Chapter 2

Call Me JB Hyung

Call Me JB Hyung - Chapter 2


Class ended and everyone quickly ran out of the classroom as usual.


I was pushed more than once, and I ignored them like usual.


But this time someone became curious.


"Have they always done that?”


Standing next to me was cafe guy dressed in a suit that didn’t match him at all. I’ve asked him once why he wears a suit, and he replied with it’s because of my image.


“Hey. Did you hear me?” a hand waved in front of me.


"Do what?" I quickly replied. 


He stared at me. I shrugged and finished putting my books in my bag.


Lately when this happens we find ourselves at the usual cafe. I never knew I was much of a talker until meeting Jaebum. This is because he says really specific words that force me to talk about my whole life without any hesitation.


"Are you busy today?" 


He asked this just as Yugyeom suddenly walked into the classroom, calling out to me.


"Gyeom." I looked at the tall guy who had his arms crossed.


"I'm waiting for you." he said, looking annoyed. 


Back to the day I promised to be his slave if he helped me study, Yugyeom is choosing this day for me to fulfill my promise. But deep inside I knows it's because we haven't spent much time together.


Rather, I has spent all my time after school with Im Jaebum. 


"Teddy bears should listen to our master." Yugyeom suddenly teased.


I quickly lifted my hand to hit him hard, trying to hide my embarrassed face before glancing at Jaebum - who looked confused. 


"Sorry hyung. Today I'm a slave." I mumbled.


"And your master is telling you that he’s hungry." Yugyeom smirked. 


His stomach suddenly made a loud sound, making me chuckle in defeat. 


"Maybe next time." I mumbled an apology to Jaebum, quickly grabbing Yugyeom's hand and pulling him out of the classroom before he said even more embarrassing information about me.


Yugyeom tends to call me teddy bear sometimes and it's one of the most embarrassing things about our friendship. He claims that it's because I looks like a teddy bear. And he believes this so much that it's become a habit for his younger sister to call me the same name now. 


I feared Jaebum overhearing the embarrassing name.


"So what are we doing today Gyeomie” I asked, continuing to him out of the class and eventually out of the school building.


Yugyeom glared at me.


"I'm not calling you master." I chuckled. 


"Call me hyung." he smirked.


I quickly stopped walking, making him stop as well, turning around to look at me. 


"What is it? Why did you suddenly stop walking?" he asked.


Staring at my tall and overgrown friend, I mentally sighed. Although Yugyeom is younger than me, he’s really tall. He’s taller than half of the male students in his class. 


It's troublesome because when we go out together, Yugyeom is always mistaken for the hyung, when it's the total opposite. 


Standing still and staring at my friend, I could only think that it's not calling Yugyeom 'hyung' that's the problem, but somehow it made me feel shorter and younger than I actually am. With Jaebum we’re about the same height, so I never feel insecure. 


But sometimes with Yugyeom it's hard not to think about it.


"Hey! Choi Youngjae-ahh." Yugyeom suddenly yelled out, forcing me out of my thoughts and back to reality.


“Sorry..." I mumbled.


Yugyeom sighed, shaking his head. 



It’s not even because I've suddenly become friends with my teacher, but I have always been this type of person - suddenly stopping mid walk and staring out at nothing.


"Who was that man anyway? Is he your new teacher?" Yugyeom suddenly asked. 


We continued walking, now further away from the school.


"Teacher Im? No. he’s just helping teacher Kim." I replied, quickly picturing two twin moles and a big, white smile. "He's a university student. His name is JB...ahh...Im Jaebum." 


For some reason I still have a hard time saying his full name.


"Is he the reason why you haven't been coming over?" Yugyeom frowned. 


I quickly apologized, already knowing that this is the real reason he suddenly wanted my promise fulfilled.


Forced to reveal everything, I told him every single thing that Jaebum has ever told me, including why I’m not bothering him to hang out and play some games like before.


"Wow. His girlfriend broke up with him through a message?" he asked, surprised. 


