Ch. [03]

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“So this is why there’s always someone in here,” Hyukjae bit his lower lip and looked around Kyuhyun’s room, clearing his throat as the other closed the door behind them.

“Not really,” Kyuhyun said, walking to the small desk he had in his room, where he had a glass of wine already served. “The vast majority come by their own will,” he chuckled. “I don’t even need to do anything more than be here at night. And I don’t refuse a good opportunity.”

Hyukjae looked down and slowly slid the chocolates in his pocket. It wasn’t going to be enough now that he knew what Kyuhyun’s idea of paying back was. He looked at the notebook and handed it towards Kyuhyun. “Thanks,” he said in a low voice. “They were very useful.”

“I know,” Kyuhyun chuckled as he grabbed the notebook and threw it to the desk absent mindedly. “Why so serious, Hyukjae?” He asked after a few seconds of silence, smirking as he sipped from his glass of wine. “I don’t really like ing serious people.”

Hyukjae felt shivers run along his body and they didn’t feel nice as everyone told him so. “I-I-” he cleared his throat to avoid his voice from trembling as he stood in the middle of Kyuhyun’s room. “Does Zhoumi knows you do this?” he finally asked, thinking in one of his best friends ever liking a man that s whoever knocks on his door. “I’m sorry, but you’ll have to ask something else from me.”

“No,” Kyuhyun said serious, finishing his wine already and pouring some more into the glass. “I want the same from you than from anyone else because you’re not special enough,” he chuckled. “And no, he doesn’t know, why would he need to know such things?”

Hyukjae felt how his chest contracted painfully and he decided not looking at the other male and instead inspecting the room. It was clean. Hyukjae couldn’t believe it was so clean even when Kyuhyun ed everything in front of him in there. It was organized, everything was in its place and for a second, Hyukjae had the thought of not minding ing in that room.


Hyukjae gasped as he saw a glass presented in front of him. “Drink some, you’re being hostile,” Kyuhyun said as he held his own glass.

Hyukjae rejected it softly. “I don’t drink,” he said, looking away.

“Low alcohol tolerance?” Kyuhyun asked, smirking as he sipped from his wine.

“No,” Hyukjae was feeling himself trying to run away. “It’s just that I don’t like the taste of-”

He had barely a second to register the way Kyuhyun held his nape firmly and pulled him closer to what seemed to be a kiss at first but as soon as he felt the wine sliding down his throat, he knew a kiss wasn’t Kyuhyun’s intention and he pushed the other away, coughing softly.

Hyukjae lied when he said he didn’t have a low alcohol tolerance. Actually, Hyukjae would get drunk with only a glass of alcohol and he didn’t want to accept the fact that for a few seconds he actually thought Kyuhyun was hot as and that he wouldn’t mind doing it with him.

“Do you drug all of your partners?” Hyukjae frowned, feeling already slightly dizzy. It wasn’t just a taste, it was quite a good quantity of alcohol in that wine.

Kyuhyun laughed. “Just the annoying ones,” he said, making Hyukjae frown deeply.

“Ask something else,” Hyukjae said firmly, fully knowing Zhoumi would stop talking to him if he ever heard of that.

“Take off your clothes,” Kyuhyun said.

“Something else,” Hyukjae insisted.

“Didn’t you say you would pay for my notes?” Kyuhyun smirked, handing Hyukjae once more the glass of wine. “Drink it,” he said firmly. “I want to you so you know why es moan so loudly for me.”

“es?” Hyukjae frowned deeply. “That’s how you refer to everyone?”

“Including you after this night,” Kyuhyun chuckled. “Drink it.”

Hyukjae pursed his lips in annoyance. “How can they all like you?” He said. “You’re rude.”

Kyuhyun laughed loudly, truly amused. “Rude?” He asked. “You came to my door telling me you would castrate me,” he said. “Now drink the wine so I can you.”

Hyukjae took a few seconds before holding onto the glass of wine.

“Didn’t you appreciate my consideration for you?” Kyuhyun asked. “I kept my es quiet for you to keep studying.”

“Well, thank you,” Hyukjae said sarcastically, drinking the entire content of the glass in one go just out of pure frustration. “I didn’t know you were so nice.”

“Nice enough,” Kyuhyun smiled, raising an eyebrow at Hyukjae before pouring more wine into his glass. “You didn’t even know I existed until you needed the notes. In my point of view, you’re the rude person in here.”

Hyukjae drank the entire content once more, making Kyuhyun shook his head and chuckle in amusement as he poured even more wine. “I wasn’t being rude!” Hyukjae said, pouting and making evident alcohol was already making him dizzy as he sat down at the edge of Kyuhyun’s bed. “It’s just that you’re so serious in front of everyone and just talk to Zhoumi…”

“Don’t drink anymore,” Kyuhyun chuckled. “You’re really bad tolerati

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Zimteulee #1
I love this so much! I really enjoyed reading, and have just finished reading it for the second time 🤗 so good 🤗
Chapter 11: Boy he's whipped
Chapter 4: Famous last words Cho
970 streak #5
Chapter 17: I read everything in one go!
And I'm so happy I found this fic. I'm glad that Hyukjae isn't a pushover. It's just sad that Zhoumi didn't apologize. Well, he isn't a real friend after all. Siwon is the good friend.The epilogue is cute.
Thank you so much for sharing. ❤️❤️❤️
Hani97 #6
Chapter 17: I'm just done reading this in one night, but I want to reread it again kyaaaaa......?????
Chapter 17: Hyuk forgave Kyu too easily! He should make him suffer more I'm serious. (Hyuk's my bias)
Thanks for sharing~
KiwiPrincess #8
Chapter 17: Great story..and funny too.. XD
TaiShanNiangNiang #9
Chapter 11: Kyu's desperate monster-under-the-bed texts! Finally showing he has a bit of heart. Each of their motives were so messed up >< Now to see where things head for those two...