Chapter 5

Call Me JB Hyung

Call Me JB Hyung - Chapter 5


The school break passed by quickly after my mom returned my phone.


It's a new school term now, and I'm returning to the same that I did my previous year, but this time working harder to get a higher rank in class.


My parents are pushing me harder too.


My new teacher isn't as great as teacher Kim, but I still understand the material. Maybe due to the cram school I was forced to go to. Even if I didn't like it, it helped to make me remember everything I learned in teacher Kim's class.


BamBam transferred to our school as soon as the break ended. This means Yugyeom has someone else to hang out with when I have to stay extra hours in school to study. Though this also means that on the days that I don't have to work extra hard, Yugyeom is no where to be seen.


He's not waiting for me like he always does.


Not only because of BamBam, but because now he has someone to go with him to that dance studio he always talks about.


I walked to JB hyung's apartment one sunny day, a little dissapointed that Yugyeom didn't wait for me.


He opened his door to greet me with a ball of fur in his hands. I stood frozen staring at the little cat just as he moved it in front of me. I continued staring, only stopping when I sneezed loudly.


Then we stared at eachother for just a moment more before he finally told me to come in, mumbling about me wearing a jacket if I was cold.


I quickly realized that he was alone. His apartment was quiet for once.


It refreshed me.


"When did you get a cat hyung?" I asked, finding my way to his couch. I felt tired suddenly. Because of studying, I also haven't had the chance to visit JB hyung's place. We haven't seen each other even more because he has school too.


"Her name is Nora. I couldn't walk past her." he said, a look of what looked like endearment on his face as he put Nora down and smiled at her.


I sneezed again, staring at Nora who circled around my feet a few times before walking away.


Then I looked up at JB hyung, one thought coming to my mind.


He's really unlike his bad boy image.


"Where are the guys?" I asked him.


"I don't know where Yugyeom and BamBam are, but I know the rest are on campus for some classes." he said, sitting down besides me.


I watched as he the tv and sighed loudly, flipping through channels.


"I don't know where they are either." I said, looking at my phone. "They didn't reply to my message, so I thought they were here." 


He shrugged and I sighed and relaxed like him.


It's been a while since we've been alone.


Silence surrounded the apartment for a few moments as we watched tv. It wasn't awkward silence. At least I didn't think it was before JB hyung opened his mouth.


"It's so quiet." he said.


"Mhm." I mumbled, nodding my head.


"How is school?" he asked, getting up.


I watched as he walked away towards the kitchen.


"So much work. I have no free time at all. I want to graduate now." I said all at once.


There was a short silence before he came walking out of the kitchen with two bottles of water. He handed me a bottle and I thanked him before taking a sip and sighing loudly.


"Hyung...?" I mumbled.




We stared at each other for a short second.


I looked away first, a little embarrassed at what I was about to say.


"I'm not jealous at BamBam or anything...but I miss Yugyeom." I murmured.


Another short silence passed.


"Hey. I'm here with you and you're talking about Yugyeom? What am I then?" he said. He didn't sound angry, and I looked at him to see him chuckling.


"I'm sorry..." I smiled. "You are my friend too."


I flinched when he grabbed hold of my hand suddenly. We caught eyes for just a second before I looked down at our hands, then back up at him.


We didn't pull our hands apart for a long time, and somehow I felt ok with it.


"Are you really afraid of me?" he asked after a short time passed.


"Huh? Afraid?" I repeated, confused. He didn't look my way, but continued staring at the tv.


"You always flinch back." he said.


 "It's because you always hit me." I chuckled.


"You always hit me too." he replied.


I stared at him.


He's right.


I sighed and nodded.


"You were scary at first hyung, but I don't see you as scary anymore. I just have a reflex now because you always target my neck." I admitted, chuckling.


He laughed for quite a while and I smiled, listening to him laughing. Soon JB hyung pulled his hand away and picked up the new member of his family.


Thinking of family, I've never really asked him about his family. He's never talked about his family either.


I stared at him playing with Nora as if the cat is his child. I didn't notice that I was smiling until he interrupted the moment.


"What are you smiling like a idiot for?" he asked.


I quickly hit him and he quickly glared at me. So I glared back, but it only made him laugh.


I followed him, not able to hold in my laughing that soon filled with sneezes.


I instantly thought-


I'm allergic to Nora.



