Chapter 9

Unspoken Words.

Your POV

“I miss you.” Sneaking a peak at your phone during class, you beamed at the text Mark oppa sent you. You weren’t able to reply as you were afraid that you would get caught for using your phone. As soon as class ended, you packed your bag and left your seat. Standing at the door, you took a quick scan of the corridors. Coast is clear. Since the day Mark oppa helped you to chase the group of girls away, they have never come and bother you with the gifts again. At the thought of Mark oppa, you recalled that you have yet to reply his text. Walking, your eyes were fixated on your phone as you reply Mark oppa.


“Booo!!” You jumped and your heart skipped a beat. Luckily for your quick reflexes, you caught hold of your phone before it lands on the floor. “Yah! Park So Hee!!” You glared at the grinning face. “I almost dropped my phone do you know that. I’m going to ignore you from now.” Acting like you were angry, So Hee pouted and showed her puppy eyes. So Hee looks cute when she does that. Your best friend is really pretty and she has many suitors but none managed to get her heart. I would chase her too if I’m a guy.


Still pretending to be mad and ignoring her, she won’t stop with her aegyo and her pouts. Feeling a weight on your shoulder, she had hung her arms around you shoulder, “Aye~ Forgive me.” You turned your head away and crossed your arms. With that, it came an unexpected headlock. “Yah!! I’ll forgive you okay. Let go!!” You screamed as you hit her arm repeatedly. She let go and an innocent face was showing. “Don’t show such innocent face after being so violent to me.” You said as you feel for your neck. “Love you.” That was a reply you received that left you rolling your eyes. Being able to act weird and comfortable with each other proves how good your friendship is with So Hee.


The subway station was just a stone throw away from your school. Taking the subway, you two headed to Myeong-dong. During the traveling, So Hee couldn’t stop talking about the new 3 concept eyes lip products. “Oh my gosh Eun Jae, I can’t decide which to get. Both are so pretty!!” Scrolling through the images, So Hee wasn’t able to decide whether she should get the lip marker or lip crayon. Taking a look at the photos, you suggested her to get the lip crayon. “But..but.. the lip markers are pretty too.”


Even after explaining to her your choice, she was still indecisive. You sighed. “Alrights, then get the lip marker.”


“But..” Hearing this word, you knew that it was a never ending topic. It was not the first time this happened and you were pretty used to it. Knowing So Hee’s buying habits, you already knew which item she would get in the end, so this discussion was pretty useless.


After the meaningless debate, you two arrived at Myeong-dong. Pulling you towards the direction of Stylenanda, you couldn’t help but to whine. “I’m hungry babe, can we go grab a bite first?”


Just like you, So Hee was as stubborn. You had a clear understanding of ‘birds of a feather flock together’ since the day you realised the two of you were pretty similar. “I’ll be very fast okay! I’ve been waiting for days to get my hands on them and I can’t wait any longer.” The pull got stronger as she walked briskly and you were being dragged along.


Arriving at Stylenanda, So Hee was full of squeals. The loud volume made you two the centre of attraction. You hushed her and bowed to the staffs and other customers, and So Hee did the same. Looking at the beautiful shades of pink and red, you were tempted to get one of the lip product too, but you didn’t want to spend on impulse.


Testing all the shades on her hand, she couldn’t decide which she likes more, and your suggestions would be filtered away with the word ‘but’. After a good 40 minutes, she finally decided on an airy red lip marker and a pink leaves lip crayon. This was the conclusion you knew since the start – she would get both.


“That took you very fast.” So Hee sensed the sarcasm and she gave you a nudge. “Thanks so much babe, for accompanying me.”


“I was forced to, but you’re welcome.” You grinned, which So Hee returned the favour with a glare. “Yah!” Sensing that it’s time to escape, you ran for your life. You ran and So Hee was hot on her feet too. You turned to check if she was coming close and “Bam.”


You fell on your . The huge impact made your back felt numb. “Hey. Are you okay?” The voice sounded familiar. Looking up, a hand was reached out to help you. You tried to catch a glimpse of the person’s face but from your position, the glare of sunlight blocked it, making your eyes squint.


“Eun jae-ah, kwaen-cha-na?” Turning towards the voice and saw So Hee running to you. Your head went back to the hand and you took it. Standing on your feet and coming face to face with the person, you smiled embarrassingly.


