I hate Periods... ==;;

Love Triangle

Lee HanBin P.O.V

The next day, I woke up and was going to get ready for school when I felt a pain in my stomach. I groaned and rushed to the toilet to clean myself up. The pain was unbearable so I just stayed in bed not having any inttention to go to school today. I looked at the clock on my table and it said 5:30am meaning the boys will be coming in soon to wake me up. I curled myself into a ball and was shivering from the pain in my stomach. After a few minutes, the door creaked open and I heard two voices.

ChanWoo: HanBin Noona, time to wake up ;)

JunHoe: Yea HanBin-ah~ Get up now~ :3

Me: *groans* ChanWoo-yah, JunHoe Oppa, I don't feel like going to school today... *groans*

ChanWoo: *panic* Noona, whats wrong? Are you nore feeling well?! 

JunHoe: DongHyuk!!! Get in here!!! HanBin is not feeling well!!!


JunHoe: Where's DongHyuk?

HanBin He's sleeping. Whats wrong?

JunHoe: HanBin is not feeling well hyung!

HanBin: Where is she?

JunHoe: In her room!

Soon I saw HanBin dashing in and he saw ChanWoo trying to comfort me. I looked at him and smiled and small smile but the pain was too much. I clutched onto my stomach and he chuckled at me. He told the boys to leave the room and get Bobby. After seconds, Bobby came dashing into the room and to tell you the truth, his concerned face was cute. He sat beside HanBin Oppa and looked at me. I was still clutching onto my stomach and he sighed in relief because he thought it was something more serious. He told HanBin to go to sleep while he stayed and helped me. 

HanBin left the room and closed the door. He sat on the bed and put his palm on my stomach. I flinched but he just smiled and told me to relax. I relaxed and he circled his palm on my stomach. I felt better but was blushing hard because it was Bobby, my childhood crush helping me on my time of the month. He told me to sleep and so I did. He was helping me until the sun came out. 

End of HanBin P.O.V

Bobby P.O.V

I was happily dreaming of meeting 2NE1 for the first time when I heard someone knocking on my door. I groaned and pulled my covers over my head to avoid whoever it was behind that door. Then, I could hear JunHoe's voice from outside.

JunHoe: Jiwon hyung, B.I hyung asked me to call you to HanBin's room because she seems like she's not feeling well!! *knocks door*

Me: *What?* *Opens door* What do you mean? What happened to HanBin? What did you do to her?!

JunHoe: Whoa Hyung, calm down.. I didn't do anything. HanBin hyung asked me to call you to her room. 

Me: Alright, you go sleep. I'll go and se what's wrong..

I dashed to HanBin's room and saw B.I sitting on her bed. She smiled at me and I sighed in relief since she didn't have any damage in her body. I sat down on bed and saw her clutching on her stomach. I chuckled knowing it was her time of the month. 

Me: HanBin-ah, you can go, I'll handle this :)

B.I: Sure hyung~ Bye Bin-ah~

HanBin: bye Oppa.

Me: *sits down* Alright, just relax and go back to sleep~ I'll take care of you :)

I moved my palm to her stomach and she flinched. I giggled and told her to relax so that I can massage her stomach to make the pain go away. I've done this to my ex before but she left me because of somenone else. I sighed and continued to massage HanBin's stomach. I smiled looking at her face when she slept. I tickled her nose and she twitched it. Actually I already knew her crush towards me long time ago but I didn't want her to fall for me too hard because I know I'm not good enough for her. After she was sound asleep, I went out of her room and saw Jinhwan hyung pass by.

JinHwan: Eh? JiWon? What are you doing in HanBin's room? Isn't she in school by now?

Me: She's skipping, she didn't feel well so I stayed inside taking care of her.

JinHwan: Whats wrong with HanBin?

Me: The time of the month *chuckles* 

JinHwan: Aaahh~ *giggles* Well, I'll go buy some pain killers for her later with DongHyuk then :)

Me: Thanks hyung~ *yawns* I'll go get a 15 minute nap now :) Ask ChanWoo to wake me up later for breakfast :)

JinHwan: Alright :)

I walked back to the room and saw HanBin and Yunhyeong still sleeping. I slept as well and dreamt of 2NE1 noona's again~

End of Bobby P.O.V

L.Joe P.O.V

It was already 6:30am and there is still no sight of HanBin. I sighed and went up to class with ChanHee hyung and he chuckled at the sight of me being so sulky. I sat down at my place and stared at the empty seat beside me. The teacher came in and took the attendence. I looked out the window and saw Leo sonbae looking for HanBin as well. He saw me and I carried on looking at the board ignoring his glare. During recess, I was with my friends when suddenly Ravi Sonbae came up to me. 

Ravi: Hey, have you seen HanBin?

Me: She's not here today... Why?

Ravi: Oh, Alright~ I was just asking. :)

Me: Oh...

He walked away and immediately I could sence that Leo sonbae asked him to do it. I sighed and went on with the boring day without HanBin.

End of L.Joe P.O.V

Ravi P.O.V

Me: Hey, have you seen HanBin?

L.Joe: She's not here today... Why?

Ravi: *gulp* Oh, Alright~ I was just asking. :)

L.Joe: Oh..

I turned away and walked to my usual spot with the gang. Leo hyung was staring at me and he looked as if he wanted a satisfying answer. I had to help him ask L.Joe since he knew L.Joe won't answer him if he asked. 

Me: Uh... hyung... L.Joe said she's absent today...

Leo: *nods* did he say why?

Me: I didn't ask... *gulp*

Leo: *nods* 

I sighed in relief while HongBin patted my back. I smiled at him and ate my lunch. Suddenly Leo was staring at something so we all turned around. He was staring at two guys. One with silver hair while the other was a bit shorter. They went to the teacher's office direction and Leo hyung followed them closely. The rest of us didn't care so we kept on eating.

End of Ravi P.O.V


Hey peeps :) I wrote this cuz yea its also my time of the month... :/ I hate it so fking much T^T Anyways, Hope you guys enjoy reading my story :) I'll update the next chapter soon :3


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Chapter 13: what, what a nice story. can't wait for the next chapter!!