Don't bother baby

My Christmas Wish

i went out of the bathroom and headed back towards the main room. seeing Hoya there, i sighed and just walk towards towards him and Sungjong. Hoya continued to stare at me while Sungjong was just biting his fingernails. i simply took my bag and my coat. 

"im going to the boutique first.. if there's anything just call me" 

i turn on my heels and left the building. what a life. 


i went in and dropped my bag beside the counter and settle down on the seat. i gathered my hair and tied it up in a bun. no customers, great. my phone start to rang. i reached inside my bag and pressed the answer button. 


"hey, we need to talk.." 

"not now baby, i'm busy" 

"jagi, please" 

his voice sounded so serious on the other line. not knowing what to do i gave in. 

"fine, i can't leave the boutique so you will have to drop by"

"alright, i'll be there in a few minutes" 

i hang up and and clasped my hand together. what does he even want to talk about? i rested my head on the table...


i look up to see Hoya standing in front of the counter. i scratched my head.

"so.. what do you want to talk about?" 

"were you upset about just now?"

"no, i wasnt" 

"well who cares.. what's that supposed to mean?"

"hey, i know you had to do that because of the freaking.. photoshoot so there's no point if i argued with you because of that and beesides you were just doing your job and im doing mine.. by being myself"


"don't bother baby *reaches out to hold hoya's hand* please let's just forget about what happen okay?"

"*sighs* fine.. why are you alone?"

"mikey's not here yet. alexa couldn't come today.."

"you free later tonight?"

"yeah sure"

"great, i'll pick you up later for dinner.."

Hoya turns to leave.

"hey baby?"


"you don't mind keeping me company?"

"are you really that lonely? *laughs*"

"i'm bored.. there's nothing to do *pouts* please?"

"sure i will"

So, Hoya stayed back to keep me company until Mikey comes over and takes over my shift. Hoya helped me clean up the mess in the boutique while waiting for Mikey. Soon, Mikey came and i gathered my belongings to go for dinner. Mikey assured me that everything will be fine. So i left with Hoya and had dinner at an Italian restaurant. We dropped by Walmart to grab some groceries and head back home.  

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lol i love this couple. -imagining myself at mea's place- gosh it will be like i heaven. xD btw,new fanfic? is it hoya's? if it is,please give me the link at my profile. :) thank youuu
Maressa0604 #2
THANK YOU!! @BeMineInParadise
ThePowerChaserToYou #3
Awesome fanfic! ^^
HOYA JELLY JELLY JELLY (jealous) *hahaha*<br />
<br />
update soon
sungjong....AISH!!!! so child-ish but I LOVE YOU!!!<br />
update soon
Maressa0604 #6
Im updating the next chapter about hoya telling namhyun about "4years ago" :DD
another sweet chapter!!!<br />
you seriously listening to my ideas....interesting!!!<br />
but i thought you would at least say something about their marriage...maybe flashback about it *hehe*<br />
any more update??.....
SWEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
<br />
update soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
ps: maybe a chapter of them having little version of hoya!! *hehe*
Maressa0604 #9
oh i see...tsk tsk tsk<br />
at least they're back together<br />
update soon