Don't touch him

Love Triangle

Rachel P.O.V

The girls stood infront of my desk and kicked it. I was scared so I got up. I stood up and backed away. One girl came to me and grabbed my colar. I couldn't fight so I just went with it. She smirked at me and I gulped. 

Sa Ra: Girls, bring her out, I wanna have a talk with her *smirk*

Girls: Sure~

Me: Um... Where are you taking me? Who are you anyway?

Sa Ra: Just follow us if you don't want to get into any trouble...

Me: But I don't know you, why should I?

Sa Ra: This is getting annoying, girls, drag her out...

Girl: Neh!

The next minute, I was pulled by my hair and went out of class. No one was outside and I could only hope that she doesn't do anything to me. I didn't wanna scream because I didn't want anyone to see but the girl's grip on my hair was so tight. I hit her hand but she just didn't care. We went pass the senior's classroom and finally we went into a room. The girls threw me inside and came in. They locked the door and I looked up at them. Next thing I knew, I felt a sting on my right cheek. I looked up and tears were urging to come out. It was my first day and I was being slapped. The girl then pulled my colar again and smirked at me.

Sa Ra: I guess I didn't introduce myself yet. My name is Kim Sa Ra and I'm the most popular in this school. Anyone who dares to disobey will face consequences. Including you. *glare*

Me: *gulps* What did I do? I just came in today...

Sa Ra: I dragged you here to tell you to stay away from ByungHun. He's mine.! *slap*

Me: Aah! Hey, I have no intention to go near or even talk to him!!

Sa Ra: Are you shouting at me now? Do you know what you put yourself in?! Girls, make sure she doesn't walk out of this room!! *smirks*

Girls: neh~

Soon they came near me and one kicked my stomach. I groaned and then they hit my back. I screamed and they just kept on kicking me. I was lifeless until someone broke into the room. The girls gulped and stopped. I had no idea who it was and I didn't bother. I was too hurt to even care but I will have to thank who ever it was that saved me from the beating.

End of Rachel P.O.V

Leo P.O.V

I was concentrating on Math's class but it was too boring. I wanted to go out and play football but my PE was tomorrow. I sighed and just started day dreaming. The girl from this morning popped up in my mind and I just chukkled. I looked outside the window and saw someone being pulled by Sa Ra and her friends. I didn't want to care, but after I saw the poor girl's face, I knew it was the new student. My eyes opened wide and I had the urge to help her. When she was dragged away, I excused myself to the toilet. I left the classroom and followed them from behind. They then threw her into the old assembly hall and locked the door. I went to eavesdrop on what was going on until I heard a smack. I knew something bad was gonna happen but I just stood there trying to know what is happening. Then, I heard talking inside the room. I could differenciate their voices but I couldn't really hear what they were saying.

Seconds after the mumbling I heard, I could hear someone screaming. I had enough and broke into the room. Sa Ra and her friends stopped beating the girl on the floor and looked up. I stood there and my blood was boiling. I hated seeing someone being bullied. I walked in and Sa Ra only stared at me. She use to like me but now anymore when I rejected her badly. I walked up to Sa Ra and wanted to slap her but I stopped myself. I walk to the girl on the floor and carried her up. I gave a glare at Sa Ra and walked out. I tried to called out to the girl but she was badly hurt.

Me: Yah, Are you ok?

Rachel: Yea... *cough* I'm *cough* f.. *cough* fine... *groans*

Me: You don't sound fine... I'll carry you to the nurse. 

Rachel: *cough* thank you *smiles*

I smiled at her and brought her downstairs to the nurse office. I knocked on the door and saw the nurse inside doing some reports. While going downstairs, I could hear whispering but I just shrugged it off. I saw L.Joe's class in PE class but they didn't seem to care much. L.Joe saw me and cocked his head but I just ignored it. The nurse came and I helped the girl onto the bed and she groaned. The nurse, Mr. Choi checked up on her and she flinched when he touched her back. 

Mr. Choi: What's your name? I haven't seen you here before? Are you new?