"Don't tell him I told you." I quickly said, feeling like I shouldn't have opened my big mouth. 


But it was already out so I shrugged, knowing Yugyeom would never tell anyone.


We continued walking, talking about many things, not only about Jaebum.


Soon we reached my house where I grabbed a few things and changed clothes before we headed out once again to play games at Yugyeom's house.


"You're my slave today! We're not studying or doing homework." he whined, glaring at the school bag I brought along.


"Just in case." I chuckled.


He mumbled.


"I'm not going to do it while we're playing games. I'll do it when you take your nap." I laughed.


"I don't take naps." he frowned.


"Baby Gyeom needs his naps." I joked.


And so for the rest of the walk to Yugyeom’s house, we ran. Yugyeom chased after me in revenge for teasing him.


When we finally arrived at his house, tired and sweaty, his younger sister was home.


It seemed like she just returned from school as well. She had a friend with her and they both still had their school bags. 


I greeted Yugyeom's mom. But before I could greet his sister and her friend they both yelled out something related to a teddy bear, and once again the chase began as I apologized to Yugyeom’s mom in advance and ran after Yugyeom in revenge. 


"Youngjae teddy bear is here!"


Yugyeom’s little sister and her friend giggled before running away from us.


It only made me sigh in defeat. 


"Why did you have to teach her that?" I mumbled, glancing at Yugyeom. 


He laughed as we walked to his room.


Every time I come over, we only ever play games. Sometimes we study, but not always.


For hours we played games, until I convinced Yugyeom to do homework.


We continued this routine until it was time for me to leave.


In the end Yugyeom fell asleep, and his dad took me home.


"Kids, quiet down. Teacher Im has something to say."


It's another day of school and I’m sitting in class, trying to write notes as teacher Kim began a new a lesson.


It was a sudden surprise to me when he suddenly stopped his lesson to announce that teacher Im has something to say.


The class quieted down and I stared at the two people standing in front of us. 


Catching eyes with Jaebum, I quickly looked away with a sudden thought.


He has something to say that he didn't tell me?


"I want everyone to know that I've had a lot of fun helping with this class. Today I just want to say that I have only a few more weeks with you."


Mumbles and whispers surrounded the room. The girls whined and I was speechless.


So he won't be coming to the class anymore? 


Jaebum bowed to the class and everyone including me, nodded in understanding before teacher Kim continued with his lesson. 


As if fate was waiting to pull us together, I quickly caught eyes with Jaebum once again. We stared at each other for quite a long time before he suddenly looked away - avoiding my eyes completely for the remainder of school.


It confused me - and it was even more confusing when he suddenly stopped me after school and we ended up where we usually end up.


We ordered drinks in silence - and awkwardness surrounded us.


In my mind, I could only wish for Jaebum to talk first, and when he did, I sighed in relief.


"Give me your number." he suddenly said.


"Huh?" I stared at him.


"You have a phone don't you?" he asked. 


I nodded and took out my phone. Before asking, he took it and began dialing his number in silence.


"You're not going to ask if I want your number?" I asked.


"Does it matter? I want your number." he replied. 


I laughed - having a sudden thought as I stared at the guy sitting in front of me.


Yes, we've become closer, and with this closeness I've realized one of JB hyung's characteristics. He’s extremely straight forward, even more than Yugyeom is sometimes.


When he finally returned my phone I could only stare at the screen, chuckling as I looked up at him.


"What?" he asked.


"I thought you would put JB hyung." I replied. 


A short silence passed and he shrugged.


"Im Jaebum is better." he said.


"You're funny hyung." I laughed again.


We stared at each other, and as I stopped laughing, he suddenly asked a question that made me confused.


"Who was that boy from the other day?"


"Huh?" I stared at him.


"From the classroom. One of your friends? He called you teddy bear."


"Hey!" I yelled in embarrassment. 


It surprised him.


"Don't call me that." I mumbled.


"Why?" he quickly asked.


"It's embarrassing…and now Yugyeom taught you this too." I replied.


