Chapter 14

I'll prove myself to you.

After that night, you avoided Sungyeol for the rest of the month. Sungyeol talked to Woohyun about it at one of the cafes near your house.

"HYUNG YOU DID WHAT?!" Woohyun almost spit out his coffee onto Sungyeol's face.

"Shush! Yeah I did it. I ed her. You happy now?" Sungyeol said, irritated. 

"Hyung, don't be like that, I was just surprised you know. I never knew you could be like that." Woohyun said while sipping on his coffee. 

"Now, ______ is avoiding me and I don't know what to do." Sungyeol sighed.

"Maybe you should talk to her about it, maybe she'll talk to you. You know how she doesn't like to make the first move." Woohyun said.

Sungyeol shrugged and drank his Americano. Sungyeol received a phonecall and his face turned ever more blacker than before.

"I have to go, Woohyun. Thanks anyway!" Sungyeol said and wore his coat and ran out.

"Aish. Hyung is always making me pay for his coffee.  Now I'll never save enough money in time to buy APink's new albums!" Woohyun said to himself and pouted.


Sungyeol hailed a cab and went to a big building.  It was the KBS building. His father owns it and he is the heir to it.

He received a call from his dad, telling him to meet at his office.

Sungyeol went in the building, he was then greeted by everyone of the staff with a greet and a bow. 

He went up to the 35th floor, which was the CEO's office. He knocked and went it. 

"Hello father." Sungyeol said politely and bowed.

"Hello son. Please, sit down." Sungyeol's father, Jongyeol said. 

"What is the matter, father? What urgent matters did you want to talk to me about?" 

"Sungyeol, I heard from Min Hee that you didn't want to marry her. I thought I had gave you enough time to think. It's been a long time and Min Hee has been there ever since that ____ girl left. I want you to marry Min Hee now and inheritate my  company. My time is almost up and I don't want to spend the remainder of my life signing paperwork. I want to spend more time with you mom." 

"I know dad, it's just that I don't want to spend the rest of my life with Min Hee. I want to spend the rest of my life with _____. I don't want to live without her." Sungyeol sighed and said.

Jongyeol was calm with what Sungyeol had said.

"Are you sure you want to live with that girl? She is no match for you!" 

"Yes father! She is the perfect match for me! You know me, father. You know I never make the wrong decisions, and now I have made up my mind, I won't marry anyone else except for _____. I will only back down if she rejects me." Sungyeol said determined.

"Fine, but son, please, don't make me regret letting you make this decision yourself." Jongyeol said and smiled a bit. 

"Really? Are you seriously letting me marry _____?!" Sungyeol said, surprised.

"Yes son, now don't ask me anymore or else I might change my mind. Now come, sign this, it's your inheritance paperwork. I want to make sure all of this goes to you. Now, promise me you'll make me proud." 

"I won't let you down father. I swear I won't!" Sungyeol said, smiling. Jongyeol hugged Sungyeol.

"Your mother and I are very proud of you, son." 

"Thank you father. I love you." Sungyeol hugged him back.


The next day, graduation ceremony which was like prom night for your college. They wanted to make it prom night so that you guys would experience prom night again, but this time, with a mature thinking and without the reckless actions such as having in the classrooms or anywhere else.

The whole school went to the prom. 

Hyuna was paired up with Junhyung, another one of your seniors. Myungsoo was with another , which you didn't bother anymore. You're determined to prove yourself to that son of a and you're going to kick his someday. Woohyun finally asked Amber to be paired up with him. You knew they had a thing for each other. Now, they've finally made the first move. At first you didn't want to go, but eventually after Hyuna and Amber's pleading and nagging that you wouldn't experience it anymore it the future, and thinking that you would be alone with your step-mom and dad in the house, you went.

Your relationship with your dad was slowly getting better day by day, which made you even more curious why he ignored you the whole time. You're going to ask him when you find some time alone with your dad, and without your step-mom's existence in that house. 

You wore a purple gown, it was until your ankle, you wore high heels and that made you even taller than before. You caught everyone's eye in the hall and some guys even asked you to dance, but you politely rejected, until it was Hoya who asked you for a dance. 

You were shocked that he asked you for a dance, and somehow you couldn't reject him, and Sungyeol was watching you. 

"You look beautiful tonight. And you're wearing my favourite color." Hoya said.

