at this school…” Jonghyun said sadly. He looked like a puppy that had just been kicked. “But since you obviously don’t want to talk to me…”


He put his head down and started walking away like a sad child. Key sighed. And everybody thought that he was the drama king here… Maybe he could be the drama queen? He shook his head before running after Jonghyun.


“Wait! I didn’t mean it like that! You just surprised me, that’s all…” Key huffed.


Jonghyun brightened up immediately. He really was just like a puppy. “Really? Well, I wanted to ask you if… if…” All of sudden, Jonghyun decided that he was going to be shy.  Key inclined his head to encourage him to keep going. Jonghyun cleared his throat, and tried again.


“I wanted to ask you if you could show me around the school…” he said looking away from Key.


Key looked down at the blushing boy. “Well sure, obviously, you don’t know your way around…” he said looking away.

Jonghyun smiled. “Do you want to start now?”


“Of course.”

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mzjonghyun #1
Chapter 13: omg I love it the last two chapters were funny so awesome
aww gawd to much fluff lol i love it i juz hope this wont be the reason for my death although if it is id happyly complied lol update soon
I would also poke jjong with a spatula if I had one, but I wouldn't actually call me a sane person xDDD<br />
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Anyways, I liked this chapter very, very, VERY much~ <3<br />
Awwwwwww. This is so fluffy. And Taemin and his love for banana milk is so cute :)
mar1adyve5sa #5
awwww the poster so cuteeee!!!!XD and the story too..LOL<br />
lo so true i already commented on the drabble i think on ur other fic but who cares u deserve the praises so man that was awesome and super duper cute cant wait update soon
pikajae #7
@-iloveyou- aww thankyou I feel loved keke~ The world would be an awesome place with more Jonghyun like people... <br />
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@mar1adyve5sa yay~ I wonder what happens now...?<br />
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@Incomplete-Synopsis It took them a while didn't it?<br />
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@butterflybabe13 keke cuteness is awesome~ XD<br />
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@ShawolCassieElf Fluffy fluff is fluffy. keke it's so cute~ XDD
morninginmarch #8
fluffy fluffy sweetness <3 <3<br />
awwww... key and jjong were sleeping. then they kissed! ASDGHJKL