Shin Sun-Hee = Hoshina Utau ?

That Kiss, First Kiss

Shin Sun-Hee will be playing the role of Hoshina Utau

" OMG MOM !!!!!!! " Sun-Hee screamed.

" What is it Honey? " Her mother asked.

" I-I-I-I ....... just look. " Sun-Hee stuttered.

" You made it! We're going to Korea! " Her mom screamed.

" We have to tell your father when he gets home. " 

Later that day Sun-Hee's father came home from work. Sun-Hee and her mom rushed to door when he came. After they told him he was excited!  They haven't went to South Korea since Sun-Hee was 10 years old. 

She and her family will get to see her realtives in Korea and see her child-hood friends she hadn't seen for 8 years !

They started packing right away. When Sun-Hee was done she texted all her friends.

She notice something on the website from the audition. It said,

For more information an email has been send to the people who have made the show. The people who made it and lives over-seas a ticket has been send to you by mail.

She checked her email. She saw the subjects:

-It's time...

-Shugo Chara



She clicked the It's time... message first. It was from her boy-friend Min-Kyung had sent the message. She thought it was for congratulating her but what was with the subject, it wasn't like they were playing baseball ( you get it ^^ )!? Min-Kyung wrote her:

Congrats on being in Shugo Chara, but I have to tell you something. You will be going to South Korea and you will be very far away from me........So i have decided to break up. I'm really sorry and I love you but it will be hard for you to not fall in love with your co-stars. Someday I will go back to you but not now. 

                                                                                                                                              Sincerely, Min-Kyung <3


WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO SAY !  He was one of the best thing in Sun-Hee's life ....... you alone can't decide to beak-up she thought. She fell on top of her bed crying. No one has hurt her this much before not even her parents. I think I love him......... but now he is out of my life she thought.

She was saying to herself, why me? she turned over she saw her phone. She looked at her contacts and scrolled to M.

She wanted to press call but didn't have the courage to, then she scrolled to E. She turned off her phone, wiped her tears, and looked at the Shugo Chara message.

It said:

Miss Shin and family,

Miss Shin will be staying in U-KISS' dorm ( they requested it ) and your parents will staying at house, we got for your family near the dorm. Your airlines ticket are in the mail and your flight will be next week. Each morning at 7 we will start filming the episodes. Your parents can come if they want and you have a week to memorize your lines. Since you are playing the role to Utau we will be recording songs. CONGRATS~


She showed her parents the email and headed to sleep. 

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Love the story! <3 ^_^
omg~~~that was 0.O... JOON? omo~~~
@Yuuki, <br />
ahahahahaha ^-^ cute mistake : ) .
awww =']<br />
hehe and the bit at the end, that was so cute ^.^<br />
;~~~; its nearly over ;~~~;