"Why does he call you teddy bear?" he asked, a look of curiousness on his face. 


I sighed and lowered my head, playing with my cup before answering.


“He thinks I look like a teddy bear…” I mumbled.


"I can see it." he instantly said.


"What?" I almost yelled, lifting my head. "I don't look like a teddy bear."


"But now that you mention it you do." he chuckled.


And then he was suddenly taking pictures of me.


"What are you doing hyung?" I asked, trying to cover my face.


"A friend of mine wants to see you." he replied. 



I watched as he stared down at his phone, scrolling through the pictures he just took.


Quickly I grabbed the phone from him, only for it to be taken back just as quickly.


"Delete them." I whined.


"No." he replied. "I said my friend wants to see you."


"Delete it and I'll take one for you." I pleaded with him.


It just made him smirk and shake his head.


"Why are you being so unreasonable?" I mumbled.


"It's fun to see you flustered. How can your face and ears become so red?" he replied, now chuckling.


It made me cover my face in embarrassment, putting my head on the table and mumbling.


"What was that?" Jaebum continued teasing me.


"You're mean hyung…” I mumbled.


"Sorry teddy." he said.


I lifted my head and sighed. 


"Don't call me that." I murmured.


"And I'm supposed to listen to you?" he asked.


"Aren't you older than me?" I asked. "Why are you acting so immature?"


"Am I acting immature? Huh...I guess that's great." he suddenly replied. 


His playful attitude quickly changed and he suddenly became quiet.


"What is it?" I asked him after a long silence.


He looked at me.


"I've been told that I'm always too serious. That I never let go and have fun." he said, looking away.


A short silence passed. 


In that short silence I knew that he was referring to his past girlfriend.


"Are you still thinking about her?" I asked. 


He looked at me again. 


"I think you should do what I told you hyung. I know it's hard but forget about her and find a new girlfriend. Someone that can take you being serious all the time. I don't know what she means. When we're not in class you act even more childish than Yugyeom." I teased.


“Hey…" he mumbled.


Our relationship has grown a lot since our first meeting. Now we both know so much about each other that it's become easier to be comfortable together.


I’ve taken it as my job to make Jaebum happy. And by doing this I've tried everything to make him forget about his ex girlfriend. But even if I'm trying hard for him, he still remembers something his ex did or said and thinks about it. 


It's also even harder when I’ve never been in a relationship before. I’ve had this thought multiple times - how can I help Jaebum get over his ex girlfriend when I've never been in a relationship?


Even so, I believe that if it's him, then he can definitely get a new girlfriend without any problem. 


Besides his seriousness sometimes, Im Jaebum is a very nice person. Though his face doesn't look it, he’s not a bad person. After telling me about his ex girlfriend, I can now only ever wonder what kind of stupid person could break up with someone who’s trying their best.


"Hey! Teddy!"


"I said don't call me teddy bear hyung." I almost yelled.


I watched as Jaebum laughed hard. Then I decided I might as well get my revenge. 


"Hey!" he yelled as I quickly snapped a picture of his dinosaur laugh. 


"Hey grandpa hyung, now I have an embarrassing photo of you." I laughed, moving away as he tried to fight me for my phone.


Eventually we both calmed down after being scolded by a cafe worker.


After this we sat in silence and finished our drinks - occasionally laughing and giggling about childish things.


Soon enough it became dark outside and we finished talking about as many things as we could. 



Although I didn't want to part just yet, Jaebum stood up, signaling that it was time to go.


So I followed him out of the warm cafe and into the cold outside. 


We went our separate ways.


Jaebum stopped coming to the classroom about four weeks later, and by then, I knew his job was really finished. Not only was his job done, but I didn't hear from him after. 


The person who wanted my number didn't even contact me.


Soon testing began. 


I focused on work as much as I could, and whenever I had free time I always spent it with Yugyeom as usual.


Months passed and the school was preparing for the two week break before the new semester began. 


