Things had not been the same since that fateful night. Mark felt the distance growing between him and Jinyoung.

            “And here’s a new script that I want you to look…drama by Writer Joon…I’ve looked through and it’s kinda cool…” Mark gave a script to Jinyoung.

They were at home after finished their last schedule a few hours ago. Jinyoung took a look at the script, flipped a few pages, read the lines and then closed it.

            “Not doing it…” he threw the script on the coffee table. He took the remote and flicked over the channels on the TV.

            “Why not? I think it’s a great story…”

            “Too cliché…and I’m not digging the character either…”

            “Jinyoung ah…just read the script carefully…”

            “I did…just now…” Jinyoung cut off Mark’s works. “You see me did that…didn’t you?”

            “Jinyoung ah…”

            “Please hyung…I’m not in the mood…it’s my choice whether I do it or not…”

Mark stared at the younger guy.

            “Jinyoung ah…we need to talk…” Mark said, with his eyes on Jinyoung.

            “Can’t do…busy watching TV…next time…”

            “Park Jinyoung!”

            “Don’t disturb me ok? It’s my private time with my TV…” Jinyoung ignored Mark.

Mark got up, took the remote control from Jinyoung’s hand and turned off the TV.

            “What the hell? I was watching that!”

            “Now you’re not…we need to talk…” Mark crossed his arms.

            “There’s nothing to talk about…I’m not doing the drama and that’s final…you can’t make me…”

            “I’m not talking about that drama…what is wrong with you these days? Is there something that I need to know?”

            “I dunno what you’re talking about…” Jinyoung looked elsewhere…avoiding Mark’s gaze.

            “Please Jinyoung…help me here…I can’t do this if you don’t tell me what’s been bugging you…”

Jinyoung stood up.

            “Are you really that stupid hyung? Jeez! I can’t believe you!”

Jinyoung walked up to his room. A few moments later, he went down all dressed up.

            “I’m going out…” he said, heading towards the door.

            “Where are you going? It’s already late and you have a schedule tomorrow…”

            “I need to get away from all this …”

            “Jinyoung ah…yaa Park Jinyoung!”

But all Mark can hear was the door being slammed shut.

*Are you really that stupid hyung?* Jinyoung’s words ringing in Mark’s ears. He slumped on the sofa.

*I’m not stupid Jinyoung ah…I perfectly know why you’re doing this…* he sighed.

It’s Jinyoung’s seventh tequila shot and he’s showing no sign of stopping any time soon.

            “Refill…” he motioned the bartender, waving his empty shot glass.

            “Yes sir…” the bartender obeyed.

Jinyoung looked around the dimly lit underground pub…most of the patrons there were at their table, drinking, laughing to inaudible words to his ears. As soon as his glass was filled to brim, Jinyoung quickly gulped down the clear liquor and took a bite of the lime wedge on the side. The taste burnt his throat a little but he didn’t care.

            “Slow down tiger…you’ll close the pub down if you keep going like that…”

Jinyoung turned to his side and saw a guy. He had blonde hair and probably around his age.

            “Hi…I’m Brian…”


            “Park Jinyoung…I know who you are…” he smiled. “Bartender…one whiskey please…”

            “Coming right up…” the bartender quickly tends his order.

            “Are you alone?” Brian asked. His eyes trailing the guy next to him.

*Nice…no wonder he got so many fans…he’s fine!* devilish grin decked his face.

            “Could be…why did you ask?”

            “I dunno…maybe you could use some company…” Brian ran his hands on Jinyoung’s inner thigh, lingering a while around the crotch area.

            “Are you suggesting something?”

Jinyoung felt aroused…the alcohol that run in his system seems to be helping the cause as he can’t think straight.

            “Maybe…I need a fix…and I think you might too…” Brain scooted closer. “The bathroom should be empty this time around…” he whispered. “Are you coming?” Brian asked, extended his hands.

*What the heck…a can’t go wrong…* Jinyoung shot down his drink, got up and took Brian’s hand.

Faint sound coming from one of the bathroom stall. Jinyoung tightly gripped the hip of the man he just knew. He tried to forget all of his trouble…he really did…but failed miserably. Never been the one that goes for a quick fix with a stranger, Jinyoung felt overwhelmed as the man pounding his burning love tunnel.

            “You’re so tight! !” Brian hissed as he picked up his paced. “It’s been a while since you got ed huh?”

            “Just shut up and finish ing…” Jinyoung’s head spinning from the liquor he had earlier.

Mark rushed to the bar. His eyes wondered the pub and Jinyoung was nowhere to be found.

            “Wonpil ah…”


            “Where is he? Did he left?”

Mark was shocked when he got a phone call from Eunsuh’s boyfriend Wonpil half an hour ago. He got into a cab and went downtown to the pub. He’s afraid that Jinyoung might get into trouble and hearing from Wonpil that Jinyoung probably had at least half dozen of tequila shot since he arrived, he knew that he had to do something.

