Chapter Four


(( A/N: Hello~ This is a day early, but that's because of me going out of town in a couple hours ^^ For once things didn't change between updates as they have before, and as I mentioned in the last a/n there is ChenChen in this one~ He becomes a big part of the story for a while/for the rest of the story he's pretty important. Also there will be some pov switching in the next few chapters, which will be signaled with '~~~'

I would put a warning that he's very similar to how he is in Three Halves, and then I remember he hasn't shown up in any of the 3 posted chapters for that fic yet...

Anywho, have fun~ The next few chapters I really enjoyed writing. See you in two weeks ^^ ))


Chapter Four:
Throw 'em Back Till I Lose Count

A few months later he had graduated, Kyungsoo constantly teasing him about it being a miracle that he had, and he was packing what he would need from his room into Yura’s car. She had eased up a bit during his second week back to school and eventually stopped trying to keep him in her constant line of sight. He was honestly surprised that she had said him moving to the dorm for college would be a good thing for him. He closed the trunk after the final box and met their mother on the doorstep, hugging her tightly.

“You better come home to visit and call often.” Momma Park said cupping Chanyeol’s face once she pulled back from the embrace. He offered her a small smile.

“Of course mom.” He replied and Yura appeared in the doorway, grabbing the keys off their hook.

“Ready?” She asked and Chanyeol looked over the house before he gave a single nod.


The following months passed in a blur. The courses were more compact and Chanyeol found himself having to take twice his prescribed dose to be able to actually sleep through the night so he was alert in class, soon running out of his prescription. His first exam two days later was horrendous as he felt his chest tighten and it became hard to breathe, his hands shaking so badly his writing was illegible. His teacher noticed as she was walking around to check on the students’ progress through the exam, and when she heard how labored his breathing was she had another student take him to the nurse’s office, telling him he could retake the exam when he was better.

His sister had been called and she picked him up from the school after calling his doctor. When they sat down with him Chanyeol said that his pills had gone missing a few days before. The doctor explained that the anxiety was common with trauma like he had gone through, as well as being a symptom of quitting the Benzodiazepines without weening himself off of them. He filled out a new prescription for 5mg tablets rather than the 2 mg he had been taking, saying for Chanyeol to cut them in half and take one half before bed and the other if he needed during the day. He made an empty promise to try to find a therapist that fit in with his school schedule to help him find what was causing the anxiety.

It didn’t take long before he had built a tolerance as he became hooked on the anxiety-free state the drugs put him in, and he started taking half a pill at night, half of one in the morning and two other halves at least throughout the day. Soon enough that prescription ran out and he found himself calling Yura, making up a story about some kid on campus mugging him and taking his prescription, saying he was worried the doctors would think he was lying. The guilt in his gut had him taking a full tablet before bed that night.


 Winter break came and with it he was dragged to his first frat party, actually listening to the instructions of the bottle that said not to mix them with alcohol. He had managed to get some sleep the night before, and fought a little not to take one halfway through the day. The anxiety didn’t last long into the party when he noticed halfway through his first beer that it was fading, and he downed a couple of shots before everything became a blur.


Chanyeol winced at the light pouring into the room, groaning as he reached to pull his pillow over his head as it throbbed, realizing that it wasn’t under his head. Rolling over onto his back he was confused by the familiar surroundings of his room and when we caught something out of the corner of his eye he looked to the other half of his bed. His eyes widened as he made eye contact with a brunet in nothing but his boxers, a cat like curl to his lips as he smirked back at him.


Jongdae smirked at the blond male sitting across the table from him, the chanting of their names being partially drowned out by the volume of the music blasting through the event room. The pair had four shots, one bottle of beer and one red solo cup of beer before them while people gathered around to place bets on who would finish their drinks first. He looked to the caller when he stepped over to the table, a stack of bills in each hand as he held one between them.

“Ready… Set… GO!”

Jongdae went for the cup first, getting down the piss beer in four gulps, half way done with the bottled better when the blond was coughing after trying to take the drinks in the order they had been presented in front of them- two shots down and he was working on the piss beer and finished it as Jongdae set his empty bottle on the table. The blond went for his own bottle next, coughing and spilling what was left in his mouth as he watched the brunet small his fourth shot glass on the table, slamming them back to back, resulting in most of the crown cheering.

Jongdae let out a laugh at the dumbfounded look on the other’s face, pushing the empty drinks aside before he laid on his stomach on the table, propping himself up with one arm under his chest, catching the other’s chin in his free hand when the blond tried to retreat.

“Sorry Yifan. Looks like I’m still better at swallowing than you are.” He said, releasing the flustered male and rolling onto his back, taking the offered stack of bolls and flipping through them as he made an approximate count. “At least you’re good for a quick -” he paused, looking back at the male who was now upside down in his vision. “I mean, buck.” He corrected, laughing again as Yifan stood and walked through the wall of people. He sat back up, receiving a pat on the back from several people, one placing a beer in one of his empty hands as the circle of people dispersed.

“You would think one of these days he would stop trying to one up you.” Hongbin said and Jongdae shrugged, taking a sip of his beer.