Jaebum still didn't contact me at all, which bothered me. In turn I didn't know whether I should contact the him either. Instead I began thinking that he was avoiding me.


In only two more weeks will be the start of my first semester of my last year of high school, and rather than letting the issue with Jaebum bother me, I decided to think about this instead.


As soon as the school break began, my parents took me out to eat, reminding me that I had to start studying harder, going to cram school, and preparing for my college entrance exams. 


I managed to convince them to take fewer cram school classes when the new semester began - only getting this opportunity because I maintained a high rank in my class.


A few more weeks passed and the weather seemed to slowly change. I could finally go out without my padding jacket. I spent a lot of my time at Yugyeom's house when I wasn’t studying or at cram school. 


One afternoon I got a call from Yugyeom to help him clean his room. He complained to me that his mom wouldn't let him leave the house without cleaning his room. 


As soon as I hung up the call, I could only chuckle at the thought of his room. It’s not necessarily messy, but he just likes to throw things anywhere sometimes, and it piles up and slowly becomes messy.



Sort of like me. 



Actually, exactly like me. Like brothers.


As I got ready to go to his house, I decided to tidy up my own room before my mom scolded me about it. After tidying up I grabbed everything I needed and left to Yugyeom's house, deciding to walk.


I only rang the doorbell once before it suddenly opened.


"You're early!" Yugyeom yelled.


"I am?" I chuckled.


"You are. Now please help me?" he pleaded with me and I could only chuckle as I was pulled to his room. HE continued the conversation from our phone chat, complaining about how his mom wouldn't let him go anywhere without cleaning first.


"Stop pulling so hard. Where do you have to go in such a rush anyway?" I asked suspiciously.


I watched him nervously walking around his room picking up clothes.


"Hey...." I mumbled.


Ever since the break began, sometimes when I come over to Yugyeom's house he wouldn't be home. No one know where he disappears to, but it's happening more often.


"Nowhere." he finally replied.


I crossed my arms and frowned. 


"What are you hiding?" I asked.


"Have you seen that teacher guy yet? What was my name...JB hyung?" he asked.


He tried to change the subject and I quickly caught him. 


"It doesn't matter about him. I'm talking about where you're going after I help you clean your room?" I asked.


"'re acting like my mom." he frowned.


I stared at him in shock, my mouth slightly open. 


"What?" he asked.


"You never call me hyung!" I yelled. “Hey! Kim Yugyeom-ah! What are you hiding?"


Ears turned red and Yugyeom began playing with his clothes.


"It's just something I've started liking to do." he mumbled.


"What? Just tell me." I nudged his arm.


He finally sighed. 


"If I tell you will you hurry and help me clean?" he asked.


Sometimes I wonder if I am a hyung.


"Yes. I'll help you Kim Yugyeom-ah.“ I replied.


"I go to a dance studio." he said.


As a short silence passed we stared at each other.


"One of the guys started teaching me and he introduced me to a dance studio nearby. There's a lot of cool dancers! It's really cool. You should come too!" he said excitedly.


I continued staring at him, wondering if he could tell what my answer was without me saying it. The simple fact is that I can't dance. I know that I have no sense of coordination at all. None.


“Sorry…" I apologized. 


"It's okay." Yugyeom smiled. "You're more into music right? Like the piano and singing."


"You know me so well." I laughed and patted his shoulder. 


"Of course I've known you since we were babies teddy bear." he teased me.


I hit his shoulder and sighed, picking up some school books on the floor.


"Keep these. You're going to need them when school starts." I said, putting them on a clean desk.


"So JB hyung hasn't called you yet? I thought you said he asked for your number?" Yugyeom suddenly asked, completely ignoring what I just said about the school books.


I could only sigh, trying to ignore him.


But it's the most difficult task to ignore Kim Yugyeom.


We were halfway done with cleaning up the room, when he asked for the seventh time where Jaebum was - as if Jaebum is my girlfriend or something. 


I slowly became tired of it.


"Gyeom...why do you keep bringing him up?" I asked him, sitting down.


He shrugged. 


