the argument

My Christmas Wish

Hoya unlocked the door and went in. He saw my bag on the kitchen counter and smile. She must be home. He went straight to the bedroom only to be surprise. 

I was standing beside the window, with my arms folded across my chest. I turn to look at Hoya and asked him in a cold manner. 

Me: How do you explain this picture? *showing the photo*

Hoya: *steps forward and takes the photo* Uhh jagi I can-

Me: Explain? Go on. 

Hoya: It's not what you think it is..

Me: Oh really *rolls eye and walk out to the living room*

Hoya: Jagi.. *chase after me*

Hoya grabbed hold of my hand causing me to turn. I managed to let free. 

Me: Don't touch me. 

My voice was shaky and I know that anytime soon I would broke into tears. Hoya just look at me, not knowing what to say. 

Me: Who's that girl in the photo? 

Hoya: She's just a friend of mine..

Me: Friend? What kind of friends would kiss each other Lee Howon? I have never seen anything happen like this before. But why? *shrugs* Ever since we came here, you.. you have... been acting really different..

Hoya: I'm not seeing anyone else! 

Me: If you are not seeing anyone else then what were you doing with that girl in the photo!!! 

Hoya: Ya! I would not tolerate anymore argument from you Lee Mea! 

Me: FINE!!!! *walks out the door* 

I walked down the streets miserably. I didn't take along my phone with me, it would be useless. Raindrops began to drip and then it rained heavily. I ignored the storm and just walked round the block. People were running to find shelters everywhere. I stood below an bookstore entrance and held my hand out. The rain were hitting my palm. I squat down and push my hair back, hugging my knees. It was cold and i was drenched from head to toe. I decided it's best for me to go back home rather than staying out in the rain like this. I stood up and made my journey back to the apartment, clothes getting more wet. While walking, I got reminded of the photo and cried. My heart was pounding in pain. I started to hit my chest, hoping for my heart to return back to normal. I reached my apartment building and took the lift up. I walked down the corridor, shivering. The air-conditioning in the building was really hitting on me. I turn the doorknob, face stained with tears and raindrops.  I walk in with misery, only to find Hoya sitting down on the couch, biting his fingers. He was wearing jeans and white tank top. 

Me: *shivers* Howon-ah.. d-don't.. bite y-y-your f-f-f-fingernails... *shivers*

Hoya turn to look at me with a shock expression on his face. 

Hoya: Mea, *walks towards me and cupped my face* what happen to you.. 

Me: Don't-don't b-b-bite your fingernails.. *shivers* It's n-n-nn-ot g-g-good... 

Hoya: I know i know.. *carries me in a bridal style* don't go out in the rain again.. you will catch a cold. 

He placed down in the bathroom. I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror.

Me: I look...horrible..

Hoya: Jagi, go and have a hot bath. I don't want you to fall sick even more. I'll go and make you some tea. 

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lol i love this couple. -imagining myself at mea's place- gosh it will be like i heaven. xD btw,new fanfic? is it hoya's? if it is,please give me the link at my profile. :) thank youuu
Maressa0604 #2
THANK YOU!! @BeMineInParadise
ThePowerChaserToYou #3
Awesome fanfic! ^^
HOYA JELLY JELLY JELLY (jealous) *hahaha*<br />
<br />
update soon
sungjong....AISH!!!! so child-ish but I LOVE YOU!!!<br />
update soon
Maressa0604 #6
Im updating the next chapter about hoya telling namhyun about "4years ago" :DD
another sweet chapter!!!<br />
you seriously listening to my ideas....interesting!!!<br />
but i thought you would at least say something about their marriage...maybe flashback about it *hehe*<br />
any more update??.....
SWEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
<br />
update soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
ps: maybe a chapter of them having little version of hoya!! *hehe*
Maressa0604 #9
oh i see...tsk tsk tsk<br />
at least they're back together<br />
update soon