            “I think he went to the back…”


Mark went to the back, searching for Jinyoung along the corridor of the club. He walked past the bathroom and heard noises coming from inside.

*Could he be…*

He went inside. A guy was there, fixing his pants. Mark met his eyes but the guy ignored him. He saw the man took out a cell phone and began clicking for pictures.

            “I bet this worth thousands with paparazzi…” he smiled.

Mark walked past him and his eyes went to the man inside the stall. It was Jinyoung.

            “Jinyoung ah…”

Jinyoung was barely conscious, his hair dishevelled, his pants were at his ankles, exposing his lower half. The man wanted to walk away but Mark quickly blocked his way.

            “Not so fast…give me your phone…” Mark said, glaring.

            “What the hell dude? Out of my way!”

            “Not before you hand me over your phone…”

            “I dunno what you’re talking about…”

            “Hand me that phone when I’m still asking for it nicely…”

            “Get the away!”

Before Brian could take another step, Mark caught his wrist, twisted it and slammed him against the wall, pinning him from behind.

            “What the hell man?” Brian tried to wriggle free but Mark had him locked.

            “You should’ve given me that phone when I ask…”

Mark searched the guy’s pocket and found his phone. He had his right elbow at his neck and his other hand tapping the screen. He opened a folder and saw Jinyoung’s pictures.

            “What the hell are you thinking when you take these pictures huh scum?”

            “It was for my collection! You don’t have any right!”

            “Really? I could file a charge against you…I’m his manager…”

            “We’re both adult…it was a consent !”

            “But these are not…”

Mark took the phone and pull out the memory card.

            “Thanks…” he threw the card onto the floor and smashed it with his feet, breaking it beyond repair.


            “Now…be a good boy and get the away!”

Brian scurried to the door.

            “Jinyoung ah…” Mark brought his attention back to the unconscious Jinyoung.

He lightly tapped Jinyoung’s cheek, making the younger guy flinched a little. Jinyoung slowly opened his eyes and saw Mark.

            “Mark hyung…” he mumbled.

            “We gonna get you home ok bud?”

            “Leave me alone hyung…” Jinyoung pushed Mark’s hands. He got up and realised that his pants was undone, pooling at his ankle.

*What the…oh yeah…I just got ed…* Jinyoung pulled up his pants and fixed it.

            “Sorry hyung…you saw my junk…wait…you already see it once right? Before you go to that MC ex-idol boyfriend of yours…” Jinyoung smiled. His head was spinning and he almost stumbled when he took a step. Luckily Mark was there to save him.

            “Let’s get you out of here ok? No fuss…unless you want to be the main page on tomorrow’s tabloid news…” Mark said, holding Jinyoung’s arm.

            “Ok, ok…whatever you say Mr. Manager…” Jinyoung knew if he resist, Mark would knock him out and carried him instead.

With Wonpil’s help, both Mark and Jinyoung managed to get to Jinyoung’s car unnoticed through the back door.

            “Thanks Wonpil…I really owe you one this time…” Mark said as Jinyoung was seated in the car.

            “It’s ok hyung…Jinyoung hyung is a great guy to Eunsuh and this is the least I could do…”

            “I gotta go…thanks again…”

On the way back home…

Jinyoung opened his eyes again and realised that he was in his car, he looked to the side and Mark was driving. His head is pounding as if someone just hit him with a baseball bat.


            “We’ll talk about this tomorrow…I’m not in the mood to talk to you…and you’re not sober enough to hear me rambling…” Mark said without looking.

Things gonna be awkward again for sure.


Another update...I wanted to post this up yesterday (1.1.2016) but had to do some editting and rewriting a few I'm posting it today instead...

I hope the way my writing doesn't bored any of my readers...since I'm not a professional writer and English is not my first language...

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I'M STUCK!!!!!!!! TT TT~~~~~


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Chapter 32: I don't know if I already thanked you but THANK YOU for great stories.
specially FOR YOU I WOULD..
you are on of the Best Writer for me ♥
Chapter 34: rereading another story of yours... it’s always the best XD
Chapter 32: Can't believe this just and ;-;
This so freaking cute and good and addictive~
Thank you for one more storie sz
Jaebum, best cousin ever hahahahah
Chapter 33: I gotta say your writing style is not my favorite, but i still finish your stories anyway. I think this one is particular is my fav from yours <3
Daeppyongie #5
Chapter 32: Awwhhhh i'm freaking squealing and i can't stop smiling!!! I really really really love this story, thank you so much! I even love the way you write your story, it is simple and didn't exaggerated when describing one emotion, it'a straightforward and clear. Thank you so much, keledek author nim!! I will go back to this story again! Thanks again and love you
Chapter 34: i'm glad i found this fanfic ahhhhh I LOVE IT
Mennah #7
Chapter 24: Re-reading. I love all your fanfics, authornim♡
oneshot13 #8
Chapter 33: Love you and all your stories!! <3
Chapter 33: Uuuppppssss I think you have an epilogue for this story.. XD