The seven of us met up one weekend that we were all finally free.


Jr hyung sent a group message wanting to go to the amusement park once again, but he didn't want to go alone. 


We met at JB hyung's place like usual, deciding it would be easier this way.


Everyone looked tired - what school and work does.


I didn't even tell my parents the truth, instead I told them I would be studying with a classmate. Another lie I didn't want to say, but they will only allow me to stay out for a long time if it's related to studying. 


Meeting JB hyung and the guys has turned me into a little liar, but only because my parents won't allow me to be around them for a ridiculus reason.


"I'm actually kind of tired now." Jackson hyung suddenly said.


He was laying on the floor, his shirt half off, revealing his black sleeveless top. Earlier he said it was too hot. I don't understand because it's really cold.


"Come on." Jr hyung said, laying down besides him. "We've all been so busy that we have no free time together at all. I heard this place is really good."


I sneezed loudly, getting up and walking to the kitchen for a bottle of water.


When I returned, Jackson and Jr hyung were arguing about whether or not we should go to the amusement park.


I sat listening to them, rubbing my eyes and nose as I glanced at Nora walking around. Suddenly I couldn't hold back a few more sneezes that came out loudly.


"What's wrong with you? Are you sick?"


I glanced at Yugyeom who stood with a worried look on his face. Soon I caught sight of JB hyung with Nora in his hands now, standing just a few walks away.


I shook my head. "No. I'm fin-"


Another loud sneeze and I sighed.


"If you're sick we don't have to go hyung." BamBam suddenly clung onto my arm and I looked at him, wondering when he sat next to me.


"I'm not sick." I said. "Just a few allergies." 


"You're allergic to something?"


I glanced towards JB hyung who had a blank expression on his face. My eyes soon looked over to Nora, then I shook my head no.


"No hyung, I'm fine." I said, not being able to hold in another sneeze.


"Your eyes are red. Are you sure?" Jr hyung suddenly stood next to me, his mom instincts going into action quickly. He began feeling my forehead for my temperature.


"I'm not sick, really." I said, pulling away laughing.


A short moment passed.


"If I was sick my mom would force me to stay in my room the whole day." I said chucking.


​​​​​​​They didn't say anything.


"So are we going?" I asked after a moment of silence.


"Yeah. So who's riding with who?"


We figured out the seating arrangements quickly, with JB and Jr hyung using their cars.


Mark, Jackson, and BamBam took a ride with Jr hyung, while Yugyeom decided he wanted to ride with me. It was a bit suspicious since Jr hyung really tried to convince Yugyeom more than once to ride with them. I hoped they were not plotting anything against me. These hyung's take my naiveness to their advantage because I easily believe any and everything.


It's something I need to work on.


The car ride with Yugyeom and JB hyung was in silence, at least for the first few minutes. But soon only the sound of music filled our ears. It was a far ride, but we eventually arrived at the famous amusement park Jr hyung wanted to come to so bad. 


There were a lot more people than expected when we arrived. Suddenly I felt that I shouldn't have come. It was so crowded that it took us quite a long time to get everything paid for and walk inside as a group.


"I was going to pay for you." JB hyung suddenly said, nudging my arm.


I glanced at him as we walked side by side.


"You're always saying you want to pay. Save up your money for something else hyung." I said chuckling. He's become obsessed with paying for everyone, especially BamBam, me, and Yugyeom. 


"I'm hyung." he said.


I sighed and shook my head. Sometimes he's funny, other times I wonder if he thinks before he talks.


Jackson hyung soon ran off somewhere quickly and I watched as Yugyeom walked away with BamBam. I didn't realize I was frowning until Jr hyung mentioned it.


"Something wrong?" he said, nudging my arm.


I shook my head no and smiled. He smiled back and nodded in understanding.


"Let's go to that one." Mark hyung suddenly grabbed Jr hyung's arm and in that moment they dissapeared into the crowd. I stared into space before glancing at JB hyung who suddenly groaned.


"So tired..." he mumbled.


"Already?" I asked laughing.


We didn't go on any rides yet.


I watched, laughing at him with his shoulders slumped as he walked towards a set of empty seat.


"Grandpas get tired fast." I said laughing.


He didn't reply.


I sighed loudly, a smile on my face, not even realizing when my hand landed in his hair.


"Your hair is soft." I found myself suddenly saying.


