
My Christmas Wish

I lay in bed awake. It was already 2a.m and I still can't sleep. I stared at the ceiling, still thinking about the photo. Somehow, I can't get it out of my head. I tilted my head and look at Hoya. I poked, he didn't budge. I decided to drink some coffee and chill. I kick off the duvet from my feet and walk towards the kitchen counter and brew myself some coffee. The soft humming of the coffee machine breaks the silence. It let off a small click and I poured the coffee into a cup and brought it along with me. I set the cup down on the table and brought my knees to my chest and hugged them. I began to think about the photo again. I completely understand the part where the girl kissed Hoya but, who took that photo? And who even got access to this apartment? There wasn't any note along with the picture. Something must be wrong.... I massaged my head. Feeling so stress just because of one photo is not normal. 

Hoya: Jagi..... you not sleeping..? *yawns*

Me: Oh, you're up. 

Hoya: *sits down beside me* I stirred up for a while and turn to see you're not beside me. So, i thought you might be sitting somewhere.. What's wrong? Did something happen? 

Me: *sighs* I don't know.. I can't sleep.. 

Hoya: Come here.. 

I scooted over to Hoya and rested my head on his chest. He my hair, his other hand around my waist. He planted a kiss on my forehead. 

Hoya: Christmas is coming soon...

Me: Hey, christmas tree.. Namu namu~

Hoya: Mwo? Nam Woohyun?!! Where??!! *looks around frantically* 

Me: *giggles* Aniyo, not Nam Woohyun, namu, tree. We promised to buy the christmas tree right?

Hoya: Oh! You're right! Ish... I'll think of a date. 

Me: Okay.. 

Hoya: You should sleep you know that? 

Me: But how..? In this condition..

Hoya: I'll sing for you.. *sings Paradise* 

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lol i love this couple. -imagining myself at mea's place- gosh it will be like i heaven. xD btw,new fanfic? is it hoya's? if it is,please give me the link at my profile. :) thank youuu
Maressa0604 #2
THANK YOU!! @BeMineInParadise
ThePowerChaserToYou #3
Awesome fanfic! ^^
HOYA JELLY JELLY JELLY (jealous) *hahaha*<br />
<br />
update soon
sungjong....AISH!!!! so child-ish but I LOVE YOU!!!<br />
update soon
Maressa0604 #6
Im updating the next chapter about hoya telling namhyun about "4years ago" :DD
another sweet chapter!!!<br />
you seriously listening to my ideas....interesting!!!<br />
but i thought you would at least say something about their marriage...maybe flashback about it *hehe*<br />
any more update??.....
SWEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
<br />
update soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
ps: maybe a chapter of them having little version of hoya!! *hehe*
Maressa0604 #9
oh i see...tsk tsk tsk<br />
at least they're back together<br />
update soon