
Enchanting Death

That night after everyone had eaten dinner, DO, Suho and Kai left to their rooms to unpack. Chanyeol, Baekhyun, and Sehun stayed back to watch TV, Soomi, Sora and I joined them. We weren't really paying attention to the TV as we began talking about our powers.  

"So Baekhyun, what are your powers?" Soomi asked.

" Well it's kind of complicated, basically my power is the ability of regeneration. But it's not regenerating like if I have a cut it heals automatically. More like if I have a cut I can force myself to regenerate a whole nother arm. Basically if I inflict a wound upon myself, I could create as many arms/ legs/ anything related to the body that I want and it doesnt have to be a big wound, as long as there's some blood so like pricking myself with a needle" 

We stared at him with our mouths open.

"That.Is. Amazing"  also slightly creepy but amazing nonetheless.  I never knew humans had this kind of power, it was quite different from the powers of my clan. It was fascinating.

"What about you Sehun?" 

"I can inflict guilt on someone until they want to kill themselves" Wow, thats really dark. But looking at Sehun it was hard to imagine him doing something like that. Never judge a book by its cover I guess. 

"What about you Chanyeol?" 

The moment I asked that question I could feel a weird tension in the air. 

"I control two personas, one of light and one of darkness." And that was all he said. It got kind of awkward until Baekhyun jumped in to explain, 

" What he means is he has two personas he controls, the first is light Chanyeol. Light Chanyeol can bring people back from the dead, so basically he can make a zombie army or use someone you loved against you. Second is dark Chanyeol who takes away life. Pretty self explanatory."

There seemed to be more to Chanyeol's power though so I asked how summoned and controlled his personas. Bad question Seulmi, very very bad. I saw Chanyeol stiffen and his eyes shadow over. Silence. Baekhyun looking quite lost attempted to ease the atmosphere. 

"Chanyeol doesn't really like talking about his powers just kind of a personal thing."

I nodded, feeling apologetic towards Chanyeol. 

Damn that must mean he's the strongest one out of EXO. Although I didnt know the powers of the others, I had a pretty good idea that their powers didn't consist of the normal elements like light, wind and fire. Eventually we got tired and decided to head back to our rooms and sleep. We had a hectic training regime tomorrow and we needed every ounce of energy we could get. But before everyone left there was something I felt like I needed to do. I went up to Chanyeol and tugged on the sleeve of his shirt. He froze and turned around. His expression was unreadable and he seemed annoyed.  I swallowed, okay maybe this wasn't such a good idea Seulmi. Too late now.

"Sorry about getting nosy earlier I didn't mean to be insensitive." 

" Yeah, and?" Okay I wasn't expecting such a snarky reply.

" Well I just wanted to apologize, I know this spell that helps clear your mind and soothe it for a bit. I use it all the time and I just wanted to do this as an apology" 

No response.

" It's really fast and it will help a lot!" He considers it for a few seconds and answers with a very monotonous ok. I sit down and cross my legs and gesture him to do the same. Afterwards I tell him that he needs to place his hands in mine. His hands are really warm and soft. Seulmi focus! With his hands in mine I close my eyes and begin to chant the familiar spell. Soon I feel the familiar warmth of my magic webbing it's way to my hands. The chant gets softer and I feel my magic absorbing into Chanyeol. I feel him relax a bit and I smile. Afterwards I open my eyes.  I didn't notice how close we were sitting to each other but before I could say anything he looked away and began to stand. I got up too and asked him if he felt better. He nodded and muttered a small thank you before turning around and leaving. Yay he feels better! Ive been forgiven! I yawn and realize how late it was and make my way to my room. Chanyeol got into his shared room and briskly made his way to his luggage. He took off his clothes showing off a lean and defined body. Getting into bed he couldn't help but feel more calm and relaxed. That night, for the first time in a really long time, Chanyeol smiled. 



Seulmi, Sora and Soomi's powers will be revealed soon as well as the other members :)


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