Rachel: Yes.. I am n... *cough* new... My name is Lee Han... HanBin.. But you can call me Rachel *cough cough*

Mr. Choi: Alright, thats enought talking for you HanBin, I'll just put some medicine for your back and then I'll give some more to take home in case it hurts more. 

Rachel: *nods*

So her name is HanBin. The nurse was done with his job and I just bowed at him. I saw HanBin trying to get up so I helped her. She smiled at me and my heart start to thump. I smiled back and she successfully she sat up. 

Rachel: So, what is your name? I saw you this morning and seem like a senior~

Me: My name is TaekWoon but you can call me Leo. I am a senior but just by 1 year *small smile*

Rachel: Ahh~ Nice to meet you Leo-sshi :) You look good when you smile *giggles*

Me: Thank you HanBin *chuckles*

Rachel: Just call me Rachel :) 

Me: I think HanBin is a nice name 

Rachel: *blush* oh.. hehe thank you *smiles* I better get going or the teacher might kill me~ You should go back to class too Leo-sshi.

Me: Just call me Leo or Oppa 

Rachel: *blush* Arasso Leo oppa *smiles*

I helped her off the bed and helped her walk to her class which was just outside. She waved to me and I felt as if my heart almost stopped. I believe in love in first sight and I think its happening to me now. Her smile was so cute and I'm really glad I talked to her. 

End of Leo P.O.V

L.Joe P.O.V

I went to change and then when I went back to class and saw that HanBin left the class. I went down for PE and I saw that she wasn't there so I guessed that she went to the toilet. After 10 minutes of basketball lecture, we finally get to play. The teacher gave us some time to strech and then we will move outside to play basketaball. While stretching with ChanHee, I saw Leo sonbae carrying someone in his hands and heading into the sick bay. I saw closely and saw that it as HanBin. My eyes were wide open and ChanHee followed my gaze. What surprised me the most was that Leo sonbae was helping her. THE LEO SONBAE!! I wanted to follow them but my teacher just asked me to strech. I did as he told and my eyes never left the nurse office. After 15 minutes, they finally came out and I can see that HanBin seemed closer to Leo sonbae already. That made me mad but I had to hold it in. 


HanBin: Neh SonSaengNim!! 

She limped her way to our group and I could sense Sa Ra smirking. I knew she was up to no good. We went outside and she just sat down watching us play. I was substitude so I went over to her and wanted to talk to her. I sat next to her and she looked at me. I smiled but she looked so scared. I was confused so I tried talking to her. 

Me: Hey, where were you?

Rachel: Oh.. um... I was in the sick bay... 

Me: Huh? Why? You looked fine this morning? 

Rachel: Oh... I fell down... 

Me: hhmm~ You fell so hard you needed Leo sonbae to help you.. *chuckles*

Rachel: You saw?! O.O *blush*

Me: Yeap *chuckle*

Rachel: Don't tell anyone >.<

Me: But seriously though, what happened? Leo sonbae is not the kind of person to help someone so simply.

Rachel: Well, Sa Ra and her friends dragged me to this dark room and they threatened me to not get close to you... Then they just punched me and kicked me. Luckily Leo sonbae was there... *blush*

Me: huh, you like him don't you~?

Rachel: Yah! *hits me* Thats not true >.<

Me: Ouch! *chuckles* Your faces tells me the opposite thought *meh rong*

Rachel: Gggrrr!! >.< 

Me: Alright I'll stop *meh rong* By the way, what should I call you?

Rachel: Just call me Rachel~ 

I smiled but seriously, the inside of me didn't feel good. First Sa Ra threatened her and now she has feelings for Leo sonbae. I felt angry and was filled with jealousy. I wanted to punch a wall but there was no walls to punch. I glared at Sa Ra but she didn't notice. I really wished I was the one helping HanBin though. I want to call her Hanbin because it was a very cute name. Soon PE was over and we all went back and changed into our uniforms.



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Chapter 13: what, what a nice story. can't wait for the next chapter!!