"The only other person I've seen you happy around besides me is that hyung. I thought he was your friend." I replied.


I wonder if that's true.


It seemed Yugyeom was waiting for my answer. So I stood up, picked up another book on the floor, and avoided his eyes.


"Jaebum is older than us. He's in university. He doesn't have time to-"


My phone buzzed.


Freezing in my spot I stared at my school bag on Yugyeom's desk, walking up to it, wondering who was calling me.


When I pulled out my phone and looked at the screen, I once again froze in my spot.


As if Jaebum knew we were talking about him. Im Jaebum's message said only two words.


'Meet me.'


I unconsciously read it out loud and Yugyeom stopped what he was doing to look at me. 


We stared at each other.


"Who is it?" he asked.


"JB hyung." I replied.


I looked down at my phone again. I didn't know what to do. I asked myself if I should meet Jaebum when he hasn't contacted me in weeks.


But then I suddenly couldn't help but think that I haven’t contacted him either. In fact I was too afraid to do so, thinking he was actively avoiding me. 


I continued staring at my phone.


Yugyeom stood next to me now, also staring at Jaebum's message.


"What should I do?" I asked him.


We looked at each other, thinking how strange we were reacting to Jaebum's message - as if Jaebum is my girlfriend that has been avoiding my calls and suddenly just called. 


"Should I go with you?" Yugyeom suddenly asked, looking up at me. 


I turned to him, almost nodding. 



But then I suddenly remembered something.


Yugyeom has somewhere to be.


So I decided I wouldn't bother him. Instead I replied to Jaebum, and soon he was on his way to Yugyeom's house to pick me up.


I quickly helped Yugyeom finish cleaning his room. After this we even got a few minutes to play one game before my phone once again made a loud buzz noise. 


I grabbed my school bag, and left Yugyeom's house.


My instant thought as soon as I saw Jaebum was that he hadn't changed.


He still had that straight jet black hair with bangs that barely touched his eyes. He wore all black and styled a white cap on his head. I watched him with sharp eyes as I walked up to his car.


For no reason I suddenly sat in the back, probably surprising him, because he quickly said something about it.


"Sit in the front." he said.


So I stepped out the back seat and sat in the front.


"Hey." he said. 


"Hi." I replied. 


And then the silence took over.


It's the awkwardness that I didn't want to happen. It was easy because of how we met the first time, but now I couldn’t help but wonder what really could we talk about? I couldn’t help but think that Jaebum probably got a new girlfriend already so I couldn't really be his fake life consultant anymore.


We sat in front of Yugyeom's house for a few minutes. 


I noticed Jaebum was staring hard at me. 


"What is it? Why do you always stare?" I asked without looking at him.


A short silence passed. 


He looked surprised at my sudden outburst.


"I haven't seen you out of your school uniform before." he said.


I turned to look at him and he nodded slightly before turning away. 


I wondered if this was really the only time he’s seen me without my school uniform on. Since I was only helping Yugyeom clean up, I chose to wear a loose fitting hoodie and comfortable pants.


He’s really surprised to see this?


We sat in silence for a little bit longer before Jaebum finally started the car up and we drove away. 


All I knew was that we weren't headed to the cafe. It almost scared me actually. Because Jaebum hadn't talked since his earlier comment on my clothes. It became even more clearer to me that I didn’t know much really about Im Jaebum besides what Im Jaebum decides to tell me.


"Where are we going?" I finally managed the courage to ask.


"I want to take you to my place." he replied.


I felt the blood drain from my face. It scared me slightly. The thought that I haven’t met or talked to him in a long time and now he was taking me to my place, it scared me. I hoped I didn't get beaten up.


Jaebum drove closer and closer to a very wealthy looking neighborhood in Songpa district. Until he parked at a luxury apartment complex. 


It surprised me when we walked into his apartment building. It was luxurious, for a university student at least. I instantly wondered how he could afford to live alone.


As we walked into his room, Jaebum signaled for me to sit, and then he disappeared and came back with a bottle of water. 


