A story of love under the Christmas tree

My Christmas Wish

Since we had nothing else to do at home, Hoya suggested we go out and walk along town. We put on our coats and went off towards town area to enjoy the christmas air. People were passing by carrying presents, new clothes and also decorations. I walk hand-in-hand with Hoya who seems to be busy daydreaming. I nudged him on the elbow causing him to turn abruptly. 

Me: You daydreaming *smiles*

Hoya: Oh.. sorry *smiles* 

Me: What's going on in your mind?

Hoya: Aniya, nothing's going on *shakes head*

Me: *pouts* okay then... *gazes off* 

I sighed. It can be sweet and romantic to have a boyfriend but sometimes it can get boring when he doesn't pay attention to you at all. i let go of his hand and  stroll by myself, admiring the decorations. That's when i stood infront of a christmas tree and sighed. The sudden memories of my mother came in my mind. I smiled to myself, remembering all her love and care for me. "Omma, i hope you're doing fine up there.." 

Hoya: Jagi?

Me: Ne?

Hoya: What's wrong? 

Me: Aniya, nothing.. *sighs* 

I thought of the tiime where I left Hoya alone after our argument where I came back all drenched from head to toe. I put a hand over my neck and look down on the ground, regretting what i did. Somehow, i just feel like breaking down there, right on that spot. Hoya took my hand in his and bent down all of a sudden. Passers by were starting to gather around us slowly, whispering to each other. I was shock. 

Hoya: Jagi?

Me: W-w-wae? 

Hoya: You're my girlfriend, right? 

Me: Y-yes? 

Hoya: I don't want you to be my girlfriend anymore.

Me: Jagi, what are you talking about? 

Hoya: But instead, i want you to be my wife. 

Me: O-ohh... *scratches head*

Hoya reached into his coat pocket and pull out a small box. He opened it up to reveal a diamond ring inside, gleaming brightly. People around us gasped. I stammered Hoya's name, not knowing what to do. Then, for the first time, Hoya said this sentence in perfect english. Loud enough for the huge crowd of people gathered around us. 

Hoya: Will you marry me? 

Me: I-i..

Guy: Oh go on, say yes! 

Crowd: Yeah..go on... 

Me: Hoya..? 

Hoya: Yes? 

Me: What you just said is my answer *blushes* 

Hoya: So..

Me: *english* It's a yes!! 

The crowd began to cheer at us, applausing as if they were the one that got proposed. Hoya stood up and lifted me in the air, feeling as if he just accomplish his life mission. I hug him tightly. In my mind, I already had plans for our future. Hoya put me down on the ground gazing at my eyes. He leaned forward, kissing me on the lips. I put my arms around him, replying the kiss. I could feel him smile. That smile that captured my eye for the first time since I met him. 

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lol i love this couple. -imagining myself at mea's place- gosh it will be like i heaven. xD btw,new fanfic? is it hoya's? if it is,please give me the link at my profile. :) thank youuu
Maressa0604 #2
THANK YOU!! @BeMineInParadise
ThePowerChaserToYou #3
Awesome fanfic! ^^
HOYA JELLY JELLY JELLY (jealous) *hahaha*<br />
<br />
update soon
sungjong....AISH!!!! so child-ish but I LOVE YOU!!!<br />
update soon
Maressa0604 #6
Im updating the next chapter about hoya telling namhyun about "4years ago" :DD
another sweet chapter!!!<br />
you seriously listening to my ideas....interesting!!!<br />
but i thought you would at least say something about their marriage...maybe flashback about it *hehe*<br />
any more update??.....
SWEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
<br />
update soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
ps: maybe a chapter of them having little version of hoya!! *hehe*
Maressa0604 #9
oh i see...tsk tsk tsk<br />
at least they're back together<br />
update soon