Chapter 7

Unspoken Words.

Your POV

You hailed a taxi after leaving Lotte World. Requesting Mark to stand aside first, you told the driver the location over the winded down window. Once you’re done, you called for him and the both of you boarded it. “Someone’s learning fast huh.” You giggled and replied “That’s because I have a good teacher.”, giving him a quick nudge.


After a couple of talks and conversations, Mark oppa fell asleep on your shoulder and you didn’t dare to move an inch, afraid that you would wake him up. You were tired too, but you needed to be awake to make sure that nothing would happen. It took quite some time to reach the destination. When it seemed like you would be reaching soon, you asked the driver to go to a nearby store first. Being extra careful, you shifted Mark’s head a little so that you could get down the taxi. He’s such heavy sleeper. Quickly, you went to buy what you wanted and headed back. You apologized to the driver as you sat into it. Feeling that it would be more comfortable sleeping on your shoulders, you shifted Mark oppa’s head back onto it.


“Wakey wakey. We’ve reached.” Mark oppa’s eyes opened themselves slowly and he rubbed them, making him looked like a baby. So cute. Alighted, you hid the bag behind you and Mark was probably too tired to have noticed it too.


“Park?” Mark oppa eyed you with curiosity. “Neh. Park. I’ve bought fried chicken and cola for dinner!” You said as you lifted up the bag from behind you. Mark’s eyes could be seen to have widen, pointing at the bag and stuttering, you could tell he was really surprised. “Well, I wanted to call for delivery when we reach, but I thought that waking up to seeing food would be better for you.” It felt weird and odd for you to be sweet but everything has a first time. Seeing that Mark oppa smiled, it brought a smile to your face too.


Sitting on a bench under a tree, together with the blowing of the cooling wind, it was comfortable. You like it this way than to be in a restaurant whereby you have to careful with the way you eat, act unnatural with the posture and be wary of people’s looks.


“Ahhh~ Yummy!” You heard Mark said as he bit furiously on the chicken drumstick. The two of you were really hungry after all the rides and laughter. “Oppa, you know how to skateboard right?” Biting onto the piece of chicken, Mark wasn’t able to reply you but he nodded in respond. “Teach me next time okay! JB oppa has never wanted to teach me.” You said as you pouted and recalled on how he would always reject you when you ask him about it. “Sure! Then we can skate together!! But why won’t he?” Mark’s question broke your chain of thought. “He said I am too clumsy to skateboard and I would injured myself.”


Mark oppa became quiet for a moment and his brows could be seen furrowed together. Placing your finger on the furrowed brows, you drew circles to loosen the frown. “You’ll have wrinkles if you frown too often.” Giving a soft chuckle, you could see that Mark was still bothered by something. You knew it was a wrong timing to be joking and wondered, “What’s wrong oppa?” He sighed. “I guess I wasn’t as thoughtful as JB. Why didn’t I thought that you would hurt yourself when skateboarding?” He took a deep breath and continued. “I have injured myself quite often from it. But all I thought of was to teach you, so that we could skateboard together in the futurearrow-10x10.png.”


You stood up and went over to Mark’s side. “Oppa.” You called out and Mark looked at you. “I have always wanted to learn how to skateboard. I may injured myself, but I would definitely enjoy it. JB oppa was thoughtful to think on my behalf, but you thought of skateboarding with me. In the futurearrow-10x10.png!! That’s really sweet and thoughtful too okay.” Your words seemed to make him feel better. “My oppa is such an emotional boy huh.” You teased to lighten up the mood. He pinched your nose, making you screamed. “Your fingers are oily!!” Mark oppa gave you the ‘opps, I forgot’ look and laughed. How can I even be pissed with this cutie? You thought to yourself and laughed along.


After the scrumptious feast, Mark oppa went to lie down on the grass field. You sat down next to him, and the next thing you knew, you were lying on his chest. Hearing the beat of his heart pumping, it makes yours pumped along to the beat of his. Your eyelids felt heavier and they were about to close. Looking at the silent you, Mark played some music to help keep you awake. Listening to music, staring at the sky full of stars, enjoying the breeze and having Mark’s company, everything was great. If only time could stop at this moment.


