Getting Started

Love Triangle

L.Joe P.O.V

I got up lazily from my bed and dragged myslef to the toilet and washed up. I changed into my uniform and went out to buy some bread. I walked to school and suddenly someone taped me from behind. I turn around to see ChanHee (A/N My ChunJoe feelzz) He smiled at me and I gave a small smile. I plugged my earphones into my ears and Chanhee pouted. I chuckled and we finally reached my school. We walked in and I saw my friends sitting on the bench waiting for us. Niel waved to me and I nod back. MinSoo hyung high fived me and I high fived back. To tell you the truth, they were the only friends I had in this whole entire school. We walked into the school hall and sat down in the canteen waiting for the bell to ring. I was looking at the school gate and then my seniors came in. Their gang was called VIXX while my gang was called Teen Top. They don't really have anything bad going on with us, its just that our 2 gangs were the most popular in the school. 

Soon the bell rang and we went to class. I went with ChanHee since we were in the same class. I sat down on my spot and then this girl came and sat next to me. If there was one thing I hated the most in this school, it was the female students... they all dressed so ty. Their uniforms were suppose to be in bigger size but they wore small and tighter one just to show their S-Line.. I hated that. 

Me: What so you need Sa Ra?

Sara: I wanna hang out with you later Oppa :)

Me: First, don't call me Oppa, you and I both know you are elder, and no I have things to do later... now if you would leave... *plugs earphones in ears*

Sara: Chit, Oppa is so mean...

I ignored her and she just sat there. Soon the teacher came in and he pulled a new student in class. I studied the girl and she had a her head faced on the floor. 

Teacher: New student, please introduce yourself :)

Rachel: Neh... My name is Lee HanBin, but you can call me Rachel. I'm from Busan but I moved to Chicago when I wsa 10. I came back here because my parents wanted me to study here. 

Taecher: Well HanBin, you can sit next to ByungHun, he is from Oregon.

Rachel: Ah.. Neh... *bows*

Teacher: Alright class, get ready for PE, your teacher will be here soon. 


The teacher finishes talking and I saw HanBin walking towards me. She set her things down and saw down. I chuckled and stood up. She got up in surprised and I smiled at her. Something about her was really attracting me. I chuckled and looked at her. 

Me: Aren't you going to go change?

Rachel: I didn't bring any shirts so I think I'm just gonna watch...

Me: *shurgs* Alright then, I'm gonna go change.

Rachel: *nods*

I walked out of the room and I saw HanBin sleeping on the table again. I walked to my locker and got my stuff, I saw ChunJi and he came to me. We went to get changed and walked back to class. 

End of L.Joe P.O.V

Leo P.O.V

I walked to school like any other day and my friends were beside me. HongBin was still half awake and Ravi was listening to music. Ken and N were just chatting while Hyuk was walking by my side. I was listening to the music I composed and was very satisfied with it. I wish I could sing it to someone. We reached school and walked into the main entrance. I saw the gang of Teen Top sitting in the canteen and then I saw L.Joe listening to music. He looked up and met my gaze. I looked away and just went staright up to class. I left my bags in my locker and walked with N. 

Soon the bell rang and we got into our respective classes. N was in the same class with me. We walked to class and on the way, I saw this girl standing in front of L.Joe's class. She looked nervous and anxious. I chuckled and she looks up at me. I quickly turned my head to N and luckily he asked me a question.

N: Yah Jung Leo, did you finish maths homework?

Me: huh? There was homework?

N: Yah! You promised me to let me copy *pouts*

Me: Oh... well I'll teach you...

N: Ok, Maybe during recess time~ 

Me: Sure...

I was not myself. I kept thinking of the girl in front of L.Joe's class. She looked so cute and innocent that I just wanna hug her. I haven't really dated anyone every since my ex left me for some other guy in L.Joe's class. I sighed and sat down on my seat next to N. The teacher came in and we just went on with classes.

End of Leo P.O.V

Rachel P.O.V

I woke up and went to wash up. I had to go to a new school today and my oppa was already preparing breakfast. I changed into the uniform and went downstairs to meet my overly protective brother. He had his purple apron on as usual and I just giggled. I sat down and he turned to me and gave me a smile:

HoWon: Good Morning HanBin-ah

Me: You too Oppa :)

HoWon: I've made some soup for you before you go to school. I know you don't eat much in the morning but at least fill your stomach with something warm :)

Me: Neh oppa~

HoWon: I will come over to your school later to help you with your books and also everything else :)

Me: Ei, I can do it myself :)

HoWon: Just let me do it >.<

Me: Tch Arasso *meh rong*

He patted my head and I ate his soup. After finishing, He drove me to school. I listening to some music that my brother composed. My brother was a musician but because we moved back to Korea, he became a barista instead. We reached my school and he parked his car. We walked in and the school was nearly emtpy. We went up to the teacher's room and my homeroom teacher greated us. I had this weird habit of putting my head down and look at the floor as if I did something wrong. 

I gave the documents and also some files to the teacher and he gave me the map of the school. This school was big and honestly I really liked it. I waved to HoWon and then he went home. I sat outside the teacher's room and waited for time to pass. Since nothing went the way I wanted, I started to walk around while singing to some song's my brother composed. He sings it all the time at home but he never sings in public. I saw the recording studio and I squealed. Just like my brother, I wanted to become a singer as well, but my brother told it that the life of a singer was hard. 

After that, the bell rang and I quickly ran to class. I stood outside and was very nervous. Out of nowhere, I could feel someone staring at me. I took the efford to look up and then saw 2 guys walking. They looked like seniors. I nodded my head at them but they didn't see it so I just shruged it off. Soon the teacher came and he pulled me into class. I looked at the floor again due to embarassment and the teacher asked me to introduce myself.

Me: Neh... My name is Lee HanBin, but you can call me Rachel. I'm from Busan but I moved to Chicago when I wsa 10. I came back here because my parents wanted me to study here


Well HanBin, you can sit next to ByungHun, he is from Oregon.

Me: Ah.. Neh... *bows*

Teacher: Alright class, get ready for PE, your teacher will be here soon. 


Soon I walked to my place and everyone went to change. I could hear girls whispering at me and it wasn't good. I bowed at this ByungHun guy and just layed my head on the table. I was so embarassed. ByungHun stood up and I got up. 

L.Joe: Aren't you going to go change?

Me: I didn't bring any shirts so I think I'm just gonna watch...

L.Joe: *shurgs* Alright then, I'm gonna go change.

Me: *nods*

I just nodded at him and went back to my sleep. Soon I could hear some voice storming back into the room. I didn't really wanted to care because I was too scared of the people here. The girls were all wearing short and tight uniforms while the boys were all so tall and scary. I could hear a bunch of girls giggling and laughing. I got up and just looked out the window. Suddenly the girls appeared in front of me and I was shocked....



Hey readers~ I know I'm writing too much fics but I can't help it >< And this chapter might be a bit boring tho... I can sence that this is gonna be another failed fic OTL Anyways, if you guys liked it, subscribe and also comment :) Till next time :)

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Chapter 13: what, what a nice story. can't wait for the next chapter!!