Chapter 7

Angel Eyes

Chapter 7

In the airport, we see Taecyeon and Yoona are sitting side by side. Taecyeon thanked Yoona for showing her face to him. Now he can leave her AND say goodbye. Taecyeon gets up and walks away. Yoona who was stunned she calls after him “Don’t Go”. He stops, waits a moment then walks away past the security checkpoint. Taecyeon remembers Yoona’s father begging him to go so Yoona can have a normal life. He decided to honor the request. 


In the past fe weeks, Yoona stares blankly at the sky. Team Leader Wooyoung chides her for overworking and wearing herself out. While, Yoona wants to work to keep herself occupied, she is numb and robotic, existing not living.

Dr. Choi leaves Yoona’s father office smiling to himself. Taemin’s mother walks by and recognizes him.  She asks Yoona’s father why Dr. Choi is back in the hospital after all she fired him years ago.Yoona’s father denies that Dr. Choi visited him saying she is mistaken.

Yoona brings in a patient to the emergency room and finds Taemin is now the director.

Detective Kim reviews the hit and run paperwork remembering years ago that the skid marks were his focus until an internal investigation team came and took him away. He takes the information to Detective Lee who says she can find more with skid marks than he could years ago. Detective Kim asks her to proceed saying Taecyeon is admirable and he wants to do all he can until the statue of limitations runs out. Besides that he wants to pay Taecyeon back for the potato stew.


Yoona returns home and finds Taemin, his mother, and her father waiting for her. Taemin’s mother announces she wants to throw an engagement party next month. Yoona feels the noose of this now unwanted relationship tighten around her neck. 

Taemin and Yoona meet at the bench where they first met. Yoona remembers that Taemin was the first person she saw when she could see. Taemin jokes that if he had been the second person she saw, he would not have had a chance with her. Yoona tells Taemin she wanted to see someone else. Taemin replies saying that he knows she wanted to see another. Taemin says that it`s all in the past. Yoona tells him that it is NOT in the past for her, explaining those memories and the past that are blocking her from living today. Taemin says he’ll help her break free of the memories. Yoona tells him she does not want to break free, that she can’t come to him. He pleads her but she calmly returns the box with the star necklace and walks away. As Yoona leaves, Taemin asks if the owner of the whistle necklace is back. She says no but now she knows where her heart belongs to. While, Taemin can not believe that Yoona just broke up with him.


Chansung interacts with Team Leader Wooyoung. Chansung sends a birthday card and gift from America so the little boy can think his mother remembered his birthday. Team Leader Wooyoung is grateful and invites Chansung to live with him. Unfortunately for Chansung he turns around to find a maid, cleaning, doing the laundry, etc. And find it  Kinda cute. 

Meanwhile, Yoona tells Yuri that she broke up with Taemin.  Yuri says That ``you must be crazy Yoona``.Yoona says back that she can only think about Taecyeon. Yuri replies back that Yoonas love for Taemin is different from Taecyeon. Yoona says back that i used to think that way too. But, now my heart will only accept Taecyeon.


In that case, Yoona heads to the planetarium remembering the night she and Taecyeon drank and talked. Yoona puts her head on the table crying that she misses him. When she felt a hand that brush her shoulder, she lifts her head up and sees Taecyeon. Thinking that, ``I`m i dreaming or is it just me?`` Taecyeon responds that he is back and this time it is for real, and that he is not leaving again. taecyeon tells that  she has to take responsibility for him. Yoona calls him a jerk, rotten, etc. Taecyeon hugs her and struggles against him crying, telling him to leave, that she doesn’t need him, and ask him why did he come back?


Taecyeon said that he felt like dying without her. That ,If he did not see her, he thought he’d die. That gets Yoona attention.


In particular,Taecyeon walks Yoona home and tells her he’ll see her tomorrow. Yoona grabs his arm and stops him… not believing what he had said…Yoona asks if he’ll disappear again. Taecyeon gently touches her face and reassures her that he’ll be here tomorrow. Yoona releases the hug and slowly walks into her house, looking back at him for a couple of minutes … but then Taecyeon is still there. One last time, Taecyeon and tells her he’ll be there tomorrow and smiles. Yoona smiles back.


