It’s almost afternoon when Jinyoung finally woke up. His head was pounding and felt heavy, as if someone put a tonne of brick on top of his head. He curled up in his bed not wanting to get up.


            “Get up Jinyoung!” Mark said as he walked into the room. He went to the window and opened the curtain.

Jinyoung cringed at the sudden brightness that invaded his dark room. He pulled his blanket covering his head.

            “Get up sleepyhead!” Mark pulled the blanket away. “You’re not gonna be a log all day…get up!”

            “Just leave me alone hyung…”

            “Nope! That’s not an option Park Jinyoung…”

Mark went to the bathroom and filled the tub with warm water. He came back out and saw Jinyoung is still lying on his bed.

            “Get up, go soak yourself in the tub and I want you down fully dress downstairs in 20 minutes…got it?” Mark said, staring at Jinyoung.


            “You gonna do everything I said today or I’m gonna let Jaebum know what happened last night…”

Jinyoung winced at the words. Last night’s event came back to him and he cursed at his stupidity.

            “Is that a threat?”

            “Consider it as friendly warnings if you want to…now…get up! Clock is ticking!” Mark looked at his watch. “You’re already wasting 20 seconds...”

When Mark walked out, Jinyoung went to the bathroom. He took off his clothes and got in the tub. The water was warm and nice and when it hit his skin, Jinyoung felt calm and at peace.

Mark was busy preparing the food when he heard footsteps coming closer. He looked at the watch and turned around.

            “You’re two minutes late…” he said.

            “Sue me if you want…” Jinyoung sat at the table.

Mark came.

            “Drink this and take this pill…it should make your head better after all those tequila shot you had last night…” he put a glass of honey water and two white pills.

He watched as Jinyoung took the pills and gulped down the water before continued with his cooking.

Jinyoung glanced and noticed that Mark was watching him eating. He felt a hole burned in his skull with every passing minute from Marks’s intense gaze. He chewed and swallowed his food slowly, waiting for Mark to say something but the older guy stayed quiet, not one word coming from his mouth.

            “Thank you for the food…” Jinyoung said, got up and brought his empty bowls to the sink.

He contemplated whether to sit back at the table or going back to his room…everything seemed wrong from his perspectives…so…he went to the living room instead. When Mark followed him there, his restlessness made him uneasy. Mark wasn’t saying a word but kept looking at him.

            “Hy…hyung…about last night…” Jinyoung said, stuttering a little out of nervousness.

            “I’ll tell you about last night…” Mark said he got up.

He stood in front of Jinyoung.

            “WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU THINKING PARK JINYOUNG? Getting drunk in a pub and hooking with a guy in bathroom?! Do you how dangerous that could be? Have you thought about STD? Protection? Did you even think about that? And the guy…at least find a decent man…well, any decent men wouldn’t do that…”

Jinyoung listened as Mark went on rambling, pacing back and forth. He caught bit and pieces of Mark’s words but one thing for sure; he never saw Mark got worked up like this.

            “You’re supposed to be at Bean Pole studio for a shoot in two hours but I can’t send you off when you’re looking like this…you’re lucky that Eunsuh’s boyfriend was there and he called me….otherwise I will wake up with your story becomes the major headline on news…”

            “Hyung…” Jinyoung said.

            “Don’t ‘hyung’ me! Do you know how many people get affected because of your one stupid action? People’s jobs are on the line!”

            “I was hurt ok? So blame me for it!”

Mark stopped his steps, and looked at Jinyoung.

            “I’m hurting so I need a cure…is that so wrong? So the guy offered me …I’m an adult and I don’t need to ask a ing permission from anyone! Especially you!” Jinyoung lashed out.

            “Jinyoung ah…”

            “Ok…I was wrong and you were right…what happened last night won’t happen again…I give you my word…satisfied, Mr. Manager?” there’s a hint of sarcasm in Jinyoung’s tone and Mark noticed it.

            “Somehow I doubt that…”

            “It’s up to you then…now, can I go back to my room Mr. Manager or do I need to ask your permission for it?”


            “That’s it Jinyoung ah…tilt your head to the left a little…nice…” a few clicks of the camera.

Jinyoung was posing in front of the camera for a photo shoot and all eyes were on him. Getting lost on a job made Jinyoung think clearer and forget his problems for a while.

            “Ok…take 5 everyone…” the photographer said.

Eunsuh and Chaeyeon rushed towards Jinyoung.

