Chicken Dinner

Not So Ordinary

Joy was having a hard time concentrating at work. She had already messed up three orders and her unnies had clearly sensed something bothering the young girl.

“What’s the matter Joy?” Wendy asked as she waved her hand in front of the girl who seemed to be lost in thoughts. Joy was usually so bright and perky, so it was unusual to see the girl acting so quiet and lost.

Snapping back to reality, Joy forced a smile and shook her head, “nothing really.”

Wendy could tell Joy was lying, but decided not to press the girl any further. Returning to her post, she shrugged her shoulders when Seulgi shot her a questioning look.

Though she had practically seen V at least once every day since she had met him, Joy couldn’t stop thinking about him and it was bothering her. She had thought nothing of him at first except that he was interesting and maybe he’d be a fun companion, but now he just wouldn’t leave her thoughts alone. She could still remember what happened after detention as if it had only been yesterday.


Joy had been watching the clock for the last ten minutes and as soon as it hit 5pm, she sighed in relief when the teacher released them. Packing her bag, she glanced out the window and noticed V was no longer there. When did he leave? His sudden appearance at the window had gave her a mini heart attack, but she recovered and even managed to give him a small smile before opting to continue her homework.

Now free from detention, Joy looked forward to going home. She had finished all her homework and was looking forward to a night filled with nothing but relaxation. Barely out the front doors to the school, Joy spotted a sleeping figure underneath a giant oak tree.

“Was he waiting for her?” She had thought, but then brushed the thought away when she rationalized that they hardly knew each other.

“What are you doing Joy?” Her body seemed to have a mind of its own, because despite wanting to walk pass him, her feet had taken her in front of him. Squatting down in front of him, she gazed at his sleeping face and couldn’t help but blushed. Why did he look so charming? She wondered why he was still here, and if he was waiting for someone. Glancing around, she saw no one else but the sleeping boy and herself.

She didn’t know how long she had been staring but she suddenly found herself completely on the ground when his eyes flickered open. She watched as he sat up and stretched his arms above his head. When he was done stretching he turned to analyze his surrounding, and Joy thought he looked like a sleepy puppy who had just woken up. Finally noticing her, he turned and stared at her for a second before breaking in a huge grin and jumping up off from the ground. The sleepy puppy was no longer present and in its place was a hyperactive boy who pulled Joy up from the ground. 

Joy wanted to protest, but couldn’t find the words too and once again her body moved on its own as she felt her feet trying to keep up with V.

Within moments Joy found herself seated across V in what seemed to be a restaurant.

“Two orders of your house special please!” He shouted as the waiter walked by the table.

Joy gasped at his action, but gasped again when the waiter suddenly whacked V in the head with the empty tray that was once filled with dishes.

“Ah hyung. That hurt.” V whined rubbing the top of his head.

“That’ll teach you to talk to your hyung like that.”

“Now what was it that you wanted? Two orders of the house special?” The waiter asked as he pulled out a little notepad from his apron.

“Yes and two, uh, you’re okay with cola right? Two cola.” V had originally asked her, but then made the decision himself.

“Oh, and who do we have here?” The waiter finished writing down the orders and stared at Joy, just now noticing the girl.

“Uh, hello I’m V’s school mate.” Joy said slightly bowing to the waiter nervously.  

“It’s a pleasure to meet you. V? They’re actually letting you call yourself that now?” The waiter asked laughing. “I don’t know how Taehyung- uh I mean V got you to eat dinner with him, but be nice on him. He doesn’t seem to have a lot of friends.” The waiter joked, earning a glare from the boy.  

Taehyung? So that was his real name. She supposed it was perfectly fine to go by V, after all she was using a different name from her birth name as well.  

“Well it’s better than Rap Monster, right?” She saw him staring at her, expecting an answer.

“Hmm..I suppose I would rather be called V than Rap Monster as well.” She said between a nervous laughter. Rap Monster was a little unusual, though she didn’t think V was any better. Well, maybe just a little.

“See.” V smiled victoriously while holding up a victory sign and Joy couldn’t help but laugh at his cute antic.

