Chapter 7

So I Meet Chanyeol...

Back in the living room, Dongwoo, Gongchan, and Jill watched Chanyeol closely.

After a moment, Dongwoo sighed. “It’s been five minutes.”


“Just wait a little longer!” Jill shook her head quickly.


“I think he’s gone Jill…” Gongchan’s voice was quiet.


Dongwoo slowly nodded. “I hate to agree…but it’s just been too long.”


Jill shook her head again, tearing up. “He’s not gone! Just wait a little longer!”


Dongwoo gently touched her shoulder. “Jill…I think he’s gone.”

“No!! He can’t be!!” Jill’s voice cracked and she dropped her face into her hands.


“I don’t want to believe it either, Jill. I really don’t.” Dongwoo pulled her close to him, her head.

At that moment, Chanyeol’s fingers dancing in the flame twitched, but nobody noticed it.


“Oh my god…” Jill buried her head into Dongwoo’s shoulder and cried. Gongchan put his hand on her back and rubbed it.


The flame suddenly dimmed a little and started to channel into Chanyeol’s hand, which started to glow a bright orange.


Gongchan’s gaze wandered over to the flame and his eyes widened suddenly. “Jill!” He pointed to Chanyeol’s hand. Jill and Dongwoo looked at where he was pointing.


The flame completely dissolved into Chanyeol’s skin and soon his entire body was glowing dimly. The three people watched him with wide eyes. Then, Chanyeol’s eyes suddenly opened, causing everyone to lean back in surprise. His eyes were glowing dimly orange as well.


“Ch-Chanyeol?” Jill leaned in slightly.


Chanyeol slowly rose into a sitting position, the orange glow around his body and eyes getting progressively brighter.


“Are you okay…?” Dongwoo asked nervously.


“Can you hear us….?” Gongchan added quietly.

Chanyeol blinked slowly several times and didn’t respond. Jill slowly reached out to touch his arm but pulled back immediately. “Ow! It’s hot!”


“Be careful!” Dongwoo glanced at her hand in surprise.


“That’s good, right?” Gongchan asked.


Chanyeol’s gaze focused on the three of them. He still didn’t say a word.


Gongchan met his gaze. “Can you hear us?”


After a pause, Chanyeol nodded.


Dongwoo seemed to relax a little. “Can you stand?”


Chanyeol’s gaze slowly wandered down as he moved his legs to stand up. He was a bit wobbly, but he succeeded. The orange glow around his body remained bright, but the room started to feel many degrees hotter.


“You need to control your power! Think of flowers!!” Gongchan raised his voice a little.


Jill and Dongwoo looked at him strangely.


“Why flowers?” Jill asked.


“Those are the things that make him happy! When he’s happy, he can control his power!”


Chanyeol’s gaze slowly focused on Jill, then his hand rose palm up. A small flame formed in his hand that looked like the outline of a bird.


“Whoa…” Jill watched him wide-eyed.


“A-Amazing…” Dongwoo whispered.


“It looks like a phoenix!” Gongchan added.


Chanyeol closed his eyes and fist, making the glow around him disappear. He fell to his knees.


“Omo!” Jill quickly moved closer and held him steady.

Chanyeol slowly met her gaze. “Hi.” He grinned softly.


Jill immediately threw her arms around him tightly. Chanyeol’s smile widened and he hugged her back. Dongwoo sighed relieved.


“Yah! How did you do that??” Gongchan got closer too.


Jill pulled away from Chanyeol and he looked at Gongchan. “I just…thought of what I like.”


“Flowers?” Gongchan asked.




“Awesome!” Gongchan nodded and grinned.


Dongwoo’s expression lowered a little. He noticed Chanyeol’s hesitation before saying “yes.”


“You idiot…I was so worried!” Jill pushed his shoulders a little and sniffed.


Chanyeol’s smile slowly faded away as he met her eyes and he nearly tackled her with a tight hug. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to tell you to go away! I was confused! I shouldn’t have believed that man!”


Jill was taken aback by the sudden hug but got over it quickly. “It’s alright. The important thing is that you’re alive now.” She gently hugged him back.


Dongwoo watched the two hug, mostly Chanyeol. Gongchan moved to Dongwoo’s side, also watching the two.


“I’ll never do something like that again!” Chanyeol kept his arms around Jill, showing no intention of letting go.


Jill chuckled. “I believe you.” She tried to pull away, but she couldn’t move out of his strong grasp.


By this point, Dongwoo became clearly annoyed and cleared his throat quietly. Chanyeol didn’t hear it the first time, so Dongwoo cleared it louder. Chanyeol’s eyes opened and he realized there were other people in the room and let go of Jill abruptly.


Jill slowly tucked some hair behind her ear. “…so who’s hungry?” She stood up and disappeared into the kitchen silently. Chanyeol watched her go then looked at Dongwoo and Gongchan. Dongwoo was staring him down suspiciously. All traces of relief and happiness were gone from his eyes. Chanyeol quickly looked down in embarrassment.


Suddenly Gongchan stood up. “…Yah Chanyeol, wanna see something cool? In my room?”


Chanyeol eyed him. “Yeah, sure.” He stood up and left the room with Gongchan, purposefully avoiding eye contact with Dongwoo.

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