Shattered Looking Glass


The Yoo family has been plagued with a hereditary 'curse', affecting a single person every few generations, and only once the last person to be driven mad has passed away. Kihyun and his cousin are under constant supervision, their parents fearful of either of them beginning to show signs of the curse - signs that become difficult to ignore when Kihyun meets a man with long, white rabbit ears, who keeps calling him 'Alice'.



“Do you want me to read you a story before bed?”

“Yeah!” The little brunet wiggled a little from where he was under the blanket on the couch, watching the elderly woman make her way to the bookshelf on the other side of the room.

“Of course you do. Which one should I read you tonight? The Seafoam Princess, the Tortoise and the Hare?” she looked back at him as she listed off the titles, amused by the pout he had etched across his features.

“Granny, you’ve read those to me a million times, they’re so boring! I want a new story!” The old woman laughed softly, stretching up to pull down a box that had been collecting dust on the top of the bookshelf. 

“I see. Perhaps I should tell you a special story.” The brunet’s frown faded as she stepped back over to him, sitting by his feet.

“Special?” he echoed, looking to the box as her fingers traced through the dust that had settled on the lid, the brunet leaning forward to make out the rabbit she had drawn.

“Yes. It’s a very special story that my mother told me about when I was little. It’s been passed down through the family for years, but only very special children can hear it.”

“Did you tell mommy the story?” The old woman looked over at him, the little boy seeing something that he didn’t understand flicker through her eyes before her attention was back on the box.

“I wanted to. Your mother is very dear to me, but there are some people in this family that don’t want people to know about the story. Your uncle heard me trying to tell your mom this story, and he was very mad.”

“Why would people be mad about a story?” he asked, the corner of her lips quirking up, though the rest of her expression seemed far from happy when she spoke again. 

“Once there was a land, no one knew about other than those who lived there.”

“Like an island?” Granny giggled.

“Yes, like an island I guess, and it was oh so beautiful. Flowers in more colors than you would be able to name, two giant castles- one snow white, the other a wonderful deep red like an apple.”

“A monkey’s is red, red like an apple,” the little boy giggled, Granny reaching over to tickle him.

“Yes. Everyone in the land knew of each other, and lived in harmony, even if the kings and queens of the castles didn’t talk to one another.”

“Why didn’t they talk to one another?” The question made her pause.

“No one knew. Things had always been that way, so they didn’t see a reason to change. Until one day a strange creature was found in the center of the forest – a little girl by the name of Alice. No one knew how she had gotten there, and she was just as surprised as the others in the land when she ran into them. She wandered through the land, amazed by all the sights throughout it, a truly wondrous land. Do you know what she named it?” Granny asked, opening the box to pull out a tattered journal, held closed by a worn string.

The little boy shook his head, eyes fixed on the book wondering if he had seen it before as he felt a pull towards it. He was having a hard time keeping his hands under the blanket, giving in with only a moment’s hesitation. His fingers immediately wrapped around journal, and he heard Granny laugh softly, letting it slip from her hands into his. He tugged at the string, unwinding it from around the journal, opening it to the front page, head tilting a little as his eyes scanned over the carefully written letters on the worn page.

“Wonder… land…” he read, blinking a couple of times when the page blurred and something heavy tugged at the back of his mind. The feeling rushed through his arms and down his chest, reaching his toes, leaving the dark-haired boy feeling almost dizzy with how tired he suddenly felt. Turning his attention up to Granny, he was just barely able to make out her nod, letting out a big yawn after.

“Yes, my little Kihyunnie. Wonderland.” The name was the last thing the little boy heard before his eyes slid closed and a vividly colorful world of dreams took over.

((A/N: Hello all~ It's been a long while since I posted something, and this is my debut of a chaptered MonstaX fic~ I hope you all look forward to it, and will post the first chapter if this gets enough attention ^^ I might have a system where if I get a certain number of comments/subs that I'll continue it, because I don't know if I'll want to continue it if people don't like reading it. I know almost all of my subs have been for EXO fics, so I guess I'm a little nervous trying something for a different group

Anyway thank you for reading this short little prolog~


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Spiritwarrior27 #1
Chapter 4: Nice story, I hope you update soon.