“Ah choo.” You sneezed. It has gotten really cold and chilly, and the coldness made you tired as well. With the occasional yawns and sneezes, Mark oppa felt that it was time to head home. He would hug you and rubbed you by your shoulders and neck to help keep you warm, be it on the taxi or on the road. This guy could never stop worrying about me.


Since the traffic was lighter at night, it took you pretty fast to reach your house. Since it was late and oppa was tired too, you didn’t want him to walk you to your doorsteps. You hurried him to go home to rest soon, and with that, the taxi drove out of your sight. The cold made you walked really quickly so you could reach home faster.



“Ahhh~” Coming out from the warm shower, it was definitely goodness. You checked your phone to seeing a text message from Mark oppa.


Text message by Mark Oppa:

I’ve reached home safely. Take a hot bath and sleep early okay. Goodnights baby and I’ve really enjoyed myself today thanks to you. <3


Text message to Mark Oppa:

Neh oppa. You too okay! Goodnights and sweet dreams. I had lots of fun today because of oppa too. Hehe. <3 ^^


You pushed the send button and next thing you knew, “Ah Chooo. Ahhhh Chooo” you sneezed consecutively. I hope I didn’t catch a flu.



Hearing the sound of door being unlocked, I knew that Eun Jae was home. I turned to see the time and it was ten-forty pm. This morning when I woke up, Eun Jae was not sleeping in her bed like any other Saturdays. Mum told me that she went out early in the morning and I thought to myself that she must be out on a date; with Mark.


Feeling my heart, it was thumping with jealousy. Taking in a really deep breath, I sighed. What can I do, she was out on a date. With her boyfriend. The word, boyfriend, couldn’t stop ringing in my head. The image of Mark confessing, her voice saying ‘Yes, I will’, couldn’t stop replaying in my mind for the past few days. It was as if there was a broken camcorder stuck in my head and it so happened to be stuck at that very videotape. I groaned as I ran my fingers through my hair. Frustration was the only emotions within me right now. After calming my emotions, I’ve decided to ask her how her date was, as a big brother. As much as I didn’t like hearing it, I should still show my concerns to her. After all, it was just an unrequited love from the start and I shouldn’t stop caring for her, in fact, I couldn’t stop caring for her.


Only as a brother. Standing outside of her door, I took a deep breath before knocking. “Come in.” Her voice sounded. I popped my head into the room before walking in. She’s beautiful. Eun Jae was sitting on the floor with the fan facing her and she was drying her hair. “Neh oppa?” She questioned as her faces me, still drying her hair. “Ani, just wanted to talk.” Giving an awkward smile and walking into her room looking awkward, she must have wondered why I was behaving so weirdly.


I went over to sit on her bed and my hands went to ruffle her hair unknowingly. Stupid hand. “Wae oppa? Is something bothering you?” She turned and looked up to face me. “Ah Chooo. Ahhh Choooo.” She sniffed and rubbed her nose. Even though this image in front of me was cute, I quickly snapped out of it and got worried. Is she sick? “Kwaen-cha-na?” I asked in a worried tone. “Neh. Just a couple of sneeze. It’s nothing.” Soon after she replied, she started sneezing again. Placing one of my hand on her forehead, and the other on mine, her temperature was definitely higher. “Yah! You’re having a fever. Where did you go to make you like this?” I sounded rather harsh. The thought of Mark not taking care of her well made me pissed.


“I was out at the park just now with Mark oppa. The weather was pretty cold and I guess that’s how I caught a cold?” Eun Jae replied as she fiddled with her nose. I snorted and thought of how ridiculous it was. “How could Mark bring you to the park?” She defended him almost immediately. “Ani!! I was the one who brought Mark oppa there! It has nothing to do with him.”