“Hi Jackson oppa. So sorry to have bumped into you.” Pointing at So Hee, you continued. “Was fooling around with my friend and this happens.”


“Ohhh, I see. No worries Eun Jae, and hi Eun Jae’s friend.” Jackson oppa smiled and waved at So Hee. She gave a small wave shyly. “Anyways, what are you doing here oppa, Mark told me that you guys have dance practice today.”


Jackson rubbed the back of his neck. “JB and I are skipping today’s practice. Don’t tell Mark about this okay?”


“I promise I won’t tell Mark oppa that I saw you today. What’s the matter? Is JB okay? He seemed very not himself last night.” Words flow out of your mouth as you thought of how weird oppa acted.


“Promise.” He held out his slightly hooked pinky towards you and you took it. “I’m not sure too. He asked me out last night.” You got a little worried at Jackson’s words. “Oh..”


“I’ve got to go, if not I would be late. Bye Eun Jae and bye Eun Jae’s friend.” He waved and winked. Jackson, as usual. So Hee and you waved as Jackson faded off from sight.


“Is he JB oppa’s friend?” So Hee asked. Eyeing her, you smirked and questioned, “Why? Are you interested in him?”


She smiled shyly. “Ani. Just think he’s kind of cute.” She let off a soft giggle and hit you on your arm, “Yah. Aren’t you hungry? I want tteokbokki. Don’t forget it’s your treat!”


You linked So Hee’s arm and you two headed to a street food store. Arriving at the store, So Hee ordered her share of tteokbokki, and since you had it last night, you ordered sundae instead. The extreme hunger made you two girls gobbled down the food real quickly. With the extra room for desserts, the two of you headed to get some patbingsu and to have a heartfelt heart to heart talk.



So Hee squealed as you told her about your theme park date on Sunday. She would make little comments here and there on how sweet we were. “Aww, the two of you are so cute! I’m on the MarkJae ship already!”


“Mark oppa is really nice to me.” You said as you thought of the kiss. “But I feel bad for him.” So Hee froze as she was about to take another scope of bingsu.


Biting on your lips, you mumbled, “He kissed me.”


“Omo, omo. And??” So Hee was really shocked by what you said.


“I pulled away.” She gasped. “I thought of JB and I felt bad for him.” You tucked your hair behind your ear and took a mouthful of bingsu. “I felt bad for Mark oppa too. I couldn’t stop thinking of JB? Talking about oppa, you know, he was acting really weirdly last night. We had our usual movie night and I felt him staring at me? I don’t know if I was sensitive, but my senses told me he did.” You paused and pondered. “If nothing was going on, he would admit it right?”


So Hee nodded in agreement. “Was he like that in the past?” You shook your head. “Then what happened next?”


You went on telling what happened last night. “I went closer to him and tried to force an answer out. It works every single time in the past. Whenever he lies, he would avoid eye contact and spill out the truth eventually, but last night, he came up with an excuse to get out of the house.”


“I think..” So Hee stuttered and had an anxious look on her face. “I think JB likes you?” You jaw dropped open, making your mouth form a tiny o-shape. “I think he’s trying to hide his feelings from you? You’re in a relationship with Mark and they are best friends.” She took a deep breath. “If I were to be dating JB oppa, and you’re single, will you be able to tell him you like him?” You seemed to get the drift of what So Hee was saying.  


“I still don’t think he likes me. He never once say he likes me.” Neither did I. “Maybe he’s bothered by other things that’s why he acted weirdly yesterday. Maybe a girl rejected him. Maybe he scored badly for his test. There’s a lot of possibilities.”


“But Eun Jae-ah..” You interrupted So Hee’s talk. “Forget it. I’m not going to think about this any further. Besides, I’m starting to fall for Mark oppa. He should be my priority and not oppa.” Seeing So Hee’s sunken face, she believes that you’re in denial. You fed her a mouthful of bingsu. “Don’t worry about me alright, I’m fine.” You forced a smile and she nodded.



“So sorry hyung, I’m late.” Jackson arrived and sat on the bench opposite me. “I’ve just reached too.”


“What’s up hyung, you never skip dance practice. You even scolded Mark hyung and I the very first time we skipped practice for basketball.” I scoffed at the thought of how agitated I was back then. Thinking back on the reason why I called to meet up with him, I rubbed the back of my neck anxiously. “Jackson yah.”


