Not his choice.

You Got A Message


Taking a deep breath, Minji drank the animal blood in one gulp and wiped her lips. She wanted to gag out the blood she drank but she didn’t. She knew she needed it. The blood tasted nasty. *This is not even nice. Gunwoo’s one was way nice-* She paused and thought. *Oh no. I should not start to get used to drinking blood.*

Minji gulped. She slammed the glass on the counter, causing the bottom of the glass to crack. *No way.*

All of a sudden, Minji had the urge to do something.

Minji turned around and was about to run out of the mansion but instead of seeing the exit, someone’s chest came in sight. Minji’s eyes widened as she looked up.

“Where do you think you’re going?” the person said.

It was Chaejin.

Minji gulped.

As Minji tried to turn and leave, Chaejin grabbed her wrists, “YAH! Where do you think you’re going?!”

Minji tried twisting away but he was too strong.

Suddenly, Minji’s eyes flashed green and her fangs grew.

Chaejin gasped, “No.”

He knew how strong Minji was when she was ‘awake’. With her insane strength as a newborn, she was even capable of breaking 7 walls in a row.

Minji growled as she glared at Chaejin, “Let. Me. Go.”

Chaejin suddenly felt weird, as if something was taken from him but he didn’t know what. He tightened his grip as he stared at Minji glaring at him.

Just then, a flash of shadow passed behind Minji. She took her eyes of Chaejin and looked behind. When she did that, Gunwoo pushed her, causing her back to land on the wall. Gunwoo stared at her, feeling her, foretelling her next actions, and she calmed down slightly. That did it.

She groaned in pain as she slipped down to the floor and her eyes returned back to normal.

Minji weakly raised her hand and grabbed Gunwoo’s shirt. She pulled him down to her eye-level and whispered, “I want… to go… home…”

And with that, she slowly drifted off, her hand dropping to her sides.

Gunwoo straightened himself and told JunQ to bring her to her room. JunQ nodded and in a flash, he was gone with Minji.

Gunwoo turned to look at Chaejin who was pale. He furrowed his eyebrows.

“Did she drink your blood?” Gunwoo questioned.

“N-no… but, I… I don’t know…” Chaejin placed his right hand on his head as he massaged it, trying to relax.

Dismissing the thought, Gunwoo walked towards Chaejin.

“Come on, there’s something I need to talk to you about,” Gunwoo said as he led Chaejin upstairs.

“What is it?” Chaejin asked once they were upstairs.

Gunwoo shut the door and sat on the sofa, next to Chaejin.

“We’re sending Minji back,” Gunwoo told him.

“What?” Chaejin sat upright.

“She’s going home,” Gunwoo said.

“Why?” Chaejin asked.

To be honest, Chaejin didn’t want Minji to go. He might appear cold and uncaring to her, but truthfully, he felt guilty he had bitten her. If only he hadn’t gone crazy that day, he might have not seen Minji, smelled her delicious blood and drank it. Then, Minji wouldn’t end up a vampire.

Chaejin knew how Minji felt. It might be fun being a vampire, but it was also hard being one. The feeling of being a monster, it was hard to take in. He knew Minji never wanted this, neither did he. But, it was too late.

Because of that, he didn’t want Minji to leave. He isn’t sure why but he just couldn’t let go of her.

“She wants to, that’s why,” Gunwoo told him.

“No! I don’t think she should go…” Chaejin said.

“And why not?” Gunwoo raised an eyebrow.

“I… I… She might not be stable yet,” Chaejin said.

“She will be,” Gunwoo stated.

“And how do you know that?” Chaejin challenged.

“Chaejin, you know she is. The reason why you don’t want her to go is completely different and you know that. Stop lying to yourself and wake up; she has to go,” Gunwoo glared.

“NO! SHE CAN’T!” Chaejin gripped onto the sofa sheets as he clenched his teeth, trying to control his anger.

He just couldn’t let Minji go, he really couldn’t.

Letting her go would just mean she would move on and forget what happened here. Chaejin didn’t want that. For some reason that even he doesn’t know, Chaejin wanted Minji to have a new life with the clan.

He felt that because she was beaten by him, she should stay with them and not lure around with other humans. Not only would Minji have problems coping with her lust for blood, but Minji would be all alone. Plus, if any of the wild hunters finds Minji and finds out that she was beaten by a wild vampire, the whole clan would get in trouble.

But, Chaejin knew better than to argue with Gunwoo. What he says goes. This wasn’t Chaejin’s choice anymore. There can only be one way.


Would she agree, or not?

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Update soon author-nim* :)
Plz update. I like this srory
Stomach flu still can update... Tsk tsk
Piggy! i love your FIC *_*
U finally updated... I almost forgot abt the whole story...
I hope Minji and Seyong be together soon...
Maybe Minji can change Seyong into a vampire too.. *winks*
Update soon... Holidays are coming... :)
Harabeoji, YOU BETRAYED HOYA AND INFINITE!!! And you finally updated, keke
OMG she meet my bias of infinite :O hopefully youll update soon
OMO I hope in the next chapter Minji meets INFINITE!! Update soon^:)
miszchlahiie766 #10
update... update... update... ^__^