How bad could this night get? “Okay.” I said as I heaved a loud breath out. The fan caught your attention. “And now you couldn’t even take care of yourself.” Walking towards it, I switched off the monster that made her fall sick. “I’ve got to dry my hair oppa.” She pouted.


Pulling her up by her arm and making her take a seat on her bed, I took the towel away from her. Sitting behind her, I helped her to dry her long black hair. It was beautiful. “So how was your day with Mark?” She turned and looked at me, shocked.


“What? Can’t I know? Don’t we always share secrets?” Almost all secrets. My reply got her to turn back and she went on to blabber her day with Mark as I helped her with her hair. Despite her nose bringing trouble to her, causing her to sneeze pretty often, every single word of hers were still filled with excitement. My heart aches as she speaks. I regretted asking her about it. She sounded so happy, and sadly, I wasn’t the reason behind that beautiful smile. It was someone else. My best friend. But seeing her all smiles like this, I guess my heartache was worth it.


“Done.” Running my fingers through her hair, it was dry already. I checked her temperature once more and this time round, it felt hotter. “Yah. Is there anywhere you feel uncomfortable?” Worrisome hit me hard. “Ani oppa, I just feel very cold and I’m very tired” Making her lie down in bed, I tucked her in her blanket. “Still cold?” She gave a small nod, which made me went over to my room to grab my blanket. After tucking her with a second layer of blanket, I went to get a basin of warm water and a towel.


Gently, I dapped the wringed warm towel on her forehead a couple of times and left it there, hoping it would help her temperature to drop. “Oppa..” Her soft voice caught my attention and I looked at her with a concerned look. “I’m tired. But I’m too cold to sleep..” I went looking around the house for another blanket, but there wasn’t any.


Slipping myself in between the bed and the blankets, I hugged her. Her body felt cold and there wasn’t any single sweat to be found on her. Hugging her closer to my body, my body felt hot. I wasn’t sure if it was because of the two layers of blanket or the lack of fan blowing, or because, she was in my arms. Maybe it was all of the above, but certainly, it was more of her. I caught a whiff of her shampoo and they smelled really good. It felt good to have her in my arms, sharing the warmth of each other and even hearing her soft breathing sound. “I really love you, do you know that?” I accidentally thought aloud. Thank goodness she was asleep and couldn’t hear my confession. I planted a soft peck on her hair and went off to sleep as well.


After sleeping for a couple of hours, I woke up to check her temperature once again. It has dropped but her fever wasn’t completely gone. Changing the basin of water that has turned cold, I placed the warm towel on her forehead once again. Being extra careful, I went back to sleep next to her, hugging and keeping her warm. That became my routine for the night. 

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Chapter 14: ;-; i think i was expecting a plot twist ;-; which eunjae'd be with mark at the end - how can a human being be so adorable (besides too cheesy merh) or eunjae would die lol ;-; but I'm okay ;-; and loved it. bye
Gwennie26 #2
Chapter 11: Omggg ure frm singapore too...
I cried cuz i coulnt go had to study ..... stupid.....
monapo #3
Sweet Jaebum, I love this :)
I enjoyed reading! Wish there was more Jaebum than Mark, but overall i loved it!
MrsChopsticks101 #5
Chapter 14: its over....NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for ur epic work author-nim! I may re-read...*not obsessed* xD
MrsChopsticks101 #6
ProudToBeBana0423 #7
cheer up author-nim 'u' give them a "merong" instead of
how should i name the ship? JaeJae?
Looking foward for the next chapp
syera93 #8
Chapter 12: I really hope Jae end up with Jaebum
MrsChopsticks101 #9
Chapter 12: OMG WAIT WHAT?!?!??!! JAE!!! TT _ TT this is NOT how i expected their confession to go :O hope u have a better day tomorrow! :) Don't forget to smile! :D
XinYing #10
Chapter 11: can she just fall in love with mark and forget about jb? they're too cute togetherrr T-T

+ i understand how you feel, author-nim. sighs...i was literally looking through the photos and crying cause my mum didn't allow me to go...