Chapter 8

Unspoken Words.

Your POV

Sunlight was piercing through your curtain and shining on half of your face. Feeling hot and sweaty, you woke up from your sleep. Oppa’s face was right in front of your face. There was probably only seven centimetres between yours and oppa’s face. Blinking a few times and absorbing the fact that oppa was sleeping next to you, you were pretty lost and couldn’t remember what happened last night. You didn’t know what to do. Wake him up? Get out of bed? You thought of waking him up but the sleeping face in front of your face was pretty charming to not look at it.


You stared, capturing every details of his face with your eyes. His eyelashes were long enough to make any girl jealous, his nose bridge was pretty high, and his lips look soft and delicious. This was the face that you loved, this was the guy who took your heart and breaths away.


“What are you looking at?” The deep husky voice startled you. Your eyes grew wider and you began stuttering. “A..a.ani.” Not knowing what to say, you sat up as you tucked your hair behind your ear. The towel that was on your forehead initially, dropped onto your hands, making you curious. “What.. what happened last night?” You asked oppa, pointing to the two layers of blankets, then to him.


Oppa sat up too and was covered in sweat. His white tank top was soaked wet and you could see visible abs mark. “You were running a fever last night and I helped you change your towel.” He said pointing to the towel your left hand was holding. You had a look on your face that looked like you weren’t convinced. There was silence between you two until oppa spoke up again. “What. You don’t expect me to be sleeping on the chair again right? My back ached so badly after that one night okay.” You recalled the night that oppa was talking about. It was the night you fell asleep while he was teaching you mathematics. You chuckled at how cute he was whining.


“Go bathe oppa, you stink.” Pinching your nose and furrowing your brows, you chased oppa off your bed. “Yah. Don’t act like you don’t.” Oppa mimicked your actions as he walked out of your room. Turning back and looking at you, he mouthed, “You snoredarrow-10x10.png really loudly last night.” With that statement made, he quickly close the room door as you tossed your pillow towards his direction.

“Annoying.” You mumbled with a smile.


After the morning battle with oppa, you went to wash up and took a quick shower. You left your room to seeing aunty and uncle leaving the house and oppa was standing by the door. “Bye aunty and uncle!” You shouted loud enough for them to hear and they waved you goodbye.


“Jae-ah, mum and dad are heading to the hospital to pay a friend a visit. Mum cooked lunch for us already but she wasn’t sure what time they would be back, so they told us to settle our own dinner.” You nodded.

“Ah~ Bae-go-pa-yo.” Walking into the kitchen, aunty made kimchi fried rice for you and oppa. You scooped two bowls of rice, one for you and the other for him. Taking a whiff of the aroma, your eyes closed themselves and you smiled. “Mmm~ Jal mo-ke sum-ni-da.” Your hands seemed to have some engine in it that made you eat really quickly. “Eat slowly will you?” Oppa eyed you as he puts a huge spoonful of rice into his mouth.


“I’m hungry.” You whined and ate a few mouth more of rice. “Ack Ack.” Choking on the rice, the spiciness of the kimchi went up your nostrils. You couldn’t stop coughing. Oppa saw that something wasn’t right. Calmly yet quickly, he grabbed a random cup and poured some water for you. You took the cup and gushed it down your throat immediately, as you felt oppa’s hand rubbing circles behind your back to help you feel better. “Pabo-yah.”


After the chaotic lunch, you helped out with the dishes. “Jae-ah, I’m heading out. Jackson asked me out for basketball.” Oppa exclaimed as he walked out of his room. Looking at oppa’s direction, he was dressed in a black tee shirt and black Bermuda shorts. You ran up to catch him before he leaves the house as you wiped your wet hands on the apron you were wearing.


“I want to go too. I’ll be bored at home alone.” Oppa stood up from tying his shoelaces. “No.” He replied as his finger poked your forehead. “Waeeee!!” You pouted, rubbing onto your forehead which was wounded by oppa’s finger. “Yah. You were sick last night so stay at home. Don’t you have a test next week? Go study.” The commanding tone of oppa’s voice stopped you from pleading. Seeing the sadness etched on your face, he swung his arm around your sagging shoulders. “We will have movie tonight with take outs okay? I’ll let you pick the movie you want to watch.” A smile broke out on your previously sunken face. You love movie night with oppa. Seeming more relieved, his face brighten up and his tiny eyes went crescent.


With that, oppa left the house, leaving you all alone. Heading back into your room, you sat in front of your study table. Sitting on your swivel chair, you spun one round. Facing the four walls, it felt pretty empty and lonely. Sighing, you gave in to procrastination and took out your study materials.



“I’m home.” The bright voice interrupted the music you were blasting in your room. Stopping the music, you dashed out of your room and saw the owner of the voice. His body was bent over, removing his shoes. His bangs were clinging onto his sweaty forehead and he had his sleeves rolled up.


“Did you study well?” You nodded your head hesitantly as you flashbacked to a few hours ago. Your memory was filled with you singing along and bobbing your head to the songs you were listening to, the one or two occasional random dancing to your favourite songs, scrolling the SNS and spamming selfies on your phone. Your half-hearted studying got you nowhere for today’s studying session. If you were to be asked anything about science, you would be speechless. Having the man in front eyeing you suspiciously, you gave a wide smile and went behind him. Giving him a push into his room, you rushed him to get a bath. “Go pick a movie you want to watch okay.” Oppa turned to face you before he enters the bathroom. “Neh oppa.” You saluted as if he was a sergeant commanding his officer. He rustled your hair as he flashed his usual eye smile. His eye smile was as dazzling as ever.