He looked at me. We stared at eachother for a short while.


"Yours is softer." he suddenly said.


I laughed loudly.


"Thanks hyung." I replied.


We sat in silence for a while before we decided to go on a easy ride. Soon after that we got pulled into a scary ride by the guys.


When it was all over I felt like throwing up.


So we quickly found empty seats and sat down.


I quickly put my head on the table as JB hyung was doing earlier, trying not to really throw up.


With my head on the table I listened to the guys chatting, but I heard more of Jr and JB hyung arguing about something.


When I finally forced myself to lift my head, they disappeared already.


We didn't know where they went.


Minus two we went on a couple of more rides, and then bought a few snacks and drinks. It was during this time that Jr hyung returned, JB hyung walking behind him.


I couldn't read their expressions, so I wondered if they really had a fight, and about what if they did.


JB hyung didn't sit next to me. I didn't notice he was avoiding me until our second ride after eating. He refused to even stand next to me.


It made me wonder what exactly happened?


Sometimes JB hyung becomes moody. Whether it was the day they all showed up at my place or now, sometimes he gets into expressionless moods and ignores me. I notice it because it's only me he ignores. If I try to talk to him, he replies with short answers.


I try not to feel bad, because everyone has their habits, but having him mad at me is worse then having anyone else mad at me. The feeling I get when JB hyung ignores me is much worse than any other feeling.


I looked at the guys joking around, play fighting, JB hyung laughing at their ridiculous behaviour.


"Hyung?" BamBam suddenly patted me on the shoulder and I looked away from the others and towards him. He pointed towards my pocket. "Isn't that your phone?" he asked.


My eyes went wide as I realized it was my phone ringing.


How long was I in my thoughts to completely miss my ringtone?


 Quickly I took it out to see that I had missed calls from both of my parents.


When I picked up I had to pull the phone away from my ear. I listened. I listened well, and then I had to leave.


"They sound really angry." BamBam murmured.


I nodded.


"I have to go now." I said.


They stared at me, that familiar look on their faces. They don't really like my parents that's for sure.


"I'll drop you off." JB hyung suddenly said.


It surprised me. I thought he was annoyed at something I did. With a smile I nodded and thanked him.


We waved goodbye, as JB hyung signaled towards the entrance of the amusement park. I followed behind him in silence.


"Was she really angry?" he suddenly asked.


"A lot." I said, chuckling a little. "Both of them." I sighed.


"It's the weekend. You don't have cram school right now right?" he asked.


"I don't." I replied.


A short silence passed.


"She said that you're too old for me. I can only go out with Yugyeom and BamBam." I mumbled, a little embarrassed. 


At my age, even in high school, and I still follow every single word my parents say. Well...except one - JB hyung and the guys.


"She's met BamBam before?" JB hyung suddenly asked.


"No." I quickly replied. "She just doesn't want me to be around older people...she thinks I'll start smoking all of a sudden...Yugyeom sometimes talks about BamBam when he comes over, but BamBam hasn't met them yet. He says he's scared." I laughed.


"I would be scared too." he mumbled.


I couldn't tell if he was being serious or not.


"They're not as strict as they seem." I said.


"What?" he said this as if he was shocked I was denying how strict my parents really are.


"They're not." I said. "They're just worried I'll start doing something bad."


He suddenly stopped and turned around to look at me. I stared at him.


"So you can't be around us anymore?" he asked.


"Not...really." I said. "I don't think you guys are bad. I think if she meets you, then she won't be so worried about it anymore." I said, patting his shoulder and smiling.


He stared at me for a while more before nodding and turning around. I followed him, still smiling.


The car ride was long, and silent. This time a silence that isn't as comfortable as the one earlier when going to the amusement park.


Something was wrong, and I couldn't figure out what is was the whole silent ride to my house.


All I wanted to do was quickly get out of JB hyung’s car and go home to whatever punishment was waiting for me.


I wanted to go home even more so to escape the sudden awkwardness around us. Not even my usual jokes could get him to crack a smile throughout the whole silent drive.


When we finally arrived I got out of the car quickly, grabbing my bag from the back seat first.


"See you later hyung." I said with a small wave as I made my way towards my house.




His voice made me stop and turn around. He said it so loud that I hoped my parents were not angrily waiting for me outside like the night I lied to my mom about sleeping over at Yugyeom’s house and she decided to wait outside for me, arms crossed, right next to where JB hyung dropped me off the next day.