“Alright, alright. I’ll go put your orders in and be right back with your colas.” And with that Rap Monster disappeared behind the curtains that separated the kitchen from the rest of the restaurant.

When it was just the two of them, Joy suddenly felt nervous maybe a little awkward, thankfully V didn’t seem to notice her as he was preoccupied with scribbling on a piece of napkin.

“Oh what’s your name?” He asked, looking up from the napkin.

Joy hadn’t even realized that she had never told him her name and for a moment she felt embarrassed.

“You know my name, but I don’t know your name. Should I give you a name then? Hmm…”

“Joy. Park Joy.” She shouted, after hearing Rap Monster’s name, she was afraid of what he would name her.

She heard him chuckle at her sudden outburst. “Joy huh?” Well, nice to meet you Joy.” He said extending his hand out towards her. Not knowing what else to do, Joy accepted his handshake. The V in front of her seemed so different from the V she had been exposed to all day.

“Was this the real V?”

“Yo hyung. What’s taking so long? I’m dying of thirst here.” V shouted at the kitchen causing Joy to scratch what she had previously thought just a moment ago.

“Shut your pipe hole V.” Rap Monster shouted as he reemerged through the curtains.  .

“Here’s the house specialty for the pretty miss and here’s yours.” He placed the dishes and drinks in front of them and Joy’s eyes sparkled for in front of her was none other a delicious looking dish of chicken.

“You really like chicken don’t you?” He asked when he saw Joy smile.

“Yep, it’s the best thing in the world.” She had replied, but wished she hadn’t.

“Ahaha….you’re too cute.” He laughed unaware that Joy was having a hard time containing the blush forming on her cheeks.

The rest of the evening consisted of V making jokes, or V and Rap Monster going at it with each other, and Joy couldn’t remember when the last time she had laughed so much. V was incredibly funny, even if the things he did were a little out of the ordinary to her.

Bidding goodbye to RapMonster, Joy found herself walking home with V beside her. She had told him she was fine walking home alone, but RapMonster had overheard and had threatened V to walk her home to which V had responded by saying, ‘I’m not dumb hyung.” She was fine with it though, she had gotten used to V’s presence and actually enjoyed it.  


“Park Sooyoung! If you don’t start paying attention, I’m going to deduct your pay.” Joy jumped from her spot when she saw Irene’s face glaring up at her.

“What’s the matter with you?” The older girl continued, as she went to the counter to check on their supplies.

“Nothing really.” Joy lied, "except for a stupid boy name V who won't get out of my mind."

“Hmm…then stop acting all daze and start working.” Joy knew Irene didn’t believe her as well but was thankful her unnie was feeling nice today. If Irene had been herself, Joy knew Irene would have gotten the answer out of Joy one way or another.

“Ding.” The bell on the door rang as a group of boys walked in.

“Alright Joy, time to focus.” She encouraged herself, before fixing her apron and then smiled as she turned to receive the customer.

“Welcome to RV Café, how may I help you?” Her smile disappeared when she saw who was standing in front of her.  

“JOY!” The boy screamed, causing all the customers to stare at the blushing girl. 


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esumi_ #1
Chapter 11: This story is so cute and V was such an oblivious sweetheart
shinjein #2
Chapter 11: You're so good at doing fluff.
This is simply romantic, i love it.
shinjein #3
Chapter 5: OMG THIS IS ME
Fardiah #4
Chapter 12: This story is GREAT!!! Simple and nice just the way I like ^_^
infinite_kenn #5
Chapter 11: dear magicpanda i really thank you for writing so much joyxhet becauseee just because. ;--; you're my savior hahaha (don't mind me im a joyxhet trash) . my original joy-ship was joylo but you ruined everything with this fic. Gotta check bts now ;_;
gonna check your other joyxhet stories pls write more i love you and hwaiting!
Chapter 11: This is good authornim! I like it
And by the way I'm waiting for another joy's story keke
Chapter 11: Omg.. Too cute. Thank you for writing this awesome cute story. I always here to support. Lol. Can't wait to read your new story now.