It Hurts So Much

That Kiss, First Kiss

Sun-Hee's P.O.V

I'm laying on Eli's lap aren't I the most luckiest girl in the world.

I hope this can last forever!!!

Eli will be in Sun-Hee's heart forever~

Eli's P.O.V

We were finally done watching and we decided to watch Boys Over Flowers.

I really wanted to go somewhere outside, but SooHyun told us not to leave the house.

Also, Kevin got the idea to phone some of Sun-Hee's friends, like Sunny, Taeyeon, Jia, and Alexa.

"Sun-Hee!" I can hear voices from outside the door.

"Who's there Eli?" She looked up at me with her angel like face.

I took her off my lap and opened the door.

All of SNSD except the YoonYul couple, Miss A, Alexa, Uee and Joon were standing there.

"Sun-Hee." I called.

"Yes." She turned around and her eyes were widened.

She ran to the door and hugged everyone.

"I can't believe some of my favourite K-POP stars are here!" She came back and hugged me.

"The rumors aren't true are they?" Joon asked.

"No. Someone just said that but we will be on Hello Baby with Sun-Hee." I told him.

"Hey Sunny you okay?" Sun-Hee asked.

Sunny looked guilty of doing something did she tell a reporter or something?

"I think i know who told the news people about the pregnant thing." Sunny told us.

"Who?" Now everyone seemed curious.

"Yoona. I told her, but when I was going to tell it was a joke she ran off." She was about to cry when Joon comforted her.

That girl kissing me and now doing this to Sun-Hee!?

"I don't like that -"

"Where SooHyun?" Uee asked interrupted me.

SooHyun came in and grabbed Uee's hand.

They both left and I continued what i was saying, "I don't like that Yoona."

 "Why?" Everyone asked even Sun-Hee.

"She kissed me for no reason which I hate and now she did this time MY angel Sun-Hee!? Who does she think she is!?" 

"Your angel?" Joon rolled his eyes.

I stuck out my tongue, Sun-Hee is my girl.

"E-Eli what is wrong with Sun-Hee?" Taeyeon stuttered.

Sun-Hee was staring blank and a stream of tears fell down her cheek.

"Sun-Hee!?" I yelled.

"Y-yoona and E-eli." She stuttered

Sun-Hee's P.O.V

There is a big hole in my heart I thought Eli liked me and now I remember something that happened sometime ago.

"Eli-Oppa i'm ready to g-"

*Yoona kissing Eli*

So this is how it feels to see someone you like kiss someone else.

Tears fell down my face quickly and my heart beat really fast.

Are they a couple!? WHY CAN'T IT BE ME?

My heart was beating faster than before.

My mind went blank and a laughing Yoona was now in my head.

I fell to the ground where everything black.

The last thing I heard someone was calling my name

Can't I just die!?

I rather die if I can't have him.

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Love the story! <3 ^_^
omg~~~that was 0.O... JOON? omo~~~
@Yuuki, <br />
ahahahahaha ^-^ cute mistake : ) .
awww =']<br />
hehe and the bit at the end, that was so cute ^.^<br />
;~~~; its nearly over ;~~~;