You went back to your room and took out your laptop from your bag. Sitting cross-legged on your bed, you started looking for a movie. Scrolling through the movie web, none of the movie caught your interest until you chanced upon ‘maze runner’. You remembered watching the trailer in cinema and the ratings were pretty good. With that, you downloadedarrow-10x10.png it.


Once oppa was done bathing, the two of you discussed what to have for dinner. “I want jajangmyeon!” You ordered as oppa took down the orders. “One jajangmyeon, one galbitang, one sweet and sour pork, and one tteokbokki.” Oppa repeated the orders before calling. “Yah. Isn’t that a lot?!” You gasped at the amount of food he’s about to order. “I’m famished from the basketball game.” Pushing the buttons on his phone, he made our orders.


With the short distance between the restaurant and your house, the take outs arrived pretty quickly. Oppa paid for the food as you played the movie on your television screen. During dinner, you were pretty engrossed into the movie that you would occasionally froze as if you were into the show.


“Yah. Yah yah yah!!” Your brows furrowed together as you saw Dylan O’Brien running into the maze. The closing doors brought about great anxiety and you were feeling as panicky as those characters in the movie. When Dylan made it safely into the maze, you felt more relieved and soon after, another astonished scene was screened, making you gasped.


Your chopsticks brought a few strands of jajangmyeon into your mouth with your eyes still glued to the screen. Reaching out to get some sweet and sour pork, your chopsticks couldn’t find its way to it and you had to look away from the screen. Grabbing a piece of sweet and sour pork and sending it into your mouth, you felt a pair of eyes staring at you.


“Wae oppa?” Oppa broke the eye contact and shifted his glance to the screen. As if he wasn’t caught glimpsing at you, he faced you. “What. I was watching the movie the whole time. Wae?” Giving a look of suspicion at oppa, you had your elbow on the table with you head resting on your hand. You knew he was pretending and you were determined to prove yourself right.


During the rest of the movie and dinner, you would randomly turned to check if oppa was looking at you. He would either be eating or staring at the screen. However, the grin on his face couldn’t be wiped off. It was as if a sign telling you that ‘you would never catch me’.



She looks so adorable enjoying herself and making small little comments as she watches the movie. I couldn’t help but to stare at her, letting my eyes take in every little details of her. My eyes were simply fixated on her.


“Wae oppa?” Her voice snapped me out of my thoughts. She must have caught it. Breaking the eye contact immediately, I pretended that I was watching the movie all along. Turning to her, I questioned her back. “What. I was watching the movie the whole time. Wae?" Looking back at the screen, I acted as if nothing happened. Phew.


Her occasional looks burnt me on the inside. I was suppressing my laughter, but my smile just couldn’t hide themselves, flashing my white set of teeth. I bet I looked like an idiot. At least, a happy idiot at that moment.


After a good two hours, the movie ended and the plates were polished. Today’s movie night turned out rather to be a mind game of ‘hide-and-seek’ with Eun Jae. “Why did you stare at me?” I froze at her question. She’s stubborn. When she has a question, she won’t let you off until she has the answer. “Ani.” Turning away to avoid eye contact with her. I didn’t lie to her entirely. I wasn’t staring at her. I was admiring her. Her question got me to realise that I was actually losing myself slowly. I’ve got to supress my feelings towards her. Be cool.


She came close to me. From the frowning face and her direct eye contact, I could tell she was determined to get her answer. Her face was right in front of my face and I couldn’t stop blinking and looking away. The direct eye contact felt as if she was able to read my soul and mind. My heart fluttered in an irregular manner; so fast that it felt like it was about to jump out of my mouth. My mind went blank.


“I.. I’ll clear the trash.” Coming up with an excuse to escape, I quickly got on my feet and left the house immediately with the trash in my hands. After throwing them, I reached into my pocket in search for my phone. “Free tomorrow after school?” I sent the text out as I prayed to receive a ‘yes’. My phone buzzed in no time. “Yeah, what’s up?” Heaving a sigh of relief from the reply, I punched the keys. “I need a talk. Meet you at the usual after school.” 

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Chapter 14: ;-; i think i was expecting a plot twist ;-; which eunjae'd be with mark at the end - how can a human being be so adorable (besides too cheesy merh) or eunjae would die lol ;-; but I'm okay ;-; and loved it. bye
Gwennie26 #2
Chapter 11: Omggg ure frm singapore too...
I cried cuz i coulnt go had to study ..... stupid.....
monapo #3
Sweet Jaebum, I love this :)
I enjoyed reading! Wish there was more Jaebum than Mark, but overall i loved it!
MrsChopsticks101 #5
Chapter 14: its over....NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for ur epic work author-nim! I may re-read...*not obsessed* xD
MrsChopsticks101 #6
ProudToBeBana0423 #7
cheer up author-nim 'u' give them a "merong" instead of
how should i name the ship? JaeJae?
Looking foward for the next chapp
syera93 #8
Chapter 12: I really hope Jae end up with Jaebum
MrsChopsticks101 #9
Chapter 12: OMG WAIT WHAT?!?!??!! JAE!!! TT _ TT this is NOT how i expected their confession to go :O hope u have a better day tomorrow! :) Don't forget to smile! :D
XinYing #10
Chapter 11: can she just fall in love with mark and forget about jb? they're too cute togetherrr T-T

+ i understand how you feel, author-nim. sighs...i was literally looking through the photos and crying cause my mum didn't allow me to go...