Chapter 2

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His face looked at the wooden floor underneath him, sweat pouring on his body. His legs couldn’t stop moving, his feet couldn’t stop tapping down on the ground. This is the third time she fainted in this month, her condition was getting worse. Glancing up from his hands, the girl at the bed frowned slightly and quivered due to the pain and the symptoms of her sickness. He stood up and walked toward her with a warm cloth he prepared, slowly placed it on her forehead. Her eyebrows kept twitching and it worried him so much. Where was Dongwoo? He should have been there half an hour ago. Sunggyu didn’t know what to do then, it was happening a chaos fight inside his head.


The meow sound got his head turned to where it came from. Her brown cat wagged its tail from side to side and rapidly ran to Sunggyu. It nudged its head onto Sunggyu’s feet, wanting him to carry it up. He smiled as he stared at the little kitten. It’s just like her. He bent down and picked up the small kitty and brought it to the bed Eun Ju made for it. “She fainted again Merry.”

He removed his gaze from the cat to the girl, thinking about the way she names a cat. Its name was Merry but he didn’t feel the merriment then, not just one bit. He wanted her to wake up, he wanted her to stop doing this to him. She was very cruel when she was like this. Sunggyu kept his face down until a ding from downstairs caused him to run as fast as he could to get to the door.

His black door yanked open aggressively, revealing a man behind it with a box in his hand. Sunggyu swiftly pulled the man inside, didn’t let him get the chance to say anything. “Did you bring the serums?” Sunggyu asked with the anxiety filled in his voice.

“Yes, here. Woohyun said these are the new serums so give her a small dose. I know you don’t want her to get overdose and die.”

“Stop saying about dying. I’m struggling with that thought Dongwoo.” Sunggyu glared at the man, but the younger male knew that he didn’t mean to. He was worried about her. The shadow of the anxious man suddenly disappeared into a room upstairs when Dongwoo was busy with his thoughts. He quickly ran up and stepped inside. Sunggyu’s appearance was even worse than hers. His hand was shaking and Dongwoo afraid that he might drop the syringe on the floor.

“Hyung, I think you should sit down and let me do it.” Dongwoo walked closer to the bed and took the needle from his hyung’s hand. Sunggyu sat right down on the chair near there. A sigh slowly escaped from Dongwoo’s mouth. He decelerated the speed of the girl shaking on the bed by his hand on her arm. He injected the serum into her system and it eased her pain instantly. Sunggyu seemed to be better when he saw a small smile hidden on her face. It shouldn’t have to be like this if she listened to him from the first place.

“Gyu hyung. She will revive soon. I think you should get ready for the lunch at Hoya’s house.” Dongwoo suddenly said, flipped Sunggyu back to reality. The elder man furrowed his eyebrows, showing his disagreement. He didn’t want to go anywhere, and she would most definitely stay at home. “Why? It’s not like she can be there.” Dongwoo rolled his eyes and walked to where the door was. He wanted to go right when Sunggyu said that but could not. He turned back in all of a sudden “I really appreciate if you can join us once. Just one time Sunggyu hyung. I just want you to be like who you were before and not staying at one place like this. She’d love to see the old you too, not this overprotective person. You only grow distance from her.”

Sunggyu’s eyes stared into the further orbs near the doorframe. He was right, Dongwoo was right. He didn’t get anything wrong. Sunggyu would only grow distance from her if he keeps doing like that. Sunggyu finally gave in, he sighed out, nodding his head slowly. A smile broadened on Dongwoo’s face when he got the answer he was waiting for. Gyu hyung will go.

Eun Ju coughed out a bit as she sat up, informed the two men that she has awakened. Sunggyu paid no attention to Dongwoo anymore and instead of that, he sped to the weakened girl on the sheer red bed sheet. He took off the cloth that has lost the warmth to the girl. Eun Ju saw Sunggyu’s pale face and knew then that her illness has come back. She turned her face down to look at her hands, too shy or she felt too guilty to look at Sunggyu oppa.

“I’m sorry.” She said slowly with the guilty feeling gripped her body. He must have been worried so much about her. He looked where she was looking which was her hands. He grabbed the white-skinned hands of hers and it made her startled. She glanced up at his face. Those tiny eyes were wide opened, staring at hers. “There’s no need for an apology. You’re fine now, that’s what matters.” The way he said it, completely opposite to what she was thinking about. His voice sounded so sweet, the sweetest thing in the world. Eun Ju couldn’t help but smile widely at him. He couldn’t help but did the same thing.

“Can we go to Hoya’s house? Please?” She begged. Even if she was sick, she still remembered what left off from the beginning. Her brain could memo

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