Of Glaring Eyes and a Sick Day

Not So Ordinary

Joy could hardly contain her expression when she saw V in front of her.

“JOY!” He had shouted loud enough to get the attention of the entire café, not to mention Irene, Seulgi, and Wendy.

It took her a moment to respond, but as usual she smiled “V. How can I help you today?” She knew Irene was behind her watching, so she didn’t want to make a mistake, after all she was still at work.

“I didn’t know you work here?” He said as his eyes scanned the menu. “Do you have any recommendation?”

“Hmm…I personally really like the Red Velvet Latte. It’s a new drink Irene unnie came up with.” Joy responded proudly.

“Is Irene unnie the pretty lady behind you?” V flirtatiously asked moving his eyes passed Joy to Irene. Joy heard Irene’s hurried footstep leave and gave V a playful smile.

“Irene unnie doesn’t do so well with compliments. She’s a little shy.” Joy said hoping her unnie wasn’t within earshot. V nodded understandingly, “but she’s so pretty, almost like a goddess.”

“Yah, are you just going to stand here and admire my unnie or are you going to order something?” Joy shouted,a bit surprised at herself.

“Okay, okay, a large Red Velvet Latte-oh, Jungkook did you want anything?” Joy hadn’t even notice that V was with someone. The whole time, she had been solely focused on V, that she didn’t see a young boy glaring at her. Finally averting her eyes to him, Joy gulped as her eyes met a pair of cold eyes.

“So this is the girl?” He muttered as he did a side glance towards V.

“Yep, the one and only Joy.” V said grinning, oblivious to the tension Joy was feeling from Jungkook.  

“Hello, I’m Park Joy. Nice to meet you, can I offer you a taste of our new drink Red Velvet Latter?” She asked trying to ignore his glaring eyes.

Jungkook squinted his eyes as if he was judging her before shrugging his shoulders, “I suppose, since that’s what Taehyung hyung is getting.”

Punching in the order she heard V order Jungkook to go find them a table and sighed in relief when Jungkook finally stopped staring at her.

“$8.25 is your total.”

“He looked different without his uniform,” she thought as she watched him go to the table where Jungkook had decided to sit at.  

When V had gone from the counter, Joy immediately felt the presence of Seulgi.

“Who was that?” She asked.

“He’s a school mate.” Joy replied while grabbing the ingredients for the two latte, she knew where this was leading too and wanted to avoid it at all possible cost.  

“School mate? Not friends? You guys seemed pretty close.” Seulgi asked making Joy question their relationship. Were they friends?

“I bet he’s the reason Joy’s so out of it.” Joy heard Wendy telling Seulgi.

“No, he’s not!” Joy protested much to the amusement of her unnies.

“He’s not.” She told them again, though it sounded as if she was trying to convince herself more than them.

“She’s probably lovesick.” Wendy continued.

“That would explain her daze behavior. Not to mention her little burst of jealousy when he called Irene unnie a goddess.” Seulgi added.

Glad that the drinks were finished, she quickly grabbed a piece of chocolate cake and proceeded to walk over to where V and Jungkook were sitting.

“And she says she isn’t in love. That girl is even bringing their order to them. If Irene unnie sees this Joy better be prepare to listen to a lecture.” Wendy expressed as the two older girl watched Joy serve V and Jungkook.

“He’s cute though,” Seulgi admitted. “Both of them are, and besides she’s still young. I’ve seen Irene do way worst when there’s a cute customer.” Wendy could only nod, in fact they were all probably guilty of going against company protocol when there was a cute customer.

“Bye Joy! See you later!” V shouted as he passed by the counter.

“Bye V!” She smiled.  

“Bye Jungkook, it was nice meeting you.” She added after seeing the boy walk behind V. It amazed her how the two were friends. While working, she would sometimes steal glances at the two boy and it was always V who was doing the talking. V was always so animated when he talked, but Jungkook sat there like a statue.

But who was she to judge. Jungkook was probably just having an off day and V certainly didn’t seem bother by Jungkook’s judging eyes.