Moreover, Taecyeon goes back to meeting with Yoona’s father before finding her at the planetarium. Yoona’s father asks when will he return to Boston. Taecyeon states he will not be going back. Taecyeon pleads and kneels saying that he cannot leave Yoona’s side, and that he had to return to her. Yoona’s father tells him that he must leave again and he knows why (because Yoona would be crushed to know that Taecyeon’s mother donated her eyes to Yoona).Taecyeon simply states that Yoona cannot be happy without him because he is in her heart. Yoona’s father tells him that Yoona is engaged  and will be  married to Taemin who can make Yoona happy already. Taecyeon tells him that they never had a chance to explore their hearts…he cannot give up…he cannot leave. 

Taemin and his mother meet. Instead of telling his mother that Yoona had broken up with him, he says that they want to slow the preparations of the engagement down. His mother was curious and asks why. Taemin says that they are still young and like their relationship as is. Taemin also says that Yoona doesn`t want to give up her job. His mother says that Yoona can work but not THAT job. Taemin replies back, saying mom back off. She reluctantly agrees. 

The next day at the fire station, Yoona is told she has a visitor.Yoona is cetain,that it is Taecyeon, she goes to meet her guest, but was dissapointed that it is Taemin who asks for some of her time. He drives her to a beautiful house and tells her this is the home he had built for them and their future family. He is earnest and desperate hoping he can sway her. Yoona tells him no, this is not their home. Taemin will not take no for an answer. He tells her because of her he has become a better man. Yoona tells him he must find a woman that will love him fully. Taemin replies back saying that SHE is the woman for him. Yoona tells him no, that her heart doesn`t belong to him but to the right owner. Yoona urges him to get angry and forget about her, that he deserves better treatment. she leaves. While, Taemin’s dream is smashed to little peices.


Meanwhile, Yoona returns home and recalls her first meeting  with Taemin when he stopped drunk patient from hitting her. They subsequently were questioned by the police for assaulting the patient. Nothing starts a relationship off right like a trip to the police station. She treated him to dinner where he asked her to take responsibility for his life. The guys in her life seem to ask that of her.


The next day, Yoona calls for medical assistance and receives some good advice from the doctor. Heading back to the fire station she mulls over the voice of the doctor. Taecyeon, looking fine in a suit, visits Yoona at the fire station.

Yoona replied that she was worried about him but telling her that she was so sorry and she`s working and does not have time for him right now. The Team Leader calls for a staff meeting and tells Taecyeon she will see him later. The Team leader says they are lucky to have a doctor that wants to work with them. Which suprised Yoona, Taecyeon...


Yoona was shocked and NOT pleased at all. Yoona complains to her superiors who counter that she had wanted a doctor on the staff and now they have one. They tell her that Taecyeon is now her direct supervisor. Yoona joins them and was asks to show him around the station. Yoona reluctantly gives him a tour. Yoona was not that excited that Taecyeon has invaded her work environment. Meanwhile, Taemin decided to come visit Yoona.
Back at the fire station, Taecyeon calls Yoona asking for a verbal report on the days patients. Yoona tries to brush him off but he insists to meet with him. They meet on the rooftop of the building. Yoona mechanically relies the details of the case. While, Taecyeon excitedly tells her he is finally an emergency worker. Yoona drones on with the case details. Yoona finally finishes and starts to walk away from Taecyeon. Taecyeon tells her that he will be like gum, stuck to her and will never fall off. Taecyeon had told her this years ago when Yoona was still blind.  Yoona tells him that he`s still as arrogant as ever. Taecyeon asks her if she’s going to keep liking him. After a pause Yoona nods her head as a sign of yes. Taecyeon gives her a back hug and tells her he will not lose her. Yoona smiles contentedly.Taecyeon and Yoona are finally honest with each other and are ready to explore their relationship as adults. They are in each other’s arms and happy. 

Taemin drives up to the fire station and looks to the roof...

Author`s Note: 

Annyeonhaseyo readers, Long chapter i guess hope u guys love it. Comment and Subcribe below. it will be much appreciated kamsamnida. 


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chapter 8 is up!! hope u guys love it :)


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Warsonic9620 #1
Really want to read the update of this story. Hope this will be update soon.
Warsonic9620 #2
Please update this story would like to know what happens next.
Warsonic9620 #3
Chapter 11: Oh my gosh that was a sweet chapter. But thing seems that it will be getting bad very soon. Hope to see an update soon.
Ji-hyo101 #4
Chapter 10: Good job author-nim
Don't worry I'll try to update as soon as I can ^_^
Warsonic9620 #6
Chapter 10: I would like to continue reading the story on the next episode
Warsonic9620 #7
Chapter 10: I hope your editing will be done soon
KipaniaShaina #8
Chapter 7: thanks 4 the update