Eunhee got hurt

You Got A Message


The next day, Seyong and Suji got ready for school. Although Seyong still hasn’t fully recovered yet and his girlfriend still hasn’t been found, he had to go. He had missed more than 2 weeks of school and there was an exam coming.

After breakfast, Seyong and Suji left the house. Outside, Eunhee was waiting. As soon as Eunhee spotted them, she waved ecstaticly.

“Eunhee-ah… What are you doing here?” Seyong asked warily.

“I’m going to school with you today,” Eunhee beamed at Seyong.

“But, there’s only two seats for the motorbike. You didn’t think I’d have three people on that, right?” Seyong raised an eyebrow.

“Of course not, silly. That’s why I brought…” Eunhee went behind the stairs and came back with something, “THIS!”

“A.. bicycle,” Seyong said.

“Yeah, I’ll cycle while you ride your bike with little Suji,” Eunhee ruffled Suji’s hair.

Suji beamed at Eunhee.

“… Eunhee, are you sure? That’s going to be really hard for you,” Seyong told her.

“I don’t mind! As long as I get to be with you,” Eunhee smiled.

Seyong uncomfortably fixed his tie, “Very well, then. Make sure you catch up with my speed!”

Eunhee nodded and quickly got on her bicycle, fixing her helmet.

Seyong fixed Suji’s helmet and put on his. He started the engine and took a glance at Eunhee.

“Ready?” he asked.

Eunhee nodded, “Yes!”

And with that, Seyong zoomed off with his bike. Eunhee quickly started pedalling and was catching up well. Although it was tiring, Eunhee kept on pedalling. She knew she was going to get tired but nothing was going to stop her from striving for her love from Seyong.

As Seyong made a turn, Eunhee quickly turned her bike. But, due to the sudden turn, Eunhee lost balance and fell down with her bike. Seyong quickly braked and looked behind to see Eunhee on the ground, clutching to her bleeding knee.

“Aish,” Seyong said as he took off his helmet and rushed to Eunhee, leaving Suji to take care of the bike.

“Eunhee-ah, gwaenchana?” Seyong asked.

Eunhee shook her head.

Seyong sighed and carried Eunhee. Placing her on a bench and resting the bicycle beside her, Seyong told her to wait and rushed back to Suji. He put his helmet on and told Suji to hold on tight.

“Are we leaving Eunhee unnie?” Suji asked.

“No, we’re not. Hold on tight,” Seyong told Suji.

She did as told. Seyong quickly accelerated along the road.

Seyong dropped Suji off at her school. Ruffling her hair and kissing her forehead, Seyong told her to study hard, as usual, and waved her goodbye. Then, he quickly got back on his motorbike and went back to where he left Eunhee.


As soon as he arrived, Seyong carried Eunhee bridal style and placed her on his bike. As Seyong fixed the helmet for her, Eunhee blushed at the skin contact and distance between them. Seyong, however, didn’t notice a thing.

“Hold on tight!”

He put on his own helmet and zoomed off to school.


Once they arrived, Seyong brought Eunhee to the nurse and got a plaster for Eunhee’s cut. Thankfully, it was just a cut and the bleeding had stopped.

The both of them got out of the nurse’s room, smiling to each other.

“Seyong-ah, gomawoyo,” Eunhee smiled.

“What for?” Seyong asked.

“For going through trouble to get my wound fixed,” Eunhee blushed.

“It’s fine, I’d do that even if it wasn’t you,” Seyong said.

“Yeah, but still, thanks,” Eunhee told him.

Seyong nodded.

Suddenly, loud whispers and gushes were heard. Seyong and Eunhee looked up to see what’s up.

Walking down the hallway were 7 hot male wearing the school uniform. They looked intimidating yet cool at the same time. Girls squealed when one of the guys winked at them.

Seyong raised an eyebrow. *Must be new people.*

Forgetting about them, Seyong and Eunhee walked to class.


Yes, this is short and crappy :(

Well, sorry, I'm trying my best D: I truthfully don't know how to write Eunhee & Seyong moment.

This was supposed to make Eunhee and Seyong closer so that when--

I'm giving away too much :3

Well, await the next chapter ^^

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Update soon author-nim* :)
Plz update. I like this srory
Stomach flu still can update... Tsk tsk
Piggy! i love your FIC *_*
U finally updated... I almost forgot abt the whole story...
I hope Minji and Seyong be together soon...
Maybe Minji can change Seyong into a vampire too.. *winks*
Update soon... Holidays are coming... :)
Harabeoji, YOU BETRAYED HOYA AND INFINITE!!! And you finally updated, keke
OMG she meet my bias of infinite :O hopefully youll update soon
OMO I hope in the next chapter Minji meets INFINITE!! Update soon^:)
miszchlahiie766 #10
update... update... update... ^__^