“Alright honey, call me if you need anything okay? I don’t have to leave for work until an hour from now so I’ll be downstairs.”

Joy nodded at her mother who was slowly closing the door. Joy had every intention to go to school that day, but her body had other plans. Waking up, Joy had felt hot and stuffy. After consulting with her mother, who took her temperature, it was decided that Joy would stay home.

Thankful for a day off, Joy took a deep breath before closing her eyes.

Opening her eyes, she screamed when she saw V’s face inches from hers. Her screamed startled V and he somehow ended on the floor.

“How did you get in here?” She shouted, pulling her covers up to her nose.

“Your mom let me in.” He replied still sitting on the ground.

 “Mom? What time was it?” Glancing at the clock she saw that was already 1pm.

Her mom had already left for work, so that meant that her mom had left her alone with a boy. For a moment she had forgotten about the boy in her room. She was going to have to a word with her mother when she came home from work.

“What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be in school?”

“You weren’t in school today so I came to check up on you.” He answered as a matter of fact. Joy felt her cheeks turning red once more and was thankful her covers were already covering her face. V could be confusing at times. His actions sometimes left her speechless even breathless and she didn’t know how to feel. What was she to him? She now considered them somewhat friends, so why did everything he do make her blush?

In the mist of her thoughts, she felt a head on her head.

“Hmm…your fever seemed to have gone down.” He exclaimed.

“What do you mean gone down?” She asked half afraid of his answer.

“Well it was pretty hot this morning, but it feels cooler now.”

“This morning? When did you get here?” Then it hit her, he had said that her mom had let him in. Her mom left for work at 10 am so that could only mean,

“I’ve been here since 10 this morning.” Joy wanted to face palm herself.

“Had he been staring at me sleeping the whole entire time?” She wondered feeling herself turn red once more. It was becoming a normal habit for her to blush at least once when she was around V.

“I was so bored at school and couldn’t wait till break to come play with you, but then you weren’t there. Thankfully I met Hayoung and she told me you were sick.”

“So you decided to come to my house?” She asked, but it was more of a statement.

V nodded his head, “but then all you did was sleep.” He pouted, “I was so bored.”

“You could’ve just left.” She thought. As much as she was annoyed at him for invading her peace and quiet she was thankful that he cared for her. Deciding to come out from her covers she finally got out of bed.

“Come on, let’s go.” She commanded him as she walked passed him.

“Where are we going?” He asked, but none the less she heard him shuffling after her.

“You must be hungry. I’ll cook something for you.” She said not looking back at him, but stopped in her track when she felt his arms wrap around her waist.

“Thank you Joy! You really are the best.” He shouted with his chest against her back. Once again, Joy’s face turned bright red from his sudden contact. This was the first time V had hugged her, not that she was counting or anything.

“Oh by the way, do you know you sleep talk?” She felt him release his arms and walked a little bit ahead of her. 

“Dear god, I hope I didn’t say anything weird.” She prayed when she saw him smirking.  


So here is the third chapter. I'm having a hard time conveying Joy's feelings. LOL. So please bear with me! To all the new subscribers, thank you! 

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esumi_ #1
Chapter 11: This story is so cute and V was such an oblivious sweetheart
shinjein #2
Chapter 11: You're so good at doing fluff.
This is simply romantic, i love it.
shinjein #3
Chapter 5: OMG THIS IS ME
Fardiah #4
Chapter 12: This story is GREAT!!! Simple and nice just the way I like ^_^
infinite_kenn #5
Chapter 11: dear magicpanda i really thank you for writing so much joyxhet becauseee just because. ;--; you're my savior hahaha (don't mind me im a joyxhet trash) . my original joy-ship was joylo but you ruined everything with this fic. Gotta check bts now ;_;
gonna check your other joyxhet stories pls write more i love you and hwaiting!
Chapter 11: This is good authornim! I like it
And by the way I'm waiting for another joy's story keke
Chapter 11: Omg.. Too cute. Thank you for writing this awesome cute story. I always here to support. Lol. Can't wait to read your new story now.