
It Began here for you

It had been months and since everything that went down with the twins and Jeongmin, nothing had been the same. 

Sat quietly at the dressing table, co-ordi unnies, make-up artists and hair stylists buzzed around each member frantically trying to prepare them for another shoot. None of them could figure out what was wrong. "Why doesn't this work? It always works!", "There's something missing...", "I can't get your hair to sit right...what is going on?!" 

They'd never work it out. The reason for everything looking wrong. It was everyone... every member of Boyfriend had lost their inner glow. No one looked enthusiastic... no one looked like they enjoyed anything at all. 

Later on...

Pulling a light jumper over his head, Youngmin looked into the mirror at his dressing table and swallowed a breath, his eyes heavy from trying to act as if he was still himself infront of fans. 

His eyes were shadowed and his skin had dulled. He was so tired. Everything that had gone on with him and Kwangmin... he was sure he'd lost his twin forever. Wincing at the thought as it pinched his gut, he turned from the mirror, sighed deeply and reached for his jacket that hung off of the back of his chair. Striding towards the door, he stopped still as he was faced with the mirror of himself with darker hair. 

He didn't speak a word at first. He couldn't. He couldn't breathe, he just simply stayed still and blinked, waiting for something to happen. Waiting for a slight glimpse of recognition to cross his twins face, but it never happened. Kwangmin simply looked past him and went to collect the bag he had obviously forgotten to pick up. Youngmin closed his eyes as his twin brushed past him, pain striking his chest hard as the realization of having lost his twin hit home. He would have left it and moved on, locking himself in one of the dorm rooms to feel sick with sadness alone, but when you're desperate, what do you have to lose? Taking a shaky breath, Youngmin spoke up for the first time in months. "Yah... I cried out for you... but you didn't come..." He wasn't sure what he wanted to achieve by saying this but he was certain the response he got from Kwangmin wasn't it. 

"Ye... I didn't." Grabbing the bag, he sighed and turned back around headed for the door once more, his features like stone. About to pass Youngmin, he was taken by surprise when Youngmin's hand hit his chest. Looking up at him, he waited for another attempt at communication. Leave it Youngie... I don't deserve the attention you're giving me. 

"You should have... you're my younger brother. We're supposed to look after eachother, no matter what." Youngmin furrowed his brows and lowered his hand from Kwangmins chest, emphasizing that last part, "No matter... what." 

Closing his eyes, Kwangmin shook his head and pushed past his twin, quickly leaving the room. 

Swallowing another breath, Youngmin quickly looked up at the cieling to stop the tears that threatened to fall. He couldn't cry here... he still had the drive home. He would have time to be upset when they got home. Sniffing, he turned and left the room as his twin had done moments before. 

When he reached the car, Kwangmin had closed his eyes and was obviously making sure he wouldn't have to talk to anyone. Donghyun and Hyunseong were both  teasing Minwoo and then there was Jeongmin, his eyes fixed on Youngmin. He knew he was upset... he knew he wanted to cry... but he also knew that Youngmin couldn't cry until they were home, and so he quickly nodded with understanding and smiled lifting his ipod. "Youngmin-ah... I have a cool new song to show you!"

Getting in beside Jeongmin, Youngmin pouted and shook his head but was soon distracted by his hyung. The music was their newest song, Love Style, so obviously, Jeongmin had simpy said it to break the tension for him. He smiled a little and brushed his hand against his hyungs gently. Jeongmin looked at him from the corner of his eyes and smiled back entwining his fingers with Youngmins and brushing his thumb over his knuckles for comfort. Youngmin felt just a little better. 

A few minutes later, it seemed all of the members were asleep. All but Jeongmin and himself. He sighed and took the ear piece playing the music out. Jeongmin reacted. 

"Youngmin... it'll be okay you know?" 

Looking behind him to where his twin slept, he sighed and swallowed a breath. He noticed he wasnt wearing his jacket and so even though the car was heated, he made this an oppertunity to care for him. Taking off his own jacket, he placed it around his twin trying as hard as he could not to wake him up. Turning back towards Jeongmin, he quickly rapped his arms around his hyungs waist. 

Taken by surprise, Jeongmin tensed for a moment. "...Youngmin-ah... you're cold right? That's why you're hugging?" It wasn't a real question, it was a "That' our story if anyone asks" type thing. 

Youngmin nodded. 


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m0zarts0nata-- #1
update soon ^^
XRawrXRarrXRawrX #2
Thank you!
RealityIsScary #3
Breath-taking chapter 9.
So cute....<br />
Youngmin n Jeongmin...<br />
XRawrXRarrXRawrX #5
I will be sure to update for you guys by the end of today, promise! :D
poor youngmin...<br />
it so interesting....<br />
update soon^_^
XRawrXRarrXRawrX #7
Ne ^.^ I'll be updating today at some point! <3
RealityIsScary #8
It's really good ^o^<br />
update soon, ne?
XRawrXRarrXRawrX #9
Ahh pleased you like it :)
Kekekekekekekekekekekekekekeke<3 sorry u can't stop giggling(x they are too cuuuuute<3 AHHHHHHH!!!!!