            “Here oppa…” Chaeyeon said and gave a bottle of water to Jinyoung and fanning him.

            “Thanks Chaeyeon ah…”

            “Great job oppa…” Eunsuh smiled, fixing Jinyoung’s makeup.

His eyes wondered and saw Mark was talking on the phone.

            “Who is he talking to?” He asked.

            “Peniel oppa…I think they’re going out together now…” Chaeyeon said.

Jinyoung’s felt a tug at the corner of his heart. No matter what he did, forgetting Mark was the hardest thing he ever done. Being close yet so far from the older guy tortured him, and sometimes he wished that he was a robot without any emotion…that would be easier.

            “I gotta go…Jinyoung needs me…I’ll call you later ok…bye…” Mark hung up the phone and walked towards Jinyoung.

Things didn’t have any major changes between him and Jinyoung. The younger one barely talks to him these days…not that he blame him for it…he himself was a part of the cause anyway. The girls noticed it too but Mark assured them that everything was fine.

The relationship with Peniel is going nowhere either. Mark felt nothing for the guy…sure Peniel was one of the nicest men he met, he was gentle, funny and your average boy next door…but something felt lacking. His mind constantly went back to Jinyoung…he admit it that the feelings for Jinyoung that he tried to throw away, keep getting stronger.

            “Hey guys…” Mark said as he approached the trio.

            “Had fun talk with lover boy?” Chaeyeon wiggled her eyebrows with chuckle.

Mark noticed the change in Jinyoung’s expression.

            “Not really…anyway…there’s a bad news and a good news…which one do you guys wanna know first?” Mark said.

            “Bad one…” Eunsuh answered quickly. “Better to hear the worst one first…”

            “Okay…our next schedule just got cancelled…technical problem…but it has been rescheduled to next Monday…”

            “And the good news is…”

            “This is our last schedule for the day!”

            “Nice one oppa!” Eunsuh and Chaeyeon high fived each other.

Later that day…

Jinyoung and Mark just arrived home.

            “Hey, you want anything to eat?” Mark asked.

            “No…” Jinyoung replied shortly.

            “Are you sure?”

            “Yeah…” Jinyoung went up the stairs to his room.


Jinyoung was on his way downstairs when he heard Mark talking on the phone. He stopped and peeked at the slightly ajar door.

            “Peniel ssi…now? Sure…I know that place…it’s just a few blocks away…no, no…we’ll just meet there…see you in a bit…”

Mark hung up and went to the door. He was surprised to see Jinyoung out standing there.

            “Oh…Jinyoung ah…I’m going out for a while ok? Dinner is on the table…help yourself ok?”

When Mark left, Jinyoung went to the kitchen to eat. As he sat down at the table, his mind went back to Mark’s phone conversation. He was meeting Peniel and it bothered him to the bone.

He finished eating and went to the living room. He tried watching the TV, flicking channels every two seconds to get his mind off the matter but it didn’t help one bit. Grabbing a hoodie he decided to get out of the house.

As he went out of the building, he saw Mark and Peniel together, talking at a secluded area near the parking area. He sneaked his way closer and kept his eyes on Mark. His heart almost burst when he saw Peniel running his hands up and down Mark’s arm. He stayed quiet trying to listen to their conversation but he was a little bit far to hear any.

Mark’s stunned when Peniel cupped Mark’s face with his hands and kissed the elder’s lips. His heart felt as if someone just stabbed it with sharp blade and twisted it repeatedly. He turned around and walked away. He needed to get away.

Mark pushed Peniel away as the guy tried to deepen the kiss. It felt wrong for some reason.

            “Why? What’s wrong? Is my breath stink?” Peniel asked.

            “No…I just think that this is not necessary…” Mark wiped off his lips with the back of his hand.

            “Why not?”

            “Look…the truth is…I don’t think anything will work between us…” Mark had to say the truth. He felt nothing for Peniel and to drag him along just for him to forget about Jinyoung is plain wrong.

            “Why not? Is there someone else?” Peniel asked, staring at Mark.

After a long pause, Mark nodded.

            “Yeah…actually…there is…”

Peniel leaned against the side of his car.

            “And you’re telling me now?” he said with a sigh.

            “I’m sorry…I thought I can forget about him but the more I tried the harder it gets…I’m so sorry Peniel ssi…”

            “How long has it been? I mean…you and this guy?”

            “I dunno…I’ve known him for a while now and the feelings…it’s kinda developed along the way…”

            “Do I have any chance against this guy?”