Jackson froze. “Hyung, can you don’t be like this. It’s so scary.” It’s been so long since I showed my emotional side to any of the boys or to anyone. “I.. I just needed to talk to someone.” I sighed before continuing. “There’s this girl I really like.” Jackson’s eyes widen in astonishment. “Oh my god hyung, who is she?! Do I know her?!”


I calmed the excited Jackson down. “No hyung, we have never seen you around with any girls. Any girls except.. Eun Jae. Oh my god, is it her?!” Now I’m regretting if talking to Jackson was the right thing to do. I nodded hesitantly.


Screaming his usual hyena scream, I covered his mouth to mute him. “Shhhh. And promise me, this is just between the two of us.” He held his fingers up and zipped up his mouth. The zipped mouth lasted for a good three seconds and he ped it. “But hyung, isn’t she dating Mark hyung now?”


“That’s the reason why I’m so stressed up.” My fingers ran through my hair, making it a mess. “When did it happened?” A soft reply was heard. “Since years ago. I fell for her during one of our movie night at her house.” Reminiscing the past memories with Eun Jae, I miss them so much. As we grew older, we were both busy with our own stuff and rarely hangs out.  


Snapping back from reality, the silence made me continue with my story. “We were tucked under a blanket, watching a horror film and she being a scaredy-cat, she came hugging me. Being so close to her for the very first time, I felt the electrifying feeling that people always describe when they are in love.” I broke into a smile. “From then on, I would find myself smiling when she’s smiling, wanting to be there for her when she’s down. My emotions were tied to hers basically.”


“You really love her a lot don’t you?” I nodded. “But why didn’t you tell her?” Jackson questioned. “She wasn’t able to catch any hints I dropped for her and I’m afraid that she doesn’t have the same feelings for me like I do. If that happens, everything between us, will change..” My voice faded out.


Jackson patted my shoulder, helping to calm me down. It’s rare to see Jackson being so serious and quiet. He’s really someone nice to talk to and a really good brother. “It must have hurt you so badly huh.” Turning to look at him, he continued his sentence. “To see her with Mark hyung.” I let out a sigh and there was a moment of silence.


“Hyung, if there’s a chance, just tell her how you feel. She may be with Mark hyung now, but she’s still obliged to know. If things are meant to happen, no matter how you hide it, it wouldn’t be kept for long.” Jackson poked my chest where my heart is with his finger. “Don’t you feel better after letting those unspoken words out?” He winked.


I snouted. “Yah. Stop acting chic and admit it, Jae bum-ssi.” Jackson’s words received a hit on the head in return. “I’m your hyung.”


“Is this how you’re going to thank me? I’m going.” Jackson stood up on his feet and started walking off. Seeing how hilarious Jackson was acting mad, it did cheer me up.


Running up to catch up with him, I draped my arm around his shoulder. “Go-ma-weo, Jackson-ah.”



Finally back with an update. Stubborn characters, HAHAH. Pardon if the story is getting boring. T.T

Anws, school's starting next week, so sorry if the update would be slow! ><

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Chapter 14: ;-; i think i was expecting a plot twist ;-; which eunjae'd be with mark at the end - how can a human being be so adorable (besides too cheesy merh) or eunjae would die lol ;-; but I'm okay ;-; and loved it. bye
Gwennie26 #2
Chapter 11: Omggg ure frm singapore too...
I cried cuz i coulnt go had to study ..... stupid.....
monapo #3
Sweet Jaebum, I love this :)
I enjoyed reading! Wish there was more Jaebum than Mark, but overall i loved it!
MrsChopsticks101 #5
Chapter 14: its over....NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for ur epic work author-nim! I may re-read...*not obsessed* xD
MrsChopsticks101 #6
ProudToBeBana0423 #7
cheer up author-nim 'u' give them a "merong" instead of
how should i name the ship? JaeJae?
Looking foward for the next chapp
syera93 #8
Chapter 12: I really hope Jae end up with Jaebum
MrsChopsticks101 #9
Chapter 12: OMG WAIT WHAT?!?!??!! JAE!!! TT _ TT this is NOT how i expected their confession to go :O hope u have a better day tomorrow! :) Don't forget to smile! :D
XinYing #10
Chapter 11: can she just fall in love with mark and forget about jb? they're too cute togetherrr T-T

+ i understand how you feel, author-nim. sighs...i was literally looking through the photos and crying cause my mum didn't allow me to go...