I watched him suddenly get out of his car, walk towards me, and lean next to the passenger door, staring hard at me.


Quickly my hands went up in front of me and I walked up to him.


Does he really want my parents to see him?


"W-What is it hyung?" I asked, wondering if he caught the nervousness in my voice.


He didn’t reply, but continued staring at me for a long time. His usual eyes scanned me from top to bottom. I felt shivers run down my body. He's always examining me in his head. I always wonder what he's thinking when I catch him staring so hard.


"Do I have something on my face?" I asked after his staring and silence continued. I even rubbed my cheek.


He sighed loudly.


It made me confused.


"Nothing." he suddenly said.


I watched as he walked back to the drivers side of his car and got in. All without a word when he’s the one that called out to me.


He waved at me before he drove away. I stood staring as his car disappeared, and continued standing for a little while longer until I remembered why he dropped me off in the first place.


So I quickly turned around and ran towards my house, almost surprised my mom wasn’t waiting at the door for me.


Instead, they were waiting for me as soon as I opened the door and walked inside, instantly trying to act cute for my mom. 


I remember in the past this always worked if she found out I recieved a bad grade at school and I tried to hide it from her. 


But this and that are different - very different. 


“You lied to us again.” she instantly said. 


She didn’t look happy at all. They both didn’t look happy.


“Mom...” I mumbled.


”We only tell you to not attach yourself to boys that will badly influence you. They’re not friends.” my dad suddenly said.


It surprised me to hear him talk. It means he’s really dissapointed. 


At least he’s not angry. 


They stared at me, waiting for my reply. 


“They’re not bad...” I could only mumble. 


“Because of them you are lying to us now.” my mom said.


I couldn’t reply to that. 


I really dislike lying to my parents, but recently I don’t like it more that I’m being forced to not hang out with the only people I can call my best friends.


Good people.


JB hyung has a bad boy image, but he’s very nice. Too nice. He even has a cat named Nora. 


Even if I already don’t like drinking, when he caught me staring at a bottle of soju one time he scolded me and told me never to drink. Even if he does it sometimes.


How can someone like this be a bad influence?


I didn't get a really big punishment like taking my phone or yelling at me, but for the rest of the day my parents scolded me again and again.


I didn't see or hear from JB hyung for two weeks after the incident that night. So it confused me when I got a call from him one weekend asking me to bring food to his university.


He's all demands.


I argued a little with him, but gave in rather quickly. I missed the guys. No matter what my parents think, they're really nice hyungs.


So I attempted making a lunch box, trying to ignore my mom when she began asking questions.


In the end I confessed everything to her, and because she likes to cook a lot, she helped me make a much better lunch box than convenience store and random items in the fridge. 


Even though she didn't want me to be around the guys, she murmured about JB hyung not having food and how it's important to eat a healthy meal every day.


Though as soon as we finished and I grabbed my bag and started saying goodbye to her, she stopped me, suddenly asking why I had to bring food to JB hyung and why he doesn't go home. 


She asked if I'm being bullied and even a ridiculous question like if I give my extra money to him.


I could only chuckle as she stood with her arms crossed.


"JB hyung is not a bad person I promise. Let me go this once. I'll be back! I love you mom!" I told her, not waiting for her reply before leaving the house. Recently both my parents are so possessive. So much that I haven't been able to go anywhere or do anything at all.


But surprisingly she let me leave without stopping me.


Probably because I suddenly told her that I love her.


It took me a while to find JB hyung's university. Since I don't have the kind of money to take a taxi, I took the bus, and had to find the school myself.


I called JB hyung twice, but he didn't pick up. It took the third try for him to finally pick up.


"I'm here with your food hyung." I said, a bit annoyed.


"You're here?" he asked in question.


I could tell he was just a little surprised.


But why? You're the one that invited me.


"I'm standing outside the university front entrance."


Suddenly I heard Jackson's loud voice and even louder footsteps. It didn't take long for me to see JB hyung running up to me, the phone held tight on his ear. He got closer and closer until he was standing in front of me.


"You came?" he said, looking surprised.


"Of course I came. You said you're hungry right?" I asked, laughing at his surprised expression.


He smiled after a moment of silence and nodded.