Mark shook his head. That was the answer Peniel needed.

            “I see…” he sighed again.

            “I’m sorry…” Mark apologies.

            “No…don’t be…feeling is something that we can’t force…no matter how hard we try…”

Mark walked into the penthouse and it was dead quiet. He was glad that he made it clear to Peniel that they can only be friends…and luckily the guy understands.

            “Jinyoung ah…” he called but no answer. He went upstairs and opened Jinyoung’s room but he wasn’t there.

*Where did you go Jinyoung ah?* he looked inside every room and Jinyoung was nowhere to found. He took out his phone and dialled Jinyoung’s number. A ringing coming from the living. Jinyoung left his phone.

            “Where are you Jinyoung?”

He looked outside and it was raining. He paced back and forth…worried Jinyoung whereabouts.

Jinyoung looked up and the rain was getting heavier as he walked down the street. While everyone was frantic trying to look for a shelter from the rain, Jinyoung didn’t seem to think about it. Maybe walking in the rain would ease his broken heart. He thought about getting drunk but remembering what had happened the last time he got drunk, Jinyoung quickly aborted the idea.

He kept walking and soon he was back at his apartment. Debating whether to go back home or stayed out, Jinyoung finally made up his mind and walked up to the elevator.

Mark looked outside and getting worried as the rain had no sign of stopping any time soon. He was about to go down the lobby when he heard someone entered the passcode of the door.

He rushed to the door and saw Jinyoung walking in, dripping wet…obviously from the rain.

            “Jinyoung ah? Where have you been? You know how worried I was? You left your phone…”

He dashed to the linen closet and took out a huge bath towel and went back to Jinyoung. Wrapping the younger one with it, he pulled Jinyoung to the living room, turning up the heat.

            “Where did you go Jinyoung ah?”

Mark took another towel and began drying Jinyoung’s wet hair as much as he can.

            “Hyung stop it…” Jinyoung said.

            “You get catch a cold if you don’t dry your hair properly…”

            “Hyung…stop…” he said again.

            “No…we need to get you out of those clothes ASAP…”

            “Just stop ok? Stop being so nice to me! Stop being caring! Stop everything that you do! I can’t take this anymore…” Jinyoung got up….taking a few steps backwards away from Mark.

            “Jinyoung ah…”

            “No hyung… …” there’s tears’ b his eyes. “You’re making it difficult for me…I tried to forget you, I tried to keep everything strictly business between us…but… I can’t do this anymore…I just can’t…and what I saw just now…it hurts so damn bad!”

            “What do you mean?”

            “I love you hyung! I love you so ing much! And to see you kissed that Peniel guy is like pushing me off the cliff! What does he have that I don’t? What did you see in him that I’m lacking? What…”

Jinyoung’s words stopped when he felt soft lips pressed against his own. The lips were warm and tasted like strawberry.

            “I love you too Park Jinyoung…” Mark said, when their lips parted.


An update...ideas kept coming and I had some free time so I have to post this up for my lovely readers...you guys mean so much to me...you have no idea how happy I am when I saw your feedbacks...

Back to the story...THEY CONFESSED AND KISSED!!!!

Stay tuned for the next update!

Flood the comment box and happy reading!!!


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Chapter 32: I don't know if I already thanked you but THANK YOU for great stories.
specially FOR YOU I WOULD..
you are on of the Best Writer for me ♥
Chapter 34: rereading another story of yours... it’s always the best XD
Chapter 32: Can't believe this just and ;-;
This so freaking cute and good and addictive~
Thank you for one more storie sz
Jaebum, best cousin ever hahahahah
Chapter 33: I gotta say your writing style is not my favorite, but i still finish your stories anyway. I think this one is particular is my fav from yours <3
Daeppyongie #5
Chapter 32: Awwhhhh i'm freaking squealing and i can't stop smiling!!! I really really really love this story, thank you so much! I even love the way you write your story, it is simple and didn't exaggerated when describing one emotion, it'a straightforward and clear. Thank you so much, keledek author nim!! I will go back to this story again! Thanks again and love you
Chapter 34: i'm glad i found this fanfic ahhhhh I LOVE IT
Mennah #7
Chapter 24: Re-reading. I love all your fanfics, authornim♡
oneshot13 #8
Chapter 33: Love you and all your stories!! <3
Chapter 33: Uuuppppssss I think you have an epilogue for this story.. XD