"Oh, purple is your favourite color? That's uncommon. T-Thanks. You look handsome too." You said and blushed.

"You're blushing. Cute."

"Please don't say it, I don't like it when I blush, I feel so hot." 

"You are hot. Haha!" Hoya said and you blushed even more.

"Can I ask you a question?" You said.


"Are you trying to hook up with me and then gain my feelings and then dump me?" You said.

"No. I'm not like Myungsoo. Have you seen me hooking up with girls in the school halls?" Hoya said.

"No. But that doesn't mean you won't do it."

"Oh really?  I don't do this to anyone." Hoya said and kissed you. You were shocked by Hoya's actions but somehow you felt alright with him although you knew you and Hoya could never be.

Everyone was watching the both of you kiss and gossiping and you tried to push him away but he held you closer to him, and deep down in your heart, you didn't want to end it. Until Sungyeol came.

Sungyeol pushed Hoya away from you and dragged you out of the hall. 

"Let me go, Sungyeol!!"

"What did you think you were doing huh?! You're MINE ______. How could you let that scumbag kiss you?!" Sungyeol yelled at you.

"I'm not yours Sungyeol! We're over. This? Is hopeless! Why don't you just go and marry Min Hee? She's the one you love anyway." You said.

"What the hell are you talking about?! You're the one I love _____! I have loved you for as long as I can remember!"

"Come on, Sungyeol. Get over it, get over US. We can never be together! That night was a HUGE mistake."

"No, Min Hee was a huge mistake. I shouldn't have gave her hope in the first place, then all these problems wouldn't exist. You and I could be together right now." 

"No, Sungyeol. I don't want to be with you anymore. Please... Leave. I'm begging you." 

"Okay ____. I'll leave you for the time being, but I'll never leave you permanantly."


You went back inside the hall and took a drink. You didn't want to think about anything. 

Hoya came up to you.

"So, how's things?" He asked.

"How's things? Things are doing perfectly fine." You said sarcastically.

"Hey, I'm sorry about just now, I shouldn't have kissed you. and I'm sorry again. I hope we can start out as friends and one day, you'll kiss me willingly next time." 

"Hoya, do you really like me?" 

"Yes, _____. I do. I always have. Ever since freshman year." Hoya said and smiled.

You smiled a bit. 

"Thank you, Hoya. For being straight forward with me." 

"Sure, call me maybe? Oh and, wear more purple okay?" Hoya said and flashed a smile.

You smiled genuinely this time. 


Meanwhile, Jongyeol and Minhee are on the line. 

"Min Hee, return to the U.S now. Sungyeol doesn't want you. So, leave him alone." Jongyeol said sternly.

"But uncle!"

"No buts, Minhee! Don't you remember what I did to Sungyeol's last girlfriend?" 

"The one-week-girlfriend?"


"Yes I remember, uncle."

"Now, tell me what I did to her."

"You made her family go bankrupt and she lost her job."

"Yes Minhee. All because she wouldn't believe that Sungyeol would never like her back and she wanted his money when he inheritated my company. Now I can do the same to you Minhee. So, stay away from Sungyeol. Have I made myself clear?"

"Yes, uncle."

"Good. Come and pick up your air-ticket to the U.S tomorrow." Jongyeol said and hung up. 


WHOO. That was a long chapter. .__.

I hope you guys like it. :D

Now, Hoya isn't MIA anymore. TEEHEEEEE. ;D

Will update these few days if I have inspiration. CHEERS. 

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writing my story now, will try to double update if I can n__n


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Chapter 19: Awwhhh, so sweetttttt<3 sungyeol:(
Chapter 19: sungyeol or hoya ?
i don't know who 2 choose :(
Chapter 19: Ahhh!!! I'm in a dilemma! I want Sungyeol by at the same time I want Hoya! Yah author-nim, y u make both of mah biases the leading men in here?! Asdfghjkl I can't even rn!
Good luck on your exams!
So, most people want Hoya? So I guess I'll go along with my story plot hehehe n__n thanks for commenting!! Love you guys! <3
mytientran #5
gyuness #6
Holy ____! Sungyeol saw that kiss right?! Hahah damn, how awkward when Hoya finds out that they're going to be step siblings XD

Wait..... That just means more thexy time for the two XD
lienne #8
sungyeol for sure!
mytientran #10