I accepted the drink and drank half of the bottle out of nervousness.




Jaebum was standing over me, taking sips of his own water bottle. He was standing with his arms crossed, staring at me.


Soon I became so uncomfortable that I finished my water quickly and began playing with the bottle.


The noise of the bottle filled the room for a few minutes before Jaebum sighed and finally sat down.


"I'm sorry I haven't called." he suddenly apologized.


I glanced at him.


"Ah...I didn't call either. It's okay." I said. 


He just continued staring at me. 


Seriously his gaze is always as if he's staring into your soul.


"From before I noticed you do that a lot." he suddenly said, pointing to his nose.


"What?" I asked in confusion.


"You move your nose a lot. Is is itchy?" he asked. 


I went on to tell him the reason, and he nodded in understanding. 


The quiet surrounded us again soon after. 


That didn't work.

The silence continued.


And then suddenly Jaebum was laughing loudly.


"What?" I mumbled.


"I'm wondering why it's so awkward.” he said. 


I shrugged. I didn't know either. It had been a long time. 


What should I even ask him about? What did we even talk about before? I wondered.


"So it's going to be your last year of high school?" he suddenly asked.


I smiled and nodded. 


"Yeah!" I said loudly. "The tests were harder this year but I'm glad I'm now at my final year. And my birthday is coming up too so I'll be a year older."


"When is your birthday?" he smiled at my reaction.


"September 17th. I'll finally be 18. They say when you turn 18 you feel like an adult. I hope since it's my last year and I'll be 18 that I feel like an adult." I replied.


He smiled wider and I chuckled. 


"Sorry. Maybe I'm too excited." I said, a bit embarrassed.


He nodded. 


"Do you want anything to eat?" he asked. 


"Huh? You cook?" I was surprised.


“No." he replied. "If you're hungry I can order us something to eat."


I stared at him.


"Um...I don't want you to spend your money." I mumbled.


"What are you talking about? I'm hungry too anyway. What do you want to eat?" he asked.


"I don't care. Anything is fine." I replied.


"Chicken and pizza it is." he yelled loudly. 


It made me laugh loudly.


We chatted some more about my final year while we waited for the food. 


We hadn't seen each other in a while, so it surprised me when we quickly began relaxing and talking about random topics again. 


I guessed we only needed some food and some jokes to reform our friendship.


Soon Jaebum was teasing me as usual and I was mentally asking myself why I replied to the message.


Jaebum never told me why he never contacted me, but by the end of my visit I didn't really care.


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Chapter 4: Tbh I believe YJ was the first one to fall in love, the way he described his emotion here are those of attraction, he had a Crush on him is just he didnt recognized it as such..

And Yes I'm rereading again .. because I'm weak.
missynizzy #2
Still reading
amaranta17 #3
Chapter 17: so beautiful <3
amaranta17 #4
Chapter 14: im soft
amaranta17 #5
Chapter 13: that was so cute TT
amaranta17 #6
Chapter 11: ahhhhh!!!!
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Chapter 10: <3333 TT
Chapter 1: i'm reading this fic again because it's the better fanfic that i've ever read!! I didn't have an account before, but lately i'm only thinking in re--reading it, so i did it today. omg i'm so excited!!! thank you for write this story, my english improved a lot past year only because i stayed until 3am awake reading it. ♡
absoleto #9
Re-reading my fav fic, I'm always thankful for your hard work in making her
Chapter 17: I have a friend who told me about this storie like months ago, but just now when other friend can't stop talk about i have the urge to come here and read....
Thanks God i did, through
I became so nervous so much time but i loved every itch of this.... Nothing odd, i love 2jae hahaha but really stuck me here for whats Looks ours!! I even slept late and became so tired in university ;-; but i don't regret ~
Thank you so much, i really love this~
Jacks stopped call Youngjae -Youngjai hahahah soooooo funny, like always~
Two blinds, btw. Thank to Jinyoung who are Jaebum eyes u.u
I'll read other *------*