"Yeah. Follow me." he said, instantly taking the lunch box.


I quickly thought that it's probably more the food he's surprised about, rather than me.


I moved my shoulder bag around in nervousness and followed him into a building, my heart beating fast. I've never been inside the gates of a university before.


Many people walked around. More like many couples. They all looked older then me, they even dressed older. I wondered if they could tell my age by how I dressed.


I'm not really into clothes. When I'm not in my school uniform I choose whatever seems like it will be comfortable to wear.


Jackson hyung seemed all of a sudden more than happy to see me. He pulled me into a tight hug and I laughed, hugging him back.


"Where have you been?" Mark hyung suddenly said, pointing to the empty chair besides him. I apologized and sat next to him, quickly telling him what happened the day of the amusement park.


JB hyung suddenly sat down next to me and I glanced at him as he opened his lunch box.


I watched his eyes get just a little wide in surprise.


"Where's our food...?" Jackson suddenly whined.


I apologized.


"I didn't know you guys were with JB hyung. He suddenly said he wanted food and my mom was around so she helped me."


Jackson nodded and went for JB hyung's food. With a chuckle JB hyung shared it with them. I watched them, having missed being around them.


"We haven't even heard from BamBam or Yugyeom. What's going on?" Jr hyung asked, suddenly putting a spoonful of rice in his mouth.


"Hey." JB hyung suddenly yelled.


I laughed.


I see they still eat like they haven't eaten in days.


"I know BamBam is taking Korean classes now so he doesn't have time, but Yugyeom I haven't heard from in a couple of days. He's come to my house but not in the last couple of days." I replied.


"He's allowed but we're not allowed?" Jackson suddenly asked.


"It's not like that." I tried to explain to him.


"Let's not argue about this again. We're just glad to see you Youngjae." Jr hyung said smiling.


I smiled back at him, thankful that they didn't force me to explain my parents strange way of thinking me being around them will turn me into a trouble child.


We got back to the old days, talking as if we haven't went weeks without seeing each other. As usual, they finished the lunch box in a second.


It made me laugh.


"I think one day you hyungs will marry food. You didn't eat?" I asked, surprised as JB hyung covered up the lunch box and put it back in its bag. He handed me the bag and I continued laughing before putting it inside my shoulder bag.


"We just ate before you got here." Jr hyung replied.


I nodded.


I thought so.


JB hyung has never called for food before. And I don't think he's ever wanted me to come to his university.


Jackson suddenly told some joke and we all burst into laughter, everything being forgotten. It was exactly when the sound of a female voice interrupted us and my phone rang that silence suddenly surrounded us.


I didn't look to see who the female voice was, quickly picking up the call, glad it wasn't my mom rushing me to come home.


"Yugyeomie." I said happily. "Where are you?"


With this I slowly turned towards their eyes. They looked like they saw a ghost. My eyes landed on a girl in front of me. I don't know how, but I quickly knew who she was.


"Where are you? I just came over but your mom said you went out. Are you with JB hyung?" Yugyeom asked.


I couldn't open my mouth. JB hyung's ex girlfriend stood in front of me, some other tall guy besides her. She smirked down at me before introducing herself.


"Meet me at JB hyung's university." I quickly said before hanging up on Yugyeom.


The girl introduced herself so quick I didn't catch her name at all.


She stared at me after this.


"Ah, hello. name is...Choi Youngjae." I said putting up the biggest smile I could. Earlier before I was criticizing her so it was a shock to suddenly see her.


"What are you doing here? We told you to stop coming around here." Jackson suddenly said.


The rest of the guys stayed silent. I couldn't even look at JB hyung, who sat right next to me.


I glanced at Jackson hyung in a bit of shock. Of course the girl might of broken up with JB hyung, but to suddenly treat a girl like they were suddenly treating her. I felt kind of bad for her.


"I saw someone new and decided to come say hi." the girl suddenly said.


She smirked at me and I looked away in a bit of fear.


Her eyes sure are intimidating. Just like JB hyung's.


"I suggest you leave now." JB hyung suddenly said.


I could feel his anger. I didn't even have to look.


The girl just smiled.


Is she not scared for her life? JB hyung's really angry.


She said a few more things, some stuff I couldn't listen to because suddenly I was too worried about JB hyung. She left soon after though.


My phone rang right after she left, just like when she arrived.


