Chapter 2

So I Meet Chanyeol...

“Jill…I…I need to tell you something.” Chanyeol was hanging his head grasping his hair tightly.


Jill could hear the upset in his voice. “What’s wrong?”


Chanyeol glanced at Dongwoo and Gongchan glancing at him questionably from the sofa and lowered his voice. “I don’t want them to hear…”


Jill sighed a little and took his hand. She led him into her bedroom and closed the door carefully. “See? Now we're the only one's here. You can tell me anything.”

Chanyeol sank onto her bed, holding his head in his hands.


“Jill...I don't think I can do this. I almost..." He can't bear to think about what could of happened and clenches his eyes shut.

Jill moved next to him on the edge of the bed. “You almost what? It's okay, you can tell me.”


Chanyeol took a deep breath. .... I almost burned Gongchan.” His words were very stiff.


Jill took a deep breath with her eyes closed. “…but you didn't, right?”

Chanyeol turned to her with wide eyes. “Of course not! But I came so close! I swear I didn't mean to!”

Jill touched his shoulder. “Chanyeol, calm down. You didn't hurt him, that's what counts.”


His gaze turned back to the ground. “But I don't want anything like this to happen again! I don't want to hurt anyone.”


“I understand. And it's not gonna happen! You're learning how not to!”

Chanyeol shook his head. “It's too hard. I can't find any way how to control it. I wanna give up!”

Jill quickly put her hands on either side of his shoulder and kneeled in front of him. “Park Chanyeol, look at me.”


He met her eyes for a second and then looked down again. “You can't change my mind, I'm not going to take the chance.”


Jill bite her lip and pulled his gaze back up to hers. “You listen to me. You've been practicing for too long to give up now. What you have is a gift! You may not see it as one, but I do. You were given this gift for a reason, and it's not to never use it. You must keep trying!”


Chanyeol slowly met her eyes again. “…you really think that?”


Jill nodded sincerely and squeezed his shoulders. “Yes. I know you can control it.”


“Are you sure?”


“I couldn’t be more sure.”


Chanyeol’s gaze turned to Jill’s hands on his shoulder. Jill smiled and let go of them. He watched her hands rest in her lap and he looked at them disappointed.


“…Thank you for the support. I needed it.”


“That’s what I’m here for.” Jill smiled.


“Is there anything else?”


“Um…your hand…” Chanyeol’s gaze flickered to the side.


“Huh? What about it?”


“Can you...put it on my face? It makes me feel better.”


Jill blinked and flushed a little. “Ah…okay.”


Jill slowly placed her hand on the side of his face. His skin was very warm. It would have felt like a fever if he was a normal person, but to Jill, it felt very relaxing and warmed up her slightly cold hand fast.




“No problem.”


Chanyeol slowly met her eyes and leaned his head in a little. Jill watched him wordlessly. He blinked slowly and leaned in some more. Jill started to feel uncomfortable and knew she should have said something, but her voice remained frozen. She only managed to pull her hand away from the side of his face, but he continued to lean in very slowly, his gaze remained stuck to hers. The closer he got, the more Jill tried and failed to say words. Now he was dangerously close to her lips and he tilted his head slightly, his eyes lowering and a small sigh flowing out of his nose.


Finally Jill’s hand rose up and pushed against his upper chest.


“I’m married.” She whispered with a very red face.


“... s-sorry.” He leaned back, disappointed and embarrassed.


Jill slowly ran her fingers through her hair, trying to make her heart stop beating so fast. After a moment, she slowly placed her hand on his and patted it.


“You should get back to practicing using your powers. I'll make some lunch.” She stood up without making eye contact with him and left the room.


Chanyeol watched her go and continued to stare at the open door leading into the hallway.

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