Chapter 15

I'll prove myself to you.

The next day, MInhee left just as Jongyeol planned. She didn't dare to offend Jongyeol because she was afraid she might lose everything in just of a blink of an eye.

Sungyeol stayed with Jongyeol for the month because he knew you were avoiding him, he wanted to give you some space to yourself and also because he wanted to renovate his house because he thought the house was a bit old.

In the morning just before Sungyeol left the house for school, Jongyeol called him and spoke to him.

"Sungyeol-ah, if you can, try to bring ____  home one day, I want to meet her. For all you know, I might change my impression about her."  Jongyeol said.

"I will, father. But maybe not so soon." Sungyeol said.

"Why? Are you guys okay?" 

"Yeah we're okay, just kinda going through a rough patch. We'll be fine."

"All right, take care son." Jongyeol said while patting Sungyeol's back.

"I have to go to school now or else I'll be late. Goodbye father. Sungyeol said.


[In School]

You looked around for Sungyeol because you wanted to talk to him about something. Just when you were thinking about how to tell him what you wanted to say, he appeared right in front of you.

"Looking for me?" Sungyeol flashed you a smile as if nothing had happened.

"As a matter of fact, yes. I need to talk to you, could we talk on the way to class? We still have some time before classes start."  You said.

"Yeah sure, I'd love to talk with you." Sungyeol said.

"So, errr.... how have you been?" You started the conversation awkwardly.

"I've been fine, just missing you. As always." Sungyeol said and you blushed a bit but then cleared your throat and told him what you needed to tell him.

"So, Sungyeol, I need to tell you something." You reached Sungyeol locker and he opened it.

"I'm leaving for England. I'm going to study there for my last year, I wanted a change in environment and you know, get to know more people and maybe get more connections just in case if I need any help." You said.

"When are you leaving?" Sungyeol said, trying to keep his cool.

"Since this week is the last week of school, I'm leaving this Saturday night." You said.

"Okay, have a safe flight ____. I'll send you there on Saturday." He said while smiling. He knew letting you go to England was for the better, but then you didn't know how much he didn't want you to leave, how much he wanted to just tie you by his side and never let you leave, ever. He hid it all with his warm smile.

You saw his warm smile and your heart sank a bit, knowing you won't be able to see him for a year. Although you didn't want to be in a relationship with him but then you wanted Sungyeol to be your best friend, he is your best guy friend after all.

"So... okay hehe, shall we get to class?" You said.

"Yeah, we should." He said and locked his locker.


It was not long until it was recess time.

Hoya came to your class, girls were squeling and he gave them a warm smile and then walked over. You thought he was here to look for the prettiest girl in your class, Jiae. 

But Jiae sat at the corner of the class, so you were quite surprised when he walked towards you and sat beside you.

"Hey there, pretty." Hoya smiled at you.

"Hi Hoya, aren't you here to look for Jiae?" 

"Her? Why would I look for her? Myungsoo should be the one looking for her, haha!" 

"Have you eaten lunch?"

"No, why?"

"Why haven't you eaten, do you want to get gastric again?" He packed up your stuff and put everything in your bag and grabbed you and ran down the stairs right to his car. You were suddenly very thankful you had muscles on your legs for practicing dancing and ran just as fast as him, if not, you'd fall down anytime.

You were sweating and panting now, he opened his car door and led you in.

"Where are we going? Just in case you don't know, we have classes in an hour's time." 

"Well, we'll just have to skip now." He said and drove out the school gate.

On the car, he put on some soothing music, making you drown in your own sea of thoughts.

You suddenly thought about how you and Hoya were going to end up, you knew he was your brother but he didn't know and you didn't know if this whole thing was a prank or anything to get back at you. 

He stopped at a chinese restaurant, he ordered noodles and some paos, also known as dumplings. You liked them very much, but since you weren't close with Hoya, you wondered how he knew.

After paying and getting the food, he drove for a good 10 minutes before he stopped in front of Namsan tower. 

"What are we doing here?"

"Us? We're having an unofficial date here." Hoya said and smiled at you. 




Do you want to end up with Hoya or Sungyeol?! ^^


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writing my story now, will try to double update if I can n__n


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Chapter 19: Awwhhh, so sweetttttt<3 sungyeol:(
Chapter 19: sungyeol or hoya ?
i don't know who 2 choose :(
Chapter 19: Ahhh!!! I'm in a dilemma! I want Sungyeol by at the same time I want Hoya! Yah author-nim, y u make both of mah biases the leading men in here?! Asdfghjkl I can't even rn!
Good luck on your exams!
So, most people want Hoya? So I guess I'll go along with my story plot hehehe n__n thanks for commenting!! Love you guys! <3
mytientran #5
gyuness #6
Holy ____! Sungyeol saw that kiss right?! Hahah damn, how awkward when Hoya finds out that they're going to be step siblings XD

Wait..... That just means more thexy time for the two XD
lienne #8
sungyeol for sure!
mytientran #10