"I'm here, in front of the school." Yugyeom said.


"Ok." I replied. "I'm coming."


"Yugyeom is here." I said standing up.


Jr hyung nodded and we all got up.


"How about class?" I asked following them out of the building.


"No class today. We just had to turn in some assignments" Mark hyung said.


When we got to the front of the school Yugyeom was waiting with BamBam.


After explaining the situation, and after discovering that Yugyeom and BamBam have met her in sort of the same situation at the dance studio they go to, things happened so fast that I didn't even realize I ended up following JB hyung to his car.


It's more like he told me to come with him. And out of nowhere Jr hyung agreed. The others didn't protest. Yugyeom and BamBam left with the others and I prayed for my life as I was practically pushed into JB hyung's car.


He drove in silence.


When we arrived at his apartment the first thing he did was pick up Nora, caressing her a little before putting her down.


I watched all this happen, sneezing only a few times. I still haven't told him I'm allergic to her, but I read somewhere that if I hold it in for a while I will get used to it.


When I snapped from my thoughts JB hyung was on the floor.


He kneeled into a crouch on the floor, staring at the small table in front of him. I could see many expressions in his eyes. He wasn't only angry and frustrated, I could suddenly see sadness in his eyes. The expression he's hidden from me since I met him.


That girl must have really hurt him.


I stared at him for quite a while, but soon I moved into action, doing the only thing I knew to do. When I need comfort sometimes Yugyeom lets me hug him. I think hugs makes everything at least a little better.


I kneeled down in front of JB hyung and slowly, while clutching both my hands in front of me out of nervousness first, I pulled him into a hug.


There was a pause.


He didn't move for a while but before I could get up he returned the hug.


I stumbled but he held me still.


I was glad the hug was helping him, but hoped he couldn't hear my sudden heartbeat. My heartbeat was suddenly loud.


To be honest JB hyung and I are close, but we've never really hugged at all. We've never comforted each other in any other way besides talking, until now.


It suddenly felt like a wall broke between us.


He wouldn't let me go, and he didn't say anything either. He just let me hold him with no resistance.


He also returned the hug.


We stayed in the position for quite a long time. I could barely stand by the time he finally let me go.




JB hyung looked at me with a look of confusion. He let me go a while ago and we ordered chicken and ate in silence.


Facing each other I noticed he still wasn't smiling though.


"Smile hyung." I said again smiling wide to show him what I meant. "It's hard for me when you don't." I finally admitted, lowering my gaze from his eyes.


Did my comfort not work for him?


It took only a short moment for him to respond. He suddenly grabbed hold of my hand and I looked up at him. He had a big smile on his face, his teeth shining brightly.


I laughed, unable to keep it in.


"Thanks hyung. Now doesn't that feel better?" I asked him.


His eyebrow rose and a sly smile appeared on his face. He couldn't hold it in either as a laugh escaped him.


"Yeah. That feels way better Youngjae-ah. Thanks." he replied.


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Chapter 4: Tbh I believe YJ was the first one to fall in love, the way he described his emotion here are those of attraction, he had a Crush on him is just he didnt recognized it as such..

And Yes I'm rereading again .. because I'm weak.
missynizzy #2
Still reading
amaranta17 #3
Chapter 17: so beautiful <3
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Chapter 14: im soft
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Chapter 13: that was so cute TT
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Chapter 11: ahhhhh!!!!
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Chapter 10: <3333 TT
Chapter 1: i'm reading this fic again because it's the better fanfic that i've ever read!! I didn't have an account before, but lately i'm only thinking in re--reading it, so i did it today. omg i'm so excited!!! thank you for write this story, my english improved a lot past year only because i stayed until 3am awake reading it. ♡
absoleto #9
Re-reading my fav fic, I'm always thankful for your hard work in making her
Chapter 17: I have a friend who told me about this storie like months ago, but just now when other friend can't stop talk about i have the urge to come here and read....
Thanks God i did, through
I became so nervous so much time but i loved every itch of this.... Nothing odd, i love 2jae hahaha but really stuck me here for whats Looks ours!! I even slept late and became so tired in university ;-; but i don't regret ~
Thank you so much, i really love this~
Jacks stopped call Youngjae -Youngjai hahahah soooooo funny, like always~
Two blinds, btw. Thank to Jinyoung who are Jaebum eyes u.u
I'll read other *------*