Five Years Ago

That Kiss, First Kiss

Sun-Hee's P.O.V

"Sun-Hee! Sun-Hee!" My friend Yumi called.

"What!?" I asked. 

"Well were going to China!" She yelled hugging me tightly.

We started jumping up and down.

"Why!? How!?" I asked.

"Well our sisters school in China had decided to bring 10 special students. We will get to go to China, but get home schooled there." She told me.

"WOW!" I shouted and everyone stared at me.

"Also we will be staying there from until now till the end of summer break!"

It was March right now so, we would be staying there for about five months.

"Oh, i'II need to tell my parents." I said my thought out loud.

"Don't worry the school called each parent and everyone is going!" 

We started jumping up and down.

I can't wait to pack.

And phew I know how to speak Cantonese and Mandarin.

~At Home~

"Umma! Appa! I'm home!" I yelled as I got into the house.

"Congratulations honey!" My mom and dad ran from the kitchen with streamers and balloons.

"Thanks." I hugged both of them.

My dad then brought five medium size luggages.

"This is your luggage, the school said you can only have six and about this size."

I hugged him and brought each luggage to my room carefully and started packing.

Two luggages had clothes, two luggages had all my otaku things like mangas and plushies and one luggage had accessories. 

Again I carried each one carefully downstairs near the door.

And guess what I will be leaving tomorrow at around noon.

"Hey honey I know you love acting and singing so I found this." My mom told me.

She handed me a white paper with an address and some information for this show.

"What this?" I asked.

"It's this audition for the Chinese version of Full Moon Wo Sagahite." 

I was screaming for joy, I loved that anime and even got all the manga for it too.

"Their looking for a twelve year old who can sing and act so, I signed you up for it." She told me.

I hugged her tightly, "Thanks Umma." i hugged her even tighter.

"Come on time for dinner." She led me to the kitchen. 

~Beijing Capital Airport~

"We are finally here!" Yumi excitedly shouted as we got out of the airport.

"Come one people we will be going to the apartment we will be staying at." The chaperone told us.

We all pored into a bus with our school's name on it.

The bus ride was going to take a hour, but there was traffic so it ended up about two hours.

As we got to the apartment my aunt from my dad side was waiting there.

It was so ironic that she lived there too.

As we all too our stuff from the bus, I ran up to my aunt.

"Haven't seen you in a long time kiddo." She told me kissing me.

She had left for China after her husband got transferred there.

"I missed you." I told her.

"Come on let's go to your room." we headed inside were my classmates were all waiting.

Our class had five apartment rooms and I was going to live with Yumi for the rest of the China trip.

~The Next Day~

"Hey Yumi, let's go." I told her as we were done eating.

I told her about the audition and she said she will go with me and my aunt.

We took my aunts car and drove to the audtion.

I was number 121 that means there was 120 people before me.

To past time My aunt, Yumi, andI played cards and hand games.

Both them left after 30 minutes to get some food and now I was alone.

"Hello.May I sit next to you?" This guy asked.

i nodded my head.

"Hello my name is Kim Kyoung Jae." he told me.

"Shin Sun-Hee." I reponded and we shook hands.

"You Korean?" He asked in Korean.

I nodded my head, "But i'm from Canada." I told him.

"Cool. I'm from U.S.A" 

"Cool is for fridges." I smirked.

He started laughing at me, I guess he never that one before.

We started talking with eachother and we became friends.

He told me he was auditioning for the part of Eichi.

I hope he gets it and I hope I get Mitsuki so we can see each other a lot.

"Number 121 please come to the audition room." Someone called.

"Well got to go Kyoung Jae." I told him.

"See you Sun-Hee." We hugged and i ran to the room.

Narrator P.O.V

Well, Sun-Hee got the role of Mitsuki and Kyoung Jae got the role of Eichi.

They were both in the drama and got famous.

When they were filming episodes Sun-Hee was studying.

Kyoung Jae had fell in love with Sun-Hee and Sun-Hee fell in love with Kyoung Jae.

Everything went well for those two until the last day of filming.

Sun-Hee's P.O.V

"Well nice working with you." Kyoung Jae told me.

"Me too." and I gave him a hug.

"Hope we can meet again." He whispered into my ear.

"Yeah. Well I will be leaving in a week for Canada." I told him.

Tears started falling down my cheek.

"I love you." He hugged me.

"I love you too." I responded.

"Here." He gave me this Domo back-pack that I really wanted.

"Thanks." I gave him another hug.

So many hugs today....

"Sun-Hee, promise me something." 

"What?" I asked.

"When we meet again, you will DO IT with me first." He told me.

"What do you mean do it?" I asked.

He made a circle with his hands and put his finger through it.

"You're such a prev." I told him.

"Well promise me." It had his pinky finger out.

"I promise." We pinky sweared too.

"So you won't forget-" He started leaning forward.

We kissed and sparks flew up.

It was my first kiss that I won't forgot.

"Wow.." We trailed off in unison.

"Sun-Hee were going now." My aunt called.

"Sorry got to go."

"When we meet again call me E-"

"SUN-HEE LET'S GO!" My aunt yelled.

Kyoung Jae kissed me on the cheek and I ran off to my aunt.

I will remember you always Kyoung Jae~

Narrator's P.O.V

As Sun-Hee left Kyoung Jae was there alone.

He wanted to tell Sun-Hee to call him Eli when they met again.

Disaster struck when Sun-Hee and her aunt drove home.

Someone had ran past a red light and crashed into their car.

Her aunt got some scratches, but Sun-Hee went into a coma.

She woke-up a few days later not knowing anything.

Her parents went to China to bring her home.

Sun-Hee forgot about everything that happened at China.

She forgot that she was in a drama, became famous and the most important thing....


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Love the story! <3 ^_^
omg~~~that was 0.O... JOON? omo~~~
@Yuuki, <br />
ahahahahaha ^-^ cute mistake : ) .
awww =']<br />
hehe and the bit at the end, that was so cute ^.^<br />
;~~~; its nearly over ;~~~;