Chapter 5

Unspoken Words.

Your POV

“Just a reminder class, there will be a test next Friday. Do study and be prepared as it will accountarrow-10x10.png for 15% of your coursework. With that, today’s class will end and go enjoy your Friday.” “Rrriinnggg!!” With the school bell being rang, the class stood up to thank the teacher.


You randomly shoved your stuff into your bag and walked out of class. The same group of girls came surrounding you once you stepped out of the classroom. Didn’t oppa tell them? All the words they said wasn’t heard and you were just forcing a smile and nodding your head, just to keep them entertained.


Mark was seen pushing through the crowd of girls. He hurled his pair of arms out to cover you. Being shorter than Mark oppa, your head laid comfortably on his chest. The thumping and beating of his heart could be heard from the closeness. The cologne he used wasn’t too strong and you seemed to be liking the smell of it.


“Stop harassing her and leave her alone.” You couldn’t see the girls’ expressions and all you heard were complete silence. Soon after, sound of footsteps could be heard. They must be gone. “They’re gone.” Mark said and released you from his hug. Looking at your shoes, you nodded in response to his reply. You felt your cheeks were hot. I hope I’m not blushing. A warm pair of hands cupped your face. The gentle touch from his fingers made your cheeks burned from embarrassment. He angled your head so that your eyes were in contact with his. “Why do you have to be so cute?” Not knowing how to respond, you blinked a few times as you bit onto your lower lip. Mark oppa gave you a small peck on your forehead and let go of your face. You didn’t hate it actually and instead, you smiled a shy grin.


“What.. what were you doing here?” You questioned out of curiosity. “I stalked you.” Mark could see that you’re taken aback and he cracked into a small laughter. “I wanted to see my baby and so, here I am.” Seeing that you were just staring blankly at him, he continued. “I asked JB where your class was and when I came, I saw a group of girls towering over you. Being a worrisome boyfriend, I must protect you.” He completed his sentence with a wide grin and you gave him a light punch on his arm. “Go-ma-weo.”


You let Mark oppa sent you home from school. The bus journey from school to home felt shorter than usual. The two of you were sitting at the second last row of the bus and you were sitting in the window seat. The two of you talked about anything and everything. You came to find out that you and Mark have similar taste and interest in quite a number of things. "Seasoned or fried chicken?" You questioned and both of you asnwered "Fried.", "Movie?" Mark's turn to ask and this time round, it was the same answer again "Comedy.", you pondered a while and thought of what you want to ask. "Black or white?" This time round, it was different. Mark chose black while you chose white. "Oppa can be the devil and I'll be the angel then." Your reply made the both of you break into laughter, gainingarrow-10x10.png attention from the people on the bus. Despite the occasional silence, it was the comfortable kind of silence. Without you knowing, you’ve reached your stop and the two of you alighted. The two of you walked along the pathway towards your house and soon enough, you’ve reached your doorstep. Honestly, you were reluctant to enter your house. You enjoyed Mark’s company and you’re yearning for more already even though he was still right next to you.


Unlocking your house door, you heard Mark calling for you. You turned your head and thanks to the steps, you were at eye level with Mark. “Neh oppa?” Your head titled to one side with curiosity. “Will you be free tomorrow?” Your nod gave Mark a sign to continue. “How about a date?” His eyes were filled with expectations and you had no reason to reject him. “Why not?” Your answer brought a huge smile to Mark oppa’s handsome face. “I’ll call you soon.” He said as he had his hand up in an ‘I’ll call you’ sign. You nodded and waved at him to go. Mark was walking away, but would occasionally turned back to check on you.


You opened your door and paused. You turned and ran towards Mark oppa’s direction, and tapped him on his shoulder. Giving him a quick soft peck on his cheek, you were too shy to check for his reaction, which left you fleeing into your house without turning back. Sitting on the floor with your back leaning onto the door, you brought your knees to your chest. Touching your cheeks, they were burning. You started fanning yourself and thought back about how you had the courage to do that. Nonetheless, it was a big step taken by you. Being in a relationship with Mark oppa, it was your first relationship. Being able to accept Mark, it meant a step closer to growing up, but most importantly, it meant a step closer to giving JB up.