“Free drinks and cash from his rich buddies, so it’s not like I care how many hang over it takes him to learn.” He replied, pausing with the bottle to his lips when his eyes fell upon a pair of girls talking to a faintly familiar black haired male who was either out of it, or completely uninterested in the fact that one was sliding her hand up his thigh. He passed his bottle to Hongbin, the corner of his lips quirking up. “Hold this while I spare those poor girls some embarrassment.” He said, Wonshik and Hongbin following his gaze.

“Watch out, ‘Dae’s on the prowl.” Wonshik called and the pair started to howl in laughter.

Jongdae swayed his hips as he made his way over, the girl who had her hand on the male’s tight pulling back and looking up at him.

“Hun if he’s not looking at you, I think that means you’re not his type.” He mused and the other girl sent him a glare.

“Let me guess, you think you are?” She spat and Jongdae grinned, stepping between the couch the girls were on and the recliner the male was on, kneeling onto the chair with one leg on either side of the black haired male’s legs, a spark of pride in is chest when the male looked up at him- even if he did seem like he was completely confused as to why and how he now had a complete stranger in his lap.

“Hey. You’re cute.” Jongdae purred, the other’s eyes widening before he seemed to choke on his own spit and Jongdae laughed, placing one hand on the other’s chest, running his other hand down one of the male’s arms, taking the beer bottle from his hand. “You’ve hardly touched your beer.” He commented, seeing the pair of girls leave in the reflection of the glass. “And this is the good stuff that someone brought.” He added, looking back to the male’s eyes.

“I… I’ve drank a lot already.” The black haired male slurred as Jongdae took a swig of his beer.

“But it’s already open. Why let something that tastes good go to waste?”

“I- I don’t think-”

“It’s just one more beer.” Jongdae said, swaying his hips a little, fighting another laugh at the hint of pink that scattered across the other’s cheeks. “How about we share?” He asked, holding the bottle to his lips and pouring some of the beer into his mouth before he lowered the bottle, catching the other by his chin before pressing his lips to the other’s and forcing the liquid into his mouth. The other flinched and some of the liquid dribbled out from between their lips and down his chin. Jongdae released him, running his hand to the back of the other’s neck as he kept their lips together, kissing him hard and was pleased when the other started shyly kissing back.

When Jongdae rocked his hips down, feeling his pants tightening, the other gasped and he too the chance to slip his tongue into his mouth, humming softly as the bitter beer he tasted in the other’s mouth. He received a pitiful whimper as he other tried to press his hips up into Jongdae’s rocking hips. Jongdae broke the kiss, sliding his hand up to grab a fistful of black hair to pull the other back when he tried to follow Jongdae’s lips, earning a soft whine. He pulled the other’s head a little to the side leaning forward to nip at his ear lobe.

“The name’s Jongdae. What'd you say about ing me so hard I forget that fact?” He asked and the other swallowed hard, nodding the best he could with the grip. Jongdae had on his hair. “So, what’s the name I’ll be screaming?” He asked, grinding his hips down smoothly, learning a groan and a stuttered reply.


“You wanna e right here, or should we go back to your dorm Chanyeol?” He purred and he felt Chanyeol’s hands try to hold his hips still.

“My… My dorm.” He replied and Jongdae set the beer bottle on the table beside the chair, sliding off Chanyeol’s lap with one last grind down.

“Lead the way.”


((A/N: So while I was writing this scene, which oddly enough was inspired by the song that earned this fic the title 'Waiting', I kinda laughed to myself thinking 'I'm pretty sure this isn't at all what people were thinking when I mentioned there being ChenYeol'. The scene also got more intense after I started fleshing out ChenChen some more. But I like what he turned into, he's very... Driven. If he wants something, he'll get it.

But at the same time, he has morals, they're just sorta... thin lines between.

But yeah, Bae was teasing me saying this would end as ChenYeol and not have any ChanTao when I told her that 'Waiting' is very much one of my ChenYeol songs, and yet that's the title for this fic rather than 'Lose Ends' which is one of my ChanTao songs for this... But as I fleshed out things it made sense, so I guess it was meant to be~

So yeah. Chapters will be getting longer (this one was close to 700 more words than the others have been, and the next is longer. I shall see you all again in two weeks ^^ Have a good one~ ))

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Chapter 25: Awwwwwww it was sweet and heart wrenching <3 good work author-nim!
Amandaling #3
Chapter 4: Long since I read a chanyeol fuc tbh
Chapter 25: it's completed? aw I was hoping u'll continue the ahaha anyway, I'm glad everything turn out well for them~ thanks for this!
Chapter 25: *stares at the 'completed' continuously*

Oh gawd, it was naive of me to think this story would go on forever. Man, the feelings are warming up to me right now. Jongdae finally is starting to move forward along with Chanyeol. Zitao finally gonna get some d*** tonight and Baekhyun would rest in heaven. All's good, isn't it?
Chapter 24: Yeah, ZiTao's doing the right thing to get Chanyeol some help. It's nice of Tao to be considerate of Yeollie and try not to step over to quickly on . Jongdae most likely has his own reasons, and.. Junmyeon is a therapist? I thought he was just Zitao's manager, but I could be wrong. (him being the therapist)
Chapter 23: Holy . //lost at words//