“Mo ha-nya?” You jumped up onto your feet at the voice you heard. Oppa walked out of his room and has been staring at you while you were deep in thought. “Ani.” You gave a quick reply and scurried into your room.



The biology textbook was opened and lying on your study table. Since you would be heading out tomorrow, you couldn’t help but to feel guilty for not being able to study for your upcoming test. You felt both the guilt and excitement, but there was more of the excitement. You were studying, but not exactly. Worrying that you would miss hearing the buzz of your phone, you would check your phone once in a while for text messages.


“Beep beep.” Your quick reflexes reached out for your phone. However, the name of the sender brought a small disappointment to you.


Text message by So Hee:

Wanna hang out tomorow? I need to shoparrow-10x10.png so badly. ):


Text message to So Hee:

I would love to babe, but I have a date with Mark oppa. TT How about lunch on Monday after school? ^^


Text message by So Hee:

Omo!! Enjoy yourself with Mark ;) Neh! Treat’s on you and better fill me in the details then. ;)


Text message to So Hee:

Arraso. (:


You headed back to study after replying So Hee. After studying and being able to focus for a short while, your eyelids felt droopy and you yawned more often. Has he forgotten? Honestly, you were disappointed. But then again, you have never dated, so you thought maybe it was only normal that he needed space. You tucked yourself in bed and scrolled through the SNS before sleeping. The vibration on your fingertips had never felt so good. Seeing his name appeared on your screen, you let it ring for three times before answering.


“Baby? Are you still up?” The voice you wanted to hear were finally ringing in your ears. “Neh oppa.” You replied. “I’ve planned the date for tomorrow already, so just follow me okay? I’ll fetch you at 11am alright?” He was planning for our date. No wonder it took him so long. ”Neh oppa.” You couldn’t stop yourself but yawned. You pulled your phone away, hoping it wouldn’t be caught by the phone. “Seems like you’re tired. Go sleep okay? Goodnights and sweet dreams my princess.” So this is what it feels like to be dating. You smiled at Mark oppa’s sweet words. “Arraso oppa. You too okay? Goodnights and sweet dreams too. See you tomorrow oppa.” Mark replied you with a ‘see you too’ and the line ended. Snuggling in the warm blanket, you fell asleep with a smile drawn across your face. 



Sorry that this chapter is short. Was kinda having a writer's block these few days. So I'm really sorry if the updating gets slower T.T

Also, really thankful to those who subscribed/read/upvoted/commented 'Unspoken Words'.

Did felt like giving up at first but you guys gave me the strength to continue. Go-ma-weo. <3

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Chapter 14: ;-; i think i was expecting a plot twist ;-; which eunjae'd be with mark at the end - how can a human being be so adorable (besides too cheesy merh) or eunjae would die lol ;-; but I'm okay ;-; and loved it. bye
Gwennie26 #2
Chapter 11: Omggg ure frm singapore too...
I cried cuz i coulnt go had to study ..... stupid.....
monapo #3
Sweet Jaebum, I love this :)
I enjoyed reading! Wish there was more Jaebum than Mark, but overall i loved it!
MrsChopsticks101 #5
Chapter 14: its over....NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for ur epic work author-nim! I may re-read...*not obsessed* xD
MrsChopsticks101 #6
ProudToBeBana0423 #7
cheer up author-nim 'u' give them a "merong" instead of
how should i name the ship? JaeJae?
Looking foward for the next chapp
syera93 #8
Chapter 12: I really hope Jae end up with Jaebum
MrsChopsticks101 #9
Chapter 12: OMG WAIT WHAT?!?!??!! JAE!!! TT _ TT this is NOT how i expected their confession to go :O hope u have a better day tomorrow! :) Don't forget to smile! :D
XinYing #10
Chapter 11: can she just fall in love with mark and forget about jb? they're too cute togetherrr T-T

+ i understand how you feel, author-nim. sighs...i was literally looking through the photos and